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Created July 22, 2010 00:48
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The same visual novel program as before, but in haskell
module Main (main) where
import System (getArgs)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
-- Runs a novel from a file
runNovel :: String -> IO [()]
runNovel filename = readFile filename >>= (mapM runLine)
. (filter (\x -> not (isBlank x)))
. lines
blanks :: [Char]
blanks = " \t\r\n"
isBlank :: String -> Bool
isBlank [] = True
isBlank (x:xs)
| blanks `includes` x = isBlank xs
| otherwise = False
includes :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
includes [] _ = False
includes (x:xs) y
| x == y = True
| otherwise = includes xs y
runLine :: String -> IO ()
runLine [] = return ()
runLine x
| (take 2 x) /= "> " = return ()
| (last x) /= ' ' = runLine $ x ++ [' ']
| otherwise = putStr (strip x) >> hFlush stdout >> getChar >> return ()
where strip = tail . tail
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if (length args) /= 1
then putStrLn usage
else runNovel (args!!0) >> return ()
usage :: String
usage = "Usage: vn [file]"
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