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Created July 8, 2024 18:13
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[Brainstorm] Plot values per Scout for a given cortical parcellation
% Example of how to plot values on a given surface Atlas in Brainstorm
% Source is created using the 'Default anatomy' with its default cortex
% See:
% Raymundo Cassani, 2024
%% Parameters
atlasName = 'Desikan-Killiany';
scoutPlotNames = {'postcentral L', 'postcentral R', 'precentral L', 'precentral R'};
scoutPlotValues = [-20, -10, 10, 20];
%% Create "source" file to display values for each Scout
% Get default cortex surface for subject
[sSubject, iSubject] = bst_get('NormalizedSubject');
sSurfFile = sSubject.Surface(sSubject.iCortex);
sSurfMat = in_tess_bst(sSurfFile.FileName);
iAtlas = find(ismember({sSurfMat.Atlas.Name}, atlasName));
if isempty(iAtlas)
error('Default surface in "%s" does not contain "%s" atlas', subjectName, atlasName);
sAtlas = sSurfMat.Atlas(iAtlas);
if ~all(ismember(scoutPlotNames, {sAtlas.Scouts.Label}))
error('Atlas "%s" in "%s" does not contain the same scouts as ICC', atlasName, subjectName);
% Create "source" file for plotting Scout values
sSourcePlotMat = db_template('resultsmat');
sSourcePlotMat.SurfaceFile = sSurfFile.FileName;
sSourcePlotMat.ImageGridAmp = nan(size(sSurfMat.Vertices, 1), 1);
sSourcePlotMat.Comment = 'PlotScoutValues';
sSourcePlotMat.Time = [0, 1];
% Set vertices for Scouts to it value
for ix = 1 : length(scoutPlotValues)
iScout = find(ismember({sAtlas.Scouts.Label}, scoutPlotNames(ix)));
sSourcePlotMat.ImageGridAmp(sAtlas.Scouts(iScout).Vertices) = deal(scoutPlotValues(ix));
% Study to save "source" file
[sOutputStudy, iOutputStudy] = bst_get('DefaultStudy', iSubject);
% Output filename
sourcePlotFile = bst_process('GetNewFilename', bst_fileparts(sOutputStudy.FileName), 'results');
% Save file
bst_save(sourcePlotFile, sSourcePlotMat, 'v6');
% Add file to database structure
db_add_data(iOutputStudy, sourcePlotFile, sSourcePlotMat);
% Reload database
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rcassani commented Jul 8, 2024


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