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Created May 6, 2013 04:53
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[06:23:18] <yazdmich> "just one time, everybody lives"
[06:32:27] <rcombs> so, nearly time
[06:52:40] <yazdmich> did you catch wait i said in main?
[06:53:07] <yazdmich> i feel that 11 is missing a certain aspect of pure, raw, unfiltered emotion that 9 and 10 had
[06:59:47] <etta> 11 is missing rose
[07:00:11] <yazdmich> its not just her
[07:00:24] <yazdmich> david brought passion to doctor who
[07:01:02] <yazdmich> and it wasn't all full of random plot twists
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[08:57:27] <rcombs> yazdmich: yeah, I caught it
[09:08:25] <barometz> .. had not seen the trailer for the christmas special yet
[09:08:50] <barometz> SONTAR HA
[09:10:17] <barometz> A Sontaran with a nice coat and matching tophat would be just about perfect
[10:38:19] <Halt> You know, Amy had to wait 36 years.
[10:38:24] <Halt> Rory waited 2000.
[10:38:32] <Halt> Who should be more mad :/
[10:39:26] <frogg> Amy
[10:39:37] <hexium> Amy.
[10:39:39] <frogg> Because she just would be
[10:39:39] <hexium> because fuck Rory
[10:40:31] <Halt> I dunno, if I was Rory, I'd be pissed because "I waited 2000 years, and you're mad over 36. IM SO DONE."
[10:40:40] <etta> rory didn't age
[10:40:48] <Halt> This is very true.
[10:41:04] <barometz> Rory also had proper people around him to keep him occupied
[10:41:42] <Velociraptors> rory and captain jack would probably have some great conversations at the pub. they should meet.
[10:41:51] <barometz> haha
[10:42:21] <Velociraptors> Jack would potentially have the most to be narky about too. 1900 years or so in a hole underground.
[10:42:49] <etta> "its dark" "it is so not dark, look there are stars" "what stars? there are no stars. you're a madman" "look, I, no, there should be stars" "madman!" "oh, just shut up" (rory shoots guy with his hand)
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[15:46:05] <yazdmich>
[15:47:32] <yazdmich> imagine the slashfics of rory/jack harkness
[15:47:47] <yazdmich> ohhhh myyyyyy
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[21:48:33] <barometz> yazdmich: hell of a long buildup in which Rory tries to stay true to Amy, and two days after he finally gives in to Jack's charms Amy finds out
[21:48:46] <barometz> she's all "well, duh, it's Jack!" and cheerfully joins in
[21:49:12] * barometz should not write slashfics
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