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Created December 23, 2015 23:50
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-- MySQL dump 10.15 Distrib 10.0.21-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64)
-- Host: localhost Database: eve_static
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version 10.0.21-MariaDB-log
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;
-- Table structure for table `invTypes`
/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
CREATE TABLE `invTypes` (
`typeID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`groupID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`typeName` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`description` longtext,
`mass` double DEFAULT NULL,
`volume` double DEFAULT NULL,
`capacity` double DEFAULT NULL,
`portionSize` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
`raceID` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`basePrice` decimal(19,4) DEFAULT NULL,
`published` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
`marketGroupID` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`iconID` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`soundID` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `invTypes_groupid` (`groupID`)
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;
-- Dumping data for table `invTypes`
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `invTypes` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `invTypes` VALUES (0,0,'#System','',1,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2,2,'Corporation','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3,3,'Region','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4,4,'Constellation','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(5,5,'Solar System','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(6,6,'Sun G5 (Yellow)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20099),(7,6,'Sun K7 (Orange)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20095),(8,6,'Sun K5 (Red Giant)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20097),(9,6,'Sun B0 (Blue)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20094),(10,6,'Sun F0 (White)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20098),(11,7,'Planet (Temperate)','Life-bearing worlds are often referred to as \"temperate\", as their mild temperatures are one of their defining features. Planets with existing, stable ecosystems are prime targets for colonization efforts as they are generally easier to make fully habitable; as a result, the majority of highly populated worlds are of this type. Indeed, it is not altogether uncommon for detailed surveys to reveal signs of previous settlements from various stages of New Eden\'s history.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10136,20092),(12,7,'Planet (Ice)','The majority of icy planets went through a period of being barren terrestrials, before being surfaced with ice over the course of many millennia. The exact process for this varies from case to case, but the end result is both common and visually uniform - a bright, reflective planet scored by countless fractures and crevasses. A few icy planets are hypothesized to have been warmer, liquid-bearing planets in the past that have subsequently frozen, as a result of either stellar cooling or failed terraforming projects.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10137,20087),(13,7,'Planet (Gas)','Gas planets are characterized by a deep, opaque upper atmosphere, usually composed primarily of light elements such as hydrogen or helium. Simple chemicals can add a range of hues and shades in the visual spectrum, and the interaction between upwellings and rapidly circulating pressure bands result in a huge variety of visible surface structures. A similar level of diversity can be found beneath the cloud-tops: the inner composition of a given gas planet might belong to any one of a dozen broad groups, with no two planets entirely alike in this regard.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10139,20086),(14,8,'Moon','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10141,NULL),(15,9,'Asteroid Belt','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,15,9),(16,10,'Stargate (Caldari System)','',100000000000,10000000,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(17,10,'Stargate (Amarr Constellation)','',100000000000,100000000,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(18,458,'Plagioclase','Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,0.35,0,100,NULL,12800.0000,1,516,230,NULL),(19,461,'Spodumain','Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,16,0,100,4,1149400.0000,1,517,1274,NULL),(20,457,'Kernite','Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,1.2,0,100,NULL,74916.0000,1,523,1270,NULL),(21,454,'Hedbergite','Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,3,0,100,4,337408.0000,1,527,1269,NULL),(22,450,'Arkonor','The rarest and most sought-after ore in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,16,0,100,4,3068504.0000,1,512,1277,NULL),(23,12,'Cargo Container','This cargo container is flimsily constructed and may not survive the rigors of space for more than an hour or so.',10000,27500,27500,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,16,NULL),(24,13,'Ring','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(25,14,'Corpse','',80,2,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,398,NULL),(26,16,'Office Folder','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(27,16,'Office','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(28,16,'Factory Folder','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(29,17,'Credits','',0,0,0,57344,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,21,NULL),(30,19,'Faction','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(34,18,'Tritanium','The main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the universe.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17425>Crimson Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochre</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:18>Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF33FFFF\'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1228>Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17463>Condensed Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17464>Massive Scordite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1230>Veldspar</a>, <a href=showinfo:17470>Concentrated Veldspar</a>, <a href=showinfo:17471>Dense Veldspar</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2.0000,1,1857,22,NULL),(35,18,'Pyerite','A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:21>Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:18>Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF33FFFF\'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1228>Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17463>Condensed Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17464>Massive Scordite</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,8.0000,1,1857,400,NULL),(36,18,'Mexallon','Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFE58000\'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:18>Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,32.0000,1,1857,401,NULL),(37,18,'Isogen','Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochre</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:21>Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,128.0000,1,1857,402,NULL),(38,18,'Nocxium','A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochre</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:21>Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFE58000\'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,512.0000,1,1857,1201,NULL),(39,18,'Zydrine','Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:21>Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFE58000\'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2048.0000,1,1857,404,NULL),(40,18,'Megacyte','An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:\r\n\r\n<color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17425>Crimson Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot</a>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,8192.0000,1,1857,405,NULL),(41,280,'Garbage','Production waste can mean garbage to some but valuable resource material to others.',2500,0.25,0,1,NULL,20.0000,1,20,1179,NULL),(42,280,'Spiced Wine','Luxury goods are always solid commodities for inter-stellar trading. Spiced wine is not the rarest of luxury goods, but it can still be sold at small outposts and bases that don\'t manufacture any themselves.',500,0.5,0,1,NULL,1500.0000,1,492,27,NULL),(43,280,'Antibiotics','Antibiotics are in constant demand everywhere and new, more potent versions, are always made available to counter the increased immunity of bacteria against antibiotics.',5,0.2,0,1,NULL,325.0000,1,492,28,NULL),(44,1034,'Enriched Uranium','Enriched Uranium is used in many kinds of manufacturing and as a fuel, making it a steady trade commodity. Enriched Uranium is generally manufactured by combining standard semiconductor PVD methods with ionic separation by means of mass spectrometry.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,5000.0000,1,1335,29,NULL),(45,281,'Frozen Plant Seeds','Frozen plant seeds are in high demand in many regions, especially on stations orbiting a non-habitable planet.',400,0.5,0,1,NULL,75.0000,1,492,1200,NULL),(49,24,'Player Kill','Kill confirmation',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(50,24,'Company Shares','Shares of a corporation.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,2243,NULL),(51,24,'Bookmark','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1700,NULL),(52,94,'Trading','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(53,95,'Trade Session','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(54,15,'Caldari Logistics Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(56,15,'Gallente Military Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(57,15,'Gallente Station Hub ','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(58,15,'C-O-1','Caldari Outpost 1',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(59,15,'C-O-2','Caldari Outpost 2',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(164,23,'Clone Grade Alpha','',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,34,NULL),(165,23,'Clone Grade Beta','',0,1,0,1,NULL,28000.0000,0,NULL,34,NULL),(166,23,'Clone Grade Gamma','',0,1,0,1,NULL,45500.0000,0,NULL,34,NULL),(178,83,'Carbonized Lead S','Small Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a simple lead slug encased in a hard shell of crystalline carbon. It is fairly cheap and works very well against most armors. Shields, however, are a problem. \r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,200.0000,1,113,1004,NULL),(179,83,'Nuclear S','Small Projectile Ammo. Nuclear weapons are considered by most races to be crude and primitive. However, the Minmatar still favor them over more sophisticated weapons due to the abundance of materials for plutonium production in Minmatar space.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,300.0000,1,113,1288,NULL),(180,83,'Proton S','Small Projectile Ammo. Emits a focused, high intensity proton burst upon impact. Fairly effective vs. both shields and armor.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,400.0000,1,113,1290,NULL),(181,83,'Depleted Uranium S','Small projectile Ammo. Very commonly used by Minmatar pilots, this ammo is incendiary and also has great penetration. Just be careful handling it unless you want to wake up with an extra toe on your forehead. \r\n\r\n20% tracking speed bonus.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,500.0000,1,113,1285,NULL),(182,83,'Titanium Sabot S','Small Projectile Ammo. This is among the most feared ammunition around. It has excellent penetration. Once the ship\'s outer layer is penetrated, the core explodes, spraying the interior with a cloud of fragmentation fletchets that cause considerable damage to the vulnerable interior structure.\r\n\r\n20% increased tracking speed.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,600.0000,1,113,1291,NULL),(183,83,'Fusion S','Small Projectile Ammo. The destructive power of a fusion warhead is superior to most other projectile warheads available, although it has problems penetrating heavy shield systems.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,700.0000,1,113,1287,NULL),(184,83,'Phased Plasma S','Small Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a similar plasma containment core as hybrid charges except that it is mounted in a standard cannon shell.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,800.0000,1,113,1289,NULL),(185,83,'EMP S','Small projectile Ammo. A new technology, this highly advanced ammunition emits a focused EM pulse. Very potent against shields.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,1000.0000,1,113,1286,NULL),(186,83,'Carbonized Lead M','Medium Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a simple lead slug encased in a hard shell of crystalline carbon. It is fairly cheap and works very well against most armors. Shields, however, are a problem.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,800.0000,1,112,1292,NULL),(187,83,'Nuclear M','Medium Projectile Ammo. Nuclear weapons are considered by most races to be crude and primitive. However, the Minmatar still favor them over more sophisticated weapons due to the abundance of materials for plutonium production in Minmatar space.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,1200.0000,1,112,1296,NULL),(188,83,'Proton M','Medium Projectile Ammo. Emits a focused, high intensity proton burst upon impact. Fairly effective vs. both shields and armor.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,1650.0000,1,112,1298,NULL),(189,83,'Depleted Uranium M','Medium Projectile Ammo. Very commonly used by Minmatar pilots, this ammo is incendiary and also has great penetration. Just be careful handling it unless you want to wake up with an extra toe on your forehead.\r\n\r\n20% tracking speed bonus.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,2050.0000,1,112,1293,NULL),(190,83,'Titanium Sabot M','Medium Projectile Ammo. This is among the most feared ammunition around. It has excellent penetration. Once the ship\'s outer layer is penetrated, the core explodes, spraying the interior with a cloud of fragmentation fletchets that cause considerable damage to the vulnerable interior structure.\r\n\r\n20% increased tracking speed.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,2350.0000,1,112,1299,NULL),(191,83,'Fusion M','Medium Projectile Ammo. The destructive power of a fusion warhead is superior to most other projectile warheads available, although it has problems penetrating heavy shield systems.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,2750.0000,1,112,1295,NULL),(192,83,'Phased Plasma M','Medium Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a similar plasma containment core as hybrid charges except that it is mounted in a standard cannon shell.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,3250.0000,1,112,1297,NULL),(193,83,'EMP M','Medium Projectile Ammo. A new technology, this highly advanced ammunition emits a focused EM pulse. Very potent against shields.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.0125,0,100,NULL,4000.0000,1,112,1294,NULL),(194,83,'Carbonized Lead L','Large Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a simple lead slug encased in a hard shell of crystalline carbon. It is fairly cheap and works very well against most armors. Shields, however, are a problem.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,2000.0000,1,109,1300,NULL),(195,83,'Nuclear L','Large Projectile Ammo. Nuclear weapons are considered by most races to be crude and primitive. However, the Minmatar still favor them over more sophisticated weapons due to the abundance of materials for plutonium production in Minmatar space.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,3000.0000,1,109,1304,NULL),(196,83,'Proton L','Large Projectile Ammo. Emits a focused, high intensity proton burst upon impact. Fairly effective vs. both shields and armor.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n5% increased tracking speed.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,4000.0000,1,109,1306,NULL),(197,83,'Depleted Uranium L','Large Projectile Ammo. Very commonly used by Minmatar pilots, this ammo is incendiary and also has great penetration. Just be careful handling it unless you want to wake up with an extra toe on your forehead.\r\n\r\n20% tracking speed bonus.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,5000.0000,1,109,1301,NULL),(198,83,'Titanium Sabot L','Large Projectile Ammo. This is among the most feared ammunition around. It has excellent penetration. Once the ship\'s outer layer is penetrated, the core explodes, spraying the interior with a cloud of fragmentation fletchets that cause considerable damage to the vulnerable interior structure.\r\n\r\n20% increased tracking speed.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,6000.0000,1,109,1307,NULL),(199,83,'Fusion L','Large Projectile Ammo. The destructive power of a fusion warhead is superior to most other projectile warheads available, although it has problems penetrating heavy shield systems.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,7000.0000,1,109,1303,NULL),(200,83,'Phased Plasma L','Large Projectile Ammo. This ammo uses a similar plasma containment core as hybrid charges except that it is mounted in a standard cannon shell.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,8000.0000,1,109,1305,NULL),(201,83,'EMP L','Large Projectile Ammo. A new technology, this highly advanced ammunition emits a focused EM pulse. Very potent against shields.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,0.025,0,100,NULL,10000.0000,1,109,1302,NULL),(202,386,'Mjolnir Cruise Missile','The mother of all missiles, the Mjolnir cruise missile delivers a tremendous payload, guaranteed to get its victims acquainted with their personal god in a quick, but painful manner.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,15000.0000,1,921,182,NULL),(203,386,'Scourge Cruise Missile','The first Minmatar-made large missile. Constructed of reactionary alloys, the Scourge cruise missile is built to get to the target. Guidance and propulsion systems are of Gallente origin and were initially used in drones, making this a nimble projectile despite its heavy payload.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,10000.0000,1,921,183,NULL),(204,386,'Inferno Cruise Missile','An Amarr creation with powerful capabilities, the Inferno cruise missile was for a long time confined solely to the Amarr armed forces, but exports began some years ago and the missile is now found throughout the universe.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,12500.0000,1,921,184,NULL),(205,386,'Nova Cruise Missile','A very basic missile for large launchers with reasonable payload. Utilizes the now substandard technology of bulls-eye guidance systems.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,7500.0000,1,921,185,NULL),(206,385,'Nova Heavy Missile','The be-all and end-all of medium-sized missiles, the Nova heavy missile is a must for those who want a guaranteed kill no matter the cost.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,2000.0000,1,924,186,NULL),(207,385,'Mjolnir Heavy Missile','First introduced by the armaments lab of the Wiyrkomi Corporation, the Mjolnir heavy missile is a solid investment with a large payload and steady performance.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,3500.0000,1,924,187,NULL),(208,385,'Inferno Heavy Missile','Originally designed as a \'finisher\' - the killing blow to a crippled ship - the Inferno heavy missile has since gone through various technological upgrades. The latest version has a lighter payload than the original, but much improved guidance systems.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,3000.0000,1,924,188,NULL),(209,385,'Scourge Heavy Missile','The Scourge heavy missile is an old relic from the Caldari-Gallente War that is still in widespread use because of its low price and versatility.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,2500.0000,1,924,189,NULL),(210,384,'Scourge Light Missile','From its humble beginnings in tiny Minmatar design labs, the Scourge light missile has quickly established itself throughout the star cluster as a premier missile for light launchers.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,500.0000,1,920,190,NULL),(211,384,'Inferno Light Missile','The explosion the Inferno light missile creates upon impact is stunning enough for any display of fireworks - just ten times more deadly.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,624.0000,1,920,191,NULL),(212,384,'Mjolnir Light Missile','An advanced missile with a volatile payload of magnetized plasma, the Mjolnir light missile is specifically engineered to take down shield systems.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,750.0000,1,920,192,NULL),(213,384,'Nova Light Missile','The Nova light missile is a tiny nuclear projectile based on a classic Minmatar design that has been in use since the early days of the Minmatar Resistance.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,370.0000,1,920,193,NULL),(215,85,'Iron Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iron atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n30% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,200.0000,1,107,1311,NULL),(216,85,'Tungsten Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of tungsten atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n27% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,300.0000,1,107,1315,NULL),(217,85,'Iridium Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iridium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n24% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,400.0000,1,107,1310,NULL),(218,85,'Lead Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of lead atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,500.0000,1,107,1312,NULL),(219,85,'Thorium Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of thorium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n40% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,600.0000,1,107,1314,NULL),(220,85,'Uranium Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of uranium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n8% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,700.0000,1,107,1316,NULL),(221,85,'Plutonium Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of plutonium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n5% reduced capacitor need.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,800.0000,1,107,1313,NULL),(222,85,'Antimatter Charge S','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of antimatter atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.01,0.0025,0,100,NULL,1000.0000,1,107,1047,NULL),(223,85,'Iron Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iron atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n30% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,800.0000,1,108,1319,NULL),(224,85,'Tungsten Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of tungsten atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n27% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,1100.0000,1,108,1323,NULL),(225,85,'Iridium Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iridium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n24% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,1500.0000,1,108,1318,NULL),(226,85,'Lead Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of lead atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,1750.0000,1,108,1320,NULL),(227,85,'Thorium Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of thorium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n40% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,2250.0000,1,108,1322,NULL),(228,85,'Uranium Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of uranium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n8% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,2750.0000,1,108,1324,NULL),(229,85,'Plutonium Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of plutonium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n5% reduced capacitor need.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,3250.0000,1,108,1321,NULL),(230,85,'Antimatter Charge M','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of antimatter atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.05,0.0125,0,100,NULL,4000.0000,1,108,1317,NULL),(231,85,'Iron Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iron atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n30% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,2000.0000,1,106,1327,NULL),(232,85,'Tungsten Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of tungsten atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n27% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,3000.0000,1,106,1331,NULL),(233,85,'Iridium Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of iridium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n24% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,4000.0000,1,106,1326,NULL),(234,85,'Lead Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of lead atoms suspended in a plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,5000.0000,1,106,1328,NULL),(235,85,'Thorium Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of thorium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n40% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,6000.0000,1,106,1330,NULL),(236,85,'Uranium Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of uranium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n8% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,7000.0000,1,106,1332,NULL),(237,85,'Plutonium Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of plutonium atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n5% reduced capacitor need.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,8000.0000,1,106,1329,NULL),(238,85,'Antimatter Charge L','Consists of two components: a shell of titanium and a core of antimatter atoms suspended in plasma state. Railguns launch the shell directly, while particle blasters pump the plasma into a cyclotron and process the plasma into a bolt that is then fired.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',0.1,0.025,0,100,NULL,10000.0000,1,106,1325,NULL),(239,86,'Radio S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the radio frequencies. Offers greatly improved range but significantly lower damage.\r\n\r\nWith longer range, EM damage increases although the overall damage output is decreased.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1145,NULL),(240,86,'Microwave S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the microwave frequencies. Improved range. Increased EM damage.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1143,NULL),(241,86,'Infrared S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the infrared frequencies. Slightly improved range. Slightly increased EM damage.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1144,NULL),(242,86,'Standard S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the visible light spectrum. \r\n\r\n45% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1142,NULL),(243,86,'Ultraviolet S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the ultraviolet frequencies. Slightly reduced range. Slightly increased thermal damage.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1141,NULL),(244,86,'Xray S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the xray frequencies. Reduced range. Increased thermal damage.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1140,NULL),(245,86,'Gamma S','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the gamma frequencies. Greatly reduced range. Greatly increased thermal damage.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1139,NULL),(246,86,'Multifrequency S','Randomly cycles the laser through the entire spectrum. The greatly increased damage comes at the cost of a significant reduction in range.\r\n\r\nWith shorter range, Thermal damage increases and the overall damage output is increased.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,102,1131,NULL),(247,86,'Radio M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the radio frequencies. Offers greatly improved range but significantly lower damage.\r\n\r\nWith longer range, EM damage increases although the overall damage output is decreased.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1145,NULL),(248,86,'Microwave M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the microwave frequencies. Improved range.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1143,NULL),(249,86,'Infrared M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the infrared frequencies. Slightly improved range.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1144,NULL),(250,86,'Standard M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the visible light spectrum.\r\n\r\n45% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1142,NULL),(251,86,'Ultraviolet M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the ultraviolet frequencies. Slightly reduced range. Slightly increased damage.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1141,NULL),(252,86,'Xray M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the xray frequencies. Reduced range. Increased damage.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1140,NULL),(253,86,'Gamma M','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the gamma frequencies. Greatly reduced range. Greatly increased damage.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1139,NULL),(254,86,'Multifrequency M','Randomly cycles the laser through the entire spectrum. The greatly increased damage comes at the cost of a significant reduction in range.\r\n\r\nWith shorter range, Thermal damage increases and the overall damage output is increased.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,103,1131,NULL),(255,86,'Radio L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the radio frequencies. Offers greatly improved range but significantly lower damage.\r\n\r\nWith longer range, EM damage increases although the overall damage output is decreased.\r\n\r\n60% increased optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1145,NULL),(256,86,'Microwave L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the microwave frequencies. Improved range.\r\n\r\n40% increased optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1143,NULL),(257,86,'Infrared L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the infrared frequencies. Slightly improved range.\r\n\r\n20% increased optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1144,NULL),(258,86,'Standard L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the visible light spectrum. \r\n\r\n45% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1142,NULL),(259,86,'Ultraviolet L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the ultraviolet frequencies. Slightly reduced range. Slightly increased damage.\r\n\r\n12.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n35% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1141,NULL),(260,86,'Xray L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the xray frequencies. Reduced range. Increased damage.\r\n\r\n25% reduced optimal range.\r\n25% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1140,NULL),(261,86,'Gamma L','Modulates the beam of a laser weapon into the gamma frequencies. Greatly reduced range. Greatly increased damage.\r\n\r\n37.5% reduced optimal range.\r\n15% reduced capacitor need.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1139,NULL),(262,86,'Multifrequency L','Randomly cycles the laser through the entire spectrum. The greatly increased damage comes at the cost of a significant reduction in range.\r\n\r\nWith shorter range, Thermal damage increases and the overall damage output is increased.\r\n\r\n50% reduced optimal range.',1,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,105,1131,NULL),(263,87,'Cap Booster 25','Provides a quick injection of power into your capacitor. Good for tight situations!',2.5,1,100,10,NULL,1000.0000,1,139,1033,NULL),(264,87,'Cap Booster 50','Provides a quick injection of power into your capacitor. Good for tight situations!',5,2,100,10,NULL,2500.0000,1,139,1033,NULL),(265,1158,'Heavy Defender Missile I','Defensive missile used to destroy incoming missiles.\r\n\r\nNote: This missile fits into heavy missile launchers.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,NULL,1,116,187,NULL),(266,387,'Scourge Rocket','A small rocket with a piercing warhead.',100,0.005,0,100,NULL,240.0000,1,922,1350,NULL),(267,89,'Scourge Torpedo','An ultra-heavy piercing missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.',1500,0.05,0,100,NULL,30000.0000,1,923,1346,NULL),(269,394,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Light Missile I','An Amarr light missile with an EMP warhead and automatic guidance system.',700,0.015,0,100,4,750.0000,1,914,1336,NULL),(270,92,'Python Mine','Standard mine with nuclear payload.',1,0.15,0,10,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(377,38,'Small Shield Extender I','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,605,1044,NULL),(380,38,'Small Shield Extender II','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,605,1044,NULL),(393,39,'Shield Recharger I','Improves the recharge rate of the shield.',0,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,126,83,NULL),(394,39,'Shield Recharger II','Improves the recharge rate of the shield.',0,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,126,83,NULL),(399,40,'Small Shield Booster I','Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,609,84,NULL),(400,40,'Small Shield Booster II','Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,609,84,NULL),(405,41,'Micro\' Remote Shield Booster','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,2.5,0,1,NULL,1998.0000,1,603,86,NULL),(406,41,'Micro Remote Shield Booster II','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,2.5,0,1,NULL,35736.0000,0,604,86,NULL),(421,43,'\'Basic\' Capacitor Recharger','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,665,90,NULL),(434,46,'5MN Microwarpdrive I','Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship\'s EM footprint.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Max capacitor reduced.\r\n\r\nNote: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers',0,10,0,1,4,31636.0000,1,131,10149,NULL),(438,46,'1MN Afterburner II','Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module.\r\n\r\nNote: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers',0,5,0,1,4,40566.0000,1,542,96,NULL),(439,46,'1MN Afterburner I','Gives a boost to the maximum velocity of the ship when activated. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module.\r\n\r\nNote: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers',0,5,0,1,4,6450.0000,1,542,96,NULL),(440,46,'5MN Microwarpdrive II','Massive boost to speed for a very short time. The thrust that boosts the ship, and the corresponding maximum velocity bonus, are limited by the mass of the ship that uses this module. The sheer amount of energy needed to power this system means that it must permanently reserve a fraction of the capacitor output just to maintain the integrity of its warp containment field, and when activated it substantially increases the ship\'s EM footprint.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Max capacitor reduced.\r\n\r\nNote: Usually fit on Frigates and Destroyers',0,10,0,1,4,134084.0000,1,131,10149,NULL),(442,47,'Cargo Scanner I','Scans the cargo hold of another ship.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,711,106,NULL),(443,48,'Ship Scanner I','Scans the target ship and provides a tactical analysis of its capabilities. The further it goes beyond scan range, the more inaccurate its results will be.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,713,107,NULL),(444,49,'Survey Scanner I','Scans the composition of asteroids, ice and gas clouds.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,714,2732,NULL),(447,52,'Warp Scrambler I','Disrupts the target ship\'s navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1936,3433,NULL),(448,52,'Warp Scrambler II','Disrupts the target ship\'s navigation computer, disabling warping, jumping, microwarpdrives and micro jump drives.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1936,3433,NULL),(450,53,'Gatling Pulse Laser I','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(451,53,'Dual Light Pulse Laser I','This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(452,53,'Dual Light Beam Laser I','This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,567,352,NULL),(453,53,'Small Focused Pulse Laser I','A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(454,53,'Small Focused Beam Laser I','A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,567,352,NULL),(455,53,'Quad Light Beam Laser I','Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(456,53,'Focused Medium Pulse Laser I','A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,572,356,NULL),(457,53,'Focused Medium Beam Laser I','A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(458,53,'Heavy Pulse Laser I','A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',1000,25,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,572,356,NULL),(459,53,'Heavy Beam Laser I','A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',1000,25,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(460,53,'Dual Heavy Pulse Laser I','This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,573,360,NULL),(461,53,'Dual Heavy Beam Laser I','This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(462,53,'Mega Pulse Laser I','A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,573,360,NULL),(463,53,'Mega Beam Laser I','A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(464,53,'Tachyon Beam Laser I','An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(482,54,'Miner II','Has an improved technology beam, making the extraction process more efficient. Useful for extracting all but the rarest ore.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1039,1061,NULL),(483,54,'Miner I','Basic mining laser. Extracts common ore quickly, but has difficulty with the more rare types.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1039,1061,NULL),(484,55,'125mm Gatling AutoCannon I','This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,2000.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(485,55,'150mm Light AutoCannon I','A simple but effective close combat autocannon. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',500,5,0.4,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(486,55,'200mm AutoCannon I','A powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',500,5,0.3,1,NULL,9000.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(487,55,'250mm Light Artillery Cannon I','This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',500,5,0.1,1,NULL,12000.0000,1,577,389,NULL),(488,55,'280mm Howitzer Artillery I','Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',500,5,0.05,1,NULL,15000.0000,1,577,389,NULL),(489,55,'Dual 180mm AutoCannon I','This dual 180mm autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',12.5,10,2.5,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(490,55,'220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I','The 220mm multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',1000,10,2,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(491,55,'425mm AutoCannon I','The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',1000,10,1.5,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(492,55,'650mm Artillery Cannon I','A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',125,25,0.5,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,578,384,NULL),(493,55,'720mm Howitzer Artillery I','This 720mm rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',50,25,0.25,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,578,384,NULL),(494,55,'Dual 425mm AutoCannon I','Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',200,20,5,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(495,55,'Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon I','Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',2000,50,4,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(496,55,'800mm Repeating Cannon I','A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',75,25,3,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(497,55,'1200mm Artillery Cannon I','One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,1200000.0000,1,579,379,NULL),(498,55,'1400mm Howitzer Artillery I','The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',2000,50,0.5,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,579,379,NULL),(499,509,'Light Missile Launcher I','Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.\r\n',0,5,0.6,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,640,168,NULL),(501,510,'Heavy Missile Launcher I','Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.',0,10,0.9,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,642,169,NULL),(503,508,'Torpedo Launcher I','A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.',0,20,1.5,1,NULL,99996.0000,1,644,170,NULL),(506,767,'\'Basic\' Capacitor Power Relay','Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,667,90,NULL),(508,770,'\'Basic\' Shield Flux Coil','Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,687,83,NULL),(509,768,'\'Basic\' Capacitor Flux Coil','Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage. ',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,666,90,NULL),(518,59,'Basic Gyrostabilizer','Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,646,1046,NULL),(519,59,'Gyrostabilizer II','Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,646,1046,NULL),(520,59,'Gyrostabilizer I','Gives a bonus to the speed and damage of projectile turrets. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,646,1046,NULL),(521,60,'Basic Damage Control','Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to prevent critical system damage. \r\n\r\nGrants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull.\r\n\r\nOnly one Damage Control can be activated at a given time.',5000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,615,77,NULL),(522,61,'Micro Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(523,62,'Small Armor Repairer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(524,63,'Small Hull Repairer I','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,12.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1053,21378,NULL),(526,65,'Stasis Webifier I','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(527,65,'Stasis Webifier II','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(529,67,'Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter I','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',1000,25,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(530,68,'Small Energy Nosferatu I','Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own.\r\n\r\nNote: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target\'s capacitor below your own capacitor level.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,692,1029,NULL),(533,71,'Small Energy Neutralizer I','Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship\'s capacitor.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,689,1283,NULL),(561,74,'75mm Gatling Rail I','A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,2000.0000,1,564,349,NULL),(562,74,'Light Electron Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(563,74,'Light Ion Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',500,5,0.3,1,NULL,9000.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(564,74,'Light Neutron Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',500,5,0.2,1,NULL,12000.