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Created August 15, 2012 06:23
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Save rchampourlier/3357019 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
vagrant@lucid32:/vagrant$ bundle exec guard -d -p -l 10
ERROR: Please add "gem 'ruby_gntp'" to your Gemfile and run Guard with "bundle exec".
DEBUG (08:20:49): Command execution: which notify-send
DEBUG (08:20:49): Command execution: emacsclient --eval '1' 2> /dev/null || echo 'N/A'
Guard could not detect any of the supported notification libraries.
Guard is now watching at '/vagrant'
DEBUG (08:20:49): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:20:49): Hook :start_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running...
DEBUG (08:20:49): Hook :start_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:20:49): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:20:49): Start interactor
> DEBUG (08:21:09): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:21:09): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:09): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_modifications with ["touch-in-guest"]
DEBUG (08:21:09): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_changes with ["touch-in-guest"]
DEBUG (08:21:09): Hook :run_on_change_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running on changes...
DEBUG (08:21:09): Hook :run_on_change_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:21:09): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:09): Start interactor
> DEBUG (08:21:29): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:21:29): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:29): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_modifications with ["touch-from-host"]
DEBUG (08:21:29): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_changes with ["touch-from-host"]
DEBUG (08:21:29): Hook :run_on_change_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running on changes...
DEBUG (08:21:29): Hook :run_on_change_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:21:29): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:29): Start interactor
> DEBUG (08:21:49): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:21:49): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:49): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_modifications with ["touch-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:21:49): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_changes with ["touch-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:21:49): Hook :run_on_change_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running on changes...
DEBUG (08:21:49): Hook :run_on_change_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:21:49): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:49): Start interactor
> DEBUG (08:21:59): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:21:59): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:59): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_modifications with ["edit-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:21:59): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_changes with ["edit-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:21:59): Hook :run_on_change_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running on changes...
DEBUG (08:21:59): Hook :run_on_change_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:21:59): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:21:59): Start interactor
> DEBUG (08:22:09): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:22:09): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:22:09): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_modifications with ["edit-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:22:09): Trying to run Guard::SelfTest#run_on_changes with ["edit-in-sublime-text"]
DEBUG (08:22:09): Hook :run_on_change_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is running on changes...
DEBUG (08:22:09): Hook :run_on_change_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
DEBUG (08:22:09): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:22:09): Start interactor
> exit
> exitDEBUG (08:22:19): Stop interactor
DEBUG (08:22:19): Command execution: hash stty
DEBUG (08:22:19): Hook :stop_begin executed for Guard::SelfTest
guard-self_test is stopped...
DEBUG (08:22:19): Hook :stop_end executed for Guard::SelfTest
Bye bye...
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