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Last active November 12, 2022 10:53
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Auto-case Prisma
Unfortunately, `npx prisma db pull` has two shortcomings:
1. It doesn't automatically convert to PascalCase / camelCase and add @map and @@map. Thankfully,
it does leave existing @map/@@map alone.
2. It automatically converts enums back to snake_case, even if they were already PascalCase / camelCase.
This script ameliorates that. It works as a state machine, going over the file line by line.
- It will convert enum names to PascalCase
- It will convert model names to PascalCase and add an @@map
- It will convert field types to camelCase and add a @map
It's not very smart -- if you feed this script an invalid Prisma file, it may produce an invalid Prisma file.
Also, if an @map or @@map already exists, it might re-add it.
import { camelCase, pascalCase } from "change-case";
import fs from "fs";
enum StateName {
Model = "Model",
Enum = "Enum",
Other = "Other",
interface BaseState {
lines: string[];
interface ModelState extends BaseState {
name: StateName.Model;
originalModelName: string;
pascalCaseModelName: string;
interface EnumState extends BaseState {
name: StateName.Enum;
interface OtherState extends BaseState {
name: StateName.Other;
type PrismaSchemaState = ModelState | EnumState | OtherState;
function handleOtherState(state: OtherState, line: string): PrismaSchemaState {
let newState: PrismaSchemaState;
const getName = (line: string) => line.split(" ").filter((i) => i)[1];
function singularizeName(name: string) {
if (name.endsWith("es")) {
return name.slice(0, -2);
} else if (name.endsWith("s")) {
return name.slice(0, -1);
} else {
return name;
if (line.startsWith("model")) {
const originalModelName = getName(line);
newState = {
name: StateName.Model,
lines: state.lines,
originalModelName: originalModelName,
pascalCaseModelName: pascalCase(originalModelName),
} as ModelState;
if (newState.originalModelName === newState.pascalCaseModelName) {
// If it's already pascalcase, we already did this!
} else {
newState.lines.push(`model ${singularizeName(newState.pascalCaseModelName)} {`);
} else if (line.startsWith("enum")) {
newState = {
name: StateName.Enum,
lines: state.lines,
} as EnumState;
const originalEnumName = getName(line);
const pascalCaseName = pascalCase(originalEnumName);
if (pascalCaseName === originalEnumName) {
// If it's already pascalcase, we already did this !
} else {
newState.lines.push(`enum ${pascalCaseName} {`);
} else {
newState = { ...state };
return newState;
function handleModelState(state: ModelState, line: string): PrismaSchemaState {
let newState: PrismaSchemaState;
const lineSplit = line.split(" ");
const [fieldName, fieldType] = lineSplit.filter((i) => i);
if (line.startsWith("}")) {
newState = {
name: StateName.Other,
lines: state.lines,
} as OtherState;
if (state.originalModelName !== state.pascalCaseModelName) {
newState.lines.push(` @@map("${state.originalModelName}")`);
} else if (fieldName && !fieldName.startsWith("@")) {
// If it starts with @, it's a model attribute and not a field
newState = { ...state };
const isRelation = line.includes("@relation");
const camelCaseFieldName = camelCase(fieldName);
if (fieldName !== camelCaseFieldName) {
const fieldNameIndex = lineSplit.findIndex((e) => e === fieldName);
lineSplit[fieldNameIndex] = camelCaseFieldName;
if (!isRelation) {
// We want to parse out "String" from "String[]" and such
const parsedFieldType = /^([a-z0-9_]+)/i.exec(fieldType);
if (!parsedFieldType) {
throw new Error(`Cannot parse fieldType ${fieldType} on line ${line}`);
const actualFieldType = parsedFieldType[1];
if (!actualFieldType) {
throw new Error(`Did not parse fieldType from regex result ${parsedFieldType}`);
const pascalCaseFieldType =
pascalCase(actualFieldType) + fieldType.slice(actualFieldType.length);
if (fieldType !== pascalCaseFieldType) {
const fieldTypeIndex = lineSplit.findIndex((e) => e === fieldType);
lineSplit[fieldTypeIndex] = pascalCaseFieldType;
newState.lines.push(lineSplit.join(" "));
} else {
newState = { ...state };
return newState;
function handleEnumState(state: EnumState, line: string): PrismaSchemaState {
let newState: PrismaSchemaState;
if (line.startsWith("}")) {
newState = {
name: StateName.Other,
} else {
newState = { ...state };
return newState;
function createIdiomaticPrismaSchema(prismaSchema: string) {
let state: PrismaSchemaState = {
name: StateName.Other,
lines: [],
for (const line of prismaSchema.split("\n")) {
if ( === StateName.Model) {
state = handleModelState(state, line);
} else if ( === StateName.Enum) {
state = handleEnumState(state, line);
} else if ( === StateName.Other) {
state = handleOtherState(state, line);
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown state");
return state.lines.join("\n");
async function main() {
const prismaFileName = __dirname + "/prisma/schema.prisma";
const prismaFile = await fs.promises.readFile(prismaFileName, "utf8");
const newFile = createIdiomaticPrismaSchema(prismaFile);
await fs.promises.writeFile(prismaFileName, newFile);
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alexk345 commented Nov 12, 2022

I just happen to see prisma orm in youtube video. Thought it look simple i will test it out. But i am stuck.
I have old database i want to convert into orm based access.

Stuck in camelcase.

error: Type "KBmsBoardAddress" is neither a built-in type, nor refers to another model, custom type, or enum.
--> schema.prisma:23
22 | dateUpdated DateTime? @db.DateTime(0) @Map("date_updated")
23 | kBmsBoardAddress KBmsBoardAddress? @relation(fields: [board_address_id_n], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction, map: "board_address_fk")

They are relational fields that is not in database but created by Prisma. i even put back the original schema line. same issue.

Error is only for all the table ended with "s".

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