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Created May 26, 2023 20:10
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Connectivity tests with CMC tutorial data
% Script to run connectivity (magnitude square coherence) on data from the
% Corticomuscular coherence tutorial:
% This is done in order to verify the difference approaches for PCA
% provided in the ScoutPca branch (by Marc)
%% Parameters
% Brainstorm version and Protocol
ProtocolName = 'TutorialCMC';
SubjectName = 'Subject01';
ConditionName = 'SubjectCMC_test_pca_8afbc14';
GitBranchName = 'ScoutPca';
BrainstormPath = '/export02/data/rcassani/Documents/mcgill/brainstorm/brainstorm3-dev';
% Coherence
emgChannel = 'EMGlft'; % Name of EMG channel
atlasScouts = {'Schaefer_100_17net', {'Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall L', 'Background+FreeSurfer_Defined_Medial_Wall R', 'ContA_IPS_1 L', 'ContA_IPS_1 R', 'ContA_PFCl_1 L', 'ContA_PFCl_1 R', 'ContA_PFCl_2 L', 'ContA_PFCl_2 R', 'ContB_IPL_1 R', 'ContB_PFCld_1 R', 'ContB_PFClv_1 L', 'ContB_PFClv_1 R', 'ContB_Temp_1 R', 'ContC_Cingp_1 L', 'ContC_Cingp_1 R', 'ContC_pCun_1 L', 'ContC_pCun_1 R', 'ContC_pCun_2 L', 'DefaultA_IPL_1 R', 'DefaultA_PFCd_1 L', 'DefaultA_PFCd_1 R', 'DefaultA_PFCm_1 L', 'DefaultA_PFCm_1 R', 'DefaultA_pCunPCC_1 L', 'DefaultA_pCunPCC_1 R', 'DefaultB_IPL_1 L', 'DefaultB_PFCd_1 L', 'DefaultB_PFCd_1 R', 'DefaultB_PFCl_1 L', 'DefaultB_PFCv_1 L', 'DefaultB_PFCv_1 R', 'DefaultB_PFCv_2 L', 'DefaultB_PFCv_2 R', 'DefaultB_Temp_1 L', 'DefaultB_Temp_2 L', 'DefaultC_PHC_1 L', 'DefaultC_PHC_1 R', 'DefaultC_Rsp_1 L', 'DefaultC_Rsp_1 R', 'DorsAttnA_ParOcc_1 L', 'DorsAttnA_ParOcc_1 R', 'DorsAttnA_SPL_1 L', 'DorsAttnA_SPL_1 R', 'DorsAttnA_TempOcc_1 L', 'DorsAttnA_TempOcc_1 R', 'DorsAttnB_FEF_1 L', 'DorsAttnB_FEF_1 R', 'DorsAttnB_PostC_1 L', 'DorsAttnB_PostC_1 R', 'DorsAttnB_PostC_2 L', 'DorsAttnB_PostC_2 R', 'DorsAttnB_PostC_3 L', 'LimbicA_TempPole_1 L', 'LimbicA_TempPole_1 R', 'LimbicA_TempPole_2 L', 'LimbicB_OFC_1 L', 'LimbicB_OFC_1 R', 'SalVentAttnA_FrMed_1 L', 'SalVentAttnA_FrMed_1 R', 'SalVentAttnA_Ins_1 L', 'SalVentAttnA_Ins_1 R', 'SalVentAttnA_Ins_2 L', 'SalVentAttnA_ParMed_1 L', 'SalVentAttnA_ParMed_1 R', 'SalVentAttnA_ParOper_1 L', 'SalVentAttnA_ParOper_1 R', 'SalVentAttnB_IPL_1 R', 'SalVentAttnB_PFCl_1 L', 'SalVentAttnB_PFCl_1 R', 'SalVentAttnB_PFCmp_1 L', 'SalVentAttnB_PFCmp_1 R', 'SomMotA_1 L', 'SomMotA_1 R', 'SomMotA_2 L', 'SomMotA_2 R', 'SomMotA_3 R', 'SomMotA_4 R', 'SomMotB_Aud_1 L', 'SomMotB_Aud_1 R', 'SomMotB_Cent_1 L', 'SomMotB_Cent_1 R', 'SomMotB_S2_1 L', 'SomMotB_S2_1 R', 'SomMotB_S2_2 L', 'SomMotB_S2_2 R', 'TempPar_1 L', 'TempPar_1 R', 'TempPar_2 R', 'TempPar_3 R', 'VisCent_ExStr_1 L', 'VisCent_ExStr_1 R', 'VisCent_ExStr_2 L', 'VisCent_ExStr_2 R', 'VisCent_ExStr_3 L', 'VisCent_ExStr_3 R', 'VisCent_Striate_1 L', 'VisPeri_ExStrInf_1 L', 'VisPeri_ExStrInf_1 R', 'VisPeri_ExStrSup_1 L', 'VisPeri_ExStrSup_1 R', 'VisPeri_StriCal_1 L', 'VisPeri_StriCal_1 R'}};
cohMeasure = 'mscohere'; % Magnitude-squared Coherence|C|^2 = |Cxy|^2/(Cxx*Cyy)
winLength = 0.5; % 500ms
overlap = 50; % 50%
maxFreq = 80; % 80Hz
%% Start
startTime = datestr(datetime('now','Format','d-MMM-y HH:mm:ss'));
% Verify that we are in the proper Brainstorm branch
[status,cmdout] = system('git branch --show-current');
if ~strcmpi(GitBranchName, cmdout(1:end-1))
error('Incorrect Git branch')
% Start Brainstorm
% Select protocol
iProtocol = bst_get('Protocol', ProtocolName);
if isempty(iProtocol)
error(['Unknown protocol: ' ProtocolName]);
if (iProtocol ~= bst_get('iProtocol'))
gui_brainstorm('SetCurrentProtocol', iProtocol);
%% Prepare files
% Find Recording files
dataFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], [], ...
