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Last active August 3, 2023 21:37
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import ComposableArchitecture
import SwiftUI
This is a proof of concept for "shared state" in The Composable Architecture.
* An ergonomic way for child domains to access data provided by a parent
* The parent doesn't need to know which children need the data
* The child doesn't need to know who's providing the data
* The child is functional in isolation
* Modifications to shared state only propagate down to children
* The parent can decide which children receive the data, even sending different data to each child
* Children can't modify shared state.
* Child `State` is not mutated outside of a reducer. Doing so would introduce reference semantics that break how TCA is designed.
It works like this:
1. Define a `SharedStateKey`
2. In the parent domain:
* Use the `@SharedState<Key>` property wrapper in `State` to read and write the value.
* Wrap child reducers in `WithSharedState` to propagate the value to that subtree of reducers.
3. In the child domain:
* Use the `@SharedStateValue<Key>` property wrapper to read the shared value
* Use the `observeSharedState` higher-order reducer to automatically update state when the value changes.
/// Define a key into the shared value, with a default value.
struct CounterKey: SharedStateKey {
static var defaultValue: Int = 4
struct ParentFeature: ReducerProtocol {
struct State: Equatable {
@SharedState<CounterKey> var counter = 10
var child1 = ChildFeature.State()
var child2 = ChildFeature.State()
var child3 = ChildFeature.State()
enum Action: Equatable {
case increment
case child1(ChildFeature.Action)
case child2(ChildFeature.Action)
case child3(ChildFeature.Action)
init() {}
var body: some ReducerProtocol<State, Action> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .increment:
state.counter += 1
return .none
case .child1, .child2, .child3:
return .none
// These two children use the value of `counter`
WithSharedState(\.$counter) {
Scope(state: \.child1, action: /Action.child1) {
Scope(state: \.child2, action: /Action.child2) {
// This child is not affected
Scope(state: \.child3, action: /Action.child3) {
struct ChildFeature: ReducerProtocol {
struct State: Equatable {
var sum: Int = 0
var localCount: Int = 0
// Putting a `SharedStateValue` in `State` lets us read like other state,
// and use the `observeSharedState` to respond to changes.
@SharedStateValue<CounterKey> var sharedCount
init() {
// Putting a `SharedStateValue` in `init` lets us grab the
// current value upon initialization only.
@SharedStateValue<CounterKey> var counter
print("ChildFeature.init", counter, self.sharedCount)
enum Action: Equatable {
case sharedCount(SharedStateAction<CounterKey>)
case sum
case task
// Putting a `SharedStateValue` in the Reducer lets us treat it like a dependency,
// accessing it only when needed and not modifying State when changed.
@SharedStateValue<CounterKey> var counter
init() {}
var body: some ReducerProtocol<State, Action> {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .sharedCount(.willChange(let newValue)):
print("ChildFeature.willChange", state.sharedCount, "=>", newValue)
return .none
case .sum:
state.sum = state.localCount + state.sharedCount
return .none
case .task:
state.localCount = .random(in: 0..<10)
return .none
.observeSharedState(\.$sharedCount, action: /Action.sharedCount)
struct ParentView: View {
let store: StoreOf<ParentFeature>
var body: some View {
List {
WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in
HStack {
Button(action: { viewStore.send(.increment) }) {
Section {
ChildView(store: store.scope(state: \.child1, action: ParentFeature.Action.child1))
Section {
ChildView(store: store.scope(state: \.child2, action: ParentFeature.Action.child2))
Section {
ChildView(store: store.scope(state: \.child3, action: ParentFeature.Action.child3))
struct ChildView: View {
let store: StoreOf<ChildFeature>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in
HStack {
Text("Local Count")
HStack {
Text("Shared Count")
HStack {
Button(action: { viewStore.send(.sum) }) {
Text("Sum Counts")
.task { await ViewStore(store.stateless).send(.task).finish() }
struct Parent_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
store: Store(initialState: ParentFeature.State()) {
} withDependencies: {
// This default value will be used where a parent doesn't provide one.
$0.sharedState(CounterKey.self, 10)
// ========================================================
public protocol SharedStateKey: Sendable, Equatable {
associatedtype Value: Sendable
static var defaultValue: Value { get }
/// A property wrapper that can share its value.
public struct SharedState<Key: SharedStateKey> where Key.Value: Equatable {
public var wrappedValue: Key.Value
public var projectedValue: Self { self }
public init(wrappedValue: Key.Value) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
extension SharedState: Equatable where Key.Value: Equatable {}
extension SharedState: Sendable where Key.Value: Sendable {}
/// A reducer that propagates shared state to its child reducer.
