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Created July 8, 2020 18:56
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From Bobby OROZCO to All panelists and other attendees: (11:03 AM)


From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:04 AM)


From Josh Camson to All panelists and other attendees: (11:04 AM)


From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:04 AM)

Mycase will not with ANYONE.

From Brian Reidy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:11 AM)

Birthday email is a great idea!

From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:17 AM)

Can you go back to where in settings the pixel was?

From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:18 AM)

Tracking Settings

From Cheryl Morrison to All panelists and other attendees: (11:19 AM)

That would be great!

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:32 AM)

This is really cool. The fillable PDF stuff. Awesome guys

From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:34 AM)

Yay! One more thing that I can consolidate with LM & stop paying for another vender!

From Willie Peacock to All panelists and other attendees: (11:34 AM)

Any conditional logic for input? (Like "if filing party is the plaintiff, put their name here, if filing party is the defendant, put their name..."

From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:35 AM)


From Cheryl Morrison to All panelists and other attendees: (11:35 AM)


From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:35 AM)


From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:35 AM)


From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:35 AM)


From Bobby OROZCO to All panelists and other attendees: (11:36 AM)


From Jared Lee to All panelists and other attendees: (11:36 AM)

GREAT news!

From Me to All panelists: (11:36 AM)

Jonathan and I built this!

From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:37 AM)

Holy shirt! This is going to save me sooo much time!

From Josh Camson to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)

will it support graphics?

From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)

Will this work with google docs as long as it exports as a docx?

From Cheryl Morrison to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)

I’m so happy for this! Been hoping for this!

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)


From Jared Lee to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)

Thank you!!!

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:38 AM)


From Me to All panelists: (11:39 AM)

Glad you guys like it!

From Ansley Sluss to All panelists and other attendees: (11:39 AM)

[clapping emoticon]

From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:39 AM)

Please, please, please!

From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:40 AM)

Timeline on signatures?

From Michelle to All panelists and other attendees: (11:40 AM)

Is there ever going to be an APP for LM?
Mobile user friendly??

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:41 AM)

For mobile app. Adding contacts and matters and send them a document ie fee agreement. And push to Practice management

From Joshwa Wang to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)


From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)


From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)

hopefully the app will have a way to build a signing kiosk with an ipad.

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)


From Michelle to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)

Mobile App: Add quick notes, update a case value, update Matter name, etc. Just basic things to get the app up would be AWESOME!

From Me to All panelists: (11:42 AM)

We have a migration plan to help you transfer your old hello sign templates to LM signable documents

From Michelle to All panelists and other attendees: (11:42 AM)


From Karen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:43 AM)

It would be great if we could also take notes when consulting with client regarding matter with mobile app.

From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:43 AM)

@Karen - great idea!

From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:43 AM)

Karen - create an attorney consult form with custom fields for the notes you want, and run that. It's super easy and organizes consults so well.
Finish it with pricing info and trigger K and invoice from there.

From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:43 AM)

This is all good stuff!

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Emily to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

Be still my heart!!!

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Emily to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

How soon?

From Laura Thatcher to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

Standing ovation!

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

This is huge....

From Willie Peacock to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

iyggggfghjfg I mean yesssss

From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

2 way text from our firm

From Ansley Sluss to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

with the document templates, really the only thing else we will need is more invoice pushing to keep track of payments (for flat fees divided into payment plans), but only mycase does that

From Joshwa Wang to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Nicole O to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)


From Ansley Sluss to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

no more zipwhip needed!!!

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

Two way text!!!!!

From Jordan Ostroff to All panelists and other attendees: (11:44 AM)

2 way text with our current number or the lawmatics numbers?

From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:45 AM)

What about two way email in the app?

From Dana Green to All panelists and other attendees: (11:45 AM)

OMG….Two way texting!

From Pegeen Turner to All panelists and other attendees: (11:46 AM)

Any extra charges for these features?

From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:46 AM)

Live website chat?

From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:46 AM)

Can you add the notification capability that some websites have so if we aren't active in Lawmatics we will get a chrome nag?

From Taylor Darcy to All panelists and other attendees: (11:47 AM)

Yes, live website chat?? Please?

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:49 AM)


From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:49 AM)

You cannot be kidding!

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:49 AM)


From Willie Peacock to All panelists and other attendees: (11:49 AM)

Will it push back revenue values? TARGET ROAS BABY!

From Kira Fonteneau to All panelists and other attendees: (11:49 AM)

i don't believe it

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:50 AM)


From holly.payne to All panelists and other attendees: (11:50 AM)


From Travis Christiansen to All panelists and other attendees: (11:52 AM)

How do we get a really cool t-shirt like Matt’s?

From Phil Blende to All panelists and other attendees: (11:52 AM)


From Michelle to All panelists and other attendees: (11:53 AM)

I survived LM! or Livin the LM life. << shirts I want! LOL
Thanks for all you guys are doing for making thing better in LM! Good things are coming! :)
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