'subjectname', SubjectName, ...
'condition', ConditionName, ...
'tag', '', ...
'includebad', 0, ...
'includeintra', 0, ...
'includecommon', 0);
% Find Surface Contrained source files
constrFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_results', [], [], ...
'subjectname', SubjectName, ...
'condition', ConditionName, ...
'tag', '(surface)(constr)', ...
'includebad', 0, ...
'includeintra', 0, ...
'includecommon', 0);
% Find Surface Uncontrained source files
unconstrFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_results', [], [], ...
'subjectname', SubjectName, ...
'condition', ConditionName, ...
'tag', '(surface)(unconstr)', ...
'includebad', 0, ...
'includeintra', 0, ...
'includecommon', 0);
%% Flattening
% Apply PCA PCAi, PCAa and Norm flattening to Unconstrained and get files
% Process: Unconstrained to flat map
pcaFlatFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_source_flat', unconstrFiles, [], ...
'method', 'pca', ... % PCA: First mode of svd(x,y,z), maximizes retained power
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pca', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'));
% Process: Unconstrained to flat map
pcaiFlatFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_source_flat', unconstrFiles, [], ...
'method', 'pca', ... % PCA: First mode of svd(x,y,z), maximizes retained power
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pcai', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'));
% Process: Unconstrained to flat map
pcaaFlatFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_source_flat', unconstrFiles, [], ...
'method', 'pca', ... % PCA: First mode of svd(x,y,z), maximizes retained power
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pcaa', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'));
% Process: Unconstrained to flat map
normFlatFiles = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_source_flat', unconstrFiles, [], ...
'method', 'norm'); ... % Norm: sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
%% Sensor level
% Process: Coherence 1xN [2021]
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere1_2021', dataFiles, [], ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_sensors', 'MEG', ...
'includebad', 0, ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', 'mscohere', ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', '(sensors)', ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
%% Source level
% For all types of source level files do:
% 1. EMG vs Sources
% 2. EMG vs Scouts (mean before)
% 3. EMG vs Scouts (mean after )
% 4. EMG vs Scouts (pca before)
% 5. EMG vs Scouts (pcai before)
% 6. EMG vs Scouts (pcaa before)
sourceTypesFiles = {'Constr', constrFiles; ...
'Unconstr', unconstrFiles; ...
'PCA flat', pcaFlatFiles; ...
'PCAi flat', pcaiFlatFiles; ...
'PCAa flat', pcaaFlatFiles; ...
'Norm flat', normFlatFiles};
for iType = 1 : size(sourceTypesFiles, 1)
sourceType = ['(', sourceTypesFiles{iType, 1}, ')'];
sourceFiles = sourceTypesFiles{iType, 2};
% 1. EMG vs Sources
% Process: Coherence AxB [2021]
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', ['(sources)', sourceType], ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% 2. EMG vs Scouts (mean before)
% Process: Coherence AxB [2021]
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_scouts', atlasScouts, ...
'flatten', 0, ...
'scouttime', 'before', ... % before
'scoutfunc', 'mean', ... % Mean
'scoutfuncaft', 'mean', ... % Mean
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pca', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'), ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', sourceType, ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% 3. EMG vs Scouts (mean after )
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_scouts', atlasScouts, ...
'flatten', 0, ...
'scouttime', 'after', ... % after
'scoutfunc', 'mean', ... % Mean
'scoutfuncaft', 'mean', ... % Mean
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pca', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'), ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', sourceType, ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% 4. EMG vs Scouts (pca before)
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_scouts', atlasScouts, ...
'flatten', 0, ...
'scouttime', 'before', ... % before
'scoutfunc', 'pca', ... % PCA
'scoutfuncaft', 'mean', ... % Mean
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pca', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'), ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', ['(pca)', sourceType], ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% 5. EMG vs Scouts (pcai before)
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_scouts', atlasScouts, ...
'flatten', 0, ...
'scouttime', 'before', ... % before
'scoutfunc', 'pca', ... % PCA
'scoutfuncaft', 'mean', ... % Mean
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pcai', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'), ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', ['(pcai)', sourceType], ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% 6. EMG vs Scouts (pcaa before)
sTmpFile = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_cohere2_2021', dataFiles, sourceFiles, ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'src_channel', emgChannel, ...
'dest_scouts', atlasScouts, ...
'flatten', 0, ...
'scouttime', 'before', ... % before
'scoutfunc', 'pca', ... % Mean
'scoutfuncaft', 'mean', ... % Mean
'pcaedit', struct(...
'Method', 'pcaa', ...
'Baseline', [], ...
'DataTimeWindow', [], ...
'RemoveDcOffset', 'file'), ...
'removeevoked', 0, ...
'cohmeasure', cohMeasure, ...
'win_length', winLength, ...
'overlap', overlap, ...
'maxfreq', maxFreq, ...
'outputmode', 'avgcoh'); % Average cross-spectra of input files (one output file)
% Process: Add tag
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sTmpFile, [], ...
'tag', ['(pcaa)', sourceType], ...
'output', 1); % Add to file name
% Process: Send report by email
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_report_email', [], [], ...
'username', '', ...
'cc', '', ...
'subject', ['Process completed! Started at: ', startTime], ...
'reportfile', 'current', ...
'full', 1);
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