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Created March 24, 2016 12:34
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  • Save rcbop/864c057199ba5ff20069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rcbop/864c057199ba5ff20069 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* features/support/env.rb
SSH_CLIENT= 51880 22
PWD=/Volumes/VMware Shared Folders/test
RBENV_DIR=/Volumes/VMware Shared Folders/test
>> Running on IOS Device
* features/support/01_launch.rb
* features/support/credentials.rb
* features/support/hooks.rb
* features/support/utils/conversion_utils.rb
* features/support/utils/data_file_utils.rb
* features/support/utils/device_utils.rb
* features/support/utils/dialog_utils.rb
* features/support/utils/network_utils.rb
* features/support/utils/page_utils.rb
Failed to load 'json' programming language for file features/data/test_data.json: cannot load such file -- cucumber/json_support/json_language
* features/data/test_data.json [NOT SUPPORTED]
* features/ios/pages/authorize_transaction_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/error_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/fueling_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/home_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/how_to_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/login_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/menu_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/payment_approved_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/pin_code_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/registration_form_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/sign_up_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/store_locator_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/support_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/transaction_details_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/transaction_history_page.rb
* features/ios/pages/welcome_page.rb
* features/step_definitions/authorize_transaction_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/calabash_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/fueling_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/how_to_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/payment_approved_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/pin_code_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/registration_form_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/sign_up_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/store_locator_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/support_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/transaction_history_steps.rb
* features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb
* features/01_initial_experience.feature
* features/02_sign_up.feature
* features/03_buy_fuel.feature
* features/04_support_and_settings.feature
* features/05_login_validations.feature
* features/06_store_locator.feature
Parsing feature files took 0m0.081s
Feature: Initial sign up experience
As a user I want a helpful and simple initial
experience with the app.
Scenario: As a new user I should be able to access the welcome page # features/01_initial_experience.feature:6

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.012627 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000235 seconds
2016-03-23 14:25:51 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:25:52 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-25-50/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:25:52 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 1.508811 seconds
2016-03-23 14:25:58 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.720756 seconds
DEBUG: It took 7.22993 seconds to launch the app
Given I am at the welcome page # features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:1
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Then I check the server status # features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:14
GET /api/config
"data": {
"environment": {
"url": "",
"version": "2.0"
Sending UIA command
uia.tapOffset('{:x 160.05, :y 522.8}')
2016-03-23 14:26:03 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 160.05, :y 522.8}')
2016-03-23 14:26:03 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.tapOffset('{:x 160.05, :y 522.8}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:26:04 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
And I click to proceed to the next screen # features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:7
current page is WelcomePage changing to LoginPage
And I should be taken to the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:88
Feature: Sign up experience
As a user I should be able to create a
new account and login easily to an
existing Acelera account
Scenario: As a new user I should be able to create a new account # features/02_sign_up.feature:7

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 1 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.010328 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 1 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000136 seconds
DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '911'
DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '911' to terminate
DEBUG: Waited for 0.305136 seconds for instruments with pid '911' to terminate
2016-03-23 14:26:07 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:26:09 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-07/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:26:09 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 1.678337 seconds
2016-03-23 14:26:14 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.530708 seconds
DEBUG: It took 7.209357 seconds to launch the app
2016-03-23 14:26:14 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
2016-03-23 14:26:14 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:26:16 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
Given I'm already at the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:16
Sending UIA command
uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Timeout waiting for elements: view marked:'OK, Entendi!' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
./features/support/utils/page_utils.rb:14:in `change_page'
./features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am at the welcome page$/'
./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:30:in `/I'm already at the login screen$/'
features/02_sign_up.feature:8:in `Given I'm already at the login screen'
When I remove current test user from server # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:38
Then I click sign-up # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:81
And I am taken to the sign-up page # features/step_definitions/sign_up_steps.rb:19
And I fill out the sign up form and press continue # features/step_definitions/sign_up_steps.rb:7
And I should be taken to the registration page # features/step_definitions/registration_form_steps.rb:7
And I fill out the registration form and press continue # features/step_definitions/registration_form_steps.rb:15
And I should be taken to the the how to page # features/step_definitions/how_to_steps.rb:1
And I click next three times # features/step_definitions/how_to_steps.rb:9
And I should be taken to the home page # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:28
And I link to the paypal account # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:65
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I logout the application # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:8
Feature: Buy fuel feature
As a valid user I would like to be able
to buy using my paypal account and check
if it was displayed in my transaction history
Scenario: As a valid user I should be able to buy fuel and check my transaction history # features/03_buy_fuel.feature:7

