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message spark_schema {
optional binary id (UTF8);
optional group meta {
optional binary id (UTF8);
optional binary versionId (UTF8);
optional int96 lastUpdated;
optional group profile (LIST) {
repeated group list {
optional binary element (UTF8);
Tests run: 34, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 2, Time elapsed: 1.989 sec
Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.128 sec
Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Errors: 4, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.073 sec <<< FAILURE!
testBasicBehavior( Time elapsed: 0.034 sec <<< ERROR! Cannot calculate splits
at Method)
user=> (require '[clara.rules :refer :all])
user=> (defrecord Person [first last])
user=> (defrule say-hello [Person (= ?first-name first)] => (println "Hello," ?first-name))
user=> (-> (mk-session :cache false) (insert (->Person "Jane" "Doe")) (fire-rules))
Hello, Jane
#<LocalSession clara.rules.engine.LocalSession@42d33bc1>
(ns clara.rules.changelog
"Support for extracting and replaying a sequence of changes. The extract sequence represents the logical difference
between the state of the given session and a previous point in time, but does not reflect every intermediate step
along the way. For instance, if a given fact is inserted and retracted a million times prior to getting the change
sequence, that sequence will contain no entries reflecting that fact. This is done to prevent unbounded growth of
the log.
Each item in the change sequence is one of three structures, with schemas defined below. They are:
* Fact Change -- an arbitrary Clojure structure in the working memory -- and the number of instances in the memory.
(defrule date-too-early
"We can't schedule something too early."
[WorkOrder (< (weeks-until date) 2)]
(insert! (->ApprovalRequired :timeline "Date is too early")))
(pprint date-too-early)
rbrush / recursive.clj
Last active December 28, 2015 14:29
Recursive structure definition in Prismatic Schema
(ns playground.recursive
(:require [schema.core :as s]
[schema.macros :as macros]
[schema.utils :as utils])
(:import [schema.core Schema]))
;; A schema implementation that simply delegates to the schema
;; in the given var, allowing fo recursion.
(defrecord Recursive [schema-var]
rbrush / clara-reduce-device-speed
Created November 8, 2013 18:02
Reduce device speed
(defrule reduce-device-speed
"Reduce the speed of all devices in a location that has a high temperature."
[CurrentTemperature (> value high-threshold)
(= ?location-id location)]
;; Find all Device records in the location, and bind them to the ?device variable.
[?device <- Device (= ?location-id location)]
(reduce-speed! ?device))
rbrush / gist:7375042
Created November 8, 2013 18:01
(defrule reduce-device-speed
"Reduce the speed of all devices in a location that has a high temperature."
[CurrentTemperature (> value high-threshold)
(= ?location-id location)]
;; Find all Device records in the location, and bind them to the ?device variable.
[?device <- Device (= ?location-id location)]
(reduce-speed! ?device))