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Last active September 26, 2023 14:08
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Testing pre- and post-condition directly in the signature of a function.
#!/usr/bin/env raku
# Implementing the function
# some-function$:\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{N} \to \{1,2,\dots,10\}, (a,b) \mapsto a + b $ where $a \equiv_2 (a+b) \equiv_2 1$
#| applied to the co-domain of &some-function()
subset Allowed-Returns of UInt where * ∈ 1..10;
#|« Pre- und Post-Condition in signature demonstration!
* a ∈ ℤ ∧ a is odd
* b ∈ ℕ ∧ (a + b) is odd
* return value ∈ 1..10
sub some-function(Int $a where * mod 2,
UInt $b where { ($a + $b) mod 2 },
--> Allowed-Returns ) {
$a + $b
dies-ok { some-function(1+i,7) }, "(a=1+i,b=7)-> a ∉ ℤ";
dies-ok { some-function(2,7) }, "(a=2,b=7) -> a not odd";
dies-ok { some-function(3,-2) }, "(a=3,b=-2) -> b ∉ ℕ";
dies-ok { some-function(1,9) }, "(a=1,b=9) -> a+b not odd";
dies-ok { some-function(1,10) }, "(a=1,b=10) -> a+b ∉ 1..10";
nok some-function(1,6) == 9 , "(a=1,b=6) -> all pre- and post-conditions met, result incorrect";
ok some-function(1,8) == 9 , "(a=1,b=8) -> all pre- and post-conditions met, result correct";
# run tests in trailing declarator block quick (and dirty)
use Test; # ok nok is isnt is-approx is-deeply cmp-ok like unlike dies-ok etc. :
use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL; # execute an arbitrary string as Raku/Python/Perl/etc. using EVAL
for &some-function.WHY.trailing.split(";") -> $single-test {
EVAL $single-test
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