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Created November 22, 2014 18:57
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Inverting back the inversion of control, or Continuation versus page-centric programming
;; Inverting back the inversion of control, or Continuation versus
;; page-centric programming.
;; Christian Queinnec
;; @Article{Que03a,
;; author = {Christian Queinnec},
;; title = {Inverting back the inversion of control or,
;; continuations versus page-centric programming},
;; journal = {{SIGPLAN} Notices},
;; year = 2003,
;; volume = 38,
;; number = 2,
;; pages = {57--64},
;; url = {},
;; doi = {10.1145/772970.772977}
;; }
#lang racket
(require xml
;; ------------------------------------------------------------- utils
(define INVOKE/NO-CONT #f)
(define (make-INVOKE/NO-CONT)
((call/cc (λ (k^)
(set! INVOKE/NO-CONT (λ (th) (k^ th)))
(λ () 'INVOKE/NO-CONT)))))
(define-syntax (λ^ stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (id ...) e ...)
#'(lambda (id ...) (INVOKE/NO-CONT (lambda () e ...)))]))
;; http-parse-get: input-port -> string [(key,value)]
(define (http-parse-get in)
(define req
(car (regexp-match #rx"^GET (.+) HTTP/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"
(read-line in))))
(define sub1 (cadr (regexp-split "/" (cadr (regexp-split " " req)))))
(define sub
;; Params
[(regexp-try-match "\\?" (open-input-string sub1))
(regexp-split "\\?" sub1)]
;; No params
[(> (string-length sub1) 0)
(list sub1)]
;; No params, no dispatch
(define dispatch (car sub))
(define params
(eq? 2 (length sub))
(foldl (λ (param h)
(let* ([kv (regexp-split "=" param)]
[k (car kv)]
[v (cadr kv)])
(hash-set h k v)))
(regexp-split "&" (cadr sub)))))
(regexp-match #rx"(\r\n|^)\r\n" in)
(values dispatch params))
;; int (input-port output-port -> void) -> shutdown
(define (server port-no handler)
(define main-cust (make-custodian))
(parameterize ([current-custodian main-cust])
(define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
(define (loop)
(accept-and-handle listener handler)
(thread loop))
(lambda ()
(custodian-shutdown-all main-cust)))
(define (accept-and-handle listener handler)
(define cust (make-custodian))
(custodian-limit-memory cust (* 50 1024 1024))
(parameterize ([current-custodian cust])
(define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
(thread (lambda ()
(handler in out)
(close-input-port in)
(close-output-port out))))
;; Watcher thread:
(thread (lambda ()
(sleep 10)
(custodian-shutdown-all cust))))
(define ks^ (make-hash))
(define current-connection #f)
(define suicide
(λ^ ()
(when (output-port? current-connection)
(close-output-port current-connection))))
;; --------------------------------------------------------- templates
(define (read-first-num action)
`(html (head (title "SumServlet I"))
(form ([action ,action] [method "get"])
(tr (td "") (td (input ([type "text"] [name "n1"]))))
(tr (td "+") (td "")))
(input ([type "submit"]))))))
(define (read-second-num n1 action)
(head (title "SumServlet II"))
(form ([action ,action] [method "get"])
(tr (td "") (td ,(number->string n1)))
(tr (td "+") (td (input ([type "text"] [name "n2"])))))
(input ([type "hidden"]
[name "n1"]
[value ,(number->string n1)]))
(input ([type "submit"]))))))
(define (display-result n1 n2)
(head (title "Result"))
(tr (td "") (td ,(number->string n1)))
(tr (td "+") (td ,(number->string n2)))
(tr (td "")
(td ,(number->string (+ n1 n2))))))))
(define (res-page x y)
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" current-connection)
(display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
(display (xexpr->string (display-result x y)) current-connection)
(when (output-port? current-connection)
(close-output-port current-connection)))
;; -------------------------------------------------------------- apps
;; Handler for "Page Centric Style" programming. The handler parses
;; the Get request and extracts the name of the next page and
;; parameters on `in' port. Handler then, generates the template by
;; calling `dispatcher' getting parameters and prints it on `out'
;; port.
