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Created April 4, 2012 15:12
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Proposed solution to problem of a future in a lazy-seq not being run if never deref'd.
(defn generic-insert [query]
(with-mongo (get *conns* (get query "server_id" "default"))
(with-db (query "database")
(query "collection")
(query "insert"))))
(catch Exception e
(error e "Mongo generic-insert failed."))))
(defn queryblock [query]
(for [action query]
(condp = (action "action")
"query" {(action "label") (generic-read action)}
"update" {(action "label") (generic-update action)}
"remove" {(action "label") (generic-remove action)}
"insert" {(action "label") (generic-insert action)})))
(defn exec-query
"Example of exec-query"
[type cfg]
(condp = type
"mysql" (mysql/queryblock (cfg "queryblock"))
"mongo" (mongo/queryblock (cfg "queryblock"))
{:error (str "Unknown 'type' " type ".")}))
(defn create-tasks
"Transform named input into a sorted vector of hash-maps.
Each hash-map contains a future with associated meta."
[input timeout]
(sort compare-timeout
(for [cfg input]
{:id (cfg "label")
:future (future (exec-query (cfg "type") cfg))
:start (System/currentTimeMillis)
:timeout (get-number (cfg "timeout") timeout)}))))
(defn original-dps-read
[input & {:keys [timeout]
:or {timeout dps-default-timeout}}]
"Parallelized processing of input config."
(into {}
(% :id)
;; remove the following, future is never executed.
:result (deref (% :future) (% :timeout) nil)
:time (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (% :start))))
(create-tasks input timeout))))
(defn new-dps-read
[input & {:keys [timeout]
:or {timeout dps-default-timeout}}]
"Parallelized processing of input config."
(into {} (for [tasks (create-tasks input timeout)
:let [f (future (deref (tasks :future) (tasks :timeout) nil))]]
(doall (deref f))
(tasks :id)
;; remove the following, exec-query-future is executed
:result (deref f)
:time (- (System/currentTimeMillis) (tasks :start))))))))
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rbutler commented Apr 4, 2012

The goal is to do some sort of fire-and-forget solution with our data store: create a future, return without derefing.

input to *-dps-read is just k/v pairs of what requests to run. Create-tasks is creating a vector of maps, the future is in those maps.

In original-dps-read, i remove the deref, the future thread never runs. doseq around the created map doesn't help. new-dps-read is my attempt at a solution, but it doesn't really seem like a future around a future just to initialize the original future is the right way to do this.

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