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(565,74,'150mm Railgun I','This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',500,5,0.1,1,NULL,15000.0000,1,564,349,NULL),(566,74,'Heavy Electron Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,10,2.5,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(567,74,'Dual 150mm Railgun I','This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',1000,10,2,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,565,370,NULL),(568,74,'Heavy Neutron Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',1000,25,1,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(569,74,'Heavy Ion Blaster I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',1000,10,1.5,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(570,74,'250mm Railgun I','Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',1000,25,0.5,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,565,370,NULL),(571,74,'Electron Blaster Cannon I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,50,5,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(572,74,'Dual 250mm Railgun I','This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,20,4,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,566,366,NULL),(573,74,'Neutron Blaster Cannon I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,50,2,1,NULL,1200000.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(574,74,'425mm Railgun I','This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,50,1,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,566,366,NULL),(575,74,'Ion Blaster Cannon I','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',2000,50,3,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(577,76,'Medium Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,32,1,NULL,28124.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(578,77,'Adaptive Invulnerability Field I','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,20,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(580,80,'ECM Burst I','Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range.\r\n\r\nGiven the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, only battleship-class vessels can use this module to its fullest extent. \r\n\r\nNote: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time.',5000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,678,109,NULL),(581,82,'Passive Targeter I','Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.',2000,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,672,104,NULL),(582,25,'Bantam','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Caldari State, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Bantam.\r\n\r\nThe Bantam, a strong and sturdy craft, was originally an extremely effective mining frigate. After its redesign, the Bantam\'s large structure had to give way for logistics systems that ate up some of its interior room but allowed it to focus extensively on shield support for fellow vessels.',1480000,20000,270,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(583,25,'Condor','The Condor is fast and agile. It has limited cargo space so it\'s not very suitable for trading or mining. It is best used as an assault vessel in a hit-and-run type of operations.',1100000,18000,130,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(584,25,'Griffin','The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.',1056000,19400,260,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(585,25,'Slasher','The Slasher is cheap, but versatile. It\'s been manufactured en masse, making it one of the most common vessels in Minmatar space. The Slasher is extremely fast, with decent armaments, and is popular amongst budding pirates and smugglers.',1075000,17400,120,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(586,25,'Probe','The Probe is large compared to most Minmatar frigates and is considered a good scout and cargo-runner. Uncharacteristically for a Minmatar ship, its hard outer coating makes it difficult to destroy, while the limited weapon hardpoints force it to rely on drone assistance if engaged in combat.',1123000,19500,400,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(587,25,'Rifter','The Rifter is a very powerful combat frigate and can easily tackle the best frigates out there. It has gone through many radical design phases since its inauguration during the Minmatar Rebellion. The Rifter has a wide variety of offensive capabilities, making it an unpredictable and deadly adversary.',1067000,27289,140,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(588,237,'Reaper','The Reaper-class is one of the smallest of the Minmatar vessels, just barely reaching rookie ship status instead of a manned fighter. The Reaper is very cheap and is used en masse in daring hit-and-run operations by Minmatars either side of the law.',1157000,15800,120,1,2,NULL,1,1819,NULL,20078),(589,25,'Executioner','The Executioner is another newly commissioned ship of the Amarr Imperial Navy. The Executioner was designed specially to counter the small, fast raider frigates of the Minmatar Republic; thus it is different from most Amarr ships in favoring speed over defenses. With the Executioner, the Amarrians have expanded their tactical capabilities on the battlefield.',1090000,28100,115,1,4,NULL,1,72,NULL,20063),(590,25,'Inquisitor','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Amarr Empire, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Inquisitor.\r\n\r\nThe Inquisitor was originally an example of how the Amarr Imperial Navy modeled their design to counter specific tactics employed by the other empires. After its redesign, it was exclusively devoted to the role of a support frigate, and its formerly renowned missile capabilities gave way to a focus on remote armor repair.\r\n',1630000,28700,250,1,4,NULL,1,72,NULL,20063),(591,25,'Tormentor','The Tormentor has been in service for many decades. For most of that time it saw service as a mining ship, its size barring it from making any kind of impact on the battlefield. As with most Amarr ships, however, its strong defenses always made it a tough opponent to crack, and with recent advances in turret capacitor use and damage output, its lasers have now stopped digging into dead ore and are instead focused on boring through the hulls of hapless vessels in combat.',1080000,24398,130,1,4,NULL,1,72,NULL,20063),(592,25,'Navitas','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Gallente Federation, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Navitas.\r\n\r\nThe Navitas had been a solid mining vessel that had seen wide use by independent excavators, along with being one of the best ships available for budding traders and even for much-maligned scavengers. After its redesign, its long-range scanners and sturdy outer shell gave way entirely for remote repairing capabilities, moving the Navitas away from the calming buzz of mining lasers and into the roar of battle.',1450000,10000,280,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(593,25,'Tristan','Often nicknamed The Fat Man this nimble little frigate is mainly used by the Federation in escort duties or on short-range patrols. The Tristan has been very popular throughout Gallente space for years because of its versatility. It is rather expensive, but buyers will definitely get their money\'s worth, as the Tristan is one of the more powerful frigates available on the market.',956000,26500,140,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(594,25,'Incursus','The Incursus may be found both spearheading and bulwarking Gallente military operations. Its speed makes it excellent for skirmishing duties, while its resilience helps it outlast its opponents on the battlefield. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance. ',1028000,29500,165,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(595,25,'Gallente Police Ship','The standard police vessel of the Gallente Federation. Renowned for its high quality equipment and loadout.',2040000,20400,200,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20074),(596,237,'Impairor','The Impairor-class rookie ship has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common spacevessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport. ',1148000,28100,115,1,4,NULL,1,1816,NULL,20063),(597,25,'Punisher','The Punisher is considered by many to be one of the best Amarr frigates in existence. As evidenced by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels. With its damage output, however, it is also perfectly capable of punching its way right through unwary opponents.',1190000,28600,135,1,4,NULL,1,72,NULL,20063),(598,25,'Breacher','The Breacher\'s structure is little more than a fragile scrapheap, but the ship\'s missile launcher hardpoints and superior sensors have placed it among the most valued Minmatar frigates when it comes to long range combat.',1087000,20000,175,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(599,25,'Burst','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Minmatar Republic, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Burst.\r\n\r\nThe Burst had been a small and fast cargo vessel. This all changed after the redesign, when the Burst found its small-time mining capabilities curtailed in lieu of logistics systems that moved its focus to shield support for friendly vessels.',1420000,17100,260,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(600,25,'Minmatar Peacekeeper Ship','Minmatar Police 1',1200000,12000,80,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(601,237,'Ibis','The Caldari Ibis rookie ship is a small but stout vessel that fits admirably well as a cargo hauler or small-scale miner. Its reliability makes it a good choice for novice ship captains.',1163000,15000,125,1,1,NULL,1,1817,NULL,20070),(602,25,'Kestrel','The Kestrel is a heavy missile boat with one of the most sophisticated sensor arrays around. Interestingly enough, it has been used by both the Caldari Navy and several wealthy trade corporations as a cargo-hauling vessel. It is one of few trading vessels with good punching power, making it ideal for solo trade-runs in dangerous areas. The Kestrel was designed so that it could take up to four missile launchers but as a result it can not be equipped with turret weapons nor with mining lasers.',1113000,19700,160,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(603,25,'Merlin','The Merlin is the most powerful combat frigate of the Caldari. Its role has evolved through the years, and while its defenses have always remained exceptionally strong for a Caldari vessel, its offensive capabilities have evolved from versatile, jack-of-all-trades attack patterns into focused and deadly gunfire tactics. The Merlin\'s primary aim is to have its turrets punch holes in opponents\' hulls.',997000,16500,150,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(605,25,'Heron','The Heron has good computer and electronic systems, giving it the option of participating in electronic warfare. But it has relatively poor defenses and limited weaponry, so it\'s more commonly used for scouting and exploration.',1150000,18900,400,1,1,NULL,1,61,NULL,20070),(606,237,'Velator','The Velator class rookie ship is one of the older vessel types in the Gallente fleet. It was first deployed on the market as a fast passenger craft but the extra passenger quarters were later modified into weapon hardpoints as the newer models came to be used for small-scale security and military duties. The Velator is still a very solid mining and trading vessel.',1148000,24500,135,1,8,NULL,1,1818,NULL,20074),(607,25,'Imicus','The Imicus is a slow but hard-shelled frigate, ideal for any type of scouting activity. Used by merchant, miner and combat groups, the Imicus is usually relied upon as the operation\'s eyes and ears when traversing low security sectors.',997000,21500,400,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(608,25,'Atron','The Atron is a hard nugget with an advanced power conduit system, but little space for cargo. Although it is a good harvester when it comes to mining, its main ability is as a combat vessel.',1050000,22500,145,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(609,25,'Maulus','The Maulus is a high-tech vessel, specialized for electronic warfare. It is particularly valued in fleet warfare due to its optimization for sensor dampening technology.',1063000,23000,275,1,8,NULL,1,77,NULL,20074),(613,25,'Devourer','Pirate Frigate 2',1200000,19100,110,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(614,25,'Fury','Pirate Frigate 3',1200000,26000,180,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(615,237,'Immolator','The Immolator is a small ship, designed by the upper (read: unslaved) echelon of Sansha\'s Nation to serve as a good entry for those pilots new to the glory of Nation. It excels in picking off smaller targets and hitting them hard with energy beams.',1148000,17400,115,1,4,NULL,1,1619,NULL,20078),(616,25,'Medusa','Pirate Frigate 5',1200000,17500,30,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(617,237,'Echo','The Echo is a small vessel, designed by the Angel Cartel to be easily missed in the heat of battle, while posing a viable threat in combat. As such, it is intended to rush in with guns blazing and subsequently escape without being eaten up by larger ships.',1157000,17660,120,1,2,NULL,1,1619,NULL,20078),(618,25,'Lynx','Pirate Frigate 7',1200000,22500,200,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(619,25,'Swordspine','Pirate Frigate 8',1047000,21120,220,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(620,26,'Osprey','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Caldari State the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Osprey.\r\n\r\nThe Osprey originally offered excellent versatility and power for what was considered a comparably low price. After its redesign, its inbuilt mining technology - now a little creaky and long in the tooth - was gutted from the Osprey and replaced in its entirety with tech of a different type, capable of high energy and shield transfers.',11100000,107000,485,1,1,NULL,1,75,NULL,20070),(621,26,'Caracal','The Caracal is a powerful vessel that specializes in missile deployment. It has excellent shield defenses, but poor armor plating. Its missile arsenal, when fully stocked, is capable of making mincemeat of almost anyone.',11910000,92000,450,1,1,NULL,1,75,NULL,20070),(622,26,'Stabber','The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space.',11400000,80000,420,1,2,NULL,1,73,NULL,20078),(623,26,'Moa','The Moa was designed as an all-out combat ship, and its heavy armament allows the Moa to tackle almost anything that floats in space. In contrast to its nemesis the Thorax, the Moa is most effective at long range where its railguns can rain death upon foes.',12000000,101000,450,1,1,NULL,1,75,NULL,20070),(624,26,'Maller','Quite possibly the toughest cruiser in the galaxy, the Maller is a common sight in Amarrian Imperial Navy operations. It is mainly used for military duty, although a few can be found in the private sector acting as escort ships for very important dispatches.',13150000,118000,480,1,4,NULL,1,74,NULL,20063),(625,26,'Augoror','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror.\r\n\r\nThe Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.',12870000,115000,465,1,4,NULL,1,74,NULL,20063),(626,26,'Vexor','The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.',11100000,115000,480,1,8,NULL,1,76,NULL,20074),(627,26,'Thorax','The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies.',11280000,112000,465,1,8,NULL,1,76,NULL,20074),(628,26,'Arbitrator','The Arbitrator is unusual for Amarr ships in that it\'s primarily a drone carrier. While it is not the best carrier around, it has superior armor that gives it greater durability than most ships in its class.',11200000,120000,345,1,4,NULL,1,74,NULL,20063),(629,26,'Rupture','The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations.',12200000,96000,450,1,2,NULL,1,73,NULL,20077),(630,26,'Bellicose','Being a highly versatile class of Minmatar ships, the Bellicose has been used as a combat juggernaut as well as a support ship for wings of frigates. While not quite in the league of newer navy cruisers, the Bellicose is still a very solid ship for most purposes, especially in terms of long range combat.',11550000,85000,315,1,2,NULL,1,73,NULL,20078),(631,26,'Scythe','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Minmatar Republic the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Scythe.\r\n\r\nThe Scythe-class cruiser remains the oldest Minmatar ship still in use. It has seen many battles and is an integrated part in Minmatar tales and heritage. With its redesign, past firmware upgrades for mining output were tossed out entirely in favor of two new separate systems that focused on shield transporting and logistics drones respectively.',11110000,89000,475,1,2,NULL,1,73,NULL,20078),(632,26,'Blackbird','The Blackbird is a small high-tech cruiser newly employed by the Caldari Navy. Commonly seen in fleet battles or acting as wingman, it is not intended for head-on slugfests, but rather delicate tactical situations. ',13190000,96000,305,1,1,NULL,1,75,NULL,20070),(633,26,'Celestis','The Celestis cruiser is a versatile ship which can be employed in a myriad of roles, making it handy for small corporations with a limited number of ships. True to Gallente style the Celestis is especially deadly in close quarters combat due to its advanced targeting systems.',12070000,116000,320,1,8,NULL,1,76,NULL,20074),(634,26,'Exequror','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror.\r\n\r\nThe Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs.',11020000,113000,495,1,8,NULL,1,76,NULL,20074),(635,26,'Opux Luxury Yacht','The Opux Luxury Yachts are normally used by the entertainment industry for pleasure tours for wealthy Gallente citizens. These Opux Luxury Yacht cruisers are rarely seen outside of Gallente controlled space, but are extremely popular within the Federation.',13075000,115000,1750,1,8,NULL,1,1699,NULL,20074),(638,27,'Raven','The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty.',99300000,486000,665,1,1,108750000.0000,1,80,NULL,20068),(639,27,'Tempest','The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet\'s key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.',99500000,450000,600,1,2,103750000.0000,1,78,NULL,20076),(640,27,'Scorpion','The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match.',103600000,468000,550,1,1,71250000.0000,1,80,NULL,20068),(641,27,'Megathron','The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.',98400000,486000,675,1,8,105000000.0000,1,81,NULL,20072),(642,27,'Apocalypse','In days past, only those in high favor with the Emperor could hope to earn the reward of commanding one of the majestic and powerful Apocalypse class battleships. In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might.',97100000,495000,675,1,4,112500000.0000,1,79,NULL,20061),(643,27,'Armageddon','The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distance.',105200000,486000,600,1,4,66250000.0000,1,79,NULL,20061),(644,27,'Typhoon','Much praised by its proponents and much maligned by its detractors, the Typhoon-class battleship has always been one of the most hotly debated spacefaring vessels around. Its distinguishing aspect - and the source of most of the controversy - is its sheer versatility, variously seen as either a lack of design focus or a deliberate freedom for pilot modification. ',100600000,414000,625,1,2,75000000.0000,1,78,NULL,20076),(645,27,'Dominix','The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.',100250000,454500,600,1,8,62500000.0000,1,81,NULL,20072),(648,28,'Badger','The Badger-class industrial is the main cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly in long, arduous trade-runs. It’s huge size and comfortable armament makes it perfectly equipped for those tasks, although the Caldari seldom let it roam alone.\r\n',10650000,250000,3900,1,1,NULL,1,84,NULL,20070),(649,28,'Tayra','The Tayra, an evolution of the now-defunct Badger Mark II, focuses entirely on reaching the highest potential capacity that Caldari engineers can manage.',13000000,270000,7300,1,1,NULL,1,84,NULL,20070),(650,28,'Nereus','Originally set to sail under the guise of \"Iteron\", this new iteration of an old stalwart is fast and reliable. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries due to its low price and ability to be fitted in myriad different ways. Despite its speed and resilience, however, it may need to be guarded while in particularly unfriendly territories, which is why it has also been outfitted with a drone bay for extra protection.',11250000,240000,2700,1,8,NULL,1,83,NULL,20074),(651,28,'Hoarder','Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of Industrials, the Hoarder possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is a static-free, blast-proof chamber, and as such is meant to be dedicated solely to ferrying consumable charges of all kinds, including ammunition, missiles, capacitor charges, nanite paste and bombs. ',10625000,400000,500,1,2,NULL,1,82,NULL,20078),(652,28,'Mammoth','The Mammoth is the largest industrial ship of the Minmatar Republic. It was designed with aid from the Gallente Federation, making the Mammoth both large and powerful yet also nimble and technologically advanced. A very good buy.',11500000,255000,5500,1,2,NULL,1,82,NULL,20078),(653,28,'Wreathe','The Wreathe is an old ship of the Minmatar Republic and one of the oldest ships still in usage. The design of the Wreathe is very plain, which is the main reason for its longevity, but it also makes the ship incapable of handling anything but the most mundane tasks.',10000000,225000,2900,1,2,NULL,1,82,NULL,20078),(654,28,'Kryos','Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of Industrials, the Kryos possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with precise temperature and pressure controls, and is dedicated solely to ferrying minerals. The Kryos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.',12625000,245000,550,1,8,NULL,1,83,NULL,20074),(655,28,'Epithal','Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of Industrials, the Epithal possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with sealed sub-chambers capable of maintaining hospitable environments for practically any kind of organism or entity, from biocells to viral agents, and is meant solely for ferrying planetary commodities. The Epithal was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.',12800000,250000,550,1,8,NULL,1,83,NULL,20074),(656,28,'Miasmos','Aside from being endowed with the usual hauling capabilities of Industrials, the Miasmos possesses an extra cargo bay. That bay is equipped with sealed, temperature-controlled vats, and is meant solely for ferrying all types of interstellar ore: ice, gasses and asteroids. The Miasmos was originally designed as a variant of the Iteron, but eventually evolved to perform an entirely separate role.',12975000,265000,550,1,8,NULL,1,83,NULL,20074),(657,28,'Iteron Mark V','This lumbering giant is the latest and last iteration in a chain of haulers. It is the only one to retain the original \"Iteron\"-class callsign, but while all the others eventually evolved into specialized versions, the Iteron Mk. V still does what haulers do best: Transporting enormous amounts of goods and commodities between the stars.',13500000,275000,5800,1,8,NULL,1,83,NULL,20074),(670,29,'Capsule','Standard capsule.',32000,1000,0,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,73,20080),(671,30,'Erebus','From the formless void\'s gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next.\r\n\r\nThe darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world.\r\n\r\nFrom the formless void\'s gaping maw, there springs an entity.\r\n\r\n<i>-Dr. Damella Macaper,\r\nThe Seven Events of the Apocalypse</i>\r\n\r\n',2379370000,145500000,16250,1,8,50699805800.0000,1,815,NULL,20075),(672,31,'Caldari Shuttle','Caldari Shuttle',1600000,5000,10,1,1,7500.0000,1,396,NULL,20080),(681,104,'Clone Grade Beta Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,34,NULL),(682,104,'Clone Grade Gamma Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,34,NULL),(683,105,'Bantam Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2550000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(684,105,'Condor Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2150000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(685,105,'Griffin Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2350000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(686,106,'Osprey Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80500000.0000,1,275,NULL,NULL),(687,106,'Caracal Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,82500000.0000,1,275,NULL,NULL),(688,107,'Raven Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1135000000.0000,1,280,NULL,NULL),(689,105,'Slasher Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2100000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(690,105,'Probe Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2700000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(691,105,'Rifter Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2800000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(692,106,'Stabber Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,82000000.0000,1,273,NULL,NULL),(693,107,'Tempest Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1055000000.0000,1,278,NULL,NULL),(784,134,'Miner II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,463600.0000,1,NULL,1061,NULL),(785,134,'Miner I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,92720.0000,1,338,1061,NULL),(786,136,'Light Missile Launcher I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,340,168,NULL),(788,136,'Heavy Missile Launcher I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,340,169,NULL),(790,136,'Torpedo Launcher I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,999960.0000,1,340,170,NULL),(803,166,'Mjolnir Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,5000000.0000,1,1526,182,NULL),(804,166,'Scourge Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,1526,183,NULL),(805,166,'Inferno Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,4000000.0000,1,1526,184,NULL),(806,166,'Nova Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,2500000.0000,1,1526,185,NULL),(807,166,'Nova Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,700000.0000,1,1527,186,NULL),(808,166,'Mjolnir Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,1527,187,NULL),(809,166,'Inferno Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,1527,188,NULL),(810,166,'Scourge Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1527,189,NULL),(811,166,'Scourge Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,1528,190,NULL),(812,166,'Inferno Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,160000.0000,1,1528,191,NULL),(813,166,'Mjolnir Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,180000.0000,1,1528,192,NULL),(814,166,'Nova Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,140000.0000,1,1528,193,NULL),(819,135,'125mm Gatling AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,296,387,NULL),(820,135,'150mm Light AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,296,387,NULL),(821,135,'200mm AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,296,387,NULL),(822,135,'250mm Light Artillery Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,296,389,NULL),(823,135,'280mm Howitzer Artillery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,296,389,NULL),(824,135,'Dual 180mm AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,297,386,NULL),(825,135,'220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,297,387,NULL),(826,135,'425mm AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,297,386,NULL),(827,135,'650mm Artillery Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1200000.0000,1,297,384,NULL),(828,135,'720mm Howitzer Artillery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,297,384,NULL),(829,135,'Dual 425mm AutoCannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,298,381,NULL),(830,135,'Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,6000000.0000,1,298,381,NULL),(831,135,'800mm Repeating Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9000000.0000,1,298,381,NULL),(832,135,'1200mm Artillery Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,12000000.0000,1,298,379,NULL),(833,135,'1400mm Howitzer Artillery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000000.0000,1,298,379,NULL),(834,133,'Gatling Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,292,350,NULL),(835,133,'Dual Light Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,292,350,NULL),(836,133,'Dual Light Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,292,352,NULL),(837,133,'Small Focused Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,292,350,NULL),(838,133,'Small Focused Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,292,352,NULL),(839,133,'Quad Light Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,185280.0000,1,293,355,NULL),(840,133,'Focused Medium Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,293,356,NULL),(841,133,'Focused Medium Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,293,355,NULL),(842,133,'Heavy Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1200000.0000,1,293,356,NULL),(843,133,'Heavy Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,293,355,NULL),(844,133,'Dual Heavy Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,295,360,NULL),(845,133,'Dual Heavy Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,6000000.0000,1,295,361,NULL),(846,133,'Mega Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9000000.0000,1,295,360,NULL),(847,133,'Mega Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,12000000.0000,1,295,361,NULL),(848,133,'Tachyon Beam Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000000.0000,1,295,361,NULL),(879,165,'Carbonized Lead S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,313,1004,NULL),(880,165,'Nuclear S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,313,1288,NULL),(881,165,'Proton S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,313,1290,NULL),(882,165,'Depleted Uranium S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,313,1285,NULL),(883,165,'Titanium Sabot S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,313,1291,NULL),(884,165,'Fusion S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,70000.0000,1,313,1287,NULL),(885,165,'Phased Plasma S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,313,1289,NULL),(886,165,'EMP S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,313,1286,NULL),(887,165,'Carbonized Lead M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,312,1292,NULL),(888,165,'Nuclear M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,312,1296,NULL),(889,165,'Proton M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,165000.0000,1,312,1298,NULL),(890,165,'Depleted Uranium M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,205000.0000,1,312,1293,NULL),(891,165,'Titanium Sabot M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,235000.0000,1,312,1299,NULL),(892,165,'Fusion M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,275000.0000,1,312,1295,NULL),(893,165,'Phased Plasma M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,325000.0000,1,312,1297,NULL),(894,165,'EMP M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,312,1294,NULL),(895,165,'Carbonized Lead L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,309,1300,NULL),(896,165,'Nuclear L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,309,1304,NULL),(897,165,'Proton L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,309,1306,NULL),(898,165,'Depleted Uranium L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,309,1301,NULL),(899,165,'Titanium Sabot L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,309,1307,NULL),(900,165,'Fusion L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,700000.0000,1,309,1303,NULL),(901,165,'Phased Plasma L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,309,1305,NULL),(902,165,'EMP L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,309,1302,NULL),(935,105,'Reaper Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(936,105,'Executioner Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2175000.0000,1,272,NULL,NULL),(937,105,'Inquisitor Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2575000.0000,1,272,NULL,NULL),(938,105,'Tormentor Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2875000.0000,1,272,NULL,NULL),(939,105,'Navitas Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2525000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(940,105,'Tristan Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2825000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(941,105,'Incursus Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2825000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(943,105,'Impairor Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(944,105,'Punisher Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2875000.0000,1,272,NULL,NULL),(945,105,'Breacher Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2800000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(946,105,'Burst Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2500000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(947,105,'Minmatar Peacekeeper Ship Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(948,105,'Ibis Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(949,105,'Kestrel Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2850000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(950,105,'Merlin Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2850000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(952,105,'Heron Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2750000.0000,1,261,NULL,NULL),(953,105,'Velator Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(954,105,'Imicus Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2725000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(955,105,'Atron Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2125000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(956,105,'Maulus Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2325000.0000,1,277,NULL,NULL),(960,105,'Devourer Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(961,105,'Fury Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(962,105,'Immolator Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(963,105,'Medusa Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(964,105,'Echo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(965,105,'Lynx Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(966,105,'Swordspine Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(967,111,'Caldari Shuttle Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,416,NULL,NULL),(968,106,'Moa Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,83500000.0000,1,275,NULL,NULL),(969,106,'Maller Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,83750000.0000,1,274,NULL,NULL),(970,106,'Augoror Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80750000.0000,1,274,NULL,NULL),(971,106,'Vexor Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,83250000.0000,1,276,NULL,NULL),(972,106,'Thorax Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,82250000.0000,1,276,NULL,NULL),(973,106,'Arbitrator Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,81750000.0000,1,274,NULL,NULL),(974,106,'Rupture Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,83000000.0000,1,273,NULL,NULL),(975,106,'Bellicose Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,81000000.0000,1,273,NULL,NULL),(976,106,'Scythe Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000000.0000,1,273,NULL,NULL),(977,106,'Blackbird Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,81500000.0000,1,275,NULL,NULL),(978,106,'Celestis Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,81250000.0000,1,276,NULL,NULL),(979,106,'Exequror Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80250000.0000,1,276,NULL,NULL),(983,108,'Badger Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3487500.0000,1,284,NULL,NULL),(984,108,'Tayra Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,7425000.0000,1,284,NULL,NULL),(985,108,'Nereus Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3100000.0000,1,283,NULL,NULL),(986,108,'Hoarder Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4525000.0000,1,282,NULL,NULL),(987,108,'Mammoth Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9375000.0000,1,282,NULL,NULL),(988,108,'Wreathe Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3225000.0000,1,282,NULL,NULL),(989,108,'Kryos Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3425000.0000,1,283,NULL,NULL),(990,108,'Epithal Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,6000000.0000,1,283,NULL,NULL),(991,108,'Miasmos Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4287500.0000,1,283,NULL,NULL),(992,108,'Iteron Mark V Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,11250000.0000,1,283,NULL,NULL),(994,107,'Scorpion Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1075000000.0000,1,280,NULL,NULL),(995,107,'Megathron Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1250000000.0000,1,281,NULL,NULL),(996,107,'Apocalypse Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1265000000.0000,1,279,NULL,NULL),(997,107,'Armageddon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1565000000.0000,1,279,NULL,NULL),(998,107,'Typhoon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,975000000.0000,1,278,NULL,NULL),(999,107,'Dominix Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1660000000.0000,1,281,NULL,NULL),(1002,110,'Erebus Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,72500000000.0000,1,886,NULL,NULL),(1010,118,'Small Shield Extender I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49920.0000,1,1549,1044,NULL),(1013,118,'Small Shield Extender II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1044,NULL),(1026,119,'Shield Recharger I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,87360.0000,1,1551,83,NULL),(1027,119,'Shield Recharger II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,83,NULL),(1032,120,'Small Shield Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,91160.0000,1,1552,84,NULL),(1033,120,'Small Shield Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(1067,126,'5MN Microwarpdrive I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,316360.0000,1,331,96,NULL),(1071,126,'1MN Afterburner II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,96,NULL),(1072,126,'1MN Afterburner I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,64500.0000,1,1525,96,NULL),(1073,126,'5MN Microwarpdrive II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,9999999.0000,1,NULL,96,NULL),(1074,127,'Cargo Scanner I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000.0000,1,325,106,NULL),(1075,128,'Ship Scanner I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,19840.0000,1,325,107,NULL),(1076,129,'Survey Scanner I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,325,107,NULL),(1079,132,'Warp Scrambler I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,394240.0000,1,1939,111,NULL),(1080,132,'Warp Scrambler II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,111,NULL),(1095,139,'Gyrostabilizer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(1096,139,'Gyrostabilizer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,243200.0000,1,343,1046,NULL),(1099,142,'Small Armor Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1536,80,NULL),(1100,143,'Small Hull Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,499980.0000,1,1537,21,NULL),(1102,145,'Stasis Webifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,224880.0000,1,1570,1284,NULL),(1103,145,'Stasis Webifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1284,NULL),(1105,147,'Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000.0000,1,1562,1035,NULL),(1106,148,'Small Energy Nosferatu I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,395040.0000,1,1564,1029,NULL),(1109,151,'Small Energy Neutralizer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,199680.0000,1,1565,1283,NULL),(1112,154,'75mm Gatling Rail I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,291,349,NULL),(1113,154,'Light Electron Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,291,376,NULL),(1114,154,'Light Ion Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,291,376,NULL),(1115,154,'Light Neutron Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,291,376,NULL),(1116,154,'150mm Railgun I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,291,349,NULL),(1117,154,'Heavy Electron Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,290,371,NULL),(1118,154,'Dual 150mm Railgun I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,290,370,NULL),(1119,154,'Heavy Neutron Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1200000.0000,1,290,371,NULL),(1120,154,'Heavy Ion Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,290,371,NULL),(1121,154,'250mm Railgun I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,290,370,NULL),(1122,154,'Electron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,6000000.0000,1,289,365,NULL),(1123,154,'Dual 250mm Railgun I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,289,366,NULL),(1124,154,'Neutron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,12000000.0000,1,289,365,NULL),(1125,154,'425mm Railgun I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000000.0000,1,289,366,NULL),(1126,154,'Ion Blaster Cannon I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9000000.0000,1,289,365,NULL),(1128,156,'Medium Capacitor Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,281240.0000,1,1563,1031,NULL),(1129,157,'Adaptive Invulnerability Field I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1548,81,NULL),(1130,167,'Iron Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,307,1311,NULL),(1131,167,'Tungsten Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,307,1315,NULL),(1132,167,'Iridium Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,307,1310,NULL),(1133,167,'Lead Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,307,1312,NULL),(1134,167,'Thorium Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,307,1314,NULL),(1135,167,'Uranium Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,70000.0000,1,307,1316,NULL),(1136,167,'Plutonium Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,307,1313,NULL),(1137,167,'Antimatter Charge S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,307,1047,NULL),(1138,167,'Iron Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,308,1319,NULL),(1139,167,'Tungsten Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,110000.0000,1,308,1323,NULL),(1140,167,'Iridium Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,308,1318,NULL),(1141,167,'Lead Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,175000.0000,1,308,1320,NULL),(1142,167,'Thorium Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,225000.0000,1,308,1322,NULL),(1143,167,'Uranium Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,275000.0000,1,308,1324,NULL),(1144,167,'Plutonium Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,325000.0000,1,308,1321,NULL),(1145,167,'Antimatter Charge M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,308,1317,NULL),(1146,167,'Iron Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,306,1327,NULL),(1147,167,'Tungsten Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,306,1331,NULL),(1148,167,'Iridium Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,306,1326,NULL),(1149,167,'Lead Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,306,1328,NULL),(1150,167,'Thorium Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,306,1330,NULL),(1151,167,'Uranium Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,700000.0000,1,306,1332,NULL),(1152,167,'Plutonium Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,306,1329,NULL),(1153,167,'Antimatter Charge L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,306,1325,NULL),(1154,168,'Radio S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,302,1145,NULL),(1155,168,'Microwave S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,302,1143,NULL),(1156,168,'Infrared S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,10000.0000,1,302,1144,NULL),(1157,168,'Standard S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,12500.0000,1,302,1142,NULL),(1158,168,'Ultraviolet S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000.0000,1,302,1141,NULL),(1159,168,'Xray S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,302,1140,NULL),(1160,168,'Gamma S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,35000.0000,1,302,1139,NULL),(1161,168,'Multifrequency S Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,302,1131,NULL),(1162,168,'Radio M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,303,1145,NULL),(1163,168,'Microwave M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,303,1143,NULL),(1164,168,'Infrared M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,303,1144,NULL),(1165,168,'Standard M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000.0000,1,303,1142,NULL),(1166,168,'Ultraviolet M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,303,1141,NULL),(1167,168,'Xray M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,303,1140,NULL),(1168,168,'Gamma M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,350000.0000,1,303,1139,NULL),(1169,168,'Multifrequency M Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,303,1131,NULL),(1170,168,'Radio L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,305,1145,NULL),(1171,168,'Microwave L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,305,1143,NULL),(1172,168,'Infrared L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,305,1144,NULL),(1173,168,'Standard L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1250000.0000,1,305,1142,NULL),(1174,168,'Ultraviolet L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,305,1141,NULL),(1175,168,'Xray L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2500000.0000,1,305,1140,NULL),(1176,168,'Gamma L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3500000.0000,1,305,1139,NULL),(1177,168,'Multifrequency L Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4000000.0000,1,305,1131,NULL),(1178,169,'Cap Booster 25 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,339,1033,NULL),(1179,169,'Cap Booster 50 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,339,1033,NULL),(1182,96,'Auto Targeting System I','Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +2 bonus to ship\'s max targets when online.',30,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,670,104,NULL),(1183,62,'Small Armor Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(1184,142,'Small Armor Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(1185,61,'Small Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(1186,141,'Small Capacitor Battery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,1558,89,NULL),(1190,67,'Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter II','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',10000,5,0,1,NULL,140108.