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Last active August 23, 2019 16:47
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Index and Interval types and syntax
// Symbols:
// @@geti - An inverted-get. When present on an object used in an element access, calls this method rather than coercing
// the object to a String.
// ex: `a[b]` --> `b[@@geti](a)`
// @@seti - An inverted-set. When present on an object used in an element access assignment, calls this method rather
// than coercing the object to a String.
// ex: `a[b] = 1` --> `b[@@seti](a, 1)`
// @@indexedGet - Gets a value from an object in relation to a given `Index` instance.
// @@indexedSet - Sets a value on an object in relation to a given `Index` instance.
// @@slice - Gets values from an object in relation to a given `Interval` instance.
// @@index - Calculates an ordinal position based on a given length.
// @@interval - Calculates the ordinal start and end positions, and step value based on a given length.
function isIndex(value) {
return value >= 0
&& isFinite(value)
&& value === (value | 0);
function asIndexObject(value) {
return value instanceof Index ? value :
typeof value === "number" ? new Index(Math.abs(value), value < 0) :
class Index {
constructor(value, isFromEnd = false) {
if (typeof value !== "number") throw new TypeError();
if (!isIndex(value)) throw new RangeError();
this.#value = value;
this.#isFromEnd = !!isFromEnd;
static get start() {
return new Index(0, "start");
static get end() {
return new Index(0, "end");
get value() {
return this.#value;
get isFromEnd() {
return this.#isFromEnd;
[Symbol.geti](obj) {
return obj[Symbol.indexedGet](this);
[Symbol.seti](obj, value) {
return obj[Symbol.indexedSet](this, value);
[Symbol.index](length) {
return this.getIndex(length);
getIndex(length) {
if (typeof length !== "number") throw new TypeError();
if (!isIndex(length)) throw new RangeError();
return this.#isFromEnd ? length - this.#value : this.#value;
toString() {
return this.#isFromEnd ? `^${this.#value}` : `${this.#value}`;
static fromStart(value) {
return new Index(value, /*isFromEnd*/ false);
static fromEnd(value) {
return new Index(value, /*isFromEnd*/ true);
class Interval {
constructor(start, end, step = 1) {
start = asIndexObject(start);
end = asIndexObject(end);
if (!start) throw new TypeError();
if (!end) throw new TypeError();
if (!isIndex(step) || step < 1) throw new RangeError();
this.#start = start;
this.#end = end;
this.#step = step;
static get all() {
return new Interval(Index.start, Index.end);
get start() { return this.#start; }
get end() { return this.#end; }
get step() { return this.#step; }
[Symbol.geti](obj) {
return obj[Symbol.slice](this);
[Symbol.range](length) {
return this.getIndices(length);
getIndices(length) {
if (typeof length !== "number") throw new TypeError();
if (!isIndex(length)) throw new RangeError();
const start = this.#start.getIndex(length);
const end = this.#end.getIndex(length);
const step = end < start ? -this.#step : this.#step;
return [start, end, step];
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.values();
* values(length = 0) {
const [start, end, step] = this.getIndices(length);
for (let i = start; step < 0 ? i > end : i < end; i += step) {
yield i;
toString() {
return this.#step === 1 ? `${this.#start}:${this.#end}` : `${this.#start}:${this.#end}:${this.#step}`;
static startAt(index) {
return new Range(asIndexObject(index), Index.end);
static endAt(index) {
return new Range(Index.start, asIndexObject(index));
Object.defineProperties(Array.prototype, {
[Symbol.indexedGet]: {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value(index) {
return this[index[Symbol.index](this.length)];
[Symbol.indexedSet]: {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value(index, value) {
this[index[Symbol.index](this.length)] = value;
return true;
[Symbol.slice]: {
enumerable: false,
configurable: true,
writable: true,
value(interval) {
const [start, end, step] = interval[Symbol.interval](this.length);
const result = [];
for (let i = start; step < 0 ? i > end : i < end; i += step) {
return result;
let m1 = ^1;
// let m1 = Index.fromEnd(1);
let r = (0:^1);
// let r = (Index.fromStart(0):Index.fromEnd(1));
// let r = new Interval(Index.fromStart(0), Index.fromEnd(1));
let ar = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
ar[^1] === "d";
ar[m1] === "d";
ar[0:^1] === ["a", "b", "c"];
ar[r] === ["a", "b", "c"];
// `ar[^1]` --> `^1[@@geti](ar)` --> `ar[@@indexedGet](^1)`
// `ar[0:^1]` --> `(0:^1)[@@geti](ar)` --> `ar[@@slice]((0:^1))`
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hax commented Aug 22, 2019

The signal of C# Index constructor is (value: int, fromEnd: bool). I understand new Index(1, 'end') is clearer than new Index(1, true), but consider Index.fromStart/fromEnd as recommended API, I would rather keep consistence with C# API in this special case, and I feel idx.isFromEnd() is easier to understand than idx.anchor.

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hax commented Aug 22, 2019

I also worry about the name "Interval", programmers may be confused it with "setInterval", can we find a better name?

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I mentioned in tc39/proposal-slice-notation#19 (comment) that Interval is an appropriate term as defined in mathematics: I'm not opposed to choosing a different name if it were to become necessary, but I think the inconsistency of Interval vs setInterval is minor and akin to Map vs

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