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Pipenv Notes

Pipenv + .env

Note that any code following a $ (e.g. $ pipenv install) should be run in the Terminal (Mac)/Command Prompt (Windows)/Command Line (Linux) in the appropriate directory.

Section 1: Pipenv

Motivation: We want our research to be reproducible. Reproducibilty requires both that the person reproducing your research (1) has access to the same version of the code and (2) uses the exact same version of the packages needed in this code. To satisfy these requirements, GitHub is used to allow the reproducer to use the exact versions of the code and pipenv to easily install and use the exact same version of the packages used.

Install Pipenv

Pipenv can be installed with a simple $ pip3 install pipenv

Using Pipenv

We install packages in pipenv just like in pip, but when we do $ pipenv install example_package, in addition to installing the package it adds the package to the Pipfile and the Pipfile.lock file (if these files do not exist for this project yet, pipenv first creates them). The Pipfile file is a less technical file which only purpose is to be human-readable, while the Pipfile.lock file is a technical file that is what pipenv actually use.

The Pipfile file is very similar to a requirements.txt file, but it is nicer because anytime we install a package using pipenv, it automatically adds that package to the Pipfile. Like a requirements.txt, the Pipfile does not require the user to define a version of the package. pipenv also adds the package to the Pipfile.lock file and it always record which version that was installed even if we as a user did not define an exact version to install. Therefore, even when we at the time of installing a package just wanted the most recent stable version of the package, anyone reproducing your work in the future will know exactly what version that was. Examples of a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock are below.

As stated above, the Pipfile.lock is the "machine-readable" version of the Pipfile and it contains the exact versions that the original authors used when they wrote the code. When you add more packages you again use $ pipenv install example_package and pipenv will install that package, making sure that the new package has no dependency conflict with any package already installed, and finally update the Pipfile and the Pipfile.lock file.

Example Use: Creating a new project

  1. Starting with a new project (aka no Pipfile), we can simply do $ pipenv install package1 package2 package3 which will cause pipenv to create the virtual environment, create a Pipfile, install those packages, and then "lock" the versions in Pipfile.lock
  2. To enter the virtual environment, you then navigate to the folder with the Pipfile.lock file and run $ pipenv shell. This means that you step into the virtual environment and all the Python packages that you installed will now be available
  3. If you need to add a new python package, simply execute $ pipenv install new_package and it will be added to the virtual environment and to the Pipfile as expected.
  4. To exit the $ pipenv shell, just do $ exit

Example Use: You pull someone else's code w/ a Pipfile/Pipfile.lock from GitHub

  1. Clone repo and navigate in the console to where the Pipfile and the Pipfile.lock file are located.
  2. Run $ pipenv sync and it will create a virtual environment where the exact version of all packages from the Pipfile.lock will be installed
  3. Then just run $ pipenv shell to enter the virtual environment

Random Notes

  • Instead of going into the shell with $ pipenv shell, you can also always run $ pipenv run <command> (e.g. $ pipenv run python3 which will run the <command> in the Pipenv shell but your console will not enter into the shell. So, while you can run $ pipenv shell and all subsequent commands will be in the virtual env without re-running, you would need to add $ pipenv run ... before every command. I never do it this way (except in Docker containers...). In other words,

    foo@bar:~$ pipenv shell
    foo@bar:~$ python3
    foo@bar:~$ python3
    foo@bar:~$ python3
    foo@bar:~$ exit
    foo@bar:~$ python3 # will throw ModuleNotFound exception since not in virtual environment

    is equivalent to

    foo@bar:~$ pipenv run python3
    foo@bar:~$ pipenv run python3
    foo@bar:~$ pipenv run python3
    foo@bar:~$ python3 # will throw ModuleNotFound exception since not in virtual environment
  • Sometimes $ pipenv install (which basically re-installs/updates all your packages listed in the Pipfile) will take a long time to lock. This is not necessary, for example, when you are first starting a project and need to keep adding packages one by one. In this case, you can run $ pipenv install example-package --skip-lock, which will still correctly install and add it to your Pipfile but without the long wait. Once you are ready to lock the dependencies, you can run $ pipenv lock

  • Pipenv can be annoying sometimes. If having a nonsensical problem, this almost always works:

    1. Run $ pipenv --rm which deletes the virtual environment
    2. Delete Pipfile.lock: $ rm Pipfile.lock
    3. Run $ pipenv install

Section 2: .env Files

Anytime that we have passwords or sensitive information, we never ever ever want to (1) have it in our code and (2) commit it to Github. .env files allow us to keep sensitive information in the "environment" and out of our code.


Let's say you are trying to use a PostgreSQL database from a Python script. The usual way to do this is with the psycopg2 package.

import psycopg2

conn = psycopg2.connect(

But this is not okay because now anyone who sees your code can get your login and steal all of your data. Let's use a .env file to fix this.


  1. Create a .gitignore file if one does not already exist and add .env. This should ALWAYS be in the .gitignore from the very beginning of a project and will prevent the .env file from ever being committed to GitHub.

  2. Create a .env file in your root directory (along side the Pipfile and Pipfile.lock preferably) and paste the following text inside:

  3. Now, we are going to load our USERNAME and PASSWORD variables into the environment with pipenv:

    foo@bar:~$ pipenv shell
    Loading .env environment variables...
    Launching subshell in virtual environment...
     . ~/repo-WcdiAtXE/bin/activate
    foo@bar:~$ echo $PASSWORD

    Note the "Loading .env environment variables...." below the $ pipenv shell command. Now all Python code that we run from this directory using $ python3 (and even within jupyter notebooks!) will have access to these environmental variables (detailed below). If we were to exit the pipenv environment (with $ exit) and run $ echo $PASSWORD again, it would be blank.

  4. Time to rewrite our code from above!

    import os
    import psycopg2
    conn = psycopg2.connect(

    Note that we imported the os module and use os.environ (which is a Python dictionary keyed on your environment variables) to grab our variables from the pipenv environment. Now, our code does not have any passwords!!!!

Example Pipfile

This is the human readable/editable file which is extremely similar in function to requirements.txt

url = ""
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"

jupyter = "*"
pandas = "*"
sklearn = "0.23"
matplotlib = "*"
missingno = "*"


python_version = "3.7"

Example Pipfile.lock

This is the machine readable/editable version which is automatically created with the command pipenv install or pipenv lock. Below is only part of a file because the files are very long:

    "_meta": {
        "hash": {
            "sha256": "8e1e467da58950511f3b0d2ff6103a5d3f07dc1e7c7a5064a1245d73ed9cb646"
        "pipfile-spec": 6,
        "requires": {
            "python_version": "3.7"
        "sources": [
                "name": "pypi",
                "url": "",
                "verify_ssl": true
    "default": {
        "appnope": {
            "hashes": [
            "markers": "sys_platform == 'darwin' and platform_system == 'Darwin'",
            "version": "==0.1.2"
        "argon2-cffi": {
            "hashes": [
            "version": "==20.1.0"
        "async-generator": {
            "hashes": [
            "markers": "python_version >= '3.5'",
            "version": "==1.10"
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