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(1191,147,'Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1035,NULL),(1192,764,'\'Basic\' Overdrive Injector System','This unit increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',50,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1087,98,NULL),(1193,98,'Basic EM Plating','An array of microscopic reactive prizms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to EM resistance.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1668,20956,NULL),(1194,99,'Amarr Sentry Gun','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1195,43,'Cap Recharger I','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,665,90,NULL),(1196,123,'Cap Recharger I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,237500.0000,1,1555,90,NULL),(1197,98,'EM Plating I','An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to EM resistance.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1668,20956,NULL),(1198,98,'EM Plating II','An array of microscopic reactive prisms that disperse electromagnetic radiation. Grants a bonus to EM resistance.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1668,20956,NULL),(1201,100,'Wasp I','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,1,50000.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(1202,101,'Civilian Mining Drone','Civilian Mining Drone',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,158,NULL,NULL),(1204,163,'EM Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49740.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1205,163,'EM Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1208,162,'Auto Targeting System I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,29440.0000,1,1579,104,NULL),(1210,160,'ECM Burst I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,416640.0000,1,1568,109,NULL),(1212,161,'Passive Targeter I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,1582,104,NULL),(1214,176,'Wasp I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,5000000.0000,1,359,NULL,NULL),(1215,170,'Heavy Defender Missile I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,316,187,NULL),(1216,166,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Light Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,180000.0000,1,315,1336,NULL),(1217,174,'Python Mine Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,136400.0000,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(1218,177,'Civilian Mining Drone Blueprint','Civilian Mining Drone Blueprint',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1498600.0000,1,358,NULL,NULL),(1220,166,'Scourge Rocket Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,318,1350,NULL),(1221,166,'Scourge Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9000000.0000,1,390,1346,NULL),(1223,451,'Bistot','Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,16,0,100,4,2092368.0000,1,514,1273,NULL),(1224,459,'Pyroxeres','Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF4DFFCC\'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,0.3,0,100,NULL,11632.0000,1,515,231,NULL),(1225,452,'Crokite','Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,16,0,100,4,1527958.0000,1,521,1272,NULL),(1226,456,'Jaspet','Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFE58000\'>0.4</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,2,0,100,4,168158.0000,1,529,1279,NULL),(1227,469,'Omber','Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF00FF00\'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,0.6,0,100,NULL,40894.0000,1,526,1271,NULL),(1228,460,'Scordite','Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF33FFFF\'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,0.15,0,100,NULL,4994.0000,1,519,1356,NULL),(1229,467,'Gneiss','Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has a quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,5,0,100,4,399926.0000,1,525,1377,NULL),(1230,462,'Veldspar','The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.\r\n\r\nAvailable in <color=\'0xFF33FFFF\'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',4000,0.1,0,100,NULL,2000.0000,1,518,232,NULL),(1231,455,'Hemorphite','With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF4D00\'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,3,0,100,4,301992.0000,1,528,1282,NULL),(1232,453,'Dark Ochre','Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.\r\n\r\nAvailable primarily in <color=\'0xFFFF0000\'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.',1e35,8,0,100,4,768500.0000,1,522,1275,NULL),(1233,237,'Polaris Enigma Frigate','The Polaris Enigma frigate is one of the most powerful Polaris ships built, superior in both combat and maneuverability.',1000000,20400,1000000,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20078),(1236,764,'Overdrive Injector System II','This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',100,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1087,98,NULL),(1237,158,'Overdrive Injector System II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,98,NULL),(1240,78,'\'Basic\' Reinforced Bulkheads','Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.',200,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1195,76,NULL),(1242,763,'\'Basic\' Nanofiber Internal Structure','Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship\'s velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',100,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1196,1042,NULL),(1244,764,'Overdrive Injector System I','This monster unit vastly increases engine power at the expense of cargo capacity.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',50,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1087,98,NULL),(1245,158,'Overdrive Injector System I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,249980.0000,1,332,98,NULL),(1246,768,'Capacitor Flux Coil I','Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage. ',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,666,90,NULL),(1247,137,'Capacitor Flux Coil I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,41600.0000,1,1556,90,NULL),(1248,768,'Capacitor Flux Coil II','Increases capacitor recharge rate, but causes a reduction in maximum capacitor storage. ',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,666,90,NULL),(1249,137,'Capacitor Flux Coil II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,90,NULL),(1254,770,'Shield Flux Coil I','Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,687,83,NULL),(1255,137,'Shield Flux Coil I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,41600.0000,1,1547,83,NULL),(1256,770,'Shield Flux Coil II','Increases shield recharge rate while lowering the maximum shield capacity.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,687,83,NULL),(1257,137,'Shield Flux Coil II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,83,NULL),(1262,98,'Basic Explosive Plating','An array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to explosive resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1667,20955,NULL),(1264,98,'Explosive Plating I','An array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to explosive resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1667,20955,NULL),(1265,163,'Explosive Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49740.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1266,98,'Explosive Plating II','An array of microscopic reactive bombs that are exploded to counter explosive damage. Grants a bonus to explosive resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1667,20955,NULL),(1267,163,'Explosive Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,179200.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1272,98,'Basic Layered Plating','This plating is composed of several additional tritanium layers, effectively increasing its hit points.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1669,1030,NULL),(1274,98,'Layered Plating I','This plating is composed of several additional tritanium layers, effectively increasing its hit points.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1669,1030,NULL),(1275,163,'Layered Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49740.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1276,98,'Layered Plating II','This plating is composed of several additional tritanium layers, effectively increasing its hit points.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1669,1030,NULL),(1277,163,'Layered Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1282,98,'Basic Kinetic Plating','This plating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to kinetic resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1666,20957,NULL),(1284,98,'Kinetic Plating I','This plating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to kinetic resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1666,20957,NULL),(1285,163,'Kinetic Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49740.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1286,98,'Kinetic Plating II','This plating utilizes a magnetic field to deflect kinetic attacks. Grants a bonus to kinetic resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1666,20957,NULL),(1287,163,'Kinetic Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1292,98,'Basic Thermal Plating','Attempts to distribute thermal energy over the entire plating. Grants a bonus to thermal resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1665,20958,NULL),(1294,98,'Thermal Plating I','Attempts to distribute thermal energy over the entire plating. Grants a bonus to thermal resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1665,20958,NULL),(1295,163,'Thermal Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49740.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1296,98,'Thermal Plating II','Attempts to distribute thermal energy over the entire plating. Grants a bonus to thermal resistance. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1665,20958,NULL),(1297,163,'Thermal Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1302,98,'Basic Adaptive Nano Plating','This cutting edge system is the most versatile nano plating around. It protects against all types of damage, however it is less effective than a specialized plating.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1670,1030,NULL),(1304,98,'Adaptive Nano Plating I','This cutting edge system is the most versatile nano plating around. It protects against all types of damage, however it is less effective than a specialized plating.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1670,1030,NULL),(1305,163,'Adaptive Nano Plating I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,74680.0000,1,1544,1030,NULL),(1306,98,'Adaptive Nano Plating II','This cutting edge system is the most versatile nano plating around. It protects against all types of damage, however it is less effective than a specialized plating.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1670,1030,NULL),(1307,163,'Adaptive Nano Plating II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(1315,765,'\'Basic\' Expanded Cargohold','Increases cargo hold capacity.',50,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1197,92,NULL),(1317,765,'Expanded Cargohold I','Increases cargo hold capacity.',50,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1197,92,NULL),(1318,158,'Expanded Cargohold I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,16640.0000,1,335,92,NULL),(1319,765,'Expanded Cargohold II','Increases cargo hold capacity.',50,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1197,92,NULL),(1320,158,'Expanded Cargohold II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,92,NULL),(1333,78,'Reinforced Bulkheads I','Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.',200,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1195,76,NULL),(1334,158,'Reinforced Bulkheads I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000.0000,1,335,76,NULL),(1335,78,'Reinforced Bulkheads II','Increases structural hit points while reducing agility and cargo capacity.',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1195,76,NULL),(1336,158,'Reinforced Bulkheads II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,76,NULL),(1351,769,'Basic Reactor Control Unit','Boosts power core output.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,659,70,NULL),(1353,769,'Reactor Control Unit I','Boosts power core output.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,659,70,NULL),(1354,137,'Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,99200.0000,1,1561,70,NULL),(1355,769,'Reactor Control Unit II','Boosts power core output.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,659,70,NULL),(1356,137,'Reactor Control Unit II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,70,NULL),(1373,1,'CharacterAmarr','Character type for characters of the Amarrian Amarr bloodline.',0,1,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1374,1,'CharacterNiKunni','Character type for characters of the Amarr Nikunni bloodline.',0,1,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1375,1,'CharacterCivire','Character type for characters of the Caldari Civire bloodline.',0,1,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1376,1,'CharacterDeteis','Character type for characters of the Caldari Deteis bloodline.',0,1,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1377,1,'CharacterGallente','Character type for characters of the Gallente Gallente bloodline.',0,1,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1378,1,'CharacterIntaki','Character type for characters of the Gallente Intaki bloodline.',0,1,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1379,1,'CharacterSebiestor','Character type for characters of the Minmatar Sebiestor bloodline.',0,1,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1380,1,'CharacterBrutor','Character type for characters of the Minmatar Brutor bloodline.',0,1,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1381,1,'CharacterStatic','Character type for characters of the Jove Static bloodline.',0,1,0,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1382,1,'CharacterModifier','Character type for characters of the Jove Modifier bloodline.',0,1,0,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1383,1,'CharacterAchura','Character type for characters of the Caldari Achura bloodline.',0,1,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1384,1,'CharacterJinMei','Character type for characters of the Gallente Jin-Mei bloodline.',0,1,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1385,1,'CharacterKhanid','Character type for characters of the Amarr Khanid bloodline.',0,1,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1386,1,'CharacterVherokior','Character type for characters of the Minmatar Vherokior bloodline.',0,1,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1401,762,'\'Basic\' Inertial Stabilizers','Improves ship handling and maneuverability.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',200,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1086,1041,NULL),(1403,762,'Inertial Stabilizers I','Improves ship handling and maneuverability.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',200,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1086,1041,NULL),(1404,158,'Inertial Stabilizers I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,54380.0000,1,332,1041,NULL),(1405,762,'Inertial Stabilizers II','Improves ship handling and maneuverability.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',200,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1086,1041,NULL),(1406,158,'Inertial Stabilizers II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1041,NULL),(1419,57,'\'Basic\' Shield Power Relay','Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,688,83,NULL),(1422,57,'Shield Power Relay II','Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,688,83,NULL),(1423,137,'Shield Power Relay II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,83,NULL),(1436,96,'Auto Targeting System II','Targets any hostile ship within range on activation. Grants a +3 bonus to ship\'s max targets when online.',40,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,670,104,NULL),(1437,162,'Auto Targeting System II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,104,NULL),(1445,767,'Capacitor Power Relay I','Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,667,90,NULL),(1446,137,'Capacitor Power Relay I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,97440.0000,1,1557,90,NULL),(1447,767,'Capacitor Power Relay II','Increases capacitor recharge rate at the expense of shield boosting.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,667,90,NULL),(1448,137,'Capacitor Power Relay II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,90,NULL),(1529,15,'Caldari Administrative Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(1530,15,'Caldari Research Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(1531,15,'Caldari Trading Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(1537,766,'\'Basic\' Power Diagnostic System','Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,658,70,NULL),(1539,766,'Power Diagnostic System I','Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,658,70,NULL),(1540,137,'Power Diagnostic System I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,99200.0000,1,1560,70,NULL),(1541,766,'Power Diagnostic System II','Monitors and optimizes the power grid. Gives a slight boost to power core output and a minor increase in shield and capacitor recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,658,70,NULL),(1542,137,'Power Diagnostic System II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,70,NULL),(1547,72,'Small Proton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',10,12.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1548,152,'Small Proton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(1549,72,'Small Proton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',40,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1550,152,'Small Proton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(1551,72,'Small Graviton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',10,12.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1552,152,'Small Graviton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,550000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(1553,72,'Small Graviton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',40,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1554,152,'Small Graviton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(1557,72,'Small Plasma Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',10,12.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1558,152,'Small Plasma Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(1559,72,'Small Plasma Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',40,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1560,152,'Small Plasma Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(1563,72,'Small EMP Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',10,12.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1564,152,'Small EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,650000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(1565,72,'Small EMP Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',40,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,382,112,NULL),(1566,152,'Small EMP Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(1601,190,'Amarr Bonus','-50% cost for using Amarrian stargates.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1602,190,'Ni-Kunni Bonus','+25% max ask/bid value on market.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1603,190,'Civire Bonus','+3% Accuracy bonus for Hybrid Weapons.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1604,190,'Deteis Bonus','-2% production time for all modules.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1605,190,'Gallente Bonus','-10% drill time when mining asteroids with mining lasers.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1606,190,'Intaki Bonus','+20% chance of getting a new agent.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1607,190,'Sebiestor Bonus','-20% ship repair cost.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1608,190,'Brutor Bonus','+10% speed bonus for Projectile Weapons.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1611,191,'Computer Empathy Bonus','Reduces CPU usage 20%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL),(1612,191,'Ordered Mind Bonus','Lower skill loss severity by 25%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1613,191,'Standard DNA Pattern Bonus','+1 character clone usage advance level.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1614,191,'Killer Instinct Bonus','+5% Shield seeping.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1615,191,'Deft Hands Bonus','Upgrade time -10%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1616,191,'Structural Understanding Bonus','Manufacture time -5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1617,191,'Creative Bonus','Research time -5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1618,191,'Glib Tongue Bonus','NPC price -5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1619,191,'August Demeanor Bonus','Better agent missions.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1620,191,'Superior Motion Sense Bonus','Turret wp accuracy +2%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1621,191,'High-G Tolerance Bonus','Ship Agility +5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1622,191,'Vector Reckoning Bonus','Half acc.penalty for high speed.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1623,191,'Stratum Form Feel Bonus','Mining efficiency +10%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1624,191,'Doctrine Ingrained Bonus','+5% damage while in formation.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1625,191,'Three Dimensional Thinking Bonus','Missile accuracy +3%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1626,191,'Swift Neural Grafting Bonus','C-Implant install time -50%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1627,191,'Booster Immunity Bonus','Booster resistance +25%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1628,193,'Algiophobia Bonus','PwC +5% when in combat (being shot at).',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1629,193,'Barophobia Bonus','+50% warp cost if planet/moon in target bubble.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1630,193,'Cenophobia Bonus','+50% warp cost to bubbles with no station/stargate.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1631,193,'Claustrophobia Bonus','If floating in capsule in space for 5 mins, he dies.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1632,193,'Monophobia Bonus','Dies if he doesn\'t dock at a station every 60 mins.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1633,193,'Mysophobia Bonus','Worse agent missions.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1634,193,'Taphephobia Bonus','If Structure damage is >25% then he ejects capsule.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1635,193,'Xenophobia Bonus','Faction standing modifier -25% vs. factions of other race.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1636,192,'Mechanical Inaptitude Bonus','Engineering skills training time +25%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1639,192,'Weak Double-helix Bond Bonus','Clone cost +5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1640,192,'Short Attention Span Bonus','Equipment duration -20%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1641,192,'Wasteful Bonus','Turret weapon power usage +5%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1642,192,'Trigger-happy Bonus','Turret weapon accuracy -2%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1643,192,'Epileptic Bonus','Prevents attribute change instigated skill training time adjustments. Boosters and trained skills which change the primary or secondary attributes would therefore have no effect on an epileptic character.\r\n',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1644,192,'Strong Immunity System Bonus','Cyber implant install time +50% AND booster resistance -25%.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1650,195,'Amarr Military Academy Pilot Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the perception attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1651,195,'Amarr Military Academy Gunner Bonus','-5% weapon power consumption.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1652,195,'Amarr Technical School Engineering Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the memory attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1653,195,'Amarr Technical School Electronics Bonus','-5% CPU usage.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1654,195,'Amarr Business School Commerce Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the charisma attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1655,195,'Amarr Business School Industry Bonus','-5% factory prod.time.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1657,196,'Caldari Military Academy Pilot Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the perception attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1658,196,'Caldari Military Academy Gunner Bonus','-5% weapon power consumption.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1659,196,'Caldari Technical School Engineering Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the memory attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1660,196,'Caldari Technical School Electronics Bonus','-5% CPU usage.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1661,196,'Caldari Business School Commerce Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the charisma attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1662,196,'Caldari Business School Industry Bonus','-5% factory prod.time.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1663,197,'Gallente Military Academy Pilot Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the perception attribute.\r\n',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1664,197,'Gallente Military Academy Gunner Bonus','-5% weapon power consumption.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1665,197,'Gallente Technical School Engineering Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the memory attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1666,197,'Gallente Technical School Electronics Bonus','-5% CPU usage.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1667,197,'Gallente Business School Commerce Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the charisma attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1668,197,'Gallente Business School Industry Bonus','-5% factory prod.time.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1669,198,'Minmatar Military Academy Pilot Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the perception attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1670,198,'Minmatar Military Academy Gunner Bonus','-5% weapon power consumption.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1671,198,'Minmatar Technical School Engineering Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the memory attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1672,198,'Minmatar Technical School Electronic Bonus','-5% CPU usage.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1673,198,'Minmatar Business School Commerce Bonus','-5% training time for all skills that rely on the charisma attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1674,198,'Minmatar Business School Industry Bonus','-5% factory prod.time.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1675,199,'Bounty Hunter Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with memory as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1676,199,'Scientist Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with perception as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1677,199,'Industrialist Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with perception as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1678,199,'Corporate Magnate Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with willpower as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1679,199,'Covert-op Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with intelligence as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1680,199,'Navy Captain Bonus','+5% skill training time for skills with charisma as the primary attribute.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(1798,295,'Basic EM Ward Amplifier','Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1691,20942,NULL),(1800,295,'Basic Thermal Dissipation Amplifier','Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1688,20940,NULL),(1802,295,'Basic Kinetic Deflection Amplifier','Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1689,20939,NULL),(1804,295,'Basic Explosive Deflection Amplifier','Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1690,20941,NULL),(1808,295,'EM Ward Amplifier I','Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1691,20942,NULL),(1809,296,'EM Ward Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,187420.0000,1,1554,82,NULL),(1810,394,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Light Missile I','A Caldarian light missile with a graviton warhead and automatic guidance system.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,500.0000,1,914,1333,NULL),(1811,166,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Light Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,315,1333,NULL),(1814,394,'Nova Auto-Targeting Light Missile I','A Minmatar light missile with a nuclear warhead and automatic guidance system.',700,0.015,0,100,NULL,370.0000,1,914,1335,NULL),(1815,166,'Nova Auto-Targeting Light Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,140000.0000,1,315,1335,NULL),(1816,394,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Light Missile I','A Gallente light missile with a plasma warhead and automatic guidance system.',700,0.015,0,100,8,624.0000,1,914,1334,NULL),(1817,166,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Light Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,160000.0000,1,315,1334,NULL),(1818,395,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I','A Caldarian heavy missile with a graviton warhead and automatic guidance system.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,2500.0000,1,914,1340,NULL),(1819,166,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,315,1340,NULL),(1820,395,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I','An Amarr heavy missile with an EMP warhead and automatic guidance system.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,3500.0000,1,914,1339,NULL),(1821,166,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,315,1339,NULL),(1822,395,'Nova Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I','A Minmatar heavy missile with a nuclear warhead and automatic guidance system.',1000,0.03,0,100,2,2000.0000,1,914,1338,NULL),(1823,166,'Nova Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,700000.0000,1,315,1338,NULL),(1824,395,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I','A Gallente heavy missile with a plasma warhead and automatic guidance system.',1000,0.03,0,100,NULL,3000.0000,1,914,1337,NULL),(1825,166,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Heavy Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,315,1337,NULL),(1826,396,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I','A Caldarian cruise missile with a graviton warhead and automatic guidance system.',1250,0.05,0,100,1,12500.0000,1,914,1341,NULL),(1827,166,'Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,315,1341,NULL),(1828,396,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I','An Amarr cruise missile with an EMP warhead and automatic guidance system.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,15000.0000,1,914,1344,NULL),(1829,166,'Mjolnir Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,5000000.0000,1,315,1344,NULL),(1830,396,'Nova Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I','A Minmatar cruise missile with a nuclear warhead and automatic guidance system.',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,7500.0000,1,914,1343,NULL),(1831,166,'Nova Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,2500000.0000,1,315,1343,NULL),(1832,396,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I','A Gallente cruise missile with a plasma warhead and automatic guidance system ',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,40000.0000,1,914,1342,NULL),(1833,166,'Inferno Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,4000000.0000,1,315,1342,NULL),(1855,48,'Ship Scanner II','Scans the target ship and provides a tactical analysis of its capabilities. The further it goes beyond scan range, the more inaccurate its results will be.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,713,107,NULL),(1856,128,'Ship Scanner II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,107,NULL),(1875,511,'Rapid Light Missile Launcher I','Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular light missiles.',0,10,0.285,1,NULL,9000.0000,1,641,1345,NULL),(1876,136,'Rapid Light Missile Launcher I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,340,1345,NULL),(1877,511,'Rapid Light Missile Launcher II','Launcher for cruisers intended to counter fast frigates, can only be fitted with regular and advanced light missiles.',0,10,0.3,1,NULL,76908.0000,1,641,1345,NULL),(1878,136,'Rapid Light Missile Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1345,NULL),(1893,205,'Basic Heat Sink','Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,647,1046,NULL),(1896,25,'Concord Police Frigate','A Concord Patrol Frigate. ',1200000,20400,300,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(1898,25,'Concord SWAT Frigate','A Concord SWAT vessel. .',1200000,20400,300,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(1900,25,'Concord Army Frigate','A Concord millitary vessel. ',1200000,20400,300,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(1902,25,'Concord Special Ops Frigate','A Concord Special Ops Frigate',1200000,20400,300,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(1904,26,'Concord Police Cruiser','Designed by co-operative efforts from all the empires, the Concord cruisers employ many of the finest traditions and technologies enjoyed by the empires, thus making them truly fearsome opponents.',12155000,101000,900,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(1912,27,'Concord Police Battleship','The Concord battleships were built by a joint effort of the empires, each empire investing it with their own special technologies. Although this makes them a bit mismatched, their performance leaves no doubt about their awesome power.',112903000,486000,14000,1,NULL,2959998.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20081),(1914,27,'Concord Special Ops Battleship','The Concord battleships were built by a joint effort of the empires, each empire investing it with their own special technologies. Although this makes them a bit mismatched, their performance leaves no doubt about their awesome power.',112903000,486000,14000,1,NULL,2959998.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20081),(1916,27,'Concord SWAT Battleship','The Concord battleships were built by a joint effort of the empires, each empire investing it with their own special technologies. Although this makes them a bit mismatched, their performance leaves no doubt about their awesome power.',112903000,486000,14000,1,NULL,2959998.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20081),(1918,27,'Concord Army Battleship','The Concord battleships were built by a joint effort of the empires, each empire investing it with their own special technologies. Although this makes them a bit mismatched, their performance leaves no doubt about their awesome power.',112903000,486000,14000,1,NULL,2959998.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20081),(1926,15,'Amarr Station Hub','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1927,15,'Amarr Station Military','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1928,15,'Amarr Industrial Station','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1929,15,'Amarr Standard Station','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1930,15,'Amarr Mining Station','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1931,15,'Amarr Research Station','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1932,15,'Amarr Trade Post','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(1944,28,'Bestower','The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated planets in Imperial space. As a proof to how reliable this class has been through the years, the Emperor has used an upgraded version of this very same class as transports for the Imperial Treasury. The Bestower has very thick armor and large cargo space.\r\n',13500000,260000,4800,1,4,NULL,1,85,NULL,20063),(1945,108,'Bestower Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4977500.0000,1,285,NULL,NULL),(1946,203,'Basic RADAR Backup Array','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,722,104,NULL),(1947,202,'ECCM - Radar I','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,729,104,NULL),(1948,201,'ECM - Ion Field Projector I','Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectivenes of enemy sensors. Very effective against Magnetometric-based sensors. ',0,5,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,715,3227,NULL),(1949,210,'Basic Signal Amplifier','Augments the maximum target acquisition range. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,669,104,NULL),(1951,211,'Basic Tracking Enhancer','Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',10,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,707,1640,NULL),(1952,212,'Sensor Booster II','Gives an increase to targeting range and scan resolution. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,76244.0000,1,671,74,NULL),(1955,201,'ECM - Spatial Destabilizer I','Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,717,3226,NULL),(1956,201,'ECM - White Noise Generator I','Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against Radar systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,718,3229,NULL),(1957,201,'ECM - Multispectral Jammer I','An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems. ',0,5,0,1,NULL,29696.0000,1,719,109,NULL),(1958,201,'ECM - Phase Inverter I','Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,716,3228,NULL),(1959,289,'ECCM Projector I','ECCM Projectors utilize a sophisticated system of electronics to fortify the sensor strengths of an allied ship allowing it to overcome jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,686,110,NULL),(1960,289,'ECCM Projector II','ECCM Projectors utilize a sophisticated system of electronics to fortify the sensor strengths of an allied ship allowing it to overcome jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,686,110,NULL),(1963,290,'Remote Sensor Booster I','Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions and boost their targeting range. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,25,1,1,NULL,39968.0000,1,673,74,NULL),(1964,290,'Remote Sensor Booster II','Can only be activated on targets to increase their scan resolutions and boost their targeting range. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,176196.0000,1,673,74,NULL),(1968,208,'Remote Sensor Dampener I','Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship\'s sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,49998.0000,1,679,105,NULL),(1969,208,'Remote Sensor Dampener II','Reduces the range and speed of a targeted ship\'s sensors. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,223452.0000,1,679,105,NULL),(1973,212,'Sensor Booster I','Gives an increase to targeting range and scan resolution. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.\r\n\r\n',0,5,1,1,NULL,9870.0000,1,671,74,NULL),(1977,213,'Tracking Computer I','By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,9900.0000,1,706,3346,NULL),(1978,213,'Tracking Computer II','By predicting the trajectory of targets, it helps to boost the tracking speed and range of turrets. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,83760.0000,1,706,3346,NULL),(1982,203,'Basic Ladar Backup Array','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,721,104,NULL),(1983,203,'Basic Gravimetric Backup Array','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,720,104,NULL),(1984,203,'Basic Magnetometric Backup Array','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,723,104,NULL),(1985,203,'Basic Multi Sensor Backup Array','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,724,104,NULL),(1986,210,'Signal Amplifier I','Augments the maximum target acquisition range. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,669,104,NULL),(1987,210,'Signal Amplifier II','Augments the maximum target acquisition range. Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,669,104,NULL),(1998,211,'Tracking Enhancer I','Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,707,1640,NULL),(1999,211,'Tracking Enhancer II','Enhances the range and improves the tracking speed of turrets. