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Last active December 15, 2015 14:28
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Wrapped into a Leaflet Layer
root = @
L.GeoJSON.d3 = L.GeoJSON.extend
initialize: (geojson, options) ->
@geojson = geojson # This needs to be a FeatureCollection
# unlike L.GeoJSON layer, this won't work unless GeoJSON is passed up-front
# Make sure there's an options object
options = options or {}
# set a layerId
options.layerId = options.layerId or "leaflet-d3-layer-#{geojson.features.length}"
options.onEachFeature = (geojson, layer) ->
# Do stuff with each feature. Layer is a Leaflet wrapper around geojson
# Maybe you can style individual features here based on properties?
# Call the GeoJSON initilization function to utilize its perks this, geojson, options
onAdd: (map) ->
# From Leaflet API docs:
# Should contain code that creates DOM elements for the overlay, adds
# them to map panes where they should belong and puts listeners on
# relevant map events. Called on map.addLayer(layer).
# Put an SVG element into Leaflet's .leaflet-overlay-pane
overlayPane =
d3Selector = overlayPane
@_svg = svg = d3Selector.append "svg"
svg.attr "class", "leaflet-d3-layer"
svg.attr "id", @options.layerId
# Put a group element within that
g = svg.append "g"
g.attr "class", "leaflet-zoom-hide leaflet-d3-group"
# Use Leaflet to project from geographic to pixel coordinates
project = (d3pnt) ->
geoPnt = new L.LatLng d3pnt[1], d3pnt[0]
pixelPnt = geoPnt
return [ pixelPnt.x, pixelPnt.y ]
# Create a d3.geo.path (
# doesn't appear to have any data bound to it at this point
path = d3.geo.path().projection project
# Find the bounds of the geojson collection
bounds = d3.geo.bounds @geojson
# Create path elements for each feature using D3's data join (
# path elements are empty, will later be initialized by adding the d attribute
# this seems to create a path element for every feature
paths = g.selectAll "path"
data = @geojson.features
feature = data.enter().append "path"
# Function to define the appropriate size for the svg element
reset = () ->
# Setup a buffer so you don't truncate any symbols
bufferPixels = 15
bottomLeft = project bounds[0]
topRight = project bounds[1]
svg.attr "width", topRight[0] - bottomLeft[0] + 2*bufferPixels
svg.attr "height", bottomLeft[1] - topRight[1] + 2*bufferPixels "margin-left", "#{bottomLeft[0] - bufferPixels}px" "margin-top", "#{topRight[1] - bufferPixels}px"
g.attr "transform", "translate(#{-bottomLeft[0] + bufferPixels},#{-topRight[1] + bufferPixels})"
# Here is where we apparently "initialize the path data by setting the d attribute" (
feature.attr "d", path
# Bind that reset function to a Leaflet map event (resize svg whenever the map is moved) "viewreset", reset
# Then call it to get things started
# Bind the reset function to something in broader scope so it can later be unbound
# from the viewreset event
root["d3ResetFunctionFor#{@options.layerId}"] = reset
# can you say "polute the global namespace"?
# If you want to call the default... this, map
onRemove: (map) ->
# From Leaflet API docs:
# Should contain all clean up code that removes the overlay's elements
# from the DOM and removes listeners previously added in onAdd.
# Called on map.removeLayer(layer).
@_svg.remove() "viewreset", root["d3ResetFunctionFor#{@options.layerId}"]
# If you want to call the default... this, map
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