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Created December 13, 2021 22:43
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vscode-spell-checker configuration in ST
"clients": {
"spellcheck": {
"enabled": false,
"command": [
"selector": "source.js | source.ts",
"settings": {
// Enable / Disable allowing word compounds. `true` means `arraylength` would be ok, `false`
// means it would not pass.
"cSpell.allowCompoundWords": false,
// Control which file schemas will be checked for spelling (VS Code must be restarted for
// this setting to take effect).
"cSpell.allowedSchemas": [
// The maximum average length of chunks of text without word breaks.
// A chunk is the characters between absolute word breaks.
// Absolute word breaks match: `/[\s,{}[\]]/`
// **Error Message:** _Average Word Size is Too High._
// If you are seeing this message, it means that the file contains mostly long lines
// without many word breaks.
"cSpell.blockCheckingWhenAverageChunkSizeGreatherThan": 80,
// The maximum line length.
// Block spell checking if lines are longer than the value given.
// This is used to prevent spell checking generated files.
// **Error Message:** _Lines are too long._
"cSpell.blockCheckingWhenLineLengthGreaterThan": 10000,
// The maximum length of a chunk of text without word breaks.
// It is used to prevent spell checking of generated files.
// A chunk is the characters between absolute word breaks.
// Absolute word breaks match: `/[\s,{}[\]]/`, i.e. spaces or braces.
// **Error Message:** _Maximum Word Length is Too High._
// If you are seeing this message, it means that the file contains a very long line
// without many word breaks.
"cSpell.blockCheckingWhenTextChunkSizeGreaterThan": 500,
// Determines if words must match case and accent rules.
// - `false` - Case is ignored and accents can be missing on the entire word. Incorrect
// accents or partially missing accents will be marked as incorrect.
// - `true` - Case and accents are enforced.
"cSpell.caseSensitive": false,
// The limit in K-Characters to be checked in a file.
"cSpell.checkLimit": 500,
// Define custom dictionaries to be included by default.
// If `addWords` is `true` words will be added to this dictionary.
// **Example:**
// ```js
// "cSpell.customDictionaries": {
// "project-words": {
// "name": "project-words",
// "path": "${workspaceRoot}/project-words.txt",
// "description": "Words used in this project",
// "addWords": true
// },
// "custom": true, // Enable the `custom` dictionary
// "internal-terms": false // Disable the `internal-terms` dictionary
// }
// ```
"cSpell.customDictionaries": {},
// Define custom dictionaries to be included by default for the folder.
// If `addWords` is `true` words will be added to this dictionary.
"cSpell.customFolderDictionaries": [],
// Define custom dictionaries to be included by default for the user.
// If `addWords` is `true` words will be added to this dictionary.
"cSpell.customUserDictionaries": [],
// Define custom dictionaries to be included by default for the workspace.
// If `addWords` is `true` words will be added to this dictionary.
"cSpell.customWorkspaceDictionaries": [],
// Issues found by the spell checker are marked with a Diagnostic Severity Level. This
// affects the color of squiggle.
// possible values: Error, Warning, Information, Hint
"cSpell.diagnosticLevel": "Information",
// Optional list of dictionaries to use. Each entry should match the name of the dictionary.
// To remove a dictionary from the list add `!` before the name. i.e. `!typescript` will
// turn off the dictionary with the name `typescript`.
"cSpell.dictionaries": [],
// Define additional available dictionaries
"cSpell.dictionaryDefinitions": [],
// Enable / Disable checking file types (languageIds).
// These are in additional to the file types specified by `cSpell.enabledLanguageIds`.
// To disable a language, prefix with `!` as in `!json`,
// Example:
// ```
// jsonc // enable checking for jsonc
// !json // disable checking for json
// kotlin // enable checking for kotlin
// ```
"cSpell.enableFiletypes": [],
// Enable / Disable the spell checker.
"cSpell.enabled": true,
// Specify file types to spell check. Use `cSpell.enableFiletypes` to Enable / Disable
// checking files types.
"cSpell.enabledLanguageIds": [
// Show Regular Expression Explorer
"cSpell.experimental.enableRegexpView": false,
// Glob patterns of files to be checked. Glob patterns are relative to the `globRoot` of the
// configuration file that defines them.
"cSpell.files": [],
// Use Rename when fixing spelling issues.
"cSpell.fixSpellingWithRenameProvider": true,
// list of words to always be considered incorrect.