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',30,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,707,1640,NULL),(2001,1016,'Cynosural Suppression','This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Cynosural System Jammers at their starbases in a solar system.',1000,200000,0,1,NULL,200000000.0000,1,1282,3945,NULL),(2002,202,'ECCM - Ladar I','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,726,104,NULL),(2003,202,'ECCM - Magnetometric I','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,727,104,NULL),(2004,202,'ECCM - Gravimetric I','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,725,104,NULL),(2005,202,'ECCM - Omni I','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,728,104,NULL),(2006,26,'Omen','The Omen is a stereotypical example of the Amarrian School of thinking when it comes to ship design: thick armor and hard hitting lasers. Advancements in heat dissipation allow the Omen to fire its lasers faster than other ships without this technology.',13000000,118000,400,1,4,NULL,1,74,NULL,20063),(2007,106,'Omen Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,82750000.0000,1,274,NULL,NULL),(2008,1016,'Cynosural Navigation','This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Cynosural Generator Arrays at their starbases in a solar system.',1000,200000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1282,3946,NULL),(2009,1016,'Supercapital Construction Facilities','This upgrade allows alliances to anchor Supercapital Ship Assembly Arrays at their starbases in a solar system.',1000,200000,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1282,3950,NULL),(2010,286,'Rebel Leader','Terrorist Leader.',2112000,21120,100,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2011,306,'Prison Facility','This rat-infested prison is being closely guarded.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2012,597,'Terrorist Leader','This highly-wanted criminal has been sought after by DED officials for years since he began bombing innocent civilians on stations as part of an extortion racket. As a capsuleer, he has managed to evade capture this far. CONCORD officials have to be happy with quickly targeted assassination hits that send him back to his black-market cloning facility deep out on the frontiers of 0.0 space. Until they can raid those cloning labs, he will continue to rebuild and strike again.',1645000,16450,120,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2013,283,'Hostages','These hostages have been waiting for someone to rescue them for quite some time.',80,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2545,NULL),(2014,7,'Planet (Oceanic)','Oceanic worlds are a class of terrestrial world covered entirely by liquids, usually in the form of mundane water. While the liquid surface is exceptionally smooth, the ocean floor on most worlds of this type exhibits significant topographic variety. It is this subsurface irregularity which causes the formation of complex weather systems, which would otherwise revert to more uniform patterns.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10142,20089),(2015,7,'Planet (Lava)','So-called \"lava planets\" (properly \"magmatic planets\") fall into one of three groups: solar magmatics, which orbit sufficiently close to their star that the surface never cools enough to solidify; gravitational magmatics, which experience gravitational shifts sufficiently strong to regularly and significantly fracture cooling crusts; and magmatoids, which are for largely-unexplained reasons simply incapable of cooling and forming a persistent crust. All three types generally exhibit the same external phenomena - huge red-orange lava fields being a defining feature - but the latter two types are sometimes capable of briefly solidifying for a period measured in years or perhaps decades.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10133,20088),(2016,7,'Planet (Barren)','Barren planets are archetypical \"dead terrestrials\": dry, rocky worlds with a minimal atmosphere and an unremarkable composition. They are commonly etched with flood channels, which are often broad enough to be visible from orbit; most such worlds have accumulated significant quantities of ice over their lifetimes, but cannot retain it on their surface. Generally surface liquid evaporates rapidly, contributing to the thin atmosphere, but occasionally it will seep back into the ground and refreeze, ready for another breakout in future when the local temperature rises.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10135,20085),(2017,7,'Planet (Storm)','Storm worlds are usually considered terrestrial planets, although to a casual eye they may appear more similar to gas planets, given their opaque, high-pressure atmospheres. Geomorphically, however, the distinctions are clear: compared to a gas world, the atmosphere of a storm world is usually considerably shallower, and generally composed primarily of more complex chemicals, while the majority of the planet\'s mass is a rocky terrestrial ball. Their name is derived from the continent-scale electrical storms that invariably flash through their upper atmospheres.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10134,20091),(2018,61,'Medium Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,704,89,NULL),(2019,141,'Medium Capacitor Battery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,1558,89,NULL),(2020,61,'Large Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(2021,141,'Large Capacitor Battery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,624500.0000,1,1558,89,NULL),(2022,61,'X-Large Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(2023,141,'X-Large Capacitor Battery I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,89,NULL),(2024,76,'Medium Capacitor Booster II','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,40,1,NULL,98844.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(2025,156,'Medium Capacitor Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1031,NULL),(2026,1021,'Pirate Detection Array 1','This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.',1000,5000,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1284,3951,NULL),(2027,1021,'Pirate Detection Array 2','This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.',1000,10000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1284,3951,NULL),(2028,1021,'Pirate Detection Array 3','This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.',1000,20000,0,1,NULL,150000000.0000,1,1284,3951,NULL),(2029,1021,'Pirate Detection Array 4','This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.',1000,40000,0,1,NULL,200000000.0000,1,1284,3951,NULL),(2030,1021,'Pirate Detection Array 5','This upgrade increases the number of active combat sites in the upgraded solar system.',1000,60000,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1284,3951,NULL),(2031,1021,'Entrapment Array 1','This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.',1000,5000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1284,3947,NULL),(2032,43,'Cap Recharger II','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,665,90,NULL),(2033,123,'Cap Recharger II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,90,NULL),(2034,1021,'Entrapment Array 2','This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.',1000,10000,0,1,NULL,200000000.0000,1,1284,3947,NULL),(2035,1021,'Entrapment Array 3','This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.',1000,20000,0,1,NULL,300000000.0000,1,1284,3947,NULL),(2036,1021,'Entrapment Array 4','This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.',1000,40000,0,1,NULL,400000000.0000,1,1284,3947,NULL),(2037,1021,'Entrapment Array 5','This upgrade increases the chance of finding a complex in the system.',1000,60000,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1284,3947,NULL),(2038,47,'Cargo Scanner II','Scans the cargo hold of another ship.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,711,106,NULL),(2039,127,'Cargo Scanner II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,106,NULL),(2040,1020,'Ore Prospecting Array 1','This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.',1000,5000,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1283,3948,NULL),(2041,1020,'Ore Prospecting Array 2','This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.',1000,10000,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1283,3948,NULL),(2042,1020,'Ore Prospecting Array 3','This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.',1000,20000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1283,3948,NULL),(2043,1020,'Ore Prospecting Array 4','This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.',1000,40000,0,1,NULL,125000000.0000,1,1283,3948,NULL),(2044,1020,'Ore Prospecting Array 5','This upgrade increases the ore resources available in a system.',1000,60000,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1283,3948,NULL),(2045,693,'SARO Frigate','Special Affairs for Regulations & Order (SARO) is an elite branch of CONCORD\'s DED. They\'re called upon for high risk missions, including hostage situations, anti-terrorist ops, and the assault of heavily armed pirate havens.',1650000,16500,235,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2046,60,'Damage Control I','Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to prevent critical system damage. \r\n\r\nGrants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull.\r\n\r\nOnly one Damage Control can be activated at a given time.',5000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,615,77,NULL),(2047,140,'Damage Control I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,1542,77,NULL),(2048,60,'Damage Control II','Utilizes a combination of containment field emitters and redundancy systems to prevent critical system damage. \r\n\r\nGrants a bonus to resistance for shield, armor and hull.\r\n\r\nOnly one Damage Control can be activated at a given time.',5000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,615,77,NULL),(2049,140,'Damage Control II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,77,NULL),(2050,77,'Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(2052,286,'Mercenary Trainee','This is a mercenary fighter. Its faction alignment is unknown. It may be aggressive, depending on its assignment. Threat level: Moderate',1970000,19700,125,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2053,1020,'Survey Networks 1','This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,5000,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1283,3953,NULL),(2054,1020,'Survey Networks 2','This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,10000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1283,3953,NULL),(2055,1020,'Survey Networks 3','This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,20000,0,1,NULL,150000000.0000,1,1283,3953,NULL),(2056,1020,'Survey Networks 4','This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,40000,0,1,NULL,200000000.0000,1,1283,3953,NULL),(2057,1020,'Survey Networks 5','This upgrade increases the chance of a mini-profession site being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,60000,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1283,3953,NULL),(2058,1021,'Quantum Flux Generator 1','This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,5000,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1284,3943,NULL),(2059,1021,'Quantum Flux Generator 2','This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,10000,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1284,3943,NULL),(2060,1021,'Quantum Flux Generator 3','This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,20000,0,1,NULL,150000000.0000,1,1284,3943,NULL),(2061,1021,'Quantum Flux Generator 4','This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,40000,0,1,NULL,200000000.0000,1,1284,3943,NULL),(2062,1021,'Quantum Flux Generator 5','This upgrade increases the chance of a wormhole being present in the upgraded solar system.',1000,60000,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1284,3943,NULL),(2063,7,'Planet (Plasma)','The aptly-named \"plasma planets\" have captured the imagination of countless artists and inspired innumerable works, yet the physics behind them are surprisingly mundane by cosmological standards. A rocky terrestrial with the right kind of atmosphere and magnetic field will, when bombarded with solar radiation, generate sprawling plasma storms as specific atmospheric elements are stripped of their electrons. Over time these storms will generally scorch the surface rock black, adding to the visual impact.',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10138,20090),(2064,995,'EVE Gate','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2065,517,'Patrikia Noirild\'s Reaper','Patrikia Noirild is a Professor of Evolutionary Genetics at Republic University. Regarded as one of the foremost minds in her field, her early achievements include pioneering a revolutionary gene therapy for Toluuk\'s Syndrome - a genetic disorder that causes excess bone growth in Brutor descended from slaves bred to work on high-gravity worlds. For the last two years, however, she has worked in the field of anti-vitoxin research.',0,0,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2066,517,'Karsten Lundham\'s Typhoon','Karsten Lundham is a microbiologist working for the Sebiestor Tribe. Currently in his fifties, he worked in the field of immunology for ten years before deciding to dedicate the rest of his life to the search for a cure to vitoxin.',0,0,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2071,15,'Station (InterBus)','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,14),(2072,602,'Anire Scarlet','Anire is everything you could want in a pirate queen – bright green eyes, wild red hair and curves in all the right places. She dresses in a dark brown, form-fitting jumpsuit with gold accents here and there.<br><br>The most that people ever usually get to see, though, is her guns trained on them, as the Crimson Dawn comes bearing down to seal their fate.<br><br><br><i>\"I just liked it because it was red. What\'s a Carthum?\"</i>',11800000,118000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2073,1035,'Microorganisms','Any life form too small to be detected by the unaided human eye qualifies as a microorganism, yet as a whole, this classification of biology covers an enormous and diverse spectrum. From parasites and viruses to fungi and insects, the study or industrial application of these creatures is just as broad.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10034,NULL),(2074,314,'Zazzmatazz','Zazzmatazz\'s DNA',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2302,NULL),(2075,314,'Consolidated Holdings Commander Access Key','This Commander key has the information needed to unlock the acceleration gate in the Checkpoint which it was found.',0.01,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2076,474,'Gate Key','This transponder, set with a unique code built into the device\'s hardware, acts as a key to a specific acceleration gate.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2077,952,'Amarr Frigate Container','Frigate luxury vessel.',0,0,500,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2078,1022,'Zephyr','The Zephyr is a unique starship design, relying almost entirely on solar winds for sublight propulsion. Super-light sails allow it to ride the torrents of photons streaming through space, and its barebones construction gives it a tiny sensor footprint and almost negligible mass.\r\n\r\nOriginally conceived by the ascetic Intaki polymath Valsas en Dilat as a demonstration of minimalist starship design, it was never intended as a commercial venture. The recent discovery of the uncharted Sleeper Territories and their myriad wormholes has brought the Zephyr new attention - its mass makes it an ideal exploration vessel.\r\n\r\nValsas remains adamant that the Zephyr never sees mass production, but at the close of YC111 he authorized the Intaki Syndicate to distribute a single hull to every registered capsuleer.',5000,5000,10,1,8,7500.0000,1,1619,NULL,20073),(2082,300,'Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1','<font color=\"yellow\"><b>Traits</b></font><br>Slot 1<br>Primary Effect: +3 bonus to Perception<br>Secondary Effect: +1.5% bonus to powergrid and capacitor amount<br>Implant Set Effect: 50% bonus to the strength of all Genolution implant secondary effects<br><br><font color=\"yellow\"><b>Development</b></font><br>The modestly titled “Core Augmentation” implant set was developed by Genolution with the assistance of implantation specialists and other leaders in the field of neural augmentation, some of whom have long been rumored to be SoCT alumni.<br><br>The CA-1 is a rarity in the often hyper-specialized industry of neural augmentations. It provides a dual function; tapping into both the occipital lobe for a perception boost, and also the neocortex, for improving the brain\'s handling of a ship\'s energy and capacitor needs. Like the infamous pirate implant sets found on capsuleer markets, each implant is also designed to work at higher levels when integrated into a neural implant network.<br><br>Though many in the augmentation industry initially questioned the agenda behind Genolution\'s entry into the implantation field, fears eventually subsided as the implant was shown to be one of the safest on record. Genolution went one step further to assuage fears however and vowed never to release the implant to open markets, providing only a single-run issue to capsuleers as a demonstration of the technology.',0,1,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,618,2053,NULL),(2083,481,'Prototype Iris Probe Launcher','The Iris system is a prototype launcher designed to work exclusively with the Zephyr exploration platform.\r\n\r\nIts tight integration allows it to work effectively with the minimal power and CPU capacity the Zephyr can provide, but the non-standard interfaces needed for this optimization make it entirely unusable on other ship types.',5,5,0.8,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,NULL,2677,NULL),(2093,283,'Kidnapped Citizens','These poor people have been through enough already; all they want is to go home.',5,1,0,1,8,NULL,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2096,226,'Caldari Supercarrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2097,226,'Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2098,632,'Phenod\'s Broke-Ass Destroyer','This officer of The Seven will engage anyone threatening the gang\'s operations.',2650000,26500,235,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2100,314,'Phenod\'s DNA','Identification tags such as these may prove valuable if handed to the proper organization.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2302,NULL),(2101,226,'Gallente Supercarrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2102,226,'Minmatar Supercarrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2103,209,'Remote Tracking Computer I','Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,25,1,1,NULL,23900.0000,1,708,3346,NULL),(2104,209,'Remote Tracking Computer II','Establishes a fire control link with another ship, thereby boosting the turret range and tracking speed of that ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,130220.0000,1,708,3346,NULL),(2105,226,'Amarr Carrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2106,226,'Caldari Carrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2107,226,'Gallente Carrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2108,291,'Tracking Disruptor I','Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,29824.0000,1,680,1639,NULL),(2109,291,'Tracking Disruptor II','Disrupts the turret range and tracking speed of the target ship. This module can be loaded with scripts to increase its effectiveness in certain areas. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,1,1,NULL,205296.0000,1,680,1639,NULL),(2110,226,'Minmatar Carrier Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2111,226,'Amarr Freighter Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2112,226,'Caldari Freighter Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2113,226,'Gallente Freighter Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2114,226,'Minmatar Freighter Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2115,226,'Amarr Dreadnought Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2116,226,'Caldari Dreadnought Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2117,80,'ECM Burst II','Emits random electronic bursts which have a chance of momentarily disrupting target locks on ships within range.\r\n\r\nGiven the unstable nature of the bursts and the amount of internal shielding needed to ensure they do not affect their own point of origin, only battleship-class vessels can use this module to its fullest extent. \r\n\r\nNote: Only one module of this type can be activated at the same time.',5000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,678,109,NULL),(2118,160,'ECM Burst II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,109,NULL),(2119,226,'Gallente Dreadnought Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2120,226,'Minmatar Dreadnought Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2121,226,'Amarr Titan Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2122,226,'Caldari Titan Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2123,226,'Gallente Titan Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2124,226,'Minmatar Titan Wreckage','This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden\'s most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2126,633,'Anakism','This officer of The Seven will engage anyone threatening the gang\'s operations.',2250000,22500,235,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2127,306,'Amarr Diplomat Quarters','',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2128,632,'Locced\'s Destroyer','This officer of The Seven will engage anyone threatening the gang\'s operations.',2650000,26500,235,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2129,1027,'Limited Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2130,1027,'Standard Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2131,1027,'Improved Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2132,1027,'Advanced Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2133,1027,'Elite Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2134,1027,'Limited Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2135,1027,'Standard Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2136,1027,'Improved Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2137,1027,'Advanced Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2138,1027,'Elite Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2139,1027,'Limited Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2140,1027,'Standard Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2141,1027,'Improved Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2142,1027,'Advanced Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2143,1027,'Elite Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2144,1027,'Limited Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2145,1027,'Standard Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2146,1027,'Improved Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2147,1027,'Advanced Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2148,1027,'Elite Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2149,1027,'Limited Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2150,1027,'Standard Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2151,1027,'Improved Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2152,1027,'Advanced Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2153,1027,'Elite Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2154,1027,'Limited Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2155,1027,'Standard Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2156,1027,'Improved Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2157,1027,'Advanced Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2158,1027,'Elite Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2159,1027,'Limited Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2160,1027,'Standard Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2161,25,'Crucifier','The Crucifier was first designed as an explorer/scout, but the current version employs the electronic equipment originally intended for scientific studies for more offensive purposes. The Crucifier\'s electronic and computer systems take up a large portion of the internal space leaving limited room for cargo or traditional weaponry. ',1064000,28100,265,1,4,NULL,1,72,NULL,20063),(2162,105,'Crucifier Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2375000.0000,1,272,NULL,NULL),(2163,952,'CONCORD Collection Vessel','A CONCORD ship.',0,0,100,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2165,386,'Haunter Cruise Missile','Extra heavy assault missile. The first and only Minmatar-made large missile. Constructed of reactionary alloys, the Wrath is built to get to the target. Guidance and propulsion systems are of Gallentean origin and were initially used in drones, making Wrath fast and nimble despite its heavy payload. ',1250,0.05,0,100,NULL,10000.0000,0,NULL,183,NULL),(2173,100,'Infiltrator I','Medium Scout Drone',5000,10,0,1,4,17000.0000,1,838,NULL,NULL),(2174,176,'Infiltrator I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1700000.0000,1,1532,NULL,NULL),(2175,100,'Infiltrator II','Medium Scout Drone',5000,10,0,1,4,101536.0000,1,838,NULL,NULL),(2176,176,'Infiltrator II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2178,1019,'Guristas Nova Citadel Cruise Missile','Citadel Cruise Missiles are designed for long range bombardment of capital ships and installations. They are a specialized design usable only by capital ships.\r\n\r\nNocxium atoms captured in morphite matrices form this missile\'s devastating payload. A volley of these is able to completely obliterate almost everything that floats in space, be it vehicle or structure.',1500,0.3,0,100,NULL,250000.0000,1,1317,185,NULL),(2179,166,'Sansha Wrath Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,NULL,183,NULL),(2180,1019,'Guristas Scourge Citadel Cruise Missile','Citadel Cruise Missiles are designed for long range bombardment of capital ships and installations. They are a specialized design usable only by capital ships.\r\n\r\nFitted with a graviton pulse generator, this weapon causes massive damage as it overwhelms ships\' internal structures, tearing bulkheads and armor plating apart with frightening ease.',1500,0.3,0,100,NULL,300000.0000,1,1317,183,NULL),(2181,306,'Minmatar Diplomat Quarters','A small bunker, there for accommodation and increased mobility of troops and other personnel. ',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2182,1019,'Guristas Inferno Citadel Cruise Missile','Citadel Cruise Missiles are designed for long range bombardment of capital ships and installations. They are a specialized design usable only by capital ships.\r\n\r\nPlasma suspended in an electromagnetic field gives this torpedo the ability to deliver a flaming inferno of destruction, wreaking almost unimaginable havoc.',1500,0.3,0,100,NULL,325000.0000,1,1317,184,NULL),(2183,100,'Hammerhead I','Medium Scout Drone',5000,10,0,1,8,18000.0000,1,838,NULL,NULL),(2184,176,'Hammerhead I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1800000.0000,1,1532,NULL,NULL),(2185,100,'Hammerhead II','Medium Scout Drone',5000,10,0,1,8,95536.0000,1,838,NULL,NULL),(2186,176,'Hammerhead II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2187,952,'Orca Container','The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Eden\'s industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed. The Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs.',0,0,500,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2188,1019,'Guristas Mjolnir Citadel Cruise Missile','Citadel Cruise Missiles are designed for long range bombardment of capital ships and installations. They are a specialized design usable only by capital ships.\r\n\r\nNothing more than a baby nuclear warhead, this guided missile wreaks havoc with the delicate electronic systems aboard a starship. Specifically designed to damage shield systems, it is able to ravage heavily shielded targets in no time.',1500,0.3,0,100,NULL,350000.0000,1,1317,182,NULL),(2189,952,'Drone Infested Dominix','',105000000,1010000,600,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2190,1053,'Renyn Meten','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Renyn Meten)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Primary anti-support damage dealer amongst frigate-class prototypes. Significant microwarp velocity. Short range laser systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> There were no reported civilian abductions from the Renyn VI invasion. The Renyn identifier suggests a small number of captives may have been initially unaccounted for, as with the Eystur Rhomben variant. The Meten identifier suggests an oversight role amongst the other frigate-class prototypes, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0043. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i>\r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2191,1054,'Antem Neo','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Antem Neo)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is long-range sniping support. Moderate microwarp velocity. Vessel will attempt to establish orbit ranges in excess of 100km.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 900,000 civilian abductions from Antem IV. The Neo identifier suggests this variant was designed recently, or alternatively, is an improvement upon other, pre-existing designs. Possible links to the Mara Paleo variant.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0059. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2192,1052,'The Kundalini Manifest','True power lies within all of us. Coiled beneath our fears and insecurities like a resting serpent, it has waited with infinite patience for those last few layers of our imperfection to be stripped away. It waits, as we strive, for a freedom only this part of ourselves truly deserves.<br>\r\nFor as long as human history records, we have ignored what we truly are, and worse, we have ignored everything we could yet become. We must learn, now, to let go. Not everything we have taken with us so far on this journey should remain.<br>\r\nOur flaws and faults, these near-indelible errors pervading throughout human history, they can all be removed. Together, as one, we can overcome the enemy within.<br>\r\n<i>- Sansha Kuvakei</i>\r\n',1546875000,62000000,1337,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,10002),(2193,100,'Praetor I','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,4,60000.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2194,176,'Praetor I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,6000000.0000,1,359,NULL,NULL),(2195,100,'Praetor II','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,4,251072.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2196,176,'Praetor II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2197,314,'Environmentally-friendly Mining Equipment','The latest generation of environmentally-friendly mining drills reduces airborne pollutants by 75% when compared to the most popular drills on the market. This is accomplished through a revolutionary “dust recapture” system that essentially vacuums the air around the drill head. The collected dust is captured in large, on-site filtration systems which then compacts the dust into blocks. These blocks can either be refined along with the extracted ores, or simply placed back into the mine as backfill once drilling operations are complete. While more than five times as expensive as normal drills, the efficiency of these new models provides an entirely new level of environmental protection. ',70,32,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2852,NULL),(2198,314,'Crate of Environmentally-friendly Mining Equipment','The latest generation of environmentally-friendly mining drills reduces airborne pollutants by 75% when compared to the most popular drills on the market. This is accomplished through a revolutionary “dust recapture” system that essentially vacuums the air around the drill head. The collected dust is captured in large, on-site filtration systems which then compacts the dust into blocks. These blocks can either be refined along with the extracted ores, or simply placed back into the mine as backfill once drilling operations are complete. While more than five times as expensive as normal drills, the efficiency of these new models provides an entirely new level of environmental protection. ',210,450,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2852,NULL),(2199,314,'Prototype Body Armor Fabric ','This energy and force-absorbing fabric could represent a generational advancement in light body armor technology. What makes this remarkable fabric unique is that it contains microscopically thin layers of an advanced polymer containing nanites programmed for self-repair. In short, when a suit of body armor made form this material is impacted by any significant force, the nanites instantly begin to repair any damage done, which protects the wearer from further harm. Most importantly, during the manufacturing phase, if the fabric is properly pre-stressed, the nanites are forced to bond thus creating stronger and stronger material, without any increase in weight or decrease in flexibility. For these reasons, this prototype body armor fabric will undoubtedly become the most sought-after material for those groups able to afford its exorbitant price. ',50,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1189,NULL),(2200,314,'Crate of Prototype Body Armor Fabric ','This energy and force-absorbing fabric could represent a generational advancement in light body armor technology. What makes this remarkable fabric unique is that it contains microscopically thin layers of an advanced polymer containing nanites programmed for self-repair. In short, when a suit of body armor made form this material is impacted by any significant force, the nanites instantly begin to repair any damage done, which protects the wearer from further harm. Most importantly, during the manufacturing phase, if the fabric is properly pre-stressed, the nanites are forced to bond thus creating stronger and stronger material, without any increase in weight or decrease in flexibility. For these reasons, this prototype body armor fabric will undoubtedly become the most sought-after material for those groups able to afford its exorbitant price. ',5000,2000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1189,NULL),(2201,314,'Riot Interdiction Team','Riot Interdiction Teams, or RITs, are the primary Amarrian response forces for incidents involving slave riots and uprisings. These forces are equipped with the latest generations of body armor, stun sticks, flash-bang grenades, and other less-lethal technologies. In those cases where less-lethal force is insufficient, the teams are fully trained and equipped to use lethal force to resolve any such threat. For example, the RITs are often called in to resolve hostage situations in which one or more of the captives has been killed, thus eliminating the need for a phased operation and then transitioning to lethal force contingency operations (i.e., shoot to kill). Therefore, it is of little surprise that they are among the most highly trained Amarr ground forces in hostage rescue operations, and are sometimes called on to act in situations unrelated to slave-based scenarios.',30,30,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2202,314,'Riot Interdiction Teams','Riot Interdiction Teams, or RITs, are the primary Amarrian response forces for incidents involving slave riots and uprisings. These forces are equipped with the latest generations of body armor, stun sticks, flash-bang grenades, and other less-lethal technologies. In those cases where less-lethal force is insufficient, the teams are fully trained and equipped to use lethal force to resolve any such threat. For example, the RITs are often called in to resolve hostage situations in which one or more of the captives has been killed, thus eliminating the need for a phased operation and then transitioning to lethal force contingency operations (i.e., shoot to kill). Therefore, it is of little surprise that they are among the most highly trained Amarr ground forces in hostage rescue operations, and are sometimes called on to act in situations unrelated to slave-based scenarios.',500,300,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2203,100,'Acolyte I','Light Scout Drone',3000,5,0,1,4,2000.0000,1,837,1084,NULL),(2204,176,'Acolyte I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1531,1084,NULL),(2205,100,'Acolyte II','Light Scout Drone',3000,5,0,1,4,36768.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2206,176,'Acolyte II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2207,1054,'Vylade Dien','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Vylade Dien)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary roles are damage dealing and squad enhancement. Low microwarp velocity.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 100,000 civilian abductions from Vylade II. The Dien identifier suggests an oversight role amongst other cruiser-class prototypes, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development. The nature of Nation\'s squad boosting technology is still not fully understood, although current intelligence from recovered wrecks indicates that the designs deviates from standard warfare links in the same way as Tech III Warfare Processors.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0047. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2208,1054,'Uitra Telen','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Uitra Telen)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Moderate microwarp velocity. Limited weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 210,000 civilian abductions from VII. The Telen identifier suggests an oversight role amongst other Cruiser-class variants, or that other, more advanced prototypes may have originated from this design.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0055. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2209,1054,'Arnon Epithalamus','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Arnon Epithalmus)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is extreme range ECM support. Low microwarp velocity. Long range missile support.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> There were no reported civilian abductions from the invasion of Arnon III, IX and XI. The Arnon identifier suggests a number of captives may have been initially unaccounted for, as with the Eystur Rhomben and Renyn Meten variants. This supports previous conjecture that Nation\'s synchronized attacks on multiple planets were at least partly designed to aid in covert abduction. The Epithalmus identifier suggests a unifying role between the cruiser-class prototypes and other hull classes, and perhaps an additional regulatory role in crew emotional response, similar to the suspected behavior of the Tama Cerebellum variant.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0049. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2210,89,'Banshee Torpedo','An ultra-heavy piercing missile. Slow and dumb but its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.',1500,0.05,0,100,NULL,30000.0000,0,NULL,1346,NULL),(2211,166,'Sansha Juggernaut Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9000000.0000,1,NULL,1346,NULL),(2212,385,'Ghost Heavy Missile','The Scourge is an old relic from the Caldari-Gallente War that is still in widespread use because of its low price and versatility.',1000,0.03,0,100,4,2500.0000,0,NULL,189,NULL),(2213,166,'Ghost Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,NULL,189,NULL),(2214,952,'Guard Post','This inconspicuous guard post is awaiting security clearance before taking any action.',100000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2215,314,'Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chips ','The Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chip was once used to store the key elements of a ship\'s artificial intelligence system, as well as for controlling some of the vessel\'s autonomous functions. In addition, the TIL-1A series chip had been modified by top Viziam scientists for the Imperial Navy, making it far more resilient to damage and harsh environmental conditions than standard chips of its kind. The TIL-1A chip, specifically, was designed for front-line Amarr battleship-class vessels where it saw widespread use for almost a decade before being replaced by newer technologies. As a result, very few examples of this remain outside Amarr military historical archives, where they are often highly valued for the data they contain on early naval operations. ',1,12,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2216,314,'Crate of Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chips','The Amarr TIL-1A Nexus Chip was once used to store the key elements of a ship\'s artificial intelligence system, as well as for controlling some of the vessel\'s autonomous functions. In addition, the TIL-1A series chip had been modified by top Viziam scientists for the Imperial Navy, making it far more resilient to damage and harsh environmental conditions than standard chips of its kind. The TIL-1A chip, specifically, was designed for front-line Amarr battleship-class vessels where it saw widespread use for almost a decade before being replaced by newer technologies. As a result, very few examples of this remain outside Amarr military historical archives, where they are often highly valued for the data they contain on early naval operations. ',10,120,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2217,283,'Preacher','Tolmak\'s preachers serve as his proxies, and are the primary way he spreads his controversial message.',65,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3036,NULL),(2218,306,'Locced\'s Bribe','This cargo container is filled with all the extra supplies the pirates brought along with them.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,16,NULL),(2219,314,'Large Group of Civilian Workers and Dependents','Civilian workers and their dependents, including men, women, and children.',110,125,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2220,314,'Civilian Workers and Dependents','Civilian workers and their dependents, including men, women, and children.',11,12,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2221,314,'Manportable Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons ','These EM beam weapons have been custom fitted to detect and eradicate specific nanotechnologies. Normally, these EMP devices are used by special operations personnel during covert operations. They are placed in proximity to the enemy\'s defense grid and used to “short out” any nearby electronics, thus creating a hole in the defense grid such that conventional forces can then move through unimpeded by sentry grids, security bots, and other lethal defensive systems. The devices themselves are approximately the size of a large rucksack and can be both emplaced and operated by a single trained individual. ',25,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1362,NULL),(2222,673,'Scions of the Superior Gene','The Scions of the Superior Gene are a minor extremist cult. They believe that the Jovians are gods, and their technology is sacred – too pure to be used by the lowly empires. They have a small fleet of well-armed ships used exclusively to \"purify\" those who they feel have offended the Jovians.\r\n\r\n',10100000,101000,235,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2223,306,'Preacher\'s Quarters','The architectural design for the CreoDron Habitation Module started out as a contract deal from the Expert Housing Corporation to standardize the modular drifter homes normally used by miners and deep space explorers. When the project was cancelled due to insufficient funding, CreoDron utilized their design for the open market as high-orbit department buildings for commercial use. The marketing was a tremendous hit, making the Habitation Module a common sight across the universe. Common uses include anything from bars, casinos and brothels, to police stations and interrogation facilities.',100000,100000000,8850,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2224,1006,'Tolmak\'s Zealots','Tolmak has managed to convert a number of people to his religious message. Some of them are so fanatical they\'re willing to fight for him. These zealots form a motley fleet of whatever small ships they have been able to buy with donations from their planetside brethren.',11500000,115000,465,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2226,283,'Sisters of Eve Negotiator','An emissary sent by the Sisters of Eve to oversee peace talks.',85,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(2232,306,'Life pod','A life pod from a long since destroyed ship.',10000,1200,1400,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,73,NULL),(2233,1025,'Customs Office','Orbital Customs Offices are the primary points of contact between planetary and interplanetary economies. These facilities, resembling massive hangars in space, provide high-volume, high-frequency cargo transport services between a planet\'s surface and orbit.