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Last active January 31, 2020 20:04
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TypeScript Compiler API


  • Plugins must be loaded via tsc.
  • Plugins must be loaded in language service.
  • Plugins must be loaded explicitly (i.e. from tsconfig.json), and not automatically from node_modules.
  • Plugins may need custom configuration.
  • Plugins may need an activation event to support initialization.
  • Plugins may need a deactivation event to support cleanup.
  • Minifier plugins must to be able to perform a pre-emit walk of program and return custom transformations for emit.

Open Questions:

  • How should plugin configuration be applied?
    • Should we follow Babel's model for configuration?
      "plugins": ["plugin-1", ["plugin-2", { }]]
    • Or should we use a simple hash map?
      "plugins": { "plugin-1": true, "plugin-2": { } }
  • How should we enforce a minimum typescript-api version for plugins?
  • How much context do we need about a plugin to report useful diagnostics (i.e. % time spent in plugin, etc.)?
  • Should we be maintain a plugin blacklist for known problematic plugins (poor performance, unstable, etc.)?
  • Should we follow a naming scheme similar to Babel plugins (i.e. typescript-plugin-x or ts-plugin-x)?
// actually will be just the .d.ts from compiler, plus the following declarations:
export interface CompilerPluginContext {
readonly compilerHost: CompilerHost;
readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
readonly options: MapLike<any>; // plugin config options
export type CompilerPluginHookResult<T> = PromiseLike<T> | T;
export interface CompilerPluginModule {
activate?(context: CompilerPluginContext, args: CompilerPluginActivationArgs):
CompilerPluginHookResult<CompilerPluginActivationResult | void>;
preParse?(context: CompilerPluginContext, args: CompilerPluginPreParseArgs):
CompilerPluginHookResult<CompilerPluginPreParseResult | void>;
preEmit?(context: CompilerPluginContext, args: CompilerPluginPreEmitArgs):
CompilerPluginHookResult<CompilerPluginPreEmitResult | void>;
deactivate?(context: CompilerPluginContext): CompilerPluginHookResult<void>;
export interface CompilerPluginResult {
diagnostics?: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
export interface CompilerPluginActivationArgs {
* An optional result that can be returned from the `CompilerPluginModule.activate` hook.
export interface CompilerPluginActivationResult extends CompilerPluginResult {
export interface CompilerPluginPreParseArgs {
readonly rootNames: readonly string[];
readonly projectReferences: readonly ProjectReference[] | undefined;
export interface CompilerPluginPreParseResult extends CompilerPluginResult {
rootNames?: readonly string[];
projectReferences?: readonly ProjectReference[];
preprocessors?: readonly TransformerFactory<SourceFile>[];
export interface CompilerPluginPreEmitArgs {
/** The current `Program`. */
readonly program: BaseProgram;
/** The `SourceFile` that is about to be emitted, or `undefined` when emitting all outputs. */
readonly targetSourceFile: SourceFile | undefined;
/** A `CancellationToken` that can be used to abort an operation when running in the language service. */
readonly cancellationToken: CancellationToken | undefined;
* An optional result that can be returned from the `CompilerPluginModule.preEmit` hook.
export interface CompilerPluginPreEmitResult extends CompilerPluginResult {
customTransformers?: CustomTransformers;
export interface CompilerPluginDeactivationResult extends CompilerPluginResult {
// NOTE: All factory methods originally on `ts` have been moved to `NodeFactory`, which is accessible
// from the `factory` property of a transformation context. Existing factory methods exist for
// backwards compatibility when using the full TypeScript Language Service or TS Server API, but
// will not be accessible for Compiler Plugins.
export interface NodeFactory {
createNodeArray<T extends Node>(elements?: readonly T[], hasTrailingComma?: boolean): NodeArray<T>;
createNumericLiteral(value: string | number, numericLiteralFlags?: TokenFlags): NumericLiteral;
export interface TransformationContext {
// The `NodeFactory` you should use to create nodes.
// NOTE: Preprocessors (returned from the `preParse` hook) and Emit Transformers (returned
// from the `preEmit` hook) will be provided *different* `NodeFactory` instances and should not be conflated.
readonly factory: NodeFactory;
export interface BaseProgram {
// essentially the same as `Program`, except the `emit` method is not provided.
// NOTE: Import from "typescript" as normal, which is redirected to the active compiler.
import * as ts from "typescript";
// triggered when the extension is loaded
// - opportunity to inspect/mutate compiler options
// - opportunity to hook compiler host functionality
// - opportunity to return user-defined diagnostics
// - may be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise)
export function activate(context: ts.CompilerPluginContext) {
// return { diagnostics };
// triggered immediately before parse begins
// - opportunity to customize the root names or project references
// - opportunity to inject custom preprocessors
// - opportunity to return user-defined diagnostics
// - may be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise)
// NOTE: Custom preprocessors should only be used to augment the AST with additional type information
// and should not be used to change runtime semantics. This restriction is not currently enforced,
// but may be in the future.
export function preParse(context: ts.CompilerPluginContext,
{ rootNames, projectReferences }: ts.CompilerPluginPreParseArgs) {
// return { diagnostics, rootNames, projectReferences, preprocessors };
// triggered immediately before emit begins
// - opportunity to inject custom emit transformers
// - opportunity to return user-defined diagnostics
// - may be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise)
export function preEmit(context: ts.CompilerPluginContext,
{ program, targetSourceFile, cancellationToken }: ts.CompilerPluginPreEmitArgs) {
// return { diagnostics, customTransformers };
// triggered when the extension is unloaded (i.e. in between compilations in watch mode)
// - opportunity to perform cleanup
// - may be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise)
export function deactivate(context: ts.CompilerPluginContext) {
// return;
"name": "typescript-plugin-my-plugin",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js",
"typescriptPlugin": {
"activationEvents": ["preEmit"],
"pluginDependencies": ["other-plugin"],
"dependencies": {
"typescript-api": "^3.4.0",
"other-plugin": "^1.0.0"
"compilerOptions": {
"plugins": {
"my-plugin": true,
"other-plugin": { "options": "here" }
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rbuckton commented Nov 21, 2019

I've updated my compilerPluginModel branch with the latest changes for the compiler plugin prototype. Notable changes:

  • Added a preParse hook to allow plugins to change root names and project references, and add "preprocessor" transforms (intended to be used to inject type annotations and casts into existing source code).
  • All hooks can now be asynchronous (i.e. return a Promise).
  • Accessing the TypeScript API from a plugin is achieved using import * as ts from "typescript" syntax.
  • All factory functions normally used to create/update ASTs have been moved to a special NodeFactory object. You can access a NodeFactory from within a preprocessor/transformer by accessing the factory property of the provided TransformationContext:
    import * as ts from "typescript";
    function myTransformer(context: ts.TransformationContext) {
      // old: createIdentifier("foo")
      // new:
      const { factory } = context;
  • The parser now also uses a NodeFactory to create AST nodes.
  • Exceptions thrown by a plugin are wrapped in user-code diagnostics.

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