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 2 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.012403 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 2 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000158 seconds
DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '1235'
DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '1235' to terminate
DEBUG: Waited for 1.008246 seconds for instruments with pid '1235' to terminate
2016-03-23 14:26:48 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:26:50 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-26-48/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:26:50 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 2.481753 seconds
2016-03-23 14:26:55 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.729439 seconds
DEBUG: It took 8.211455 seconds to launch the app
2016-03-23 14:26:55 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
2016-03-23 14:26:55 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:26:57 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
Given I'm already at the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:16
Sending UIA command
uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Timeout waiting for elements: view marked:'OK, Entendi!' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
./features/support/utils/page_utils.rb:14:in `change_page'
./features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am at the welcome page$/'
./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:30:in `/I'm already at the login screen$/'
features/03_buy_fuel.feature:8:in `Given I'm already at the login screen'
When I enter my valid credentials # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:73
Then I click to start fueling # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:7
And I enter a valid token # features/step_definitions/pin_code_steps.rb:7
And I should authorize the transaction # features/step_definitions/authorize_transaction_steps.rb:1
And I should be at the fueling page # features/step_definitions/fueling_steps.rb:2
And I want to fill my gas tank with 15 litres and the price per litre is 3.799 # features/step_definitions/fueling_steps.rb:10
And I wait the fuelling to finish expecting it to display the total of 53.98 # features/step_definitions/fueling_steps.rb:23
And I should get to the payment approved page # features/step_definitions/payment_approved_steps.rb:1
And I am at the home page # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:1
And I click transaction history # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:21
And I see my previous transaction of 53.98 # features/step_definitions/transaction_history_steps.rb:1
And I click to see my last transaction details # features/step_definitions/transaction_history_steps.rb:21
And I go back to the transaction history page # features/step_definitions/transaction_history_steps.rb:28
And I go back to the home page # features/step_definitions/transaction_history_steps.rb:14
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I logout the application # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:8
Feature: Support and settings feature
As a already registered user I would like
to be able to reach for support and access
my registration information easily
Scenario: As a user I should be able to access the support screen # features/04_support_and_settings.feature:7

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 3 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.011076 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 3 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000174 seconds
DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '2202'
DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '2202' to terminate
DEBUG: Waited for 0.202051 seconds for instruments with pid '2202' to terminate
2016-03-23 14:27:28 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:27:29 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-27-28/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:27:29 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 1.557087 seconds
2016-03-23 14:27:35 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.72037 seconds
DEBUG: It took 7.277708 seconds to launch the app
2016-03-23 14:27:35 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
2016-03-23 14:27:35 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:27:36 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
Given I'm already at the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:16
Sending UIA command
uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Timeout waiting for elements: view marked:'OK, Entendi!' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
./features/support/utils/page_utils.rb:14:in `change_page'
./features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am at the welcome page$/'
./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:30:in `/I'm already at the login screen$/'
features/04_support_and_settings.feature:8:in `Given I'm already at the login screen'
And I enter my valid credentials # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:73
And I should be taken to the home page # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:28
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I select the support option in the menu # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:1
And I should be taken to the support page # features/step_definitions/support_steps.rb:1
And I should be able to send feedback # features/step_definitions/support_steps.rb:9
And I go back from support to the home page # features/step_definitions/support_steps.rb:16
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I logout the application # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:8
Feature: Valid user login
As a previously registered user I want to be
able to login the application after a clean
installation, and no other person should be
able to login without my password
Scenario: As a valid user I should be able to login # features/05_login_validations.feature:8