\r\n\r\n<i>Excerpt from the Amarr Prime Customs Agency regulations, section 17, subsection 4, paragraph 8:\r\n\r\nThe following items may only be imported or exported with the express prior approval of the Imperial Underscrivener for Commercial Affairs:\r\n\r\nNarcotic substances; handheld firearms; slaver hounds (except as personal property); Mindflood; live insects; ungulates; Class 1 refrigerants and aerosols; forced laborers/personal slaves (or other sapient livestock); animal germ-plasm; biomass of human origin; xenobiotics; walnuts.</i>',5000000000,100000000,35000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,10029),(2234,226,'Sansha\'s Battletower','This gigantic war station is one of the military installations of Sansha\'s slumbering nation. It is known to be able to hold a massive number of Sansha vessels, but strange whispers hint at darker things than mere warfare going on underneath its jagged exterior.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20199),(2239,283,'Oura Madusaari','A half-mad young female Caldari salvager, she was among the few survivors of <i>The Paryi</i>\'s salvaging crew.',85,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2537,NULL),(2240,283,'Harroken Ikero','A half-mad young male Caldari salvager, he was among the few survivors of <i>The Paryi</i>\'s salvaging crew.',85,3,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(2244,283,'Fajah Ateshi','A serious middle-aged female Amarr scientist, Dr. Ateshi remained eerily calm while the crew all around her lost their minds. She attributes her survival to God being on her side.',85,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2891,NULL),(2250,314,'Neurowave Pattern Scanner','This scanner will track the brainwaves of any living creatures within a ship.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2037,NULL),(2252,226,'Roden Station','This facility bears the red color scheme particular to Roden Shipyards.',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,14),(2254,1027,'Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2256,1030,'Temperate Launchpad','The temperate launchpad is able to send and receive payloads from orbit. Because of the relatively calm atmospheric conditions of most temperate planets, the primary focus of this facility is on interfacing effectively with adjacent facilities, allowing for passengers and commodities to be easily organized, scanned, and transported to the appropriate areas. The obvious importance of a centralized spaceport often leads to its becoming a focal point of local culture, including trade, entertainment, and even illegal activities.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2257,1029,'Ice Storage Facility','\"At some point, it all comes down to more metal.\" The designers of this storage site believed this adage above all else. The outer walls of each container are comprised of almost a meter of titanium alloy around a flexible, lightweight tritanium frame, all sealed with a few layers of active nanite coating to prevent microfractures and thermal warping. This combination allows the building to withstand nearly any environmental challenge. To prevent the tritanium supports from decaying, the interior is kept in a constant vacuum, and workers must wear fully sealed atmosphere suits at all times.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2258,202,'ECCM - Omni II','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,728,104,NULL),(2259,202,'ECCM - Gravimetric II','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,725,104,NULL),(2260,202,'ECCM - Ladar II','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,726,104,NULL),(2261,202,'ECCM - Magnetometric II','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,727,104,NULL),(2262,202,'ECCM - Radar II','A secondary electronic array that provides a significant boost to sensor strength for a short time. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,729,104,NULL),(2263,12,'Planetary Launch Container','This container has been launched from the planet surface into low orbit for collection by starships. These containers will burn up within a few days if not collected.',10000,27500,1000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2267,1032,'Base Metals','Iron and nickel are two widespread, easily recognized examples of base metals, or those metals that oxidize relatively easily. Their tremendous usefulness in numerous applications ensures that base metals are always in high demand. Thankfully, so is their abundance on most planetary surfaces.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10024,NULL),(2268,1033,'Aqueous Liquids','The abundance of water on terrestrial planets is often a misconception: What many refer to offhandedly as \"water\" is often an amalgamation of many liquids, microscopic particles, and saturated compounds combined with water and other liquids. Aqueous liquids represent those liquids from which pure water can be separated easily from waste or hazardous particles, but only using the proper equipment.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10012,NULL),(2270,1032,'Noble Metals','Highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation, noble metals are somewhat rarer than base metals, yet they are just as sought after for their different electrical, material, and chemical attributes. When painstakingly refined and purified, some noble metal ores can produce \"precious metals.\"',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10025,NULL),(2272,1032,'Heavy Metals','In small quantities, heavy metals are vital to life, providing essential minerals for biological processes. In bulk, they are commonly found in most construction materials, forming the most basic components of computer electronics and reinforced structures.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10026,NULL),(2280,1036,'Link','',0,0,1000,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2281,77,'Adaptive Invulnerability Field II','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,NULL,362408.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(2282,157,'Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(2284,226,'Megathron (Roden)','The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.',0,0,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2285,226,'Dominix (Roden)','The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.',0,0,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2286,1035,'Planktic Colonies','Harvested in mass quantities, planktic colonies are used for much more than just a bulk food source that flourishes in water-rich environments. Their cumulative biomass has advanced properties that contribute to some of the most advanced material and medical sciences in New Eden.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10035,NULL),(2287,1035,'Complex Organisms','Organic flora and fauna growing on worlds across the cluster technically qualify as “alien life,” though none of it has registered as sentient. However, their usefulness as comestibles or building materials in other areas of industry is invaluable.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10036,NULL),(2288,1035,'Carbon Compounds','Often referred to as the building blocks of life, carbon compounds form the basis of most organic material; hence, they are ideally suited for use in the early development of advanced, reactive molecules, such as those used in biofuel and supertensile structures.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10037,NULL),(2289,77,'Explosive Deflection Field I','Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,20,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1694,20947,NULL),(2290,157,'Explosive Deflection Field I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1548,81,NULL),(2291,77,'Kinetic Deflection Field I','Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance',10000,20,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1693,20949,NULL),(2292,157,'Kinetic Deflection Field I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1548,81,NULL),(2293,77,'EM Ward Field I','Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,20,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1695,20948,NULL),(2294,157,'EM Ward Field I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1548,81,NULL),(2295,77,'Thermal Dissipation Field I','Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,20,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1692,20950,NULL),(2296,157,'Thermal Dissipation Field I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1548,81,NULL),(2297,77,'Explosive Deflection Field II','Boosts shield resistance against explosive damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,NULL,271744.0000,1,1694,20947,NULL),(2298,157,'Explosive Deflection Field II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(2299,77,'Kinetic Deflection Field II','Boosts shield resistance against kinetic damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance',10000,5,0,1,NULL,269248.0000,1,1693,20949,NULL),(2300,157,'Kinetic Deflection Field II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(2301,77,'EM Ward Field II','Boosts shield resistance against EM damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,NULL,261376.0000,1,1695,20948,NULL),(2302,157,'EM Ward Field II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(2303,77,'Thermal Dissipation Field II','Boosts shield resistance against thermal damage.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,NULL,273696.0000,1,1692,20950,NULL),(2304,157,'Thermal Dissipation Field II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(2305,1035,'Autotrophs','At the very bottom of the food chain are autotrophs, those organisms that produce carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for higher life forms to consume. When properly gathered and ordered, they can be plied into industrial fibers, which then go on to contribute to advanced material technologies.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10038,NULL),(2306,1032,'Non-CS Crystals','The orderly, compact nature of crystals makes them well suited for a staggering array of manufacturing processes, in which they are just as often the product of the factory as they are incorporated into many of the tools and machinery used therein.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10027,NULL),(2307,1032,'Felsic Magma','The churning core of lava planets is rife with felsic magma, or silicate material that is infused with lighter elements, from which basic silicon and other atomic matter may be extracted. Silicon is abundant on many terrestrial planets, but the fastest and easiest way to obtain it, given advances in planetary mining processes, is from felsic magma.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10028,NULL),(2308,1033,'Suspended Plasma','When found in harvestable quantities beyond the unapproachable heat of an active star, plasma is said to be in a “suspended” state. Specialized electronic equipment is used to attract the ionized particles into collection tubes, after which it can be stored, transported, or applied to a variety of technologies.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10013,NULL),(2309,1033,'Ionic Solutions','An electrolyte found in a raw, natural form is called an ionic solution, especially in terms of planetary astronomy. Only after a lengthy process of extraction and refining can the resulting fluid go on to be used for medical, industrial, or nutritive applications. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10014,NULL),(2310,1033,'Noble Gas','This colorless, odorless, and usually nonflammable substance is one of seven known monoatomic gases, or those that do not easily combine with other atoms. They are thus well suited for a variety of manufacturing implementations.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10015,NULL),(2311,1033,'Reactive Gas','Consisting of any number of volatile atomic structures, reactive gases are the most useful when applied to the fields of explosives, molecular restructuring, and electrical conduction. Great care must be taken when storing or transporting any sizeable quantity. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1333,10016,NULL),(2312,1034,'Supertensile Plastics','“Hyperoxidation” was the term given to the process of rapidly fossilizing the carbon structures, readily available in the form of biomass, which forms the basic framework of supertensile plastics. The only amorphous solid known to retain the resilience of other such materials while also adopting conductive properties, supertensile plastic is highly sought after for a wide range of industrial applications.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10057,NULL),(2317,1034,'Oxides','Technically, any chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom is an oxide, though some are far more valuable than others. Once broken down and separated from waste material, many oxides can be applied to various industrial processes.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10051,NULL),(2319,1034,'Test Cultures','When bacteria are allowed to thrive in a water-based environment, they undergo generational transformations that can be monitored and documented, providing research data invaluable to numerous scientific fields.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10056,NULL),(2321,1034,'Polyaramids','Polyaramid textiles are produced when industrial fibers are harvested from autotrophic life forms and subjected to intense pressure using reactive gas pistons. Able to absorb a startling amount of kinetic energy, sheets of this miraculous material can be form-fitted to just about any structure, protecting it from anything but weapons-grade impact forces.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10058,NULL),(2327,1034,'Microfiber Shielding','Using advanced residual substrate isolation technology, silicon weave is threaded through layers of tough organic fibers. The resulting microfiber shielding is incredibly resilient and retains the microscopic profile required to shield miniaturized electronics.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10055,NULL),(2328,1034,'Water-Cooled CPU','Despite how ancient the technology is, there is still no method more cost-effective for cooling computer processing units than ordinary water, which can be heated and cooled rapidly via any number of proven methods. Most often, thermally conductive tubing makes its way through all of the vital components and over heat sinks, helping to regulate operating temperatures.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10052,NULL),(2329,1034,'Biocells','Similar to an ancient battery, a biocell instead uses biofuels distilled from organic material and precious metals to produce an electrical current in a self-contained, modular unit. However, modern biocells dwarf the capabilities of ancient batteries by several orders of magnitude.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10054,NULL),(2331,57,'Shield Power Relay I','Diverts power from the capacitors to the shields, thereby increasing the shield recharge rate.',20,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,688,83,NULL),(2332,137,'Shield Power Relay I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,97440.0000,1,1550,83,NULL),(2333,49,'Survey Scanner II','Scans the composition of asteroids, ice and gas clouds.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,714,2732,NULL),(2334,129,'Survey Scanner II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,107,NULL),(2335,226,'Mysterious Probe','Despite its familiar construction, this ancient probe is made from materials and electronics unlike anything you\'ve ever seen in New Eden. It floats silently through space, seemingly dormant.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2341,82,'Passive Targeter II','Uses advanced gravitational and visual targeting to identify threats. Allows target lock without alerting the ship to a possible threat.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,672,104,NULL),(2342,161,'Passive Targeter II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,104,NULL),(2344,1040,'Condensates','Oxidized coolant is required to produce the temperatures needed to force rare particles to condense out of ordinary matter, which is the most economic way to produce valuable base elements in bulk.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10039,NULL),(2345,1040,'Camera Drones','Most visibly used in starship development, especially on capsuleer craft, other types of camera drones are also employed in the fields of nano-medicine, surveillance, and entertainment.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10040,NULL),(2346,1040,'Synthetic Synapses','The wide range of uses for synthetic synapses is largely due to the fact that they are able to serve double duty as electrical conduits and as replacements or additions to biological nervous systems. This allows them to be used in computers, cybernetics, and artificial intelligence equipment.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10041,NULL),(2348,1040,'Gel-Matrix Biopaste','Gel-matrix biopaste is a highly unstable substance that must be formed from elements that don\'t combine under normal circumstances. Forcing them to do so requires enormous amounts of energy, but the end product is invaluable to high-end electronics and cybernetic medicine.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10042,NULL),(2349,1040,'Supercomputers','When an individual computer system incorporates a wide range of networked utilities, layered processors, and redundant memory cores, it is said to have evolved into a supercomputer. Such systems can be put to use managing spaceships, starbases, or even entire planetary administrations.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10043,NULL),(2351,1040,'Smartfab Units','These tiny cubes form the building blocks of many simple structures, from basic walls and doors to entire homes and even industrial office spaces. Whenever a sufficient number of smartfab units are placed together and have been programmed with the same instructions, they will automatically combine to form some portion of that object and then become inert in their new form. With adequately detailed blueprints, there is theoretically no limit to the complexity of object or structure these clever devices can create. ',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10044,NULL),(2352,1040,'Nuclear Reactors','This power core is able to convert heavy elements into electricity by way of nuclear fission, splitting atoms to produce thermal energy on a massive scale. If they are properly shielded and cooled, there are few safer, cleaner ways to power buildings or large vehicles. ',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10045,NULL),(2354,1040,'Neocoms','As an essential component of the navigational and tactical interface of spaceships, Neocoms are a small but essential cornerstone of the interstellar economy.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10046,NULL),(2355,63,'Small Hull Repairer II','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1053,21378,NULL),(2356,143,'Small Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(2358,1040,'Biotech Research Reports','As the core fundamentals of organic life constantly evolve and develop on micro and macro levels, the constant production and distribution of biotech research is a mandatory part of ongoing advances in countless scientific disciplines.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10132,NULL),(2360,1040,'Industrial Explosives','The primary difference between military and industrial explosives is that the latter are effective only when used in bulk, and they are never sold or transported with “ready to use” detonators. As such, they must be carefully installed, primed, and triggered from remote locations before their full destructive force can be applied.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10047,NULL),(2361,1040,'Hermetic Membranes','How do you make a sheet of material absolutely impermeable to specific particles? Simple: You make the material <i>want</i> to stop those particles. Such is the case with hermetic membranes, supertensile fabrics instilled with living genetic material that actively hunts down and absorbs or repels whatever they were bred to counteract.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10048,NULL),(2363,205,'Heat Sink I','Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,647,1046,NULL),(2364,205,'Heat Sink II','Dissipates energy weapon damage efficiently, thus allowing them to be fired more rapidly. \r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,647,1046,NULL),(2366,1040,'Hazmat Detection Systems','A critical component of space stations, starships, or any other isolated environment, these tiny devices are set to trigger alarms when the genetically engineered viruses inside mutate — which means that they\'ve encountered a significant dose of radiation, natural contaminant, or airborne pathogen, signifying that the surrounding crew is in danger.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10049,NULL),(2367,1040,'Cryoprotectant Solution','The base elements present in certain synthetic oils can, at extreme temperatures, produce habitable environments for genetically engineered extremophile. The byproduct of their rapid life-death cycle is a highly thermal resistant solution ideal for hybrid electronics.',0,6,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1336,10050,NULL),(2368,314,'Broken Organic Mortar Applicators','While nanites are ideal for many forms of construction, sealing joints between large structural bulkheads is a job best left to organic mortar, a thick gel that actively permeates every microscopic gap between two parts. Due to the aggressive nature of the genetically engineered bacteria that intelligently guides into place the hardening condensate material, this paste is extremely hazardous to humans and must be applied by robots.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2369,314,'Broken Sterile Conduits','Sustaining diverse populations of station inhabitants – many of whom come from different worlds with different ecologies – was a medical nightmare until the development of sterile conduits. Each length of flexible, self-repairing tube is powered by breaking down the chemical energy in the water they convey, which itself is laced with smart vaccines able to identify and destroy almost any known antigen.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2370,572,'Serpentis Initiate','This is a fighter for the Serpentis Corporation. It is protecting the assets of the Serpentis Corporation and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Very low',2450000,24500,60,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2371,314,'Broken Nano-Factory','Only the highly advanced Ukomi superconductor can be rendered small enough for use in nano-factories, microscopic devices programmed to absorb and recycle ambient material into useful matter. Each factory is built from reactive metals, ensuring that they interact properly – or not at all – with their environment, while a mote of industrial explosive automatically destroys them when they have completed their task.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2372,550,'Angel Rogue','This is a fighter for the Arch Angels. It is protecting the assets of Arch Angels and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Low',2250000,22500,75,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2373,314,'Broken Self-Harmonizing Power Core','With camera drones diligently monitoring the temperature, radioactivity, and electrical output of these advanced nuclear reactors, instant adjustments can be made to a dynamic, adaptive layer of hermetic membranes, which keeps the power core functioning safely at maximum capacity, with no human attention required whatsoever.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2374,314,'Broken Recursive Computing Module','Not all automated functions are delicate or complicated enough to warrant advanced computer hardware; relatively mundane tasks are best when assigned to an RCM bank. These sturdy, reliable processing units are able to effectively handle most of the day-to-day operations of stations, starships, and stargates.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2375,314,'Broken Broadcast Node','By integrating transcranial microcontrollers into a circuit made from synthetic synapses, the broadcast node is able to communicate directly with various station functions and with negligible signal loss and latency. The addition of computerized guidance systems, each running independent navigation system software routines, allows a single node to coordinate starship docking procedures, drone operations, and even station defenses.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2376,314,'Broken Integrity Response Drones','Hull breaches are a constant, serious threat during space travel, as well as a dangerous reality to orbital stations, which are too massive to avoid incoming objects. Integrity response drones help mitigate that threat by providing the automated, immediate application of sealants to any detected impact or pressure fracture in the structure they patrol.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2377,314,'Broken Wetware Mainframe','So advanced and energy-demanding are wetware mainframes that they require vehicle-scale power cores and the constant attention of maintenance personnel. When operating at peak performance levels, nothing in New Eden can match the raw computing power of these machines, from calculating warp coordinates to administrating the core functions of an entire space station.',0,100,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,20,3250,NULL),(2378,675,'Mysterious Shuttle','The only thing sensors can make out about this ship is that it has some kind of receiver that interacts with the star\'s natural magnetic field. There is one faint life sign, similar to a human in cryogenic stasis.',1600000,5000,10,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2379,572,'Serpentis Spy','This is a fighter for the Serpentis Corporation. It is protecting the assets of the Serpentis Corporation and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Moderate',2500000,25000,60,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2381,571,'Serpentis Chief Spy','This is a fighter for the Serpentis Corporation. It is protecting the assets of the Serpentis Corporation and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Extreme',11600000,116000,900,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2382,562,'Guristas Arrogator','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Very low',1500100,15001,45,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2383,562,'Guristas Invader','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Moderate',2025000,20250,65,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2384,562,'Guristas Imputor','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Low',1612000,16120,80,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2385,562,'Guristas Despoiler','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Significant',2040000,20400,100,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2386,562,'Guristas Plunderer','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: High',1970000,19700,125,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2387,561,'Guristas Silencer','This is a fighter for the Guristas. It is protecting the assets of Guristas and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Extreme',10700000,107000,850,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2389,1042,'Plasmoids','In the early days of humanity\'s return to space flight, scientists Planto and Ginch co-discovered a self-sustaining natural structure made entirely from plasma suspended in a planetary magnetic field. Since then, the term has been applied to any such construct, whether occurring under normal conditions or produced artificially using electrical currents.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10017,NULL),(2390,1042,'Electrolytes','This conductive liquid is able to carry an electrical current due to its unique ionic properties, making it ideal for use as a reactive coolant, a high-energy fuel, or a transference medium for power plants.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10019,NULL),(2392,1042,'Oxidizing Compound','Converting various matter from its basic state to an oxidized form requires an oxidizing compound, the most effective of which is a powerful agent made from pressurized reactive gas. Special containers are required to keep the compound from causing significant damage to common metals and organic life.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10018,NULL),(2393,1042,'Bacteria','The term “bacteria” covers a wide, diverse family of unicellular microorganisms, from those found in almost every climate in New Eden to those that thrive in the bodies of other living beings. Though some bacteria are known to convey diseases, others are more helpful than harmful to humans.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10029,NULL),(2395,1042,'Proteins','One of the most basic components of biological life, proteins form the core DNA structure and are involved in almost every process that sustains a living being. Harvested at the microscopic level, proteins can be put to use in everything from medical genetics to nanite technology.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10031,NULL),(2396,1042,'Biofuels','The most widely used, renewable solid fuel in the cluster, biofuel production is present in some fashion on almost every inhabited world. A steady fuel source can be maintained in a planetary economy by converting living material directly into energy instead of relying on fossil fuels. ',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10032,NULL),(2397,1042,'Industrial Fibers','The main difference between fibers used in industry and those created for civilian use is the trade-off of comfort for tensile strength and durability. This allows industrial fibers to be used in more severe environments, from electronic component shielding on hostile worlds to solar sails in the frigid void of space. ',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10033,NULL),(2398,1042,'Reactive Metals','Very dense metals are often called reactive metals, as their ability to conduct electrical currents and absorb heat is unparalleled. Rarely found in a natural solid state, they are instead usually assembled on an atomic level from particulate matter found in other forms.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10020,NULL),(2399,1042,'Precious Metals','A cousin of noble metals, precious metals are named as such because of how infrequently they appear on terrestrial worlds where they were first encountered.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10021,NULL),(2400,1042,'Toxic Metals','Derived from heavy metals, toxic metals are those that have no biological function and are in fact poisonous to most living creatures.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10022,NULL),(2401,1042,'Chiral Structures','A chiral structure is a crystal that is unsymmetrical, which makes it volatile in some situations but ideal for conductivity, especially in micro-circuitry. Using semi-rare chiral structures in electronics has allowed for an unprecedented advancement in the field of miniaturization.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10023,NULL),(2403,1241,'Advanced Planetology','The advanced understanding of planet evolution allowing you to interpret data from scans of planets for resources at much higher resolutions.\r\n\r\nBonus:\r\nThe skill further increases the resolution of resource data when scanning a planet to allow for very precise surveying.\r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,7500000.0000,1,1823,33,NULL),(2404,509,'Light Missile Launcher II','Favored by many for its average capacity and firing rate. Useful in both fast attack raids and longer battles.\r\n',0,5,0.795,1,NULL,72806.0000,1,640,168,NULL),(2405,136,'Light Missile Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,168,NULL),(2406,1241,'Planetology','The understanding of planet evolution allowing you to better interpret data from scans of planets for resources.\r\n\r\nBonus:\r\nThe skill increases the resolution of resource data when scanning a planet to allow for more accurate surveying.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,1823,33,NULL),(2407,226,'The Terminus Stream','The material being ejected from this wormhole consists of hydrogen, oxygen, silicon, iron, and other materials usually only found in those states and frequency on terrestrial planets.',1,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2409,1026,'Barren Aqueous Liquid Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2410,510,'Heavy Missile Launcher II','Designed for long engagements between medium sized ships. Slow firing rate, but makes up for it with a large missile capacity.',0,10,1.2,1,NULL,167560.0000,1,642,169,NULL),(2411,136,'Heavy Missile Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,169,NULL),(2412,1026,'Temperate Aqueous Liquid Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2413,1026,'Storm Aqueous Liquid Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2414,1026,'Oceanic Aqueous Liquid Extractor','This underwater platform and extendable extraction arms are capable of scouring the ocean floor for valuable materials and bringing them to the surface for transportation to processing facilities. A small habitation module serves as living and operation quarters for the human administration and maintenance crew, along with emergency surfacing capsules in the case of a seismic event or breach of the building\'s integrity.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2415,1026,'Ice Aqueous Liquid Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2416,1026,'Gas Aqueous Liquid Extractor','Extracting gas from a gas giant requires more effort than simply opening a door into a container. Each specific type of desirable gas requires an ionized filament to be calibrated to attract only the right particles from the atmosphere. Even a fraction of a percent error could spoil an entire batch of product by tainting it with unwanted material. Likewise, once the gas is extracted from the surrounding air, the platform\'s equilibrium tanks must be adjusted to compensate for the added weight or buoyancy. Beyond that, it\'s a simple matter of supercooling it and transferring the liquid form into a container for transport. As one pioneer of this technology accurately described it, “The extractor itself is much like a living organism, breathing in what it needs and expelling that which becomes cumbersome.”',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2417,1026,'Plasma Suspended Plasma Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2418,1026,'Lava Suspended Plasma Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2419,1026,'Storm Suspended Plasma Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2420,508,'Torpedo Launcher II','A massive launcher designed for extended bombardments of hard targets like battleships and stations. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.',0,20,2,1,NULL,655792.0000,1,644,170,NULL),(2421,136,'Torpedo Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,170,NULL),(2422,1026,'Storm Ionic Solutions Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2423,1026,'Ice Noble Gas Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2424,1026,'Gas Ionic Solutions Extractor','Extracting gas from a gas giant requires more effort than simply opening a door into a container. Each specific type of desirable gas requires an ionized filament to be calibrated to attract only the right particles from the atmosphere. Even a fraction of a percent error could spoil an entire batch of product by tainting it with unwanted material. Likewise, once the gas is extracted from the surrounding air, the platform\'s equilibrium tanks must be adjusted to compensate for the added weight or buoyancy. Beyond that, it\'s a simple matter of supercooling it and transferring the liquid form into a container for transport. As one pioneer of this technology accurately described it, “The extractor itself is much like a living organism, breathing in what it needs and expelling that which becomes cumbersome.”',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2425,1026,'Storm Noble Gas Extractor','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2426,1026,'Gas Noble Gas Extractor','Custom-built gas extractors were first developed to take advantage of gas giant settlements and represented the most lucrative long-term development of such unique worlds. These enormous extraction units, when carefully lowered to the proper altitude on gas giant planets, provide a cost-effective way of acquiring rare and high-demand resources, such as noble and reactive gases and suspended plasma. The proliferation of gas giant settlement in recent years has drastically lowered the price of these base materials, which in turn has seen increased productivity in the numerous planetside and spacebound industries built around these valuable commodities.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2427,1026,'Gas Reactive Gas Extractor','Custom-built gas extractors were first developed to take advantage of gas giant settlements and represented the most lucrative long-term development of such unique worlds. These enormous extraction units, when carefully lowered to the proper altitude on gas giant planets, provide a cost-effective way of acquiring rare and high-demand resources, such as noble and reactive gases and suspended plasma. The proliferation of gas giant settlement in recent years has drastically lowered the price of these base materials, which in turn has seen increased productivity in the numerous planetside and spacebound industries built around these valuable commodities.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2428,1026,'Lava Base Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2429,1026,'Plasma Base Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2430,1026,'Barren Base Metals Extractor','Surface mining is a common and effective practice that dates back to early planetary settlement. The process involves stripping a planet\'s surface layer until the ore buried beneath is exposed. At this point, the ore can be more easily extracted. Surface mines are typically quite shallow and are built in areas where the surface material covering the valuable deposits is relatively thin. For this reason, surface mines are sometimes built on the ocean floor.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2431,1026,'Storm Base Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2432,1026,'Ice Microorganisms Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefiting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of microorganisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2433,1026,'Gas Base Metals Extractor','Custom-built gas extractors were first developed to take advantage of gas giant settlements and represented the most lucrative long-term development of such unique worlds. These enormous extraction units, when carefully lowered to the proper altitude on gas giant planets, provide a cost-effective way of acquiring rare and high-demand resources, such as noble and reactive gases and suspended plasma. The proliferation of gas giant settlement in recent years has drastically lowered the price of these base materials, which in turn has seen increased productivity in the numerous planetside and spacebound industries built around these valuable commodities. ',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2434,1026,'Plasma Noble Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2435,1026,'Barren Noble Metals Extractor','Surface mining is a common and effective practice that dates back to early planetary settlement. The process involves stripping a planet\'s surface layer until the ore buried beneath is exposed. At this point, the ore can be more easily extracted. Surface mines are typically quite shallow and are built in areas where the surface material covering the valuable deposits is relatively thin. For this reason, surface mines are sometimes built on the ocean floor.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2436,100,'Wasp II','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,1,231072.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2437,176,'Wasp II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2438,1026,'Ice Planktic Colonies Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefitting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of micro-organisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2439,1026,'Lava Heavy Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2440,1026,'Plasma Heavy Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2441,1026,'Ice Heavy Metals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2442,1026,'Lava Non-CS Crystals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2443,1026,'Plasma Non-CS Crystals Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2444,100,'Ogre I','Heavy Attack Drone',12000,25,0,1,8,70000.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2445,176,'Ogre I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,7000000.0000,1,359,NULL,NULL),(2446,100,'Ogre II','Heavy Attack Drone',12000,25,0,1,8,271072.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2447,176,'Ogre II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2448,1026,'Lava Felsic Magma Extractor','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2449,1026,'Barren Microorganisms Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefiting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of microorganisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2450,1026,'Temperate Microorganisms Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefiting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of microorganisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2451,1026,'Oceanic Microorganisms Extractor','Centuries of aquatic life and plant growth typically blanket ocean worlds\' floors with a thick layer of valuable biomass. When properly cultivated, harvested, and refined, the applications of such material range anywhere from food production and medical application to more esoteric functions, such as genetic enhancements and super-resilient textiles. The facility itself includes both a processing plant, which filters and compresses the material; and a roving collector, which is little more than a series of churning scoops and a powerful pumping mechanism connected to the facility via flexible conduit.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2452,1026,'Oceanic Planktic Colonies Extractor','Centuries of aquatic life and plant growth typically blanket ocean worlds\' floors with a thick layer of valuable biomass. When properly cultivated, harvested, and refined, the applications of such material range anywhere from food production and medical application to more esoteric functions, such as genetic enhancements and super-resilient textiles. The facility itself includes both a processing plant, which filters and compresses the material; and a roving collector, which is little more than a series of churning scoops and a powerful pumping mechanism connected to the facility via flexible conduit.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2453,1026,'Temperate Complex Organisms Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefitting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of micro-organisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2454,100,'Hobgoblin I','Light Scout Drone',3000,5,0,1,8,2500.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2455,176,'Hobgoblin I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,1531,NULL,NULL),(2456,100,'Hobgoblin II','Light Scout Drone',3000,5,0,1,8,36184.