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Created August 31, 2012 23:54
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This was the first assignment given to us by McCann, it parses passed arguments to be unique, and ordered from largest to smallest.
| Assignment: Program #1: Short to Long Uniques Argument List
| Author: Roey Chasman (
| Grader: Sam Martin
| Course: 352
| Instructor: L. McCann
| Due Date: 8/30/12 5:00pm
| Description: A program that accepts a variety of command-line arguments,
| removing duplicates, and then outputs the reduced argument
| list on a single line, with the arguments in descending order
| by length, when length is the same, honor the entered order.
| Deficiencies: No deficencies are known to this program.
import java.util.*; // For access to data structures and methods.
public class Prog1c {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Were any passed arguments to this program?
if (args.length > 0) {
// Convert the array of passed arguments to a LinkedList
LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(args));
// Call methods functionally to produce desired output and print it.
System.out.print(stringify(sort(deduplicate(requote(list)))) + '\n');
| Method requote(LinkedList<String> input)
| Purpose: The requote method looks for Strings in the passed
| LinkedList<String> that contain spaces and wraps them with
| quotation marks.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Parameters:
| LinkedList<String> input --
| The input parameter should contain a LinkedList of Strings to
| check if they need to be wrapped in quotes.
| Returns: Returns a LinkedList<String> of the processed contents of
| input.
public static LinkedList<String> requote (LinkedList<String> input) {
// Declare an empty output LinkedList to be pushed to.
LinkedList<String> output = new LinkedList<String>();
// For every String in the passed LinkedList
for(String s : input) {
// Check if it contains any spaces
if (s.contains(" "))
// If so then wrap the value in quotes and push it to output
output.add("\"" + s + "\"");
// If not then just push it unchanged to the output
return output;
| Method deduplicate(LinkedList<String> input)
| Purpose: The deduplicate method strips out the duplicate values of a
| passed LinkedList.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Parameters:
| LinkedList<String> input --
| The input parameter should contain a LinkedList of Strings to
| be deduplicated.
| Returns: Returns a LinkedList<String> of the deduplicated contents of
| input.
public static LinkedList<String> deduplicate (LinkedList<String> input) {
// Converting the LinkedList to a LinkedHashSet removes duplicates
// while preserving order.
LinkedHashSet<String> output = new LinkedHashSet<String>(input);
// On return convert it back into a LinkedList, deduplication is
// preserved
return new LinkedList<String>(output);
| Method sort(LinkedList<String> input)
| Purpose: The sort method sorts the contents of a passed LinkedList
| by String length from higher to lower. In the case of a tie
| the order passed is retained.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Parameters:
| LinkedList<String> input --
| The input parameter should contain a LinkedList of Strings to
| be sorted.
| Returns: Returns a LinkedList<String> of the sorted contents of
| input.
public static LinkedList<String> sort (LinkedList<String> input) {
// Declare an empty output LinkedList to be pushed to.
LinkedList<String> output = new LinkedList<String>();
// Keep iteration going until input is depleted of values.
while(!(input.isEmpty())) {
// Set a comparator as the first value in the LinkedList
String comparator = input.get(0);
// For all the values in the LinkedList compare to see if there any
// that are larger than the comparator, if so then set the
// comparator to this new longest String.
for(String s : input) {
// We don't want to include quotes or hypens in our length
// comparison so we call the ruler method on the Strings to
// measure our Strings before comparing them.
if(ruler(s) > ruler(comparator))
comparator = s;
// When we run out of values that could be larger, we now have our
// longest String which is added to our output LinkedList.
// The longest value is then removed from the input LinkedList so
// that we can find the next largest String later.
return output;
| Method ruler(String input)
| Purpose: The ruler method measures the length of a passed String,
| but compensates for characters that are not to be counted:
| namely quotation marks (") and hyphen marks (-).
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Parameters:
| String input --
| The input parameter should contain a String whose length
| is to be measured.
| Returns: Returns a int representing the formulated length of the
| String input.
public static int ruler (String input) {
// Initialize output as the default clause: the passed length
int output = input.length();
// Empty? Length is 0
if(input == "")
output = 0;
// Is the first char in the String a hyphen?
else if(input.charAt(0) == '-')
// Get the length of the String with no leading hyphens in it.
output = input.replaceAll("^[-]+", "").length();
// Is the first char in the String a quote?
else if (input.charAt(0) == '"')
// Output is the length - 2 to compensate for each quote.
output = input.length() - 2;
// No conditions met? Return default clause set on init.
return output;
| Method stringify(LinkedList<String> input)
| Purpose: The stringify method sets the contents of a passed LinkedList
| to a printable string with spaces in between each value.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Pre-condition: None, this is a static method that does not require or
| change any global variables.
| Parameters:
| LinkedList<String> input --
| The input parameter should contain a LinkedList of Strings to
| be converted into a space seperated string of the contents of
| the LinkedList.
| Returns: Returns a String of the contents of input delimited by
| spaces, leading and trailing spaces are trimmed.
public static String stringify (LinkedList<String> input) {
String output = "";
// For every String in the passed LinkedList append the value and
// a trailing space to the output String.
for(String s : input)
output += (s + " ");
// Return output.trim() removing trailing and leading whitespace
return output.trim();
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This was coded the semester proceeding a summer internship at the iPlant Collaborative where I learned functional paradigms with Clojure. Reviewing the code now makes this seem humorously apparent in the structure of the program.

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