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Created June 14, 2024 15:20
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[Brainstorm] Export frequency bands as CSV files
% Example of how to export individual frequency bands (from a time-frequency file) as CSV files in Brainstorm
% See:
% Raymundo Cassani, 2024
%% Paramters
% Input files
sFiles = {'Subject01/S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch/timefreq_hilbert_240614_1018.mat'};
% Folder to save CSV files
ExportDir = '/home/rcassani/Desktop/';
% Brainstorm frequency bands
FreqBands = bst_get('DefaultFreqBands');
%% Pipeline
% Start a new report
bst_report('Start', sFiles);
for iFile = 1 : length(sFiles)
sBandFiles = [];
for iFreqBand = 1 : size(FreqBands, 1)
% Process: Extract values: [all] 2-4Hz
sFileBand = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_extract_values', sFiles(iFile), [], ...
'timewindow', [], ...
'freqrange', str2num(FreqBands{iFreqBand, 2}), ...
'rows', '', ...
'isabs', 0, ...
'avgtime', 0, ...
'avgrow', 0, ...
'avgfreq', 0, ...
'matchrows', 0, ...
'dim', 1, ... % Concatenate signals (dimension 1)
'Comment', '');
% Process: Add tag: delta
sFileBand = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_add_tag', sFileBand, [], ...
'tag', FreqBands{iFreqBand, 1}, ...
'output', 'name_path'); % Add to file name and file path
% Concatenate band files
sBandFiles = [sBandFiles, sFileBand];
% Process: Export to file: Timefreq
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_export_file', sBandFiles, [], ...
'exporttimefreq', {ExportDir, 'ASCII-CSV-HDR'});
% Process: Delete selected files
bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_delete', sBandFiles, [], ...
'target', 1); % Delete selected files
% Save and display report
ReportFile = bst_report('Save', sFiles);
bst_report('Open', ReportFile);
% bst_report('Export', ReportFile, ExportDir);
% bst_report('Email', ReportFile, username, to, subject, isFullReport);
% Delete temporary files
% gui_brainstorm('EmptyTempFolder');
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