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Last active March 17, 2023 18:15
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#jarchi Sample to demonstrate how to create a Configuration dialog box for a jArchi .ajs script
* Test of a dialog box in jarchi, SWT style
* @typedef {any} JavaClass
* @typedef {Object<string, function>} JavaObject
"use strict"
if (typeof Java == null) {
* @type {{type: (s: string) => JavaClass, extend: (c: JavaClass) => JavaClass, super: (o: JavaObject) => JavaObject }}
var Java
var shell
/** @type JavaClass */ const SWT = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.SWT')
/** @type JavaClass */ const LabelWidget = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label')
/** @type JavaClass */ const CompositeWidget = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite')
/** @type JavaClass */ const SpinnerWidget = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Spinner')
/** @type JavaClass */ const GroupWidget = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group')
/** @type JavaClass */ const ButtonWidget = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button')
/** @type JavaClass */ const GridData = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData')
/** @type JavaClass */ const GridLayout = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout')
/** @type JavaClass */ const GridDataFactory = Java.type('org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridDataFactory')
/** @type JavaClass */ const GridLayoutFactory = Java.type('org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridLayoutFactory')
/** @type JavaClass */ const RowLayoutFactory = Java.type('org.eclipse.jface.layout.RowLayoutFactory')
/** @type JavaClass */ const RowLayout = Java.type('org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout')
/** @type JavaClass */ const IMessageProvider = Java.type('org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IMessageProvider')
/** @type JavaClass */ const TitleAreaDialog = Java.type("org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog")
const ConfigDialog = Java.extend(TitleAreaDialog)
let cfgDialog = {
* Default values
config: {
strategies: ["#NA"],
strategy: "#NA",
maxDepth: 20,
hSpacing: 60,
vSpacing: 30,
width: 140,
height: 55,
layout: {hFactor: 1, vFactor: 0}
// widgets memorized to get value from before closing
widgets: {},
* Helper to create a widget
* @param {string} name - The widget name
* @param {JavaClass} widgetClass - the Java widget class
* @param {JavaObject} c - The container
* @param {string} label - the label if any for the widget. A Label widget will be created if necessary
* @param {(...a: any) => void} init - a function to finalize initialisation (value, etc )
createWidget: function (name, widgetClass, c, label, init, flags = SWT.BORDER) {
if (label != null) {
let txt = new LabelWidget(c, SWT.NONE)
GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().align(SWT.END, SWT.CENTER).applyTo(txt)
let widget = new widgetClass(c, flags)
if (init != null) init(widget)
// saving in widgets reference array
if (name != null) this.widgets[name] = widget
* as open() will destroy the widgets on close, saving values to config
saveInput: function () {
/** no simpler way to get the selected radio button in a group :-(
* @param {JavaObject} g - a group control
* @returns - the selected radio button text
function getRadioGroupSelectedValue(g) {
for (let r of g.getChildren()) {
if (r.getSelection()) {
return r.getText()
this.config.strategy = getRadioGroupSelectedValue(this.widgets.grpStrategy)
this.config.hSpacing = parseInt(this.widgets.spinHSpacing.getText(), 10)
this.config.vSpacing = parseInt(this.widgets.spinVSpacing.getText(), 10)
this.config.width = parseInt(this.widgets.spinWidth.getText(), 10)
this.config.height = parseInt(this.widgets.spinHeight.getText(), 10)
this.config.maxDepth = parseInt(this.widgets.spinMaxDepth.getText(), 10)
const direction = getRadioGroupSelectedValue(this.widgets.grpDirection)
this.config.layout = {}
this.config.layout.hFactor = ( direction == 'right, then down' ? 1 : (direction == 'left, then down' ? -1 : 0))