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2457,176,'Hobgoblin II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2458,1026,'Oceanic Complex Organisms Extractor','Centuries of aquatic life and plant growth typically blanket ocean worlds\' floors with a thick layer of valuable biomass. When properly cultivated, harvested, and refined, the applications of such material range anywhere from food production and medical application to more esoteric functions, such as genetic enhancements and super-resilient textiles. The facility itself includes both a processing plant, which filters and compresses the material; and a roving collector, which is little more than a series of churning scoops and a powerful pumping mechanism connected to the facility via flexible conduit.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2459,1026,'Barren Carbon Compounds Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefitting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of micro-organisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2460,1026,'Temperate Carbon Compounds Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefitting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of micro-organisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2461,1026,'Oceanic Carbon Compounds Extractor','This underwater platform and extendable extraction arms are capable of scouring the ocean floor for valuable materials and bringing them to the surface for transportation to processing facilities. A small habitation module serves as living and operation quarters for the human administration and maintenance crew, along with emergency surfacing capsules in the case of a seismic event or breach of the building\'s integrity.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2462,1026,'Temperate Autotrophs Extractor','Modular biomass cultivators have been the mainstay of low-cost micro-agriculture for centuries. As a result, these facilities have proliferated across many planetary settlements. These adaptable micro-ponds allow communities to alter their cultivators to take advantage of local environments, benefitting optimally from the unique bacterial makeup of local water supplies. Although traditional farming methods remain competitive on terrestrial planets, the production of micro-organisms is most efficient when handled by a custom biomass cultivator.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2463,1034,'Nanites','Though they are only simple machines and very small, nanites can be used to achieve miraculous medical results in small amounts or astounding feats of engineering in mass quantities.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1335,10053,NULL),(2464,100,'Hornet I','Light Scout Drone',3500,5,0,1,1,3000.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2465,176,'Hornet I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,1531,NULL,NULL),(2466,100,'Hornet II','Light Scout Drone',3500,5,0,1,1,37232.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2467,176,'Hornet II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2468,226,'Fortified Drone Structure II','This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to clueless carbon-based lifeforms.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2469,1028,'Lava Basic Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2470,1028,'Lava Advanced Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2471,1028,'Plasma Basic Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2472,1028,'Plasma Advanced Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2473,1028,'Barren Basic Industry Facility','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2474,1028,'Barren Advanced Industry Facility','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2475,1028,'Barren High-Tech Production Plant','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,525000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2476,100,'Berserker I','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,2,40000.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2477,176,'Berserker I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4000000.0000,1,359,NULL,NULL),(2478,100,'Berserker II','Heavy Attack Drone',10000,25,0,1,2,211072.0000,1,839,NULL,NULL),(2479,176,'Berserker II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2480,1028,'Temperate Advanced Industry Facility','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2481,1028,'Temperate Basic Industry Facility','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2482,1028,'Temperate High-Tech Production Plant','Populated almost entirely by robotic laborers, mass production facilities excel at creating products in bulk with minimal supervision and maintenance. They can be so self-sufficient that rumors abound of Gallente factories operated entirely by androids and governed by a skeleton crew of drones. (Detractors of this method like to note that Sansha facilities work in much the same fashion.) Either way, the results are irrefutable: Raw materials and components go in one end, and polished commodities come out the other side.',0,0,0,1,NULL,525000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2483,1028,'Storm Basic Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2484,1028,'Storm Advanced Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2485,1028,'Oceanic Advanced Industry Facility','Because of the difficulties involved in maintaining a habitable environment for human workers, all requirements for such personnel have been eliminated on oceanic mass production facilities. Instead, the building\'s focus is centered on maintaining production quotas under extreme circumstances, with reinforced bulkheads occupying almost every space that would normally have been reserved for hallways, offices, and living quarters.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2486,100,'Warrior I','Light Scout Drone',4000,5,0,1,2,4000.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2487,176,'Warrior I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,1531,NULL,NULL),(2488,100,'Warrior II','Light Scout Drone',4000,5,0,1,2,40768.0000,1,837,NULL,NULL),(2489,176,'Warrior II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2490,1028,'Oceanic Basic Industry Facility','Because of the difficulties involved in maintaining a habitable environment for human workers, all requirements for such personnel have been eliminated on oceanic mass production facilities. Instead, the building\'s focus is centered on maintaining production quotas under extreme circumstances, with reinforced bulkheads occupying almost every space that would normally have been reserved for hallways, offices, and living quarters.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2491,1028,'Ice Advanced Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2492,1028,'Gas Basic Industry Facility','Hovering eerily among the clouds of a gas giant planet, this mass production industry platform can cast a long shadow, for it requires a massive static attunement system to remain afloat. Inside, the only real difference between it and one of its terrestrial counterparts is in the material composition used in its construction. Anything that would have been made from cheap, sturdy metal is replaced with high-strength, ultra-resistant alloys. Spare parts and raw materials are kept at absolutely minimal levels to maintain the proper weight and balance, while even items as innocuous as staff personal effects are carefully monitored and regulated.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2493,1028,'Ice Basic Industry Facility','Instead of laboring to shield the production lines of this industrial facility from the surrounding environment, designers opted instead to use the available heat, interference, and even crushing pressure to help power the structure itself. A plant on an ice planet might have highly advanced extended heat sinks, while a factory on a plasma world might draw most, if not all of its electricity from magnetized coils specially attuned to the planet\'s local ion winds. Taking advantage of the indigenous features of each world helps offset the cost of building mass production infrastructure there, which usually involves protective coatings, environmental clothing, and reinforced foundations.',0,0,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2494,1028,'Gas Advanced Industry Facility','Hovering eerily among the clouds of a gas giant planet, this mass production industry platform can cast a long shadow, for it requires a massive static attunement system to remain afloat. Inside, the only real difference between it and one of its terrestrial counterparts is in the material composition used in its construction. Anything that would have been made from cheap, sturdy metal is replaced with high-strength, ultra-resistant alloys. Spare parts and raw materials are kept at absolutely minimal levels to maintain the proper weight and balance, while even items as innocuous as staff personal effects are carefully monitored and regulated',0,0,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2495,1241,'Interplanetary Consolidation','For each level in this skill, you may install a command center on one additional planet, to a maximum of 6 planets. You can have only one command center per planet.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,1823,33,NULL),(2496,15,'Minmatar Hub','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,21),(2497,15,'Minmatar Industrial Station','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20166),(2498,15,'Minmatar Military Station','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20166),(2499,15,'Minmatar Mining Station','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20166),(2500,15,'Minmatar Research Station','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20166),(2501,15,'Minmatar Station','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20166),(2502,15,'Minmatar Trade Post','',0,1,0,1,2,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,14),(2505,1241,'Command Center Upgrades','Each level in this skill improves the quality of command facility available to you, in turn allowing for a greater number of connected facilities on that planet.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,1823,33,NULL),(2506,89,'Mjolnir Torpedo','An ultra-heavy EMP missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.',1500,0.05,0,100,NULL,35000.0000,1,923,1349,NULL),(2507,166,'Mjolnir Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,7000000.0000,1,390,1349,NULL),(2508,89,'Nova Torpedo','An ultra-heavy nuclear missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering. ',1500,0.05,0,100,NULL,25000.0000,1,923,1348,NULL),(2509,166,'Nova Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,10000000.0000,1,390,1348,NULL),(2510,89,'Inferno Torpedo','An ultra-heavy plasma missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.',1500,0.05,0,100,NULL,32500.0000,1,923,1347,NULL),(2511,166,'Inferno Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,8000000.0000,1,390,1347,NULL),(2512,387,'Mjolnir Rocket','A small rocket with an EMP warhead. ',100,0.005,0,100,NULL,350.0000,1,922,1352,NULL),(2513,166,'Mjolnir Rocket Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,35000.0000,1,318,1352,NULL),(2514,387,'Inferno Rocket','A small rocket with a plasma warhead. ',100,0.005,0,100,NULL,260.0000,1,922,1351,NULL),(2515,166,'Inferno Rocket Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,318,1351,NULL),(2516,387,'Nova Rocket','A small rocket with a nuclear warhead.',100,0.005,0,100,NULL,180.0000,1,922,1353,NULL),(2517,166,'Nova Rocket Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,318,1353,NULL),(2524,1027,'Barren Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2525,1027,'Oceanic Command Center','Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and thence off world into orbit.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2528,353,'SpaceAnchor','This module does not exist.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1041,NULL),(2529,295,'Explosive Deflection Amplifier I','Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1690,20941,NULL),(2530,296,'Explosive Deflection Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,187420.0000,1,1554,82,NULL),(2531,295,'Explosive Deflection Amplifier II','Boosts the explosive resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1690,20941,NULL),(2532,296,'Explosive Deflection Amplifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,82,NULL),(2533,1027,'Ice Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2534,1027,'Gas Command Center','Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2535,1029,'Oceanic Storage Facility','Goods and commodities are stored on ocean planets in a similar fashion as on more habitable terrestrial planets. Even though most underwater industrial processes conventionally take place inside residential dome habitats, underwater silos, due to their sheer size, must be stored outside these domes and be able to withstand the immense pressures and environmental stresses at the ocean floor.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2536,1029,'Gas Storage Facility','The problem of how to safely store mass quantities of harvested materials and assembled commodities until they can be transported to higher orbital facilities was difficult to solve. The issue was alleviated by the invention of the equilibrium cargo silo system, an arrangement of empty canisters suspended in a hollow chamber, which is then carefully filled with a specific type of common material from different strata of the host planet. The result has an effective net mass of zero kilograms, causing the facility to hang eerily at the exact desired altitude.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2537,295,'Thermal Dissipation Amplifier I','Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1688,20940,NULL),(2538,296,'Thermal Dissipation Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,187420.0000,1,1554,82,NULL),(2539,295,'Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II','Boosts the thermal resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1688,20940,NULL),(2540,296,'Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,82,NULL),(2541,1029,'Barren Storage Facility','Barren environment storage units require a great amount of technology to be reliable and effective. The super structure is made from adaptive materials designed to withstand a wide range of extreme weather conditions, as barren planets have little to no atmosphere and are therefore prone to extreme climates. Likewise, each module of the structure is designed to store different states of matter, further compounding preservation and containment concerns.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2542,1030,'Oceanic Launchpad','Despite being anchored to the ocean floor, the underwater launch pad is able to deliver and receive payloads from orbit via two separate mechanisms. First, a compressed gyrostabilized gas containment system provides the required pressure to propel a solid fuel rocket to the surface of the water, where it can achieve escape velocity under its own power. Secondly, the structure houses an automated drone bay capable of retrieving splash-down canisters deposited on the surface as well as recovering booster stages of export rockets for reuse.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2543,1030,'Gas Launchpad','In order to transport produced commodities from the lower orbit position of the node structure to the higher orbit of spaceports and trade hubs above gas giant planets, an old but reliable technology was revisited. The lack of a solid surface requires a very low recoil launch system, a situation that prohibits the use of solid fuel rockets, but the Hohmann Mass Driver uses a series of triggered electromagnets instead, producing minimal waste force. Essentially an enormous cargo railgun, the device propels a ferrous canister to a waiting deceleration receptacle aboard a high-orbit facility.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2544,1030,'Barren Launchpad','The barren launchpad is able to send and receive payloads from orbit. Because of the relatively calm atmospheric conditions of most barren planets, the primary focus of this facility is on interfacing effectively with adjacent facilities, allowing for passengers and commodities to be easily organized, scanned, and transported to the appropriate areas. The obvious importance of a centralized spaceport often leads to its becoming a focal point of local culture, including trade, entertainment, and even illegal activities.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2545,295,'Kinetic Deflection Amplifier I','Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1689,20939,NULL),(2546,296,'Kinetic Deflection Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,187420.0000,1,1554,82,NULL),(2547,295,'Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II','Boosts the kinetic resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1689,20939,NULL),(2548,296,'Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,82,NULL),(2549,1027,'Lava Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2550,1027,'Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2551,1027,'Plasma Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1000,500,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,1322,NULL,NULL),(2552,1030,'Ice Launchpad','After years of customer complaints about catastrophic failures resulting from punctured fuel pods and corroded launch towers, a new line of hazardous environment launch facility was introduced. In addition to improving the overall structural integrity of the entire facility, each section is heavily compartmentalized. Should any one section fail or collapse, the faulty section is immediately locked down. Redundant systems allow the entire facility to continue functioning for some time. The rockets used by this type of launch pad are also heavily modified, sacrificing some cargo capacity for additional protection.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2553,295,'EM Ward Amplifier II','Boosts the EM resistance of the shield.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1691,20942,NULL),(2554,296,'EM Ward Amplifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,82,NULL),(2555,1030,'Lava Launchpad','After years of customer complaints about catastrophic failures resulting from punctured fuel pods and corroded launch towers, a new line of hazardous environment launch facility was introduced. In addition to improving the overall structural integrity of the entire facility, each section is heavily compartmentalized. Should any one section fail or collapse, the faulty section is immediately locked down. Redundant systems allow the entire facility to continue functioning for some time. The rockets used by this type of launch pad are also heavily modified, sacrificing some cargo capacity for additional protection.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2556,1030,'Plasma Launchpad','After years of customer complaints about catastrophic failures resulting from punctured fuel pods and corroded launch towers, a new line of hazardous environment launch facility was introduced. In addition to improving the overall structural integrity of the entire facility, each section is heavily compartmentalized. Should any one section fail or collapse, the faulty section is immediately locked down. Redundant systems allow the entire facility to continue functioning for some time. The rockets used by this type of launch pad are also heavily modified, sacrificing some cargo capacity for additional protection.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2557,1030,'Storm Launchpad','After years of customer complaints about catastrophic failures resulting from punctured fuel pods and corroded launch towers, a new line of hazardous environment launch facility was introduced. In addition to improving the overall structural integrity of the entire facility, each section is heavily compartmentalized. Should any one section fail or collapse, the faulty section is immediately locked down. Redundant systems allow the entire facility to continue functioning for some time. The rockets used by this type of launch pad are also heavily modified, sacrificing some cargo capacity for additional protection.',0,0,10000,1,NULL,900000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2558,1029,'Lava Storage Facility','\"At some point, it all comes down to more metal.\" The designers of this storage site believed this adage above all else. The outer walls of each container are comprised of almost a meter of titanium alloy around a flexible, lightweight tritanium frame, all sealed with a few layers of active nanite coating to prevent microfractures and thermal warping. This combination allows the building to withstand nearly any environmental challenge. To prevent the tritanium supports from decaying, the interior is kept in a constant vacuum, and workers must wear fully sealed atmosphere suits at all times.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2559,201,'ECM - Phase Inverter II','Analyzes incoming targeting signals and attempts to counter them by emitting an out-of-phase signal back. Great against Ladar targeting systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,193826.0000,1,716,3228,NULL),(2560,1029,'Plasma Storage Facility','\"At some point, it all comes down to more metal.\" The designers of this storage site believed this adage above all else. The outer walls of each container are comprised of almost a meter of titanium alloy around a flexible, lightweight tritanium frame, all sealed with a few layers of active nanite coating to prevent microfractures and thermal warping. This combination allows the building to withstand nearly any environmental challenge. To prevent the tritanium supports from decaying, the interior is kept in a constant vacuum, and workers must wear fully sealed atmosphere suits at all times.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2561,1029,'Storm Storage Facility','\"At some point, it all comes down to more metal.\" The designers of this storage site believed this adage above all else. The outer walls of each container are comprised of almost a meter of titanium alloy around a flexible, lightweight tritanium frame, all sealed with a few layers of active nanite coating to prevent microfractures and thermal warping. This combination allows the building to withstand nearly any environmental challenge. To prevent the tritanium supports from decaying, the interior is kept in a constant vacuum, and workers must wear fully sealed atmosphere suits at all times.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2562,1029,'Temperate Storage Facility','Terrestrial storage units require a great amount of technology to be reliable and effective. The super structure is made from adaptive materials designed to withstand a wide range of extreme weather conditions, as temperate planets tend to experience more pronounced seasonal changes. Likewise, each module of the structure is designed to store different states of matter, further compounding preservation and containment concerns.',0,0,12000,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2563,201,'ECM - Ion Field Projector II','Projects a low intensity field of ionized particles to disrupt the effectivenes of enemy sensors. Very effective against Magnetometric-based sensors. ',0,5,0,1,NULL,194778.0000,1,715,3227,NULL),(2567,201,'ECM - Multispectral Jammer II','An advanced multipurpose jamming system designed to offer blanket protection against all forms of targeting. Not as effective as the more specialized systems but is still effective against less advanced targeting systems. ',0,5,0,1,NULL,232064.0000,1,719,109,NULL),(2571,201,'ECM - Spatial Destabilizer II','Projects random bursts of gravitons that disrupt accurate targeting. As expected this system works best against Gravimetric targeting systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,184600.0000,1,717,3226,NULL),(2573,226,'The Solitaire','A ghost ship of enormous proportions, this Ragnarok-class Titan should be at the core of a Minmatar strike force or planetary defense, yet here it floats in silence. Its hull is airtight, yet all useful technology has been meticulously stripped from it, including weapons systems, propulsion, and electronics. There is no trace of its crew, despite all of its escape pods being present.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2574,1027,'Improved Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2575,201,'ECM - White Noise Generator II','Disrupts enemy targeting by generating a field of random sensor noise. Works especially well against Radar systems.',0,5,0,1,NULL,192450.0000,1,718,3229,NULL),(2576,1027,'Advanced Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2577,1027,'Elite Storm Command Center','This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2578,1027,'Limited Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,100,500,1,NULL,670000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2579,203,'Gravimetric Backup Array I','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,720,104,NULL),(2580,203,'Gravimetric Backup Array II','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,720,104,NULL),(2581,1027,'Standard Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,200,500,1,NULL,1600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2582,1027,'Improved Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,400,500,1,NULL,2800000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2583,203,'Ladar Backup Array I','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,721,104,NULL),(2584,203,'Ladar Backup Array II','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,721,104,NULL),(2585,1027,'Advanced Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,800,500,1,NULL,3700000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2586,1027,'Elite Temperate Command Center','The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.',5000,1600,500,1,NULL,6400000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2587,203,'Magnetometric Backup Array I','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,723,104,NULL),(2588,203,'Magnetometric Backup Array II','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,723,104,NULL),(2589,300,'Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2','<font color=\"yellow\"><b>Traits</b></font><br>Slot 4<br>Primary Effect: +3 bonus to Intelligence<br>Secondary Effect: +1.5% bonus to CPU and capacitor recharge<br>Implant Set Effect: 40% bonus to the strength of all Genolution implant secondary effects<br><br><font color=\"yellow\"><b>Development</b></font><br>This is the second half of the Core Augmentation implant set, delivered by Genolution as a follow-up to the CA-1 just months after their first demonstration of new augmentation techniques shook up the often-stagnant industry.<br><br>The CA-2 picks up where its predecessor left off, providing a dual boost via frontal lobe enhancements and a neocortical modification that complements the CA-1\'s focus on a captain\'s ship-fitting concerns. The end result is an increase to intelligence, coupled with improved CPU output and capacitor recharge rate. Additionally, when combined the CA-1 and the CA-2 supplement each other, providing vast increases in their overall net effect.<br><br>Concurrent with the release of the CA-2, Genolution offered up the implant\'s schematics for public inspection. They claimed the move was designed not only to allay any lingering fears about the technology - now widespread amongst the capsuleer class - but also to provide a foundation for future advances in the field.',0,1,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,621,2062,NULL),(2591,203,'Multi Sensor Backup Array I','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,724,104,NULL),(2592,203,'Multi Sensor Backup Array II','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,724,104,NULL),(2594,667,'ISHAEKA Monalaz Commander','Designed by master starship engineers and constructed in the royal shipyards of the Emperor himself, the imperial issue of the dreaded Apocalypse battleship is held in awe throughout the Empire. Given only as an award to those who have demonstrated their fealty to the Emperor in a most exemplary way, it is considered a huge honor to command, let alone own, one of these majestic and powerful battleships. These metallic monstrosities see to it that the word of the Emperor is carried out among the denizens of the Empire and beyond. Threat level: Deadly.',20500000,1150000,675,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2595,314,'Encoded Data Chip','This small, portable disk is only about two centimeters in diameter, yet it is capable of holding a vast amount of information. A durable outer casing made from plasteel rotates away to reveal the raw data surface when the device is inserted into a reader.',10,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2596,314,'Crates of Clothing','It\'s not the latest fashion, or even the rugged survival gear colonists wear on developing worlds, but this basic, mass-produced clothing is better than nothing.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1209,NULL),(2597,314,'Crates of Command Reports','Despite the fact that these datachips really only contain logistical information, promotion notifications, and other mundane military records, they are nonetheless classified.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2598,314,'Crates of Coolant','This specially blended fluid is ideal for transferring thermal energy away from sensitive machinery or computer components, rerouting it to heat sinks so it can be eliminated from the system.',80000,80,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1360,NULL),(2599,314,'Crates of Corporate Documents','These datadisks are absolutely filled with endless databases of market knowledge, sales figures, salary ranges, production estimates, and all kinds of other corporate information.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2601,314,'Crates of Data Sheets','These complicated data sheets may mean little to the layman\'s eye, but can prove valuable in the right hands.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2602,314,'Crates of Drill Parts','These large containers are fitted with a password-protected security lock. These particular containers are filled with spare parts needed to build a drill used for drilling through rock and ice sheets.',90000,90,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1171,NULL),(2603,763,'Nanofiber Internal Structure I','Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship\'s velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',100,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1196,1042,NULL),(2604,158,'Nanofiber Internal Structure I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,16640.0000,1,335,1042,NULL),(2605,763,'Nanofiber Internal Structure II','Replaces some of the heavier structure components with lighter, but more fragile material. Increases ship\'s velocity and improves maneuverability at the expense of hull strength.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',100,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1196,1042,NULL),(2606,158,'Nanofiber Internal Structure II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1042,NULL),(2608,314,'Crates of Fertilizer','Fertilizer is particularly valued on agricultural worlds, where there is constant supply for all commodities that boost export value.',80000,80,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1188,NULL),(2610,314,'Crates of Frozen Food','Frozen food is in high demand in many regions, especially on stations orbiting a non-habitable planet and a long way from an agricultural world.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,30,NULL),(2612,226,'Hollow Asteroid','This massive asteroid\'s surface is covered in gaping holes, giving way to an internal chamber. The work of miners or the winds of space and time.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2613,653,'Mjolnir Fury Light Missile','An advanced missile with a volatile payload of magnetized plasma, the Mjolnir light missile is specifically engineered to take down shield systems.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Mjolnir light missile. Does more damage than its predecessor but the volatile nature of the warhead, and its powerful containment system, reduce both flight time and precision.',700,0.015,0,5000,NULL,101160.0000,1,927,192,NULL),(2614,166,'Mjolnir Fury Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,190,NULL),(2615,314,'Crates of Garbage','Production waste can mean garbage to some but valuable resource material to others.',90000,90,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1179,NULL),(2616,314,'Large Crates of Coolant','This specially blended fluid is ideal for transferring thermal energy away from sensitive machinery or computer components, rerouting it to heat sinks so it can be eliminated from the system.',800000,800,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1360,NULL),(2617,314,'Crates of Guidance Systems','An electrical device used in targeting systems and tracking computers.',100000,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1361,NULL),(2618,314,'Crates of Harroule Dryweed','Grown on a terrestrial world in the Harroule system, the Dryweed plant has fragile, yellowish leaves that burn very slowly, giving off a pleasant vapor that is known to have a soothing effect when inhaled.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1209,NULL),(2619,314,'Crates of High-Tech Small Arms','These weapons are of superior quality to those normally found on the public market, although more expensive as well.\r\n\r\nThey are implemented with a safety net which prevents them from being used illegally in stations where most types of small arms are prohibited. Therefore many regions do not apply the small arms ban on these weapons.',80000,80,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1366,NULL),(2620,314,'Crates of Liparer Cheese','Due to the unique properties of the Liparer system\'s terrestrial worlds, animals raised there have very low body fat, resulting in relatively bland but far healthier dairy products.',100000,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1209,NULL),(2621,656,'Inferno Fury Cruise Missile','An Amarr creation with powerful capabilities, the Inferno cruise missile was for a long time confined solely to the Amarr armed forces, but exports began some years ago and the missile is now found throughout the universe.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Inferno cruise. Does more damage than its predecessor, but the volatile nature of the warhead, and its powerful containment system, reduce both flight time and precision.',1250,0.05,0,5000,NULL,837360.0000,1,925,184,NULL),(2622,166,'Inferno Fury Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,184,NULL),(2623,314,'Crates of Listening Post Recordings','After diligently recording information on astral phenomena or military maneuvers, listening post data is embedded on encrypted chips, which must be carefully transported by hand.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2624,314,'Crates of Mechanical Parts','These basic elements of all mechanical hardware can come in virtually any shape and size, although composite or modular functionality is highly advantageous in today\'s competitive market. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market.',100000,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2626,314,'Crates of Missile Guidance Systems','Guidance systems allow both atmospheric and vacuum launched missiles to find targets using sophisticated electronics and specially calibrated sensors.',90000,90,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1361,NULL),(2627,314,'Crates of Mono-Cell Batteries','Although they\'re a relatively old design, mono-cell batteries are still a reliable method of storing electricity in bulk, specifically designed for long-term use in stations or planetary vehicles.',80000,80,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1184,NULL),(2628,314,'Crates of Odd Data Crystals','Whatever is recorded on these datacrystals, the encryption is far beyond normal methods of deciphering, and requires expert attention to crack.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1209,NULL),(2629,655,'Scourge Fury Heavy Missile','The Scourge heavy missile is an old relic from the Caldari-Gallente War that is still in widespread use because of its low price and versatility.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Scourge heavy missile. Does more damage than its predecessor but the volatile nature of the warhead, and its powerful containment system, reduce both flight time and precision.',1000,0.03,0,5000,NULL,600080.0000,1,926,189,NULL),(2630,166,'Scourge Fury Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,189,NULL),(2631,314,'Crates of OP Insecticide','Organophosphates, similar to nerve gases, have long been used as insecticides, and as bugs evolve, so too must the methods for dealing with them. This particular insecticide is perhaps the most lethal known to humankind, and can kill nearly anything exposed to it. ',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1187,NULL),(2632,314,'Crates of Oxygen','Oxygen is a commodity in constant demand. While most stations have their own supply units, smaller depots and space crafts rely on imports.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1183,NULL),(2633,314,'Crates of Planetary Vehicles','Tracked, wheeled and hover vehicles used within planetary atmosphere for personal and business use.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1367,NULL),(2635,314,'Crates of Protein Delicacies','Protein Delicacies are cheap and nutritious food products manufactured by one of the Caldari mega corporations, Sukuuvestaa. It comes in many flavors and tastes delicious. Despite its cheap price and abundance it is favored by many gourmet chefs in some of the finest restaurants around for its rich, earthy flavor and fragrance.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,398,NULL),(2636,314,'Crates of Raggy Dolls','Known across New Eden for their anatomical correctness and temperature sensitive, dynamic hair coloration, Raggy dolls are always in demand during gift-giving holidays.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2992,NULL),(2637,656,'Inferno Precision Cruise Missile','An Amarr creation with powerful capabilities, the Inferno cruise missile was for a long time confined solely to the Amarr armed forces, but exports began some years ago and the missile is now found throughout the universe.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Inferno cruise. Is great for taking down smaller ships, but fuel use by stabilization thrusters reduces maximum flight time.',1250,0.05,0,5000,NULL,837360.0000,1,918,184,NULL),(2638,166,'Inferno Precision Cruise Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,185,NULL),(2639,314,'Crates of Repair Parts','Despite the enormous diversity of size and complexity of machinery across the cluster, there are numerous common elements shared by all people, such as high tension wiring, locking fasteners, and thermal shielding.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2640,314,'Crates of Replacement Parts','Replacement parts include anything from machined components, such as plastic casings and metal brackets, to more basic pieces like nuts and bolts.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2641,314,'Crates of Reports','These encoded reports may mean little to the untrained eye, but can prove valuable to the relevant institution.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2642,314,'Crates of Robotics','These pre-programmed or remote control mechanical tools are commonly used in mass production facilities, hazardous material handling, or dangerous front line military duties such as bomb disarming and disposal.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1368,NULL),(2644,314,'Crates of Small Arms','Personal weapons and armaments, used both for warfare and personal security.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1366,NULL),(2645,314,'Crates of Soil','Fertile soil rich with nutrients is very sought after by agricultural corporations and colonists on worlds with short biological history.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1181,NULL),(2646,314,'Crates of Spiced Wine','Luxury goods are always solid commodities for inter-stellar trading. Spiced wine is not the rarest of luxury goods, but it can still be sold at small outposts and bases that don\'t manufacture any themselves.',90000,90,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,27,NULL),(2647,653,'Inferno Precision Light Missile','The explosion the Inferno light missile creates upon impact is stunning enough for any display of fireworks - just ten times more deadly.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Inferno light missile. Great for taking down smaller ships, but fuel use by stabilization thrusters reduces maximum flight time.',700,0.015,0,5000,NULL,101160.0000,1,917,191,NULL),(2648,166,'Inferno Precision Light Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,191,NULL),(2652,314,'Crates of Synthetic Oil','Since original oil can be harvested only from a world with a long biological history, synthetic oil has become frequently produced in laboratories all over known space.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1187,NULL),(2653,314,'Crates of Vaccine Injectors','These single-use syringes contain a predetermined dose of adaptive vaccines designed to counteract almost any known virus.',90000,90,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,28,NULL),(2654,314,'Crates of Viral Agent','The causative agent of an infectious disease, the viral agent is a parasite with a noncellular structure composed mainly of nucleic acid within a protein coat.',80000,80,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1199,NULL),(2655,655,'Nova Precision Heavy Missile','The be-all and end-all of medium-sized missiles, the Nova is a must for those who want a guaranteed kill no matter the cost.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Nova heavy missile. Great for taking down smaller ships, but fuel use by stabilization thrusters reduces maximum flight time.',1000,0.03,0,5000,NULL,600080.0000,1,919,186,NULL),(2656,166,'Nova Precision Heavy Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,186,NULL),(2657,314,'Crates of Vitoc','The Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controling their slaves. With the Vitoc method, slaves are injected with a toxic chemical substance that is fatal unless the recipient receives a constant supply of an antidote. The method first appeared a few centuries ago when the Amarrians started manning some of their space ships with slaves. As space crew the slaves had to be cajoled into doing complex, often independent work, making older methods of slave control undesirable. Although the more conventional ways of subduing slaves with force (actual or threat of) are still widely used in other forced labor areas, the Vitoc method has proven itself admirably for the fleet.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1207,NULL),(2659,314,'Crates of Water','Water is one of the basic conditional elements of human survival. Most worlds have this compound in relative short supply and hence must rely on starship freight.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1178,NULL),(2660,314,'Crates of Zemnar','Zemnar is an uncommon type of antibiotic specifically used to combat rare bacterial infections. Originally discovered by the late Gallente biologist, Lameur Zemnar, the drug is now frequently kept in stock in the more wealthy quarters of the galaxy, in case of a bacterial outbreak.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,28,NULL),(2662,283,'Group of Army Recruits','These fresh-faced young men and women are absolutely full of potential, eagerly anticipating the glory and excitement of battle when not trading stories of their significant others back home or plans for college after the war.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2663,283,'Group of Cattle','Cattle are domestic animals raised for home use or for profit, whether it be for their meat or dairy products.',100000,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2854,NULL),(2665,283,'Group of Elite Slaves','Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation. These elite slaves are exceptionally well suited for physical labor.