/// The shared state is only available to children of this reducer. Other reducers accessing
/// the same `SharedValueKey` key are unaffected.
public struct WithSharedState<Key: SharedStateKey, ParentState, ParentAction, Child: ReducerProtocol>: ReducerProtocol
where Key.Value: Equatable, ParentState == Child.State, ParentAction == Child.Action
public init(
_ toSharedState: KeyPath<ParentState, SharedState<Key>>,
file: StaticString = #fileID,
line: UInt8 = #line,
@ReducerBuilder<Child.State, Child.Action> base: () -> Child
) { = Identifier(file: "\(file)", line: line)
self.toSharedState = toSharedState
self.base = base()
private struct Identifier: Hashable {
let file: String
let line: UInt8
private let id: Identifier
private let toSharedState: KeyPath<Child.State, SharedState<Key>>
private let base: Child
public func reduce(into state: inout Child.State, action: Child.Action) -> EffectTask<Child.Action> {
let value = state[keyPath: self.toSharedState].wrappedValue
return self.base
.transformDependency(\._sharedValues) {
$0 = $0.child(
key: Key.self,
value: value
.reduce(into: &state, action: action)
/// A property wrapper that reads a value from shared state.
public struct SharedStateValue<Key: SharedStateKey> where Key.Value: Equatable {
fileprivate var isObserving: Bool = false
fileprivate var _wrappedValue: Key.Value
public fileprivate(set) var projectedValue: Self {
get { self }
set { self = newValue }
public init() {
@Dependency(\._sharedValues) var sharedValues
self._wrappedValue = sharedValues[Key.self]
public var wrappedValue: Key.Value {
/// Actions sent when shared state changes.
enum SharedStateAction<Key: SharedStateKey> {
/// Received by the reducer just before the value changes. You
/// may compare the value in `State` to this value.
case willChange(Key.Value)
extension SharedStateValue: Equatable where Key.Value: Equatable {}
extension SharedStateValue: Sendable where Key.Value: Sendable {}
extension SharedStateAction: Equatable where Key.Value: Equatable {}
extension SharedStateAction: Sendable where Key.Value: Sendable {}
extension ReducerProtocol {
/// A higher-order reducer that monitors shared state for changes and sends an action
/// back into the system to update state with the current value.
func observeSharedState<Key: SharedStateKey>(
_ toSharedState: WritableKeyPath<State, SharedStateValue<Key>>,
action toSharedAction: CasePath<Action, SharedStateAction<Key>>
) -> some ReducerProtocol<State, Action>
where Key.Value: Equatable
toSharedState: toSharedState,
toSharedAction: toSharedAction,
base: self
struct _SharedStateObserver<Key: SharedStateKey, ParentState, ParentAction, Base: ReducerProtocol>: ReducerProtocol
where Key.Value: Equatable, ParentState == Base.State, ParentAction == Base.Action {
let toSharedState: WritableKeyPath<ParentState, SharedStateValue<Key>>
let toSharedAction: CasePath<ParentAction, SharedStateAction<Key>>
let base: Base
@Dependency(\._sharedValues) var sharedValues
func reduce(into state: inout ParentState, action: ParentAction) -> EffectTask<ParentAction> {
let effects = self.base.reduce(into: &state, action: action)
switch self.toSharedAction.extract(from: action) {
case .willChange(let value):
state[keyPath: toSharedState]._wrappedValue = value
case .none:
!state[keyPath: self.toSharedState].isObserving
else {
return effects
state[keyPath: self.toSharedState].isObserving = true
let initialValue = state[keyPath: self.toSharedState].wrappedValue
return .merge(
.run { send in
var firstValue = true
for await value in self.sharedValues.observe(Key.self) {
if !firstValue || (firstValue && value != initialValue) {
await send(self.toSharedAction.embed(.willChange(value)))
firstValue = false
extension DependencyValues {
/// Set the initial value for shared state. This is intended to be used for testing or previews.
mutating func sharedState<Key: SharedStateKey>(_ key: Key.Type, _ value: Key.Value, file: StaticString = #fileID, line: UInt8 = #line) {
self._sharedValues = self._sharedValues.child(
id: Identifier(file: "\(file)", line: line),
key: key,
value: value
private struct Identifier: Hashable {
let file: String
let line: UInt8
import Combine
private var _sharedValueChildren = [ AnyHashable : _SharedValues ]()
struct _SharedValues: @unchecked Sendable {
init(id: AnyHashable, values: Storage = [:]) { = id = CurrentValueSubject(values)
typealias Storage = [ ObjectIdentifier : Any ]
private let id: AnyHashable
private var storage: CurrentValueSubject<Storage, Never>
/// Create a child copy with new value.
func child<Key: SharedStateKey>(id: AnyHashable, key: Key.Type, value: Key.Value) -> _SharedValues {
var values =
values[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = value
if let child = _sharedValueChildren[id] { = values
return child
} else {
let child = _SharedValues(id: id, values: values)
_sharedValueChildren[id] = child
return child
/// Read and write to a shared value key.
subscript<Key: SharedStateKey>(_ key: Key.Type) -> Key.Value {
get {
let value =[ObjectIdentifier(key)],
let value = value as? Key.Value
else {
return key.defaultValue
return value
set {[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = newValue
/// Observe changes to a shared value key.
func observe<Key: SharedStateKey>(_ key: Key.Type) -> AsyncStream<Key.Value> where Key.Value: Equatable {
.map { storage in
let value = storage[ObjectIdentifier(key)],
let value = value as? Key.Value
else {
return key.defaultValue
return value
extension _SharedValues: DependencyKey {
static let liveValue = _SharedValues(id: "root")
extension DependencyValues {
var _sharedValues: _SharedValues {
get { self[_SharedValues.self] }
set { self[_SharedValues.self] = newValue }
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