"cSpell.flagWords": [],
// The root to use for glop patterns found in this configuration. Default: The current
// workspace folder. Use `globRoot` to define a different location. `globRoot` can be
// relative to the location of this configuration file. Defining globRoot, does not impact
// imported configurations.
// Special Values:
// - `${workspaceFolder}` - Default - globs will be relative to the current workspace
// folder\n
// - `${workspaceFolder:<name>}` - Where `<name>` is the name of the workspace folder.
"cSpell.globRoot": "",
// Glob patterns of files to be ignored. The patterns are relative to the `globRoot` of the
// configuration file that defines them.
"cSpell.ignorePaths": [
// List of RegExp patterns or Pattern names to exclude from spell checking.
// Example: ["href"] - to exclude html href
"cSpell.ignoreRegExpList": [],
// A list of words to be ignored by the spell checker.
"cSpell.ignoreWords": [],
// Other settings files to be included
"cSpell.import": [],
// List of RegExp patterns or defined Pattern names to define the text to be included for
// spell checking. If includeRegExpList is defined, ONLY, text matching the included
// patterns will be checked.
"cSpell.includeRegExpList": [],
// Current active spelling language.
// Example: "en-GB" for British English
// Example: "en,nl" to enable both English and Dutch
"cSpell.language": "en",
// Additional settings for individual languages.
"cSpell.languageSettings": [],
// Set the Debug Level for logging messages.
// possible values: None, Error, Warning, Information, Debug
"cSpell.logLevel": "Error",
// The maximum number of times the same word can be flagged as an error in a file.
"cSpell.maxDuplicateProblems": 5,
// Controls the maximum number of spelling errors per document.
"cSpell.maxNumberOfProblems": 100,
// The minimum length of a word before checking it against a dictionary.
"cSpell.minWordLength": 4,
// Prevents searching for local configuration when checking individual documents.
"cSpell.noConfigSearch": false,
// Optional list of dictionaries that will not be used for suggestions. Words in these
// dictionaries are considered correct, but will not be used when making spell correction
// suggestions.
// Note: if a word is suggested by another dictionary, but found in one of these
// dictionaries, it will be removed from the set of possible suggestions.
"cSpell.noSuggestDictionaries": [],
// Controls the number of suggestions shown.
"cSpell.numSuggestions": 8,
// Overrides to apply based upon the file path.
"cSpell.overrides": [],
// Defines a list of patterns that can be used in ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList
"cSpell.patterns": [],
// Show CSpell in-document directives as you type.
"cSpell.showAutocompleteSuggestions": false,
// Show Spell Checker actions in Editor Context Menu
"cSpell.showCommandsInEditorContextMenu": true,
// Display the spell checker status on the status bar.
"cSpell.showStatus": true,
// The side of the status bar to display the spell checker status.
// possible values: Left, Right
"cSpell.showStatusAlignment": "Right",
// Delay in ms after a document has changed before checking it for spelling errors.
"cSpell.spellCheckDelayMs": 50,
// Only spell check files that are in the currently open workspace.
// This same effect can be achieved using the `files` setting.
// ```
// "cSpell.files": ["**", "**​/.*", "**​/.*​/**"]
// ```
"cSpell.spellCheckOnlyWorkspaceFiles": false,
// The type of menu used to display spelling suggestions.
// possible values: quickPick, quickFix
"cSpell.suggestionMenuType": "quickPick",
// The maximum number of changes allowed on a word to be considered a suggestions.
// For example, appending an `s` onto `example` -> `examples` is considered 1 change.
// Range: between 1 and 5.
"cSpell.suggestionNumChanges": 3,
// The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to generate suggestions for a word.
"cSpell.suggestionsTimeout": 400,
// Tells the spell checker to load `.gitignore` files and skip files that match the globs in
// the `.gitignore` files found.
"cSpell.useGitignore": true,
// Packages managers like Yarn 2 use a `.pnp.cjs` file to assist in loading packages stored
// in the repository.
// When true, the spell checker will search up the directory structure for the existence of
// a PnP file and load it.
"cSpell.usePnP": false,
// Words to add to global dictionary -- should only be in the user config file.
"cSpell.userWords": [],
// list of words to be always considered correct
"cSpell.words": [],
// Define the path to the workspace root folder in a multi-root workspace.
// By default it is the first folder.
// This is used to find the `cspell.json` file for the workspace.
// Example: use the `client` folder
// ```
// ${workspaceFolder:client}
// ```
"cSpell.workspaceRootPath": "",
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