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 4 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.010526 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 4 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000193 seconds
DEBUG: Sending 'QUIT' to instruments process '3285'
DEBUG: Waiting for instruments with pid '3285' to terminate
DEBUG: Waited for 0.508436 seconds for instruments with pid '3285' to terminate
2016-03-23 14:28:09 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:28:10 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-09/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:28:10 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 1.793539 seconds
2016-03-23 14:28:16 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.519118 seconds
DEBUG: It took 7.312992 seconds to launch the app
2016-03-23 14:28:17 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
2016-03-23 14:28:17 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:28:18 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
Given I'm already at the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:16
Sending UIA command
uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Timeout waiting for elements: view marked:'OK, Entendi!' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
./features/support/utils/page_utils.rb:14:in `change_page'
./features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am at the welcome page$/'
./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:30:in `/I'm already at the login screen$/'
features/05_login_validations.feature:9:in `Given I'm already at the login screen'
When I enter my valid username with the wrong password # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:58
Then I should be presented with an error message to correct credentials # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:67
And I clear the inputs # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:132
And I enter my valid credentials # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:73
And I should be taken to the home page # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:28
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I logout the application # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:8
Feature: Valid user login
As a logged user I want to be able
to locate the nearest gas station from
my location
Scenario: As a valid user I want to locate the nearest gas station # features/06_store_locator.feature:7

INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 5 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 0 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 0 previous results in 0.011746 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/*
DEBUG: Found 5 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 0 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 0 instruments caches in 0.000217 seconds
2016-03-23 14:28:52 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => "raizen.Acelera",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:bundle_id => "raizen.Acelera",
:device => "raizen.Acelera",
:device_target => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.2>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/trace",
:script => "/Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.2",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/"
EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec App: raizen.Acelera ###
2016-03-23 14:28:53 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w 15086fb3d91e5273596ea30817cd1d2062e461ec -D /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/trace -t Automation raizen.Acelera -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/_run_loop.js >& /Users/testdroid/.run-loop/results/2016-03-23_14-28-52/run_loop.out
2016-03-23 14:28:53 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 1.405596 seconds
2016-03-23 14:28:59 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Launching took 5.43771 seconds
DEBUG: It took 6.843495 seconds to launch the app
2016-03-23 14:29:00 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
2016-03-23 14:29:00 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: Trying write of command 1:uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}') at index 1
2016-03-23 14:29:01 -0700 [RunLoop:debug]: validate index written for index 1 ok
{"status"=>"success", "value"=>true, "index"=>1}
Given I'm already at the login screen # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:16
Sending UIA command
uia.setLocation('{:latitude -8.057324, :longitude -34.869493}')
current page is SplashPage changing to WelcomePage
Timeout waiting for elements: view marked:'OK, Entendi!' (Calabash::Cucumber::WaitHelpers::WaitError)
./features/support/utils/page_utils.rb:14:in `change_page'
./features/step_definitions/welcome_steps.rb:2:in `/^I am at the welcome page$/'
./features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:30:in `/I'm already at the login screen$/'
features/06_store_locator.feature:8:in `Given I'm already at the login screen'
When I enter my valid credentials # features/step_definitions/login_steps.rb:73
Then I should be taken to the home page # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:28
And I click the store locator button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:58
And I should be taken to the store locator page # features/step_definitions/store_locator_steps.rb:1
And I see the nearest store listed # features/step_definitions/store_locator_steps.rb:9
And I go back from the store page to the home page # features/step_definitions/store_locator_steps.rb:15
And I click the menu button # features/step_definitions/home_steps.rb:14
And I logout the application # features/step_definitions/menu_steps.rb:8
Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/02_sign_up.feature:7 # Scenario: As a new user I should be able to create a new account
cucumber features/03_buy_fuel.feature:7 # Scenario: As a valid user I should be able to buy fuel and check my transaction history
cucumber features/04_support_and_settings.feature:7 # Scenario: As a user I should be able to access the support screen
cucumber features/05_login_validations.feature:8 # Scenario: As a valid user I should be able to login
cucumber features/06_store_locator.feature:7 # Scenario: As a valid user I want to locate the nearest gas station
6 scenarios (5 failed, 1 passed)
61 steps (5 failed, 52 skipped, 4 passed)
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