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Created April 10, 2013 21:52
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Parallel-ise an rsync transfer when you want multiple concurrent transfers happening,
set -e
# Usage:
# [--parallel=N] [rsync args...]
# Options:
# --parallel=N Use N parallel processes for transfer. Defaults to 10.
# Notes:
# * Requires GNU Parallel
# * Use with ssh-keys. Lots of password prompts will get very annoying.
# * Does an itemize-changes first, then chunks the resulting file list and launches N parallel
# rsyncs to transfer a chunk each.
# * be a little careful with the options you pass through to rsync. Normal ones will work, you
# might want to test weird options upfront.
if [[ "$1" == --parallel=* ]]; then
echo "Using up to $PARALLEL processes for transfer..."
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" EXIT
echo "Figuring out file list..."
# sorted by size (descending)
rsync $@ --out-format="%l %n" --no-v --dry-run | sort -n -r > $TMPDIR/files.all
# check for nothing-to-do
TOTAL_FILES=$(cat $TMPDIR/files.all | wc -l)
if [ "$TOTAL_FILES" -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Nothing to transfer :)"
exit 0
function array_min {
# return the (index, value) of the minimum element in the array
IC=($(tr ' ' '\n' <<<$@ | cat -n | sort -k2,2nr | tail -n1))
echo $((${IC[0]} - 1)) ${IC[1]}
echo "Calculating chunks..."
# declare chunk-size array
for ((I = 0 ; I < PARALLEL ; I++ )); do
# add each file to the emptiest chunk, so they're as balanced by size as possible
while read FSIZE FPATH; do
MIN=($(array_min ${CHUNKS[@]}))
CHUNKS["${MIN[0]}"]=$((${CHUNKS["${MIN[0]}"]} + $FSIZE))
echo $FPATH >> $TMPDIR/chunk.${MIN[0]}
done < $TMPDIR/files.all
find "$TMPDIR" -type f -name "chunk.*" -printf "\n*** %p ***\n" -exec cat {} \;
echo "Starting transfers..."
find "$TMPDIR" -type f -name "chunk.*" | parallel -j $PARALLEL -t --verbose --progress rsync --files-from={} $@
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reijovosu commented Mar 3, 2020

my for works in Mac and also includes @nathanhaigh revised size function

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@reijovosu please add the other fixes as per above such as @michaelletzgus' spacing issue @t-animal's "$@" quoting fix. Furthermore, please remove hard coded path in your script. Thanks for pulling what you have together thus far!

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akorn commented May 4, 2020

I updated my zsh reimplementation of this script so it should now handle filenames with any funny characters in them. It still starts transferring immediately, without waiting for the full file list to be built first. Comments welcome.

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Amazing work @akorn!

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