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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save rcoh/11240791 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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setPoint <- 68;
function updateTemp() {
// Read the ambient temperature
temp <- readTemp();
// If it's below what it should be, turn on the heat.
if (temp < setPoint) {
} else {
// If it's not below, that means it's above. Turn the heat on!
function mainLoop() {
// in 60 seconds, call mainLoop again
imp.wakeup(60, mainLoop);
function readTemp() {
return 60;
// heatControlWire lets us control pin1 of the electric imp.
heatControlWire <- hardware.pin1;
// Configure it so that 1 = 3.3v and 0 = 0v.
function heatOn() {
// debug message so you know what the imp is doing
server.log("heat is on");
function heatOff() {
server.log("heat is off");
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