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2541,NULL),(2666,283,'Group of Exotic Dancers','Exotic dancing is considered an art form, even though not everyone might agree. Exposing the flesh in public places may be perfectly acceptable within the Federation, but in the Amarr Empire it\'s considered a grave sin and a sign of serious deviancy.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2543,NULL),(2668,283,'Group of Genetically Enhanced Livestock','Livestock are domestic animals raised for home use or for profit, whether it be for their meat or dairy products. This particular breed of livestock has been genetically enhanced using the very latest technology.',100000,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2551,NULL),(2669,283,'Group of Kameiras','An elite type of foot soldier, originally bred from Minmatar slaves by the Amarr Empire. Raised from birth to become soldiers, they serve the Empire, Khanid Kingdom and Ammatar well, although always kept on a tight leash.',70000,70,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2670,283,'Group of Marines','When war breaks out, the demand for transporting military personnel on site can exceed the grasp of the military organization. In these cases, the aid from non-military spacecrafts is often needed.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2671,283,'Group of Militants','A combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2672,283,'Group of Miners','Covered in a perpetual layer of grime and dust, these grizzled laborers seem out of place anywhere but deep underground on some lonely planet or boring through the core of a wandering asteroid.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(2673,314,'Large Crates of Data Sheets','These complicated data sheets may mean little to the layman\'s eye, but can prove valuable in the right hands.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2674,283,'Group of Refugees','When wars and epidemics break out, people flee from their homes, forming massive temporary migrations.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2542,NULL),(2675,283,'Group of Science Graduates','People that have recently graduated with a degree in science at an acknowledged university.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2891,NULL),(2676,283,'Group of Security Personnel','Packing small arms and shortwave communicators, security personnel are the ideal choice for policing small settlements or corporate offices, where mercenaries would be unpredictable and military forces would be overkill.',60000,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2677,283,'Group of Slaves','Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2541,NULL),(2678,283,'Group of Tourists','The need for tasting other cultures and seeing new worlds is unquenchable among the well-off citizens of the universe.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2679,654,'Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile','A kinetic warhead designed for use with heavy assault launchers. Heavy assault missiles can be fired at a greater rate than heavy missiles, at the expense of effective range.\r\n\r\nThis modified version of the Scourge Heavy Assault Missile packs a considerably stronger punch, but as a result is heavier and slower. This makes it very effective against larger targets, but markedly less effective against smaller and more agile targets.',700,0.015,0,5000,NULL,126160.0000,1,973,3234,NULL),(2680,166,'Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,192,NULL),(2681,283,'Group of VIPs','Very important people. Business executives, politicians, diplomats and game designers.',50000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(2682,314,'Large Crates of Galeptos Medicine','Galeptos is a rare type of medicine developed by the famous Gallentean scientist, Darven Galeptos. It is produced from a blend of organic and chemical material, used to cure a rare and deadly viral infection which has been creeping up more frequently as of late. \r\n\r\nRumor has it that Galeptos manufactured the virus himself, then sold the cure for billions of credits. Of course his corporation, Galeptos Medicines, steadfastly denies any such \"unfounded\" accusations and has threatened legal action to anyone who mentions it in public.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,28,NULL),(2683,314,'Large Crates of Guidance Systems','An electrical device used in targeting systems and tracking computers.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1361,NULL),(2684,314,'Large Crates of Harroule Dryweed','Grown on a terrestrial world in the Harroule system, the Dryweed plant has fragile, yellowish leaves that burn very slowly, giving off a pleasant vapor that is known to have a soothing effect when inhaled.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1171,NULL),(2685,314,'Large Crates of Holoreels','Holo-Vid reels are the most common type of personal entertainment there is. From interactive gaming to erotic motion pictures, these reels can contain hundreds of titles each.',100000,500,0,1,NULL,250.0000,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(2686,314,'Large Crates of Liparer Cheese','Due to the unique properties of the Liparer system\'s terrestrial worlds, animals raised there have very low body fat, resulting in relatively bland but far healthier dairy products.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1171,NULL),(2687,314,'Large Crates of Mechanical Parts','These basic elements of all mechanical hardware can come in virtually any shape and size, although composite or modular functionality is highly advantageous in today\'s competitive market. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2688,314,'Large Crates of Mono-Cell Batteries','Although they\'re a relatively old design, mono-cell batteries are still a reliable method of storing electricity in bulk, specifically designed for long-term use in stations or planetary vehicles.',800000,800,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1184,NULL),(2689,314,'Large Crates of Oxygen','Oxygen is a commodity in constant demand. While most stations have their own supply units, smaller depots and space crafts rely on imports.',700000,700,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1183,NULL),(2690,314,'Large Crates of Planetary Vehicles','Tracked, wheeled and hover vehicles used within planetary atmosphere for personal and business use.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1367,NULL),(2691,314,'Large Crates of Polytextiles','This synthetic fabric is used for clothing as well as makeshift shelters on hard-climate colonies.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1189,NULL),(2692,314,'Large Crates of Protein Delicacies','Protein Delicacies are cheap and nutritious food products manufactured by one of the Caldari mega corporations, Sukuuvestaa. It comes in many flavors and tastes delicious. Despite its cheap price and abundance it is favored by many gourmet chefs in some of the finest restaurants around for its rich, earthy flavor and fragrance.',700000,700,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1171,NULL),(2693,314,'Large Crates of Reports','These encoded reports may mean little to the untrained eye, but can prove valuable to the relevant institution.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2694,314,'Large Crates of Small Arms','Personal weapons and armaments, used both for warfare and personal security.',600000,600,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1366,NULL),(2695,314,'Large Crates of Soil','Fertile soil rich with nutrients is very sought after by agricultural corporations and colonists on worlds with short biological history.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1181,NULL),(2696,314,'Large Crates of Spirits','Alcoholic beverages made by distilling a fermented mash of grains.',250000,600,0,1,NULL,455.0000,1,NULL,1369,NULL),(2697,314,'Large Crates of Synthetic Oil','Since original oil can be harvested only from a world with a long biological history, synthetic oil has become frequently produced in laboratories all over known space.',600000,600,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1187,NULL),(2698,314,'Large Crates of Vitoc','The Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controling their slaves. With the Vitoc method, slaves are injected with a toxic chemical substance that is fatal unless the recipient receives a constant supply of an antidote. The method first appeared a few centuries ago when the Amarrians started manning some of their space ships with slaves. As space crew the slaves had to be cajoled into doing complex, often independent work, making older methods of slave control undesirable. Although the more conventional ways of subduing slaves with force (actual or threat of) are still widely used in other forced labor areas, the Vitoc method has proven itself admirably for the fleet.',700000,700,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1207,NULL),(2699,283,'Large Group of Civilians','Civilians are a group of people who follow the pursuits of civil life.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(2700,283,'Large Group of Exotic Dancers','Exotic dancing is considered an art form, even though not everyone might agree. Exposing the flesh in public places may be perfectly acceptable within the Federation, but in the Amarr Empire it\'s considered a grave sin and a sign of serious deviancy.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2543,NULL),(2701,283,'Large Group of Genetically Enhanced Livestock','Livestock are domestic animals raised for home use or for profit, whether it be for their meat or dairy products. This particular breed of livestock has been genetically enhanced using the very latest technology.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2551,NULL),(2702,283,'Large Group of Homeless','In most societies there are those who, for various reasons, live a life considered below the living standards of the normal citizen. These people are sometimes called tramps, beggars, drifters, vagabonds or homeless. They are especially common in the ultra-capitalistic Caldari State, but are also found elsewhere in most parts of the galaxy.',60000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2542,NULL),(2703,283,'Large Group of Kameiras','An elite type of foot soldier, originally bred from Minmatar slaves by the Amarr Empire. Raised from birth to become soldiers, they serve the Empire, Khanid Kingdom and Ammatar well, although always kept on a tight leash.',700000,700,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2704,283,'Large Group of Marines','When war breaks out, the demand for transporting military personnel on site can exceed the grasp of the military organization. In these cases, the aid from non-military spacecrafts is often needed.',600000,600,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2705,283,'Large Group of Militants','A combative character; aggressive, especially in the service of a cause.',600000,600,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2540,NULL),(2706,283,'Large Group of Science Graduates','People that have recently graduated with a degree in science at an acknowledged university.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2891,NULL),(2707,283,'Large Group of Slaves','Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2541,NULL),(2708,283,'Large Group of Tourists','The need for tasting other cultures and seeing new worlds is unquenchable among the well-off citizens of the universe.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2709,283,'Large Group of VIPs','Very important people. Business executives, politicians, diplomats and game designers.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(2710,314,'Large Crates of Construction Blocks','Metal girders, plasteel concrete and fiber blocks are all very common construction material used around the universe.',10000000,700,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,NULL,26,NULL),(2711,313,'Large Crates of Crystal Eggs','Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,5000.0000,1,NULL,1195,NULL),(2712,314,'Large Crates of Drill Parts','These large containers are fitted with a password-protected security lock. These particular containers are filled with spare parts needed to build a drill used for drilling through rock and ice sheets.',900000,900,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1171,NULL),(2713,314,'Large Crates of Electronic Parts','These basic elements of all electronic hardware are sought out by those who require spare parts in their hardware. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,750.0000,1,NULL,1185,NULL),(2714,314,'Large Crates of Fertilizer','Fertilizer is particularly valued on agricultural worlds, where there is constant supply for all commodities that boost export value.',800000,800,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1188,NULL),(2715,314,'Large Crates of Frozen Food','Frozen food is in high demand in many regions, especially on stations orbiting a non-habitable planet and a long way from an agricultural world.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,30,NULL),(2716,314,'Large Crates of Frozen Plant Seeds','Frozen plant seeds are in high demand in many regions, especially on stations orbiting a non-habitable planet.',40000,500,0,1,NULL,75.0000,1,NULL,1200,NULL),(2717,314,'Large Crates of Garbage','Production waste can mean garbage to some but valuable resource material to others.',900000,900,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1179,NULL),(2718,314,'Large Crates of Long-limb Roes','The eggs of the Hanging Long-limb are among the most sought after delicacies in fancy restaurants. The main reason why the roe of the Hanging Long-limb is so rare is because no one has succeeded in breeding the species outside their natural habitat.',400000,1000,0,1,NULL,2400.0000,1,NULL,1406,NULL),(2719,314,'Large Crates of Raggy Dolls','Known across New Eden for their anatomical correctness and temperature sensitive, dynamic hair coloration, Raggy dolls are always in demand during gift-giving holidays.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2992,NULL),(2720,314,'Large Crates of Rocket Fuel','Augmented and concentrated fuel used primarily for missile production.',50000,400,0,1,NULL,505.0000,1,NULL,1359,NULL),(2721,314,'Large Crates of Tobacco','Tubular rolls of tobacco designed for smoking. The tube consists of finely shredded tobacco enclosed in a paper wrapper and is generally outfitted with a filter tip at the end.',2500000,400,0,1,NULL,48.0000,1,NULL,1370,NULL),(2722,314,'Large Crates of Transmitters','An electronic device that generates and amplifies a carrier wave, modulates it with a meaningful signal derived from speech or other sources, and radiates the resulting signal from an antenna.',650000,600,0,1,NULL,313.0000,1,NULL,1364,NULL),(2723,314,'Large Crates of Viral Agent','The causative agent of an infectious disease, the viral agent is a parasite with a noncellular structure composed mainly of nucleic acid within a protein coat.',800000,800,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1199,NULL),(2724,314,'Large Crates of Water','Water is one of the basic conditional elements of human survival. Most worlds have this compound in relative short supply and hence must rely on starship freight.',600000,600,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1178,NULL),(2725,283,'Large Group of Cattle','Cattle are domestic animals raised for home use or for profit, whether it be for their meat or dairy products.',1000000,1000,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2854,NULL),(2726,283,'Large Group of Janitors','The janitor is the person who is in charge of keeping the premises of a building (as an apartment or office) clean, tends the heating system, and makes minor repairs.',100000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(2727,283,'Large Group of Miners','Covered in a perpetual layer of grime and dust, these grizzled laborers seem out of place anywhere but deep underground on some lonely planet or boring through the core of a wandering asteroid.',500000,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(2728,283,'Large Group of Refugees','When wars and epidemics break out, people flee from their homes, forming massive temporary migrations.',400000,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2542,NULL),(2729,314,'Crates of Consumer Electronics','Consumer electronics encompass a wide variety of individual goods, from entertainment media and personal computers to slave collars and children\'s toys.',40000,40,0,1,NULL,750.0000,1,NULL,1362,NULL),(2730,314,'Crates of Enriched Uranium','Enriched Uranium is used in many kinds of manufacturing and as a fuel, making it a steady trade commodity. Enriched Uranium is generally manufactured by combining standard semiconductor PVD methods with ionic separation by means of mass spectrometry.',1000000,70,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,NULL,29,NULL),(2731,314,'Crates of Silicon','As one of the most common elements in the universe, it\'s no surprise that silicon has found its way into almost every aspect of manufacturing, resulting in a steady price and perpetual mining operations on most solid planets.',1000000,50,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,NULL,1358,NULL),(2732,314,'Crates of Silicate Glass','Silicate glass is a common construction material, in constant demand throughout New Eden, whether in planetary structures or reinforced for use in space vessels.',1000000,50,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,NULL,1190,NULL),(2733,937,'Schematic','Schematics define a set of machinery and industrial processes with which a planetary manufacturing facility can be configured in order to enable the facility to convert certain commodities into certain other commodities.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1438,NULL),(2734,226,'Gallente Vexor Cruiser','The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2735,1045,'Infrastructure Hub Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1356,NULL,NULL),(2736,857,'Warp Disruption Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2737,1045,'Territorial Claim Unit Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1356,0,NULL),(2738,1045,'Sovereignty Blockade Unit Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1356,0,NULL),(2739,912,'Nanite Repair Paste Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1358,0,NULL),(2740,857,'Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2741,858,'Stasis Webification Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2742,1048,'Biochemical Silo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2743,1048,'Catalyst Silo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2744,1048,'Coupling Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2745,1048,'General Storage Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2746,1048,'Hazardous Chemical Silo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2747,1048,'Hybrid Polymer Silo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2748,1048,'Silo Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1355,0,NULL),(2749,1048,'Advanced Large Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2750,1048,'X-Large Ship Maintenance Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1535,0,NULL),(2751,1048,'Advanced Medium Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2752,1048,'Ship Maintenance Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1535,0,NULL),(2753,1048,'Advanced Small Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2754,1048,'Ammunition Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2755,1048,'Ballistic Deflection Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1354,0,NULL),(2756,1048,'Supercapital Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2757,1048,'Explosion Dampening Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1354,0,NULL),(2758,1048,'Component Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2759,1048,'Heat Dissipation Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1354,0,NULL),(2760,1048,'Drone Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2761,1048,'Photon Scattering Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1354,0,NULL),(2762,1048,'Drug Lab Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1359,0,NULL),(2763,1048,'Sensor Dampening Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2764,1048,'Equipment Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2765,1048,'Intensive Reprocessing Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1353,0,NULL),(2766,1048,'Large Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2767,1048,'Compression Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1945,0,NULL),(2768,1048,'Medium Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2769,1048,'Reprocessing Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1353,0,NULL),(2770,1048,'Rapid Equipment Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2771,1048,'Small Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2772,1048,'Subsystem Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2773,1048,'Capital Ship Assembly Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000000.0000,1,1340,0,NULL),(2774,841,'Amarr Control Tower Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2775,841,'Amarr Control Tower Medium Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2776,841,'Amarr Control Tower Small Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2777,841,'Caldari Control Tower Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2778,841,'Caldari Control Tower Medium Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2779,841,'Caldari Control Tower Small Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2780,841,'Gallente Control Tower Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2781,841,'Gallente Control Tower Medium Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2782,841,'Gallente Control Tower Small Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2783,841,'Minmatar Control Tower Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2784,841,'Minmatar Control Tower Medium Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2785,841,'Minmatar Control Tower Small Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000000.0000,1,1339,0,NULL),(2786,1048,'Moon Harvesting Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1352,0,NULL),(2787,1048,'Corporate Hangar Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1341,0,NULL),(2788,1048,'Cynosural Generator Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1342,0,NULL),(2789,1048,'Cynosural System Jammer Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1343,0,NULL),(2790,1048,'Biochemical Reactor Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1351,0,NULL),(2791,1048,'Complex Reactor Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1351,0,NULL),(2792,856,'Ion Field Projection Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2793,1048,'Medium Biochemical Reactor Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1351,0,NULL),(2794,856,'Phase Inversion Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2795,1048,'Polymer Reactor Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1351,0,NULL),(2796,856,'Spatial Destabilization Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2797,1048,'Simple Reactor Array Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1351,0,NULL),(2798,856,'White Noise Generation Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1344,0,NULL),(2799,860,'Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1345,0,NULL),(2800,1048,'Jump Bridge Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000000.0000,1,1346,0,NULL),(2801,657,'Nova Javelin Torpedo','An ultra-heavy nuclear missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.\r\n\r\nA modified version of the Nova Torpedo. It can reach higher velocity than the Nova Torpedo at the expense of warhead size.',1500,0.05,0,5000,NULL,1500245.0000,1,929,1348,NULL),(2802,166,'Nova Javelin Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1348,NULL),(2803,855,'Large Blaster Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2804,855,'Large Railgun Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2805,854,'Large Artillery Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2806,855,'Medium Blaster Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2807,854,'Large AutoCannon Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2808,855,'Medium Railgun Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2810,854,'Medium Artillery Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2811,657,'Inferno Rage Torpedo','An ultra-heavy plasma missile. While it is a slow projectile, its sheer damage potential is simply staggering.\r\n\r\nThis modified version of the Inferno Torpedo packs a considerably stronger punch, but as a result is heavier and slower. This makes it very effective against larger targets, but markedly less effective against smaller and more agile targets.',1000,0.05,0,5000,NULL,1500245.0000,1,931,1347,NULL),(2812,166,'Inferno Rage Torpedo Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1351,NULL),(2813,855,'Small Blaster Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2814,854,'Medium AutoCannon Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2815,855,'Small Railgun Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1347,0,NULL),(2816,854,'Small Artillery Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2817,648,'Mjolnir Rage Rocket','A small rocket with an EMP warhead.\r\n\r\nThis modified version of the Mjolnir rocket packs a considerably stronger punch, but as a result is heavier and slower. This makes it very effective against larger targets, but markedly less effective against smaller and more agile targets.',100,0.005,0,5000,NULL,62340.0000,1,930,1352,NULL),(2818,166,'Mjolnir Rage Rocket Blueprint','',1,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1352,NULL),(2819,854,'Small AutoCannon Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1350,0,NULL),(2820,891,'Experimental Laboratory Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1359,0,NULL),(2821,891,'Research Laboratory Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000000.0000,1,1359,0,NULL),(2822,871,'Citadel Torpedo Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1349,0,NULL),(2823,871,'Cruise Missile Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1349,0,NULL),(2824,871,'Torpedo Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1349,0,NULL),(2825,853,'Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2826,853,'Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2827,853,'Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2828,853,'Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2829,853,'Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2830,853,'Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,1348,0,NULL),(2831,226,'Serpentis Fortress','This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2832,226,'Blood Raider Fortress','This gigantic suprastructure is one of the military installations of the Blood Raiders pirate corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bay to receive guests.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20190),(2833,943,'1000 Aurum Token','This item can be redeemed for 1000 Aurum (AUR).<br><br><font color=\"yellow\">To Redeem:</font> Right-click the Aurum Token and select \"Redeem for AUR\".<br><br><font color=\"yellow\">On the Aurum Token:</font> Originally designed for Noble Appliances in YC 113, the aurum token is a physical chit that can be redeemed for a predefined amount of AUR currency.<br><br>Though at first blush it appears to be a large coin, the aurum token shares more in common with high-security datacores. At the center of the token is digital ID paired with a series of suspended entangled electrons. When the token is redeemed, the entangled electrons are engaged, altering their partners located at an off-site bank. Not only does this ensure the exchange occurs instantly, but when combined with a proprietary security shell it renders attempts to tamper or counterfeit the token useless.<br><br>Though the gold and silver case is merely an aesthetic addition, the coin-like appearance has become synonymous with the device, leading to nicknames of \"gold aurum\", or \"golden token\".<br><i>Source: SCOPE fluff piece (unprinted)</i>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1427,10831,NULL),(2834,324,'Utu','The Utu is a highly advanced drone platform specially commissioned for the 8th Alliance Tournament. While based on the Ishkur\'s design, this ship features design elements that go above and beyond the original blueprint.\r\n\r\nIn addition to revolutionary heat dispersion field projectors, the Utu is equipped with cutting-edge hardwired drone protocols and upgraded warp scrambling capability. Combined with the sturdy armor plating, these qualities make the Utu a powerful ally in any combat encounter.',1216000,29500,165,1,8,NULL,1,1623,NULL,20074),(2835,105,'Utu Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2836,358,'Adrestia','The Adrestia is a high-powered blaster platform specially commissioned for the 8th Alliance Tournament. While similar to its sister vessel the Deimos (on which its design was based), this ship nonetheless differs in some very important ways. Utilizing lightweight alloys and a prototype form of ion thruster, the Adrestia is capable of reaching truly mind-boggling speeds for a heavy assault vessel. While this makes it less sturdy than its predecessor, the lack of defensive plating is compensated for by state-of-the-art targeting systems, thoroughly optimized weapon hardpoints and upgraded warp scrambling capability. Don\'t let the lack of defense fool you; very few vessels out there can stand against the Adrestia toe to toe.\r\n\r\n',11100000,112000,440,1,8,NULL,1,1621,NULL,20072),(2837,106,'Adrestia Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,74000000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2838,303,'Standard Cerebral Accelerator','Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot\'s skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.<br><br>This booster primes the brain\'s neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds, and as a bonus also enhanced spatial processing abilities that are critical for weapons handling.<br><br>The only drawback to this booster is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days.<br><br>\r\nBonuses: +3 to all attributes; +20% Damage to Laser, Projectile and Hybrid weaponry; +20% Rate of Fire to Missile weaponry.',1,1,0,1,NULL,32768.0000,1,NULL,10144,NULL),(2839,718,'Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,21,NULL),(2840,517,'Hasaziras Assa\'s Scorpion','A Scorpion piloted by Hasaziras Assa.',115000000,1040000,550,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2841,306,'Angel Officer\'s Quarters','The highest ranking personnel within this deadspace pocket reside here.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2842,226,'Serpentis Station','This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2845,1056,'Outuni Mesen','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Outuni Mesen)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Primary roles are capacitor warfare and interdiction. Moderate microwarp velocity. Long range energy neutralizers. Long range warp disruption capabilities. Extreme long-range stasis webification support.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 120,000 civilian abductions from Outuni III and VI. The Mesen identifier suggests an oversight role amongst the other battleship-class prototypes, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0061. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2846,820,'Domination Excavator','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Domination Excavator (ID: Modified Cyclone)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Houses both advanced scientific and military technologies. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Cartel forays beyond Angel territories have escalated each year since the discovery of wormhole space in YC 111. The Domination Excavator was first seen in one of these operations in 113. The ship itself contains a wide array of hi-tech defensive and offensive capabilities, including redundant power systems and a range of Domination modules. Large sections of crew quarters are converted to specialized lab space, able to perform on-site analysis of found materials. Plasma igniters ensure the labs are burned at temperatures exceeding 45000 Kelvin, should the vessel be captured.\r\n <i>Agent Trereval, <a href=showinfo:2// 1000054>Republic Security Services</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i>',10900000,109000,120,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2847,820,'True Sansha Foreman','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> True Sansha Foreman (ID: Modified Phantasm)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Modified for increased mining efficiency of local Slaves. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Pre-YC 113, the True Sansha Foreman variant was once a rare sight outside of the Sansha home region of Stain. As an alternative to capsuleer-dependent strip mining, the Foreman is specially designed to coordinate large crews of Slaves in a local deadspace pocket. Exact figures are difficult to determine, but mining Slaves under the Foreman seem to operate at around 125% efficiency. This link is both fragile and experimental. If the link is violently severed (i.e. the Foreman is destroyed), the affected Slaves in the mining equipment are damaged and unable to continue their work. <br>\r\n<i>Analyst Fawlon, <a href=showinfo:2//1000081>Ministry of Assessment</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2848,1063,'Barren Extractor Control Unit','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2850,306,'Suspicious Ship Wreck','You surmise that with some salvaging equipment there is still something of value to be had from this wreck.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2851,314,'Incriminating Evidence','This evidence proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that foul play was involved.',5,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2886,NULL),(2852,226,'Sansha Cynosural Field','A cynosural field, also known colloquially as a \"cyno\", is a cosmic anomaly that acts as a pseudo-gravity well. With the correct calibration information, interstellar jump drives can lock onto the field and create a portal into the destination system.',1,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2853,314,'Salvaged Electronics','These ship parts are old but functional.',10,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3265,NULL),(2854,306,'Cloaked Cache','Rigged with a localized cloaking field, this small container is hidden from sensors while activated.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2855,1056,'Intaki Colliculus','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Intaki Colliculus)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Primary role is remote logistics support. Medium range shield transfer capabilities. Low microwarp velocity. Defensive systems have been significantly enhanced.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> There were no reported civilian abductions from the invasion of Intaki IV. The Intaki identifier is yet further evidence supporting the theory that not all abductees were accounted for. The Colliculus identifier suggests the vessel plays a central role in the integration of various data throughout the Nation\'s greater network.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0067. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2856,226,'Forlorn Hope','This massive laboratory complex was once home to over 10,000 scientists, their staff and security personnel, working day and night to unravel the mysteries of Vitoc. Since the return of the Minmatar Elders and Otro Gariushi\'s bequest of Insorum to the Republic, the facility has largely fallen into disuse, but some few scientists cling on, pushing to finish what they started before they too seek more commercial roles.<br><br>For the most part, research continues inside the newer biodome nearby, but a few smaller laboratories and their staff still insist on basing out of the aging titan. ',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2858,226,'Osnirdottir Memorial','A small and humble memorial to the work of the late scientist Dr. Mishkala Osnirdottir, whose life was most likely lost when an experiment with the Tachyon Bombardment Array went horribly wrong. Others, however, theorize that she was not killed, but relocated, or in some way altered on a quantum level by the barrage of antimatter. <br>\r\nThe memorial gardens features great trees contorted into elegant shapes with tungsten scaffolds and the doctor\'s favourite bloom, Ulfurtar - a small parasitic plant with delicate silvery flowers, noted for the soft, almost furred quality of its petals. In many Sebiestor clans, the blossom is believed to symbolise both dreams and memories and the atmosphere of the gardens is rich with both for those that tend it still.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20),(2859,1054,'Romi Thalamus','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Romi Thalamus)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is damage dealing. Moderate microwarp velocity.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> There were no reported civilian abductions from the invasion of Romi III. The Romi identifier is yet further evidence that unreported abductees may have been incorporated into these new vessel prototypes, and into the Nation as a whole. The Thalamus identifier suggests a unifying role between the cruiser-class prototypes and other hull classes, similar to the Arnon Epithalmus. Notable is the higher number of known cruiser-class vessels, and that the identifiers of each belong to the forebrain. This pattern highlights a structural shift away from battleship-led squadrons, or at the least, an equality of function and responsibility between battleship and cruiser variants.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0051. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2860,306,'The Seven Holding Cells','This temporary structure is made to house The Seven\'s hostages until they are ready to be transported to a more secure location.',10000,1200,1000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2861,314,'Crate of Manportable Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons','These EM beam weapons have been custom fitted to detect and eradicate specific nanotechnologies. Normally, these EMP devices are used by special operations personnel during covert operations. They are placed in proximity to the enemy\'s defense grid and used to “short out” any nearby electronics, thus creating a hole in the defense grid such that conventional forces can then move through unimpeded by sentry grids, security bots, and other lethal defensive systems. The devices themselves are approximately the size of a large rucksack and can be both emplaced and operated by a single trained individual. ',250,250,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1362,NULL),(2862,314,'Special Forces Weapons and Equipment ','The weapons and equipment containers hold a wide variety of small arms and other equipment currently in use by the Caldari Navy Special Forces, much of it designed specifically for use in maritime environments. Some of the items that can be found in a typical container are long range sniper rifles, target designation lasers, silenced pistols, high tech diving equipment, limpet mines, covert communications gear, and individual diver propulsion devices. This equipment, as you might guess, is extremely valuable and cannot be found outside the armories of the Caldari Navy, with the exception of the very small quantities that have found their way onto the black market. ',25,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1366,NULL),(2863,28,'Primae','The Primae is a repurposed ORE design intended to ease the task of extracting resources from planetbound environments. Initially devised as a deep space salvage vessel for large-scale ore retrieval from destroyed ORE fleets in pirate-occupied areas, its previous incarnation was made all but obsolete by the arrival of capsuleers on the interstellar scene. Realizing that the ship could, with a few minor modifications, be made into an efficient resource harvesting aid, ORE wasted no time in revamping the design.<br><br>A low signature radius (a holdover from its earlier manifestation) adds a layer of defense to the Primae\'s already decent plating. In addition, the ship\'s two large bays have been re-engineered to hold equipment for planetside resource extraction and processed materials, making it an especially useful complement to any planetside harvesting endeavor.',15000000,270000,100,1,128,1000.0000,1,1614,NULL,20066),(2864,108,'Primae Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2865,55,'1200mm Artillery Cannon II','One of the most powerful projectile cannons a battleship can equip. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,1987540.0000,1,579,379,NULL),(2866,135,'1200mm Artillery Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,379,NULL),(2867,1041,'Broadcast Node','By integrating transcranial microcontrollers into a circuit made from synthetic synapses, the broadcast node is able to communicate directly with various station functions and with negligible signal loss and latency. The addition of computerized guidance systems, each running independent navigation system software routines, allows a single node to coordinate starship docking procedures, drone operations, and even station defenses.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10073,NULL),(2868,1041,'Integrity Response Drones','Hull breaches are a constant, serious threat during space travel, as well as a dangerous reality to orbital stations, which are too massive to avoid incoming objects. Integrity response drones help mitigate that threat by providing the automated, immediate application of sealants to any detected impact or pressure fracture in the structure they patrol.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10074,NULL),(2869,1041,'Nano-Factory','Only the highly advanced Ukomi superconductor can be rendered small enough for use in nano-factories, microscopic devices programmed to absorb and recycle ambient material into useful matter. Each factory is built from reactive metals, ensuring that they interact properly – or not at all – with their environment, while a mote of industrial explosive automatically destroys them when they have completed their task.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10075,NULL),(2870,1041,'Organic Mortar Applicators','While nanites are ideal for many forms of construction, sealing joints between large structural bulkheads is a job best left to organic mortar, a thick gel that actively permeates every microscopic gap between two parts. Due to the aggressive nature of the genetically engineered bacteria that intelligently guides into place the hardening condensate material, this paste is extremely hazardous to humans and must be applied by robots.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10076,NULL),(2871,1041,'Recursive Computing Module','Not all automated functions are delicate or complicated enough to warrant advanced computer hardware; relatively mundane tasks are best when assigned to an RCM bank. These sturdy, reliable processing units are able to effectively handle most of the day-to-day operations of stations, starships, and stargates.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10071,NULL),(2872,1041,'Self-Harmonizing Power Core','Camera drones diligently monitor temperature, radioactivity and electrical output of these advanced nuclear reactions. This allows instant adjustments that result in maximum efficiency. With such advanced automation, no human attention is required whatsoever.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10078,NULL),(2873,55,'125mm Gatling AutoCannon II','This multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,35400.