this.config.layout.vFactor = ( direction == 'down, then right' ? 1 : (direction == 'up, then right' ? -1 : 0))
open: function() {
return ( == 0) // OK = 0, Cancel = 1, Closed = -1
// NB: Nashorn specific JS syntax! (like java anonymous function)
// also not possible to define anything else than inherited method to override. No new method, no property
dialog: new ConfigDialog(shell) {
create: function () {
cfgDialog.dialog.setTitle("Analysis configuration")
cfgDialog.dialog.setMessage("Please define all parameters necessary for the visual analysis", IMessageProvider.WARNING);
createDialogArea: function (parent) {
var cfg = cfgDialog.config
let area = Java.super(cfgDialog.dialog).createDialogArea(parent)
// the area contains an horizontal sep, and a grid layout
let container = new CompositeWidget(area, SWT.NONE)
GridDataFactory.swtDefaults().align(SWT.FILL, SWT.BEGINNING).applyTo(container)
GridLayoutFactory.swtDefaults().numColumns(3).margins(10,10).spacing(10, 5).applyTo(container)
// strategy section
let group = new GroupWidget(container, SWT.NONE)
GridDataFactory.swtDefaults().span(2,1).grab(true, false).align(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL).applyTo(group)
group.setText('Strategy to use')
group.setLayout(new RowLayout (SWT.VERTICAL))
cfgDialog.widgets.grpStrategy = group
for (let x of cfg.strategies) {
cfgDialog.createWidget(null, ButtonWidget, group, null,
(w) => {
//GridDataFactory.swtDefaults().align(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER).applyTo(w)
// nodes (sizes, spacing) section
group = new GroupWidget(container, SWT.NONE)
GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().align(SWT.END, SWT.BEGINNING).applyTo(group)
let layout = new GridLayout(5, false)
let label = new LabelWidget(group, SWT.NONE)
label.setText('Spacing: ')
cfgDialog.createWidget('spinHSpacing', SpinnerWidget, group, "Horizontal",
(w) => {
w.setValues(cfg.hSpacing, 5, 100, 0, 5, 10)
cfgDialog.createWidget('spinVSpacing', SpinnerWidget, group, "Vertical",
(w) => {
w.setValues(cfg.vSpacing, 5, 100, 0, 5, 10)
label = new LabelWidget(group, SWT.NONE)
label.setText('Size: ')
cfgDialog.createWidget('spinWidth', SpinnerWidget, group, "Width",
(w) => {
w.setValues(cfg.width, 5, 200, 0, 5, 10)
cfgDialog.createWidget('spinHeight', SpinnerWidget, group, "Height",
(w) => {
w.setValues(cfg.height, 5, 100, 0, 5, 10)
// max depth section
cfgDialog.createWidget('spinMaxDepth', SpinnerWidget, container, "Max depth",
(w) => {
w.setValues(cfg.maxDepth, 1, 100, 0, 1, 5)
GridDataFactory.fillDefaults().align(SWT.END, SWT.CENTER).applyTo(w)
// layout direction section
group = new GroupWidget(container, SWT.NONE)
GridDataFactory.swtDefaults().align(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER).applyTo(group)
group.setText('Layout direction')
cfgDialog.widgets.grpDirection = group
for (let x of ['right, then down', 'left, then down']) { //}, 'down, then right', 'up, then right']) {
cfgDialog.createWidget(null, ButtonWidget, group, null,
(w) => {
return area
okPressed: function() {
// Test
cfgDialog.config.strategies = ["Impact", "Root cause", "Root cause with sheets"]
cfgDialog.config.strategy = cfgDialog.config.strategies[0] // default is 1st of line
console.log('origin =>\n', cfgDialog.config)
const OK =
console.log(OK, '=>\n', cfgDialog.config)
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Please note this requires the Nashorn ES6 or GraalVM JS engine to work. Please set your JArchi preference accordingly

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@rchevallier Is it possble to add an example with a text entry field? I guess I need to use org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text, but could not get it working.

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rchevallier commented Mar 17, 2023

@WMHorlings Normally nothing specific with a Text. Just don't forget to declare the type before using it:
const TextWidget = Java.type("org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text")
Not much different than a Label. Use .getText() and .setText() to access the content.

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