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This gist contains the examples for the article "Render Components Elsewhere with react-conduit".
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Inlet, Outlet, ConduitProvider, Registry } from "react-conduit";
// We create a new registry
const registry = new Registry();
// And a custom provider that uses that registry
const MyCustomConduitProvider = ({ children }) => (
<ConduitProvider registry={registry}>
// We define two different Apps. The first app will render stuff in the second app
const App1 = () => (
<Inlet label="conduit1">
This will be rendered in app2
const App2 = () => (
<Outlet label="conduit1" />
// And finally we render each app in the dom
ReactDOM.render(<App1 />, document.getElementById("app1"));
ReactDOM.render(<App2 />, document.getElementById("app2"));
import React from "react";
import { Inlet, Outlet } from "react-conduit";
// The article component accepts a wrapper for the toolbar. By default it's just a div.
const ArticleEditor = ({ article, ToolbarWrapper = div }) => (
<MyAmazingToolbar />
<div className="title">{article.title}</div>
<div className="content">{article.content}</div>
// Now if the parent wants to break the article editor in parts,
// it just needs to pass an Inlet as the wrapper and render an outlet
// where needed.
const ParentComponent = () => {
const article = { id: 1, title: "Just a title", content: "Just the content" };
const ToolbarWrapper = ({ children }) =>
<Inlet label={`article-editor-${}`}>{children}</Inlet>;
return (
<ArticleEditor article={article} ToolbarWrapper={Wrapper} />
<div className="my-toolbar-container">
<Outlet label={`article-editor-${}`} />
import React from "react";
import { Inlet, Outlet, ConduitProvider } from "react-conduit";
// We define the outlet, elements will be rendered here
const ModalLayerOutput = () => (
<Outlet label="modal-layer" />
// Anything rendered inside a ModalLayer will be sent to its output
const ModalLayer = ({ children }) => (
<Inlet label="modal-layer">
// Our over-simplistic modal component
const Modal = ({ visible, children }) => {
if (!visible) {
return null
return (
// This is our application's layout.
const Layout = () => (
<Modal visible>
This is the content!
<div className="my-layers">
<ModalLayerOutput />
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