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Last active March 3, 2023 05:21
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Define animations statically but resolve them at runtime
import Dependencies
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
/// The things you could vary the animation on.
struct AnimationResolutionInput {
// This makes no sense, it's an example!
var colorScheme: ColorScheme
/// A way to create an animation based on some inputs.
protocol AnimationResolvable {
func resolve(input: AnimationResolutionInput) -> Animation?
/// The client
struct AnimationClient: Sendable {
/// self.animationClient.resolve(.sample)
var resolve: @Sendable (any AnimationResolvable) -> Animation?
extension AnimationClient: DependencyKey {
static let testValue = Self(
resolve: unimplemented("\(Self.self).resolve", placeholder: nil)
static let liveValue = Self(
// Gather the data to perform resolution using other @Dependency or whatever.
resolve: { $0.resolve(input: .init(colorScheme: .dark)) }
extension DependencyValues {
var animationClient: AnimationClient {
get { self[AnimationClient.self] }
set { self[AnimationClient.self] = newValue }
/// A sample animation.
struct SampleAnimation: AnimationResolvable {
func resolve(input: AnimationResolutionInput) -> Animation? {
extension AnimationResolvable where Self == SampleAnimation {
// Note you can choose to make this public or not, letting you
// decie whether other modules can use this animation.
static var sample: Self { SampleAnimation() }
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