;; The Get request should be of the form:
;; http://sky@www:801/template?name=shriram&host=nw
;; {-1} {2} {3} {4}{--5-} {------6-------------}
;; 1 = scheme, 2 = user, 3 = host, 4 = port,
;; 5 = template name, 6 = params
;; handle: input-port output-port -> void
(define (handle in out)
;; In "Page Centric Style" programming, the workflow of the web
;; application is tangled in "pages" (i.e.: templates). To
;; understand the workflow correctly the programmer has to read html
;; links in pages.
;; dispatcher: template-name params -> xexpr
(define (dispatcher template-name params)
(define dispatch-table
(λ (params) (read-first-num "gotN1"))
(λ (params) (let ([n1 (string->number (hash-ref params "n1"))])
(read-second-num n1 "gotN2")))
(λ (params) (let ([n1 (string->number (hash-ref params "n1"))]
[n2 (string->number (hash-ref params "n2"))])
(display-result n1 n2)))))
[(false? template-name)
((hash-ref dispatch-table "init") params)]
((hash-ref dispatch-table
(λ () `(html
(head (title "Error"))
(body (p "Page not found"))))) params)]))
;; Extracts tempalte's name and parameters
(define-values (template-name params) (http-parse-get in))
;; Send reply
(let ([template (dispatcher template-name params)])
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" out)
(display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n" out)
(display (xexpr->string template) out)))
;; Handler for "Countinuations Style" programming. The handler parses
;; the Get request and extracts the continuation and parameters on
;; `in' port. Handler then, calls the continuation with getting
;; parameter.
;; The Get request should be of the form:
;; http://sky@www:801/template?name=shriram&host=nw
;; {-1} {2} {3} {4}{--5-} {------6-------------}
;; 1 = scheme, 2 = user, 3 = host, 4 = port,
;; 5 = continuation id, 6 = params
;; handle^ input-port output-port -> void
(define (handle^ in out)
(set! current-connection out)
(define-values (kurl^ params) (http-parse-get in))
[(false? kurl^)
((hash-ref ks^ "init") params)]
((hash-ref ks^ kurl^) params)]))
;; Assumption on "Continuation Style" is that programmer writes her
;; web application in an imperative style. Thus, the workflow of the
;; web application is clear. Next is an example of what is expected
;; for our web application.
;; (define n1 0)
;; (set! n1 (read-first-number))
;; (res-page n1 (read-second-number n1))
;; Here is an attempt:
((λ ()
(call/cc (λ (init^)
(hash-set! ks^ "init" init^)
(define n1 0)
(set! n1
(let/cc k^
(define kurl^ (symbol->string (gensym)))
(hash-set! ks^ kurl^ k^)
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" current-connection)
(display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
(display (xexpr->string (read-first-num kurl^))
(res-page n1
(let/cc k^
(define kurl^ (symbol->string (gensym)))
(hash-set! ks^ kurl^ k^)
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" current-connection)
(display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
(display (xexpr->string (read-second-num n1 kurl^) )
;; Hopefully, thanks to macros, this code could be made more readable:
(define-syntax (make-web-app stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ e ...)
#'(let ()
(let/cc init^
(hash-set! ks^ "init" init^)
e ...)]))
(define-syntax (show stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ f id ...)
#'(let/cc k^
(let* ([kurl^ (symbol->string (gensym))]
[template (f id ... kurl^)])
(hash-set! ks^ kurl^ k^)
(display "HTTP/1.0 200 Okay\r\n" current-connection)
(display "Server: k\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"
(display (xexpr->string template) current-connection)
(define n1 0)
(set! n1 (string->number (hash-ref (show read-first-num) "n1")))
(res-page n1 (string->number (hash-ref (show read-second-num n1)
;; ------------------------------------------------------------- usage
;; Starts a server on port 8080 with Page Centric Style.
;; (define shut (server 8080 handle))
;; Starts a server on port 8080 with Continuation Style.
;; (define shut (server 8080 handle^))
;; Stop the server.
;; (shut)
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