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Save rcabr/5a11ae94cf5543635bcec8a06755f5cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scans for Azure SQL servers using unauthorized IP addresses in their firewalls. Report. Optionally, remove.
Scans for Azure SQL servers using unauthorized IP addresses in their firewalls,
groups them by user (by looking for a managedBy tag where the value is an e-mail address),
and sends an e-mail to each user.
AUTHOR: Reuben Cabrera
LASTEDIT: 2019-08-22
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Send to this address when we can't identify a user to notify.")]
[String] $DefaultEmailAddress,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "When true, sends separate reports to each suspect. When false, sends a single report to the DefaultEmailAddress.")]
[Boolean] $SendSeparateReports,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "When true, violating firewall rules will be automatically removed.")]
[bool] $RemoveViolatingRules = $false,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "ServerName of Azure Sql servers to ignore.")]
[String[]] $ExceptionList = @(),
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "A string array of subscription names to ignore")]
[string[]]$SubscriptionsToIgnore = "my-playground",
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "The NAME of the Azure Automation Account Credential for logging in to Office 365 to send e-mail.")]
[String] $O365CredentialName = "O365Credential",
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "When set, no e-mail will be sent to any other address but this one. Useful for debugging and testing.")]
[String] $OverrideEmailAddress = $null,
[Parameter(HelpMessage = "The e-mail subject line.")]
[String] $EmailSubject = "Azure Sql Server firewall scan"
# Constants
$attachmentFileName = "AzureSqlFirewallScan.csv"; # name of the e-mail's file attachment
$smtpServerName = "[your-org]";
$smtpServerPort = 25;
$fromEmailAddress = "[YourOrg] Azure Automation <no.reply@[your-domain]>";
$emailBodyTitle = "<h2>Azure SQL Server firewall scan results &#x1F513;&#x1F6E1;</h2>";
$emailBodyInstructions = "<p>Verify that these Azure SQL Servers are configured correctly.</p>";
$managedByTagName = "managedBy";
$emailBodyNextSteps = "";
$allowedIPAddresses = @(
"" # change/add your IPs
Write-Output "Allowed IP addresses are: $allowedIPAddresses"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "These servers will not be scanned: $ExceptionList"
Write-Output ""
if ($RemoveViolatingRules) {
Write-Output "Violating firewall rules will be removed automatically."
$emailBodyInstructions = "<p><strong>Violating firewall rules may have been removed automatically.</strong> Verify that these Azure SQL Servers are configured correctly.</p>";
function Get-DestinationEmailAddress {
if (($null -ne $OverrideEmailAddress) -and ($OverrideEmailAddress -ne "")) {
Write-Warning "OVERRIDE: Sending results for user(s) '$($Users -join "","")' to '$OverrideEmailAddress' instead"
return $OverrideEmailAddress;
if (($null -eq $Users) -or ($Users -eq ""))
Write-Warning "Sending results for unknown users to '$DefaultEmailAddress' instead"
return $DefaultEmailAddress;
return $Users;
# Try to find a managedBy tag on a resource, its resource group, or its subscription,
# and return the value (or $null).
# Throws an exception if the resource doesn't exist.
function Get-ResourceManagedBy {
param([string] $ResourceType, [string] $ResourceId)
$rt = $ResourceType;
$rid = $ResourceId;
# if not a resource group
if ($rt -ne "/Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups") {
$r = Get-AzureRMResource -ResourceId $rid -ErrorAction Stop;
if ($null -ne $r.Tags -and $r.Tags.ContainsKey($managedByTagName) -eq $True) {
return $r.Tags[$managedByTagName];
# move up to the resource group level
$rg = Get-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name $r.ResourceGroupName;
$rt = "/Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups";
# if it's a resource group
if ($rt -eq "/Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups") {
if ($null -eq $rg) {
$rg = Get-AzureRMResourceGroup -Id $ResourceId -ErrorAction Stop;
if ($null -ne $rg.Tags -and $rg.Tags.ContainsKey($managedByTagName) -eq $True) {
return $rg.Tags[$managedByTagName];
# move up to the subscription level
$sb = Get-AzureRmSubscription;
$rt = "/Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions";
# if it's a subscription
if ($rt -eq "/Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions") {
if ($null -eq $sb) {
$sb = Get-AzureRmSubscription;
if ($null -ne $sb.Tags -and $sb.Tags.ContainsKey($managedByTagName) -eq $True) {
return $sb.Tags[$managedByTagName];
return $null;
$connectionName = "AzureRunAsConnection"
try {
# Get the connection "AzureRunAsConnection "
$servicePrincipalConnection = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $connectionName
"Logging in to Azure..."
