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Last active February 22, 2019 19:35
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Create Azure mg/subscription hierarchy Mermaid diagram
Create a Mermaid diagram (
that reflects the Azure management group and subscription hierarchy.
This script assumes prerequisites:
1) The Az module is installed (
2) Azure sign-in is completed (Connect-AzAccount)
3) The signed-in user has the required permissions to enumerate the management groups and subscriptions
Author: Reuben Cabrera
Script birth date: 2019-02-22
Get-SubscriptionHierarchyDiagram.ps1 | Out-File diagram.mmd
# The name of the root management group from which to begin
# Orient the tree diagram to be Top-Down (instead of Left-Right)
# retrieve all the data
$m = Get-AzManagementGroup -GroupName $RootGroupName -Expand -Recurse
function WalkTree {
param (
$entity | Select-Object `
@{Name="Type"; Expression={$entity.Type.split('/')[-1]}}, `
DisplayName, `
@{Name="FancyName"; Expression={
$prefix = "fa:fa-group"
if ($entity.Type -eq "/subscriptions") {
$prefix = "fa:fa-key"
$prefix + " " + $entity.DisplayName
}}, `
@{Name="Id"; Expression={$entity.Id -replace '[/]'}}, `
@{Name="ParentId"; Expression={
if ($null -eq $parent) {
else {
$parent.Id -replace '[/]'
foreach ($child in $entity.Children) {
WalkTree $entity $child
$orientation = If ($OrientTopDown) { "graph TD" } else { "graph LR" }
# unroll into dependency pairs
$list = WalkTree $null $m
$list | ForEach-Object -Process {" $($_.Id)[$($_.FancyName)]"}
$list | Where-Object ParentId -NE $null | ForEach-Object -Process {" $($_.ParentId) --> $($_.Id)"}
" classDef managementGroups fill:#0ff"
" classDef subscriptions fill:#ff0"
$list | ForEach-Object -Process {" class $($_.Id) $($_.Type)"}
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