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Created September 1, 2022 00:28
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package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
* PID controller with various feedforward components.
public final class PIDFController {
public static final class PIDCoefficients {
public double kP, kI, kD;
public interface FeedforwardFun {
double compute(double position, @Nullable Double velocity);
private final PIDCoefficients pid;
private final double kV, kA, kStatic;
private final FeedforwardFun kF;
private double errorSum;
private long lastUpdateTs;
private boolean inputBounded;
private double minInput, maxInput;
private boolean outputBounded;
private double minOutput, maxOutput;
* Target position (that is, the controller setpoint).
public double targetPosition;
* Target velocity.
public double targetVelocity;
* Target acceleration.
public double targetAcceleration;
* Error computed in the last call to {@link #update(long, double, Double)}
public double lastError;
* Feedforward parameters {@code kV}, {@code kA}, and {@code kStatic} correspond with a basic
* kinematic model of DC motors. The general function {@code kF} computes a custom feedforward
* term for other plants.
* @param pid traditional PID coefficients
* @param kV feedforward velocity gain
* @param kA feedforward acceleration gain
* @param kStatic additive feedforward constant
* @param kF custom feedforward that depends on position and velocity
public PIDFController(
PIDCoefficients pid,
double kV,
double kA,
double kStatic,
FeedforwardFun kF
) { = pid;
this.kV = kV;
this.kA = kA;
this.kStatic = kStatic;
this.kF = kF;
public PIDFController(
PIDCoefficients pid,
double kV,
double kA,
double kStatic
) {
this(pid, kV, kA, kStatic, (x, v) -> 0);
public PIDFController(
PIDCoefficients pid,
FeedforwardFun kF
) {
this(pid, 0, 0, 0, kF);
public PIDFController(
PIDCoefficients pid
) {
this(pid, 0, 0, 0);
* Sets bound on the input of the controller. When computing the error, the min and max are
* treated as the same value. (Imagine taking the segment of the real line between min and max
* and attaching the endpoints.)
* @param min minimum input
* @param max maximum input
public void setInputBounds(double min, double max) {
if (min < max) {
inputBounded = true;
minInput = min;
maxInput = max;
* Sets bounds on the output of the controller.
* @param min minimum output
* @param max maximum output
public void setOutputBounds(double min, double max) {
if (min < max) {
outputBounded = true;
minOutput = min;
maxOutput = max;
private double getPositionError(double measuredPosition) {
double error = targetPosition - measuredPosition;
if (inputBounded) {
final double inputRange = maxInput - minInput;
while (Math.abs(error) > inputRange / 2.0) {
error -= Math.copySign(inputRange, error);
return error;
* Run a single iteration of the controller.
* @param timestamp measurement timestamp as given by {@link System#nanoTime()}
* @param measuredPosition measured position (feedback)
* @param measuredVelocity measured velocity
public double update(
long timestamp,
double measuredPosition,
@Nullable Double measuredVelocity
) {
final double error = getPositionError(measuredPosition);
if (lastUpdateTs == 0) {
lastError = error;
lastUpdateTs = timestamp;
return 0;
final double dt = timestamp - lastUpdateTs;
errorSum += 0.5 * (error + lastError) * dt;
final double errorDeriv = (error - lastError) / dt;
lastError = error;
lastUpdateTs = timestamp;
double velError;
if (measuredVelocity == null) {
velError = errorDeriv;
} else {
velError = targetVelocity - measuredVelocity;
double baseOutput = pid.kP * error + pid.kI * errorSum + pid.kD * velError +
kV * targetVelocity + kA * targetAcceleration +
kF.compute(measuredPosition, measuredVelocity);
double output = 0;
if (Math.abs(baseOutput) > 1e-6) {
output = baseOutput + Math.copySign(kStatic, baseOutput);
if (outputBounded) {
return Math.max(minOutput, Math.min(output, maxOutput));
return output;
public double update(
long timestamp,
double measuredPosition
) {
return update(timestamp, measuredPosition, null);
public double update(
double measuredPosition
) {
return update(System.nanoTime(), measuredPosition, null);
* Reset the controller's integral sum.
public void reset() {
errorSum = 0;
lastError = 0;
lastUpdateTs = 0;
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