$login = Add-AzureRMAccount `
-ServicePrincipal `
-TenantId $servicePrincipalConnection.TenantId `
-ApplicationId $servicePrincipalConnection.ApplicationId `
-CertificateThumbprint $servicePrincipalConnection.CertificateThumbprint
catch {
if (!$servicePrincipalConnection) {
$ErrorMessage = "Connection $connectionName not found."
throw $ErrorMessage
else {
Write-Error -Message $_.Exception
throw $_.Exception
# Collect violations to return
$violations = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
function CreateViolationRecord ($SubscriptionName, $ServerName, $ResourceGroupName, $ManagedBy, $FirewallRuleName, $StartIpAddress, $EndIpAddress, $ViolationMessage) {
return New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Subscription = $SubscriptionName
ServerName = $ServerName
ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroupName
ManagedBy = $ManagedBy
ViolationMessage = $ViolationMessage
FirewallRuleName = $FirewallRuleName
StartIpAddress = $StartIpAddress
EndIpAddress = $EndIpAddress
function CheckRulesForUnauthorizedIPAddr($FirewallRules, $ManagedBy) {
$foundByStart = $FirewallRules | Where-Object StartIpAddress -NotIn $allowedIPAddresses;
if ($null -ne $foundByStart) {
$subName = (Get-AzureRMContext).Subscription.Name
$v = CreateViolationRecord $subName $serverName $resourceGroupName $ManagedBy $foundByStart.FirewallRuleName $foundByStart.StartIpAddress $foundByStart.EndIpAddress `
"Unauthorized IP address permitted by firewall rule $($foundByStart.FirewallRuleName) $($foundByStart.StartIpAddress)"
$index = $violations.Add($v)
Write-Warning "VIOLATION FOUND: $v"
$subscriptions = Get-AzureRMSubscription
foreach ($subscription in $subscriptions) {
if ($subscription.Name -in $SubscriptionsToIgnore) {
Write-Output "Skipping subscription '$($subscription.Name)'"
$ctx = Set-AzureRMContext -Subscription $subscription.Name;
$servers = Get-AzureRMSqlServer | Where-Object ServerName -NotIn $ExceptionList;
Write-Output "Examining $($servers.Count) Sql Servers in subscription '$($subscription.Name)'"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";
foreach ($server in $servers) {
$resourceGroupName = $server.ResourceGroupName;
$serverName = $server.ServerName;
$firewallRules = Get-AzureRMSqlServerFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-ServerName $serverName;
$managedBy = Get-ResourceManagedBy "Microsoft.Sql/servers" $server.ResourceId
CheckRulesForUnauthorizedIPAddr $firewallRules -ManagedBy $managedBy
if ($RemoveViolatingRules -ne $false) {
foreach ($violation in $violations) {
Write-Output ">> Removing firewall rule '$($violation.FirewallRuleName)' from server '$serverName' in resource group '$resourceGroupName'"
$removeResult = Remove-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule -FirewallRuleName $violation.FirewallRuleName `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ServerName $serverName
# get O365 credentials to send e-mails with
$o365Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $O365CredentialName;
if ($null -eq $o365Cred) {
Write-Error "Credential $O365CredentialName does not exist in this Automation Account. Please create one.";
# send full report by e-mail
if ($SendSeparateReports -eq $false) {
$records = $violations | Sort-Object ManagedBy, Subscription, ServerName -Descending `
| Select-Object ManagedBy, Subscription, ServerName, ResourceGroupName, ViolationMessage;
$toEmail = Get-DestinationEmailAddress $null
$records | Export-Csv -Path $attachmentFileName -NoTypeInformation; # export to CSV so we can attach the file to the e-mail
$count = 1
if ($records.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Object[]") {
$count = $records.Length
$emailBody = $emailBodyTitle `
+ "<p>$count unauthorized IP addresses are allowed by Azure Sql firewall rules. See the attached file and below.</p>" `
+ ($records | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment) `
+ $emailBodyInstructions `
+ "<p><em>This message is intended for: $toEmail</em></p>";
Send-MailMessage `
-To $toEmail `
-From $fromEmailAddress `
-Subject "Report: $EmailSubject" `
-Body $emailBody `
-Attachments $attachmentFileName `
-UseSsl `
-Port $smtpServerPort `
-BodyAsHtml `
-SmtpServer $smtpServerName `
-Credential $o365Cred;
Remove-Item -Path $attachmentFileName; # remove attachment file from filesystem
Write-Output "Sent full report e-mail to $toEmail with $count violation(s)."
else # send out the e-mails to each user
# group violations by notifyees
$violationsByUser = $violations | Group-Object ManagedBy;
foreach ($violations in $violationsByUser | Where-Object -Property Count -NE -Value 0) {
#$user = $violations[0].NotifyWho;
$user = ($violations.Group | Select-Object ManagedBy)[0].ManagedBy;
$records = $violations.Group | Sort-Object Subscription, ServerName `
| Select-Object ManagedBy, Subscription, ServerName, ResourceGroupName, ViolationMessage;
$toEmail = Get-DestinationEmailAddress $user
$records | Export-Csv -Path $attachmentFileName -NoTypeInformation; # export to CSV so we can attach the file to the e-mail
$count = 1
if ($records.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Object[]") {
$count = $records.Length
$emailBody = $emailBodyTitle `
+ "<p>$count unauthorized IP addresses are allowed by Azure Sql firewall rules. See the attached file and below.</p>" `
+ ($records | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment) `
+ $emailBodyInstructions `
+ $emailBodyNextSteps `
+ "<p><em>This message is intended for: $user </em></p>";
Send-MailMessage `
-To $toEmail `
-From $fromEmailAddress `
-Subject "Warning: $EmailSubject" `
-Body $emailBody `
-Attachments $attachmentFileName `
-UseSsl `
-Port $smtpServerPort `
-BodyAsHtml `
-SmtpServer $smtpServerName `
-Credential $o365Cred;
Remove-Item -Path $attachmentFileName; # remove attachment file from filesystem
Write-Output "Sent e-mail to $toEmail with $count violation(s)."
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