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Created June 22, 2013 13:37
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PHP autoloader
if ( ! class_exists( 'DigLabs_Auto_Loader' ) )
class DigLabs_Auto_Loader
private $prefix;
private $base_folder;
private $folders = array();
private $paths_looked = array();
public function __construct( $prefix, $base_folder )
$this->prefix = strtolower( $prefix );
$this->base_folder = $base_folder;
public function register_folder( $search, $folder_name )
$this->folders[ $search ] = $folder_name;
public function resolve( $class_name )
$this->paths_looked = array();
$original_class = $class_name;
$class_name = ltrim( $class_name, '\\' );
$class_name = strtolower( $class_name );
if( strpos( $class_name, $this->prefix ) !== 0)
// Not this plugin's stuff, so exit early. This is important
// as this is a global registration hook and we don't want to
// add this extra logic globally.
$class_name = str_replace( $this->prefix, '', $class_name );
$class_name = str_replace( '_', '-', $class_name );
$folder_name = $this->base_folder;
if ( $lastNsPos = strripos( $class_name, '\\' ) )
$namespace = substr( $class_name, 0, $lastNsPos );
$class_name = substr( $class_name, $lastNsPos + 1 );
$folder_name .= str_replace( '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// Handle special cases.
// Example:
// $this->folders['admin'] = 'admin'
// $class_name = 'admin-setup-help'
// $folder_name = '<root>/admin/'
// $file_name = 'setup-help.php'
foreach( $this->folders as $search => $sub_folder_name )
if( strpos( $class_name, $search ) === 0 )
$folder_name .= $sub_folder_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$file_name = str_replace( $search . '-', '', $class_name ) . '.php';
$path = $folder_name . $file_name;
$this->paths_looked[] = $path;
if( is_readable( $path ) )
// Found our file....exit early.
require_once( $path );
// PSR0
$file_name = str_replace('-', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class_name) . '.php';
$path = $folder_name . $file_name;
$this->paths_looked[] = $path;
if( is_readable( $path ) )
require_once( $path );
// Alternative.
$file_name = $class_name . '.php';
$path = $folder_name . $file_name;
$this->paths_looked[] = $path;
if( is_readable( $path ) )
require_once( $path );
// Throw exception with info on where we looked.
$message = "<br /><br />Autoload Error. Looking for class '$original_class in the following places:<br /><br /><ul><li>";
$message .= implode( "</li><li>", $this->paths_looked );
$message .= "</li></ul><br />";
throw new Exception( $message );
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