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Created March 1, 2013 18:03
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ruby script for tallying "orphaned" branches in a git-based repo.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# in this project, the branching convention is that feature development
# and fixes are worked on in branches prefixed with feature/ and fix/ respectively.
# These branches are intended to be short-lived, only kept on the remote repo long
# enough for collaboration and eventual Pull Request approval/merging into the
# develop branch. After merging, the remote branch should be removed, ideally by the
# repo management software (Stash, github, etc.). If the management software does
# not support automatic deletion of the branch then it is the responsibility of
# the "owner" of the remote branch to delete it--this is generally the creator
# of the branch or the developer who primarily worked on the task.
# This script will display a tally by author of the remote branches in the
# feature/* and fix/* namespace. It will then print each branch and the oneline
# commit message for the HEAD of each branch, grouped by author.
# There are opportunities for "false postives"; specifically, the last author of
# a commit on a branch may not be the "owner"--eg. another developer appends a commit
# to an existing branch during the pull request process, or branches which have not yet
# been merged and correctly remain on the remote repo. Also, some authors may be listed
# by multiple e-mail addresses. This seems to be due to different local and Stash
# configurations in user information. Future enhancement of this script
# could address these issues.
# usage:
# * cd into the local repo, anywhere in the repo.
# * be sure to update the remote branch, pruning already deleted branches:
# ** $ git fetch --prune origin
# $ ruby branch-blame.rb
# list all branches then filter just the remote feature/* and fix/* branches (assuming "origin" as canonical):
branches = `git branch -a|grep -E "origin/(feature|fix|update)"`
# trim any leading whitespace:
branches = branches.split( /\r?\n/ ).map(&:lstrip)
#puts branches
# get the HEAD commit for each branch:
commits = {|b| `git log -n1 --pretty="%h %cd (%an) %s" --date=relative #{b}`}
#puts commits
# get author for each HEAD commit:
perps = {|b| `git log -n1 --pretty="%an" #{b}`}
#puts perps.sort
# create an array to hold the hash-based commits:
perpsWithMessages = []
for i in 0..perps.length-1
perpsWithMessages.push(Hash[:name, perps[i],
:commit, commits[i],
:branch, branches[i] ])
# print the count of remotes:
puts "Likely orphaned branches: " + branches.length.to_s + "\n\n"
# sort the branches by author name:
if Array.method_defined? :sort_by!
perpsWithMessages.sort_by! { |hsh| hsh[:name] } # seems only supported on ruby v1.9+ (not Mac OS X default)
perpsWithMessages = perpsWithMessages.sort_by { |hsh| hsh[:name] } # did not seem to sort correctly...non-deterministic.
# print the tally of branches by author name:
perpsWithMessages.group_by {|x| x[:name] }.each {|i|
puts "(#{i[1].length})\t" + i[0]
puts "\n\n"
# print the full list of commits/branches, grouped by author name:
perpsWithMessages.group_by {|x| x[:name] }.each {|i|
# first, print the author name:
puts "(#{i[1].length}) " + i[0]
# then HEAD commits for each branch
i[1].each {|c| puts c[:branch], c[:commit], "\n" }
puts "\n"
# all done:
exit 0
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