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(2874,135,'125mm Gatling AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,387,NULL),(2875,1041,'Sterile Conduits','Sustaining diverse populations of station inhabitants – many of whom come from different worlds with different ecologies – was a medical nightmare until the development of sterile conduits. Each length of flexible, self-repairing tube is powered by breaking down the chemical energy in the water they convey, which itself is laced with smart vaccines able to identify and destroy almost any known antigen.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10079,NULL),(2876,1041,'Wetware Mainframe','So advanced and energy-demanding are wetware mainframes that they require vehicle-scale power cores and the constant attention of maintenance personnel. When operating at peak performance levels, nothing in New Eden can match the raw computing power of these machines, from calculating warp coordinates to administrating the core functions of an entire space station.',0,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1337,10077,NULL),(2877,875,'Federation Freighter Vessel','The large navy forces of the Empires regularly use freighters to transport a wide variety of military items and personnel en masse. Such vulnerable ships are usually heavily guarded as they traverse the space lanes.',1175000000,17550000,750000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2878,927,'Federation Industrial Vessel','Industrials are a common sight in the universe of EVE, connecting supply points to each other. Convoys usually have armed escorts, so attacking them is risky.',11750000,275000,6000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2879,875,'Imperial Freighter Vessel','The large navy forces of the Empires regularly use freighters to transport a wide variety of military items and personnel en masse. Such vulnerable ships are usually heavily guarded as they traverse the space lanes.',1125000000,18500000,735000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2880,314,'Unknown Dead','This contingent of Federation pilots and soldier went missing during the first Caldari Gallente war. They\'ve been preserved by the cold but they are still in a delicate state, and must be handled with care.',80,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2855,NULL),(2881,55,'150mm Light AutoCannon II','A simple but effective close combat autocannon. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',500,5,0.4,1,NULL,74212.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(2882,875,'State Freighter Vessel','The large navy forces of the Empires regularly use freighters to transport a wide variety of military items and personnel en masse. Such vulnerable ships are usually heavily guarded as they traverse the space lanes.',1200000000,16250000,785000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2883,927,'State Industrial Vessel','Industrials are a common sight in the universe of EVE, connecting supply points to each other. Convoys usually have armed escorts, so attacking them is risky.',13500000,270000,5250,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2884,927,'Republic Industrial Vessel','Industrials are a common sight in the universe of EVE, connecting supply points to each other. Convoys usually have armed escorts, so attacking them is risky.',12500000,255000,5625,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2885,927,'Imperial Industrial Vessel','Industrials are a common sight in the universe of EVE, connecting supply points to each other. Convoys usually have armed escorts, so attacking them is risky.',13500000,260000,5100,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2886,306,'Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers','Years ago this was the site of a major firefight. The dead still litter its halls.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2887,526,'Gallente Admiral\'s Corpse','These are the remains of a Federation admiral. A Mannar in her mid-forties, this woman\'s body shows signs of extensive modification typical to capsuleers. This is probably not the first time she has been killed in action.',80,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2855,NULL),(2888,314,'Acceleration Gate Authentication Matrix','This device handles timestamps and user ID validation for acceleration gates. If this part is missing or otherwise broke, the gate will refuse to activate. ',50,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2889,55,'200mm AutoCannon II','The 200mm is a powerful autocannon that can smash apart most lightly armored frigates with ease. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',500,5,0.3,1,NULL,109744.0000,1,574,387,NULL),(2890,135,'200mm AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,387,NULL),(2891,306,'Amarr Battleship Wreckage','May contain something worthwhile.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2892,306,'Amarrian Battleship Wreckage','May contain something worthwhile.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2893,314,'Damning Evidence','This document could get a lot of people into a lot of trouble. ',1,1,0,1,NULL,150.0000,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(2894,227,'Invisible Cloud','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2895,306,'Asteroid Pirate Station','This is where the pirates keep their hostages and other evidence while they wait to be disposed of in the acid cloud.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2896,319,'Patient Zero','All that remains of the mining station is a twisted, nightmarish husk that has been transformed into a rogue drone base.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2897,55,'220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II','The 220mm multi-barrel autocannon is designed for skirmish warfare. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',1000,10,2,1,NULL,305136.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(2898,135,'220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,387,NULL),(2899,314,'Custom Circuitry','While drone AI is easily replicated, certain behaviors require custom programming. These units seem to have been designed for generally poor combat performance.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,8000000.0000,1,NULL,3265,NULL),(2900,314,'Recovered Data Core','This starship data core contains a detailed log of all the vessel\'s activities.',1,1,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(2901,306,'Science Vessel Wreck','The remnants of a science ship lost recently.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2902,319,'Deactivated Acceleration Gate','This acceleration gate has been locked down and is not usable by the general public.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2903,952,'Manager\'s Station','This upscale estate probably serves as a swank bachelor pad when the manager isn\'t entertaining clients.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,14),(2904,314,'Quantum Entanglement','This heavy metal rock opera band was made famous by their first album\'s cover, which depicted two naked individuals engaging in sexual intercourse while floating in space without spacesuits. Gallente politicians tried to have the album, called \"Unprotected,\" banned. Not because of the adult content, they claimed, but because it promoted unsafe extravehicular activities.',400,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1204,NULL),(2905,55,'250mm Light Artillery Cannon II','This artillery is one of the most powerful weapons that can be mounted on a frigate. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',500,5,0.1,1,NULL,132664.0000,1,577,389,NULL),(2906,135,'250mm Light Artillery Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,389,NULL),(2907,1053,'Schmaeel Medulla','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Schmaeel Medulla)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Primary roles are interdiction and frigate support. Fastest microwarp velocity of all known Nation frigate prototypes. Long range warp disruption capabilities. Long range stasis webifier support. Limited weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 1,000,000 civilian abductions from Schmaeel VI. The Medulla identifier suggests a limited role in the larger Nation hierarchy, and that the Schmaeel captives are tasked with more basic, mechanical responsibilities.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0045. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i>\r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2909,1053,'Niarja Myelen','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Niarja Myelen)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Primary role is long range ECM support and medium-range energy warfare. Moderate microwarp velocity. No known weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 70,000 civilian abductions from Niarja VII. The Myelen identifier suggests a developmental state. Other, more advanced Nation prototypes may have originated from this design.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0039. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2910,226,'Gallente Passenger Liner Wreckage','This ship has seen better days. Parts of it are missing, looking as though the ship was torn apart. There are no signs of life inside, though. ',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2911,306,'Gallente Passenger Liner Damaged','This passenger liner has seen better days, but it\'s still operational. The ship is anchored to its spot with large, magnetic beacons around the bottom of its hull.',1000000,100000000,8850,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2912,526,'Minmatar Pilot\'s Corpse','Some Minmatar feel the Republic\'s status quo is not sufficient to avenge victims of Amarrian enslavement, nor to liberating those still trapped under Imperial rule. This unfortunate figure learned a terminal lesson in the necessities of political balance.',80,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2855,NULL),(2913,55,'425mm AutoCannon II','The 425mm is a behemoth that will inflict severe damage on most cruisers and frigates in short-range battles. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',1000,10,1.5,1,NULL,373210.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(2914,135,'425mm AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,386,NULL),(2915,319,'Auxiliary Academic Campus','A standard, customizable, space-faring structure designed to be easily moved and deployed. This one has been configured for early childhood education.',100000,100000000,10000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2916,706,'Rogue Minmatar','This loose cannon is piloting an experimental stealth ship and has begun a personal war against the Amarr Empire.',19000000,19000000,120,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2917,314,'Survivors','These rattled individuals move with languid motions. It looks like some of them have gone weeks without food.',50,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2545,NULL),(2918,306,'Cell Block D','A maximum-security prison block and run by the Gallente Federation. ',1000000,1150,8850,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2919,283,'Caldari Operative','An operative of the Caldari State.',60,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(2921,55,'650mm Artillery Cannon II','A powerful long-range cannon. One of the most damaging weapons mountable on a cruiser. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',125,10,0.5,1,NULL,436976.0000,1,578,384,NULL),(2922,135,'650mm Artillery Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,384,NULL),(2926,226,'Serpentis Slave Transport','A Serpentis cargo ship loaded with people.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2927,226,'Fortified Deadspace Particle Accelerator','The science allowed by zero gravity can be as mind-boggling as it is beautiful, as demonstrated by this particle accelerating superstructure.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2928,226,'Fortified Asteroid Colony','Highly vulnerable, but economically extremely feasible, asteroid factories are one of the major boons of the expanding space industry.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2929,55,'800mm Repeating Cannon II','A two-barreled, intermediate-range, powerful cannon capable of causing tremendous damage. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',75,20,3,1,NULL,1484776.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(2930,314,'Crate of Special Forces Weapons and Equipment','The weapons and equipment containers hold a wide variety of small arms and other equipment currently in use by the Caldari Navy Special Forces, much of it designed specifically for use in maritime environments. Some of the items that can be found in a typical container are long range sniper rifles, target designation lasers, silenced pistols, high tech diving equipment, limpet mines, covert communications gear, and individual diver propulsion devices. This equipment, as you might guess, is extremely valuable and cannot be found outside the armories of the Caldari Navy, with the exception of the very small quantities that have found their way onto the black market. ',250,250,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1366,NULL),(2931,1054,'Mara Paleo','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Mara Paleo)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is long range remote shield transfer. Vessel has been enhanced with significant microwarp velocity to aid in this responsibility. Reconfiguring the vessel for a logistics role has notably weakened its defensive systems, however. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 15,000 civilian abductions from Mara IV. The Paleo identifier suggests a role that is fundamental in nature, which would be congruent with its function as logistics support. <br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0057. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2932,1056,'Ostingele Tectum','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Ostingele Tectum)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. The third most powerful vessel amongst the new Nation prototypes in terms of potential damage output. Moderate microwarp velocity. Defensive systems have been significantly enhanced.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 2,000,000 civilian abductions from Ostingele IV. The Tectum identifier suggests a basic input-response role, with little to no shared computing power required for standard operations. Probable relations to the Deltole Tegmentum prototype.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0063. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2933,1056,'Deltole Tegmentum','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Deltole Tegmentum)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Primary roles are strong offensive power, target painting, energy warfare and long range interdiction. The second most powerful vessel amongst the new Nation prototypes in terms of potential damage output. Moderate microwarp velocity. Long range warp disruption capabilities. Long range target painting. Short range capacitor neutralization.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 450,000 civilian abductions from Deltole I. The Tegmentum identifier suggests that this vessel serves a foundational role for the other battleship-class variants, most likely in terms of design origin. The multitude of tactical capabilities present in this vessel\'s design lend support to the theory that it was a test bed for a variety of Nation developments ahead of their applications in other vessel types.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0065. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2934,314,'Counterfeit Voluval Tattoo Chemicals','A complex chemical formula for use in a traditional Minmatar ceremony. This batch is labeled with Amarr markings.',20,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1207,NULL),(2935,1056,'Yulai Crus Cerebi','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Yulai Crus Cerebi)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Primary role is long-range sniping support. Low microwarp velocity. Vessel will attempt to establish orbit ranges in excess of 100km. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 430,000 civilian abductions from Yulai. The Crus Cerebi identifier suggests a connective role between this vessel and others, possibly even non-Nation crafts. Attempts at short-wave information capture have demonstrated the futility of further efforts. Although the data passing through this vessel and other conduit-like variants can be intercepted, the encryption is still years away from being broken.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0069. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2936,1054,'Auga Hypophysis','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Auga Hypophysis)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary damage dealer amongst cruiser prototypes. Limited interdiction. Short range warp scrambling capabilities. Short range stasis webification support.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 300,000 civilian abductions from Auga II. The Hypophysis identifier suggests either a coordinating role between this vessel and other cruiser-class variants, or perhaps a regulatory role similar to the Tama Cerebellum.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0053. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2937,55,'Dual 180mm AutoCannon II','This dual 180mm autocannon is a simple but effective close combat weapon. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',12.5,10,2.5,1,NULL,220508.0000,1,575,386,NULL),(2938,135,'Dual 180mm AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,386,NULL),(2939,1053,'Tama Cerebellum','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Tama Cerebellum)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Primary role is to support Nation vessels against larger hulls. Moderate microwarp velocity. Long range torpedo fire support. Prioritizes large vessels as targets.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 100,000 civilian abductions from Tama V. The Cerebellum identifier suggests a regulatory role amongst other frigate-class variants.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0037. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i>\r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2942,283,'Captured CEO','Life isn\'t always comfortable when you\'re at the top, particularly in the Caldari State. Guristas will ransom you, other corporations will backstab you, and the moment someone can buy the rug out from underneath you, they will. With all the ISK that comes with these responsibilities, most CEOs can buy enough happiness to forget about these troubles. Forgetting, though, isn\'t always the best investment. ',130,3,0,1,NULL,1000.0000,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(2943,314,'Hybrid Slaver Hounds','Hybrid slaver hounds have been genetically engineered by Amarr veterinary scientists as variants of the original breed. These animals are designed specifically to live and work in the harshest environments, including deserts, swamps, mountains, frozen tundra, and other extreme locations. These variations are typically easy to differentiate from the original breed, in that they can be much larger and have fur colorations that are genetically tailored to blend in to their environments. ',28,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1180,NULL),(2944,314,'Kennel of Hybrid Slaver Hounds','Hybrid slaver hounds have been genetically engineered by Amarr veterinary scientists as variants of the original breed. These animals are designed specifically to live and work in the harshest environments, including deserts, swamps, mountains, frozen tundra, and other extreme locations. These variations are typically easy to differentiate from the original breed, in that they can be much larger and have fur colorations that are genetically tailored to blend in to their environments. ',280,200,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1180,NULL),(2945,55,'Dual 425mm AutoCannon II','Combines the damage output of two 425mm intermediate-range autocannons. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',200,20,5,1,NULL,605200.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(2946,135,'Dual 425mm AutoCannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,381,NULL),(2947,1010,'Compact Shade Torpedo','Representing the latest in miniaturization technology, Compact Citadel Torpedoes are designed specifically to be used by Fighter Bombers.\r\n\r\nFitted with a graviton pulse generator, this weapon causes massive damage as it overwhelms ships\' internal structures, tearing bulkheads and armor plating apart with frightening ease.',1500,0.3,0,100,NULL,300000.0000,0,NULL,1346,NULL),(2948,1023,'Shadow','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Shadow)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Fighter bomber-class vessel. Moderate microwarp velocity. Enhanced weapons systems. Reverse-engineering has been made possible through salvage of specific Sansha\'s Nation vessels.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> At this initial stage conclusions are hard to form, but early indications from the recovery of three individual bomber pilots – all of them heavily augmented – strongly indicates that these crew members are the same planetary abductees found in other Nation prototype vessels. Cross-referencing recovered DNA with missing persons reports has so far revealed little, though even at this stage the origin of these pilots is in little doubt.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0107. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',12000,10000,0,1,1,20336332.0000,1,1310,NULL,NULL),(2949,1145,'Shadow Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(2950,1054,'Lirsautton Parichaya','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID:Lirsautton Parichaya)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Fighter bomber-class vessel. Moderate microwarp velocity. Enhanced weapons systems. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 1,905,000 civilian abductions from Lirsautton V. The Parichaya identifier is unclear: it has no known etymological origins or direct translations.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0071. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',12000,5000,1200,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2951,314,'Large Crate of Improved Inertial Compensation Systems','The internal components of smaller Minmatar ships are constructed largely of nanofiber mesh which is low-cost, low-mass, and has a lower heat-conduction threshold than most solid industrial sheeting. Unfortunately, the lightweight structures are also susceptible to stress from the high-velocity maneuvers performed by frigate and interceptor pilots, and require added inertial compensation systems and routine inspections.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3196,NULL),(2952,314,'Crate of Unidentified Fibrous Compound','These pieces of blue-green compound feel slick and oily to the touch and leave a tingle in your fingers. Fine crystalline filaments within crisscross and refract the light so that each piece seems to glow from within.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2210,NULL),(2953,55,'Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon II','Powerful, intermediate-range repeating autocannon with a decent rate of fire. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Barrage, Hail.',2000,20,4,1,NULL,1109234.0000,1,576,381,NULL),(2954,135,'Dual 650mm Repeating Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,381,NULL),(2955,314,'Large Crate of Unidentified Fibrous Compound','These pieces of blue-green compound feel slick and oily to the touch and leave a tingle in your fingers. Fine crystalline filaments within crisscross and refract the light so that each piece seems to glow from within.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2210,NULL),(2956,314,'Large Crate of Refurbished Mining Drones','There are hints of rusty and damaged surfaces beneath the shiny new paint-job. These may not work as efficiently as the client wishes.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1084,NULL),(2957,314,'Crate of Refurbished Mining Drones','There are hints of rusty and damaged surfaces beneath the shiny new paint-job. These may not work as efficiently as the client wishes.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1084,NULL),(2958,283,'Civilian SIGINT Contractors','These contractors, many of whom are former Caldari Navy intelligence operatives, are very well trained, experienced, and possess high level security clearances, making them extremely valuable investments for their employer. Their skill sets are varied, but include translation (primarily Gallente), covert signals interception, military and economic intelligence analysis, and supercomputer systems administration. ',30,30,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2537,NULL),(2959,283,'Group of Civilian SIGINT Contractors','These contractors, many of whom are former Caldari Navy intelligence operatives, are very well trained, experienced, and possess high level security clearances, making them extremely valuable investments for their employer. Their skill sets are varied, but include translation (primarily Gallente), covert signals interception, military and economic intelligence analysis, and supercomputer systems administration. ',300,300,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2537,NULL),(2960,314,'Spools of Quantrium Wiring','While the universe is full of metals of all shapes, sizes, and compositions, there are some metals that are of such rarity and quality that they command prices far beyond those of the more easily accessible metals, such as tritanium. Amongst these, the very small quantities of a rare metal called quantrium are among the most valuable. This metal can only be found in the polar regions of certain moons, and these only in systems that meet very specific astrogeological conditions. So rare is this metal that, to date, only two known moons have quantities of this metal sufficient to warrant the very expensive mining and refining equipment required to extract it. Both of these moons are in Caldari space, giving the State a monopoly on its production and sale. Currently, all processed quantrium is on long-term contract to Kaalakiota Corporation. While rumors occasionally surface that one or more of the other three races have discovered quantrium, this has not been verified.',300,300,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1363,NULL),(2961,55,'1400mm Howitzer Artillery II','The ultimate artillery cannon. It hurls death and destruction over incredible distances. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',2000,20,0.5,1,NULL,2320888.0000,1,579,379,NULL),(2962,135,'1400mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,379,NULL),(2963,314,'Quantrium Wiring','While the universe is full of metals of all shapes, sizes, and compositions, there are some metals that are of such rarity and quality that they command prices far beyond those of the more easily accessible metals, such as tritanium. Amongst these, the very small quantities of a rare metal called quantrium are among the most valuable. This metal can only be found in the polar regions of certain moons, and these only in systems that meet very specific astrogeological conditions. So rare is this metal that, to date, only two known moons have quantities of this metal sufficient to warrant the very expensive mining and refining equipment required to extract it. Both of these moons are in Caldari space, giving the State a monopoly on its production and sale. Currently, all processed quantrium is on long-term contract to Kaalakiota Corporation. While rumors occasionally surface that one or more of the other three races have discovered quantrium, this has not been verified.',30,30,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1363,NULL),(2964,314,'Aerogel Counteragent','Refrigerated secure cargo containers containing aerogel infused with dormant prototype anti-nanites. These containers have been specially modified with the latest security encryption protocols, to better ensure that any Gallente saboteurs will be unable to access and tamper with this critical cargo.',30,30,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1173,NULL),(2965,314,'Crate of Aerogel Counteragent','Refrigerated secure cargo containers containing aerogel infused with dormant prototype anti-nanites. These containers have been specially modified with the latest security encryption protocols, to better ensure that any Gallente saboteurs will be unable to access and tamper with this critical cargo.',300,300,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1173,NULL),(2966,1053,'Eystur Rhomben','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Eystur Rhomben)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Significant microwarp velocity. Enhanced weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> There were no reported civilian abductions from the Eystur VI invasion. The Eystur identifier suggests a small number of captives may have been initially unaccounted for. The Rhomben identifier suggests an overarching position within the lowest tier of the new Nation hierarchy, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0041. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(2967,314,'Crate of Target Painter Deflection Plating','These hull plates are coated with a layer of crystalline structures under a protective transparent enamel. The crystalline layer shimmers reflectively and creates mirage halos around the plate when spot lights are directed at it.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2192,NULL),(2968,314,'Large Crate of Target Painter Deflection Plating','These hull plates are coated with a layer of crystalline structures under a protective transparent enamel. The crystalline layer shimmers reflectively and creates mirage halos around the plate when spot lights are directed at it.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2192,NULL),(2969,55,'720mm Howitzer Artillery II','This 720mm rocket-assisted howitzer is designed for long-range bombardment. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',50,10,0.25,1,NULL,517456.0000,1,578,384,NULL),(2970,135,'720mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,384,NULL),(2971,314,'Group of Haakar\'s Striking Hawks','Haakar is a small, unassuming woman in her 40s who wields discipline like a whip. The men and women who follow her command – her Striking Hawks mercenary group – all served with or under her in the Republic Infantry\'s 203rd Tactical Recon before the company was made redundant by policy changes fifteen years ago. Haakar bears a grudge against bureaucracy for cutting short her career, but says her work now gives her professional satisfaction and an autonomy she enjoys.',1000,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2544,NULL),(2972,314,'Ditanium Metal Plates','Refrigerated secure cargo containers containing aerogel infused with dormant prototype anti-nanites. These containers have been specially modified with the latest security encryption protocols, to better ensure that any Gallente saboteurs will be unable to access and tamper with this critical cargo.',30,30,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1173,NULL),(2973,314,'Pallet of Ditanium Metal Plates','Refrigerated secure cargo containers containing aerogel infused with dormant prototype anti-nanites. These containers have been specially modified with the latest security encryption protocols, to better ensure that any Gallente saboteurs will be unable to access and tamper with this critical cargo.',300,300,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1173,NULL),(2974,314,'Large Group of The Hooded Men','Unlike most pro-Minmatar mercenary companies, members of The Hooded Men come from every empire and any background; they are selected for their convictions and skills rather than any sense of patriotism they might possess. Even Amarr are permitted to join, provided they can prove that the company means more to them than their religion. The Hooded Men\'s founder, Jolmiar Maritak, the grandson of former slaves who fled to the Gallente Federation, places emphasis on getting their work done quietly and with a minimum of fuss. ',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2544,NULL),(2975,283,'Arctic Warfare Marines','Arctic Warfare Marines are the Caldari State\'s elite foot soldiers for winter warfare. On the case of ice planets, where the weather is comprised of year-round snow and ice, you can find these self-sufficient Marines operating in a wide variety of roles, such as providing security for Caldari corporate facilities, military bases, and even for long-range reconnaissance on planets that have not yet been fully scouted. Their equipment is tailored specifically to harsh, sub-zero weather conditions, to include specialty rifles, thermal grenades, cold-weather speeder bikes, and everything in between. ',32,32,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2976,283,'Arctic Warfare Marine Squads','Arctic Warfare Marines are the Caldari State\'s elite foot soldiers for winter warfare. On the case of ice planets, where the weather is comprised of year-round snow and ice, you can find these self-sufficient Marines operating in a wide variety of roles, such as providing security for Caldari corporate facilities, military bases, and even for long-range reconnaissance on planets that have not yet been fully scouted. Their equipment is tailored specifically to harsh, sub-zero weather conditions, to include specialty rifles, thermal grenades, cold-weather speeder bikes, and everything in between. ',320,320,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(2977,55,'280mm Howitzer Artillery II','Rocket-assisted artillery projectiles designed for long-range combat. It is the most powerful projectile weapon able to be fitted onto frigates. \r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following regular and advanced projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, Titanium Sabot, Quake, Tremor.',500,5,0.05,1,NULL,1976.0000,1,577,389,NULL),(2978,135,'280mm Howitzer Artillery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,389,NULL),(2979,314,'Crate of Industrial-Grade Tritanium-Alloy Scraps','Not all scrap-metal is of good enough quality to be reused in the shipbuilding industry. These are the highest quality to be found in the scrap-heaps and abandoned battlegrounds of New Eden. Some pieces still bear signs of what they were once a part of: a sheet of tinted plating here, a painted logo there. Some pieces are still recognizable, others are half-slagged and warped. ',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2529,NULL),(2980,314,'Large Crate of Industrial-Grade Tritanium-Alloy Scraps','Not all scrap-metal is of good enough quality to be reused in the shipbuilding industry. These are the highest quality to be found in the scrap-heaps and abandoned battlegrounds of New Eden. Some pieces still bear signs of what they were once a part of: a sheet of tinted plating here, a painted logo there. Some pieces are still recognizable, others are half-slagged and warped. ',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2529,NULL),(2981,314,'Crate of Architectural-Quality Plagioclase Paneling','Minmatar architecture traditionally favors modular geometric structures and open spaces which allow breezes to flow from room to room. There is a traditional preference for working with exposed natural stone and wood, though recent trends have leaned towards natural surfaces bonded to structural reinforced concrete, stretching resources while still allowing for an attractive appearance. Compressed asteroid ore interior panels are becoming more popular for higher-class residences and for buildings constructed on mineral-poor worlds.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3320,NULL),(2982,314,'Large Crate of Architectural-Quality Plagioclase Paneling','Minmatar architecture traditionally favors modular geometric structures and open spaces which allow breezes to flow from room to room. There is a traditional preference for working with exposed natural stone and wood, though recent trends have leaned towards natural surfaces bonded to structural reinforced concrete, stretching resources while still allowing for an attractive appearance. Compressed asteroid ore interior panels are becoming more popular for higher-class residences and for buildings constructed on mineral-poor worlds.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3320,NULL),(2983,283,'Corporate Assassin','An elite corporate assassin, whose services are available usually only to the wealthiest and most discreet clientele. His track record of killings reaches far beyond Caldari space, with known “hits” recorded as far away as the Amarr and Gallente homeworlds. His weapon of choice is a highly-modified laser sniper rifle that he has proven effective at ranges up to and including three kilometers. Of course, he also utilizes a variety of other weapons, particularly for close range work. These include untraceable poisons, obscure neurotoxins, and, a variety of small arms and knives all, again, highly customized. He has a unblemished kill record, with no known failures, over a period of at least the last 20 years. When ultra-wealthy corporate executives require a more direct response to individuals who threaten their company\'s profitability, this is one of the few contract killers than can actually be trusted not only to accomplish the most difficult missions, but also to keep any such business dealings to himself. In short, he knows how to keep his mouth shut. These factors make him a highly desirable contractor for tasks requiring his unique skill set. ',200,30,0,1,NULL,100.0000,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2984,283,'Deep Cover Corporate Assassin','An elite corporate assassin, whose services are available usually only to the wealthiest and most discreet clientele. His track record of killings reaches far beyond Caldari space, with known “hits” recorded as far away as the Amarr and Gallente homeworlds. His weapon of choice is a highly-modified laser sniper rifle that he has proven effective at ranges up to and including three kilometers. Of course, he also utilizes a variety of other weapons, particularly for close range work. These include untraceable poisons, obscure neurotoxins, and, a variety of small arms and knives all, again, highly customized. He has a unblemished kill record, with no known failures, over a period of at least the last 20 years. When ultra-wealthy corporate executives require a more direct response to individuals who threaten their company\'s profitability, this is one of the few contract killers than can actually be trusted not only to accomplish the most difficult missions, but also to keep any such business dealings to himself. In short, he knows how to keep his mouth shut. These factors make him a highly desirable contractor for tasks requiring his unique skill set. ',200,300,0,1,NULL,100.0000,1,NULL,2539,NULL),(2985,53,'Dual Heavy Beam Laser II','This heavy beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(2986,133,'Dual Heavy Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,361,NULL),(2987,314,'Crate of Harvester Components','Agricultural technology, like everything else, is constantly advancing, with developments in irrigation techniques and automated systems to do the work of several farm-hands at a fraction of the overall cost. Most parts are produced on stations rather than planetside in order to reduce the cost of shipping. It also makes disposing of the more hazardous byproducts much safer, reducing the risk of planetary pollution. ',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2988,314,'Large Crate of Harvester Components','Agricultural technology, like everything else, is constantly advancing, with developments in irrigation techniques and automated systems to do the work of several farm-hands at a fraction of the overall cost. Most parts are produced on stations rather than planetside in order to reduce the cost of shipping. It also makes disposing of the more hazardous byproducts much safer, reducing the risk of planetary pollution. ',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1186,NULL),(2989,314,'Decoy Prototype Cloaking Devices','This decoy prototype cloaking device appears to be a working model; however, closer scrutiny reveals that it is nothing more than a useless hunk of metal and wires. ',60,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2106,NULL),(2990,314,'Crate of Decoy Prototype Cloaking Devices','This decoy prototype cloaking device appears to be a working model; however, closer scrutiny reveals that it is nothing more than a useless hunk of metal and wires. ',500,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2106,NULL),(2991,314,'Crate of Amarr Scripture Educational Study Packages (Matari translation)','These study materials provide a guide through the structure and meanings of Amarr holy texts in a way that school-age children can easily understand. Education, like every other aspect of daily life in the Empire, is closely tied into religion, and by the time they leave school, Amarr children are expected to have a working and in-depth understanding of their way of life.<br><br>\r\nThese particular copies have been carefully translated by experts into painfully precise Matari for distribution in the Republic.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(2992,314,'Large Crate of Amarr Scripture Educational Study Packages (Matari translation)','These study materials provide a guide through the structure and meanings of Amarr holy texts in a way that school-age children can easily understand. Education, like every other aspect of daily life in the Empire, is closely tied into religion, and by the time they leave school, Amarr children are expected to have a working and in-depth understanding of their way of life.<br><br>\r\nThese particular copies have been carefully translated by experts into painfully precise Matari for distribution in the Republic.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(2993,53,'Dual Light Beam Laser II','This light beam laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good short to medium range weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,567,352,NULL),(2994,133,'Dual Light Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,352,NULL),(2995,314,'Blue Paradise','Blue Paradise, also known as “Beep,” is a mild narcotic engineered by Amarr pharmaceutical scientists specifically for use by slave laborers within the Empire. Users of Blue Paradise report feelings of mild euphoria, contentment, relaxation, and generalize pleasure as the primary effects of this drug. These effects typically last between three to five hours, after which the user can be expected to fall into a sound sleep, if taken prior to that user\'s normal sleep cycle. Furthermore, there have been no significant side effects reported from repeat and prolonged use, making Blue Paradise an extremely promising “reward” for slave laborers. Recreational use of Blue Paradise has not yet been reported, given the limited nature of its distribution only to select Amarr slave labor operations, and no evidence yet exists of addiction to this drug, if administered in a controlled environment. ',60,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3215,NULL),(2996,314,'Crate of Blue Paradise','Blue Paradise, also known as “Beep,” is a mild narcotic engineered by Amarr pharmaceutical scientists specifically for use by slave laborers within the Empire. Users of Blue Paradise report feelings of mild euphoria, contentment, relaxation, and generalize pleasure as the primary effects of this drug. These effects typically last between three to five hours, after which the user can be expected to fall into a sound sleep, if taken prior to that user\'s normal sleep cycle. Furthermore, there have been no significant side effects reported from repeat and prolonged use, making Blue Paradise an extremely promising “reward” for slave laborers. Recreational use of Blue Paradise has not yet been reported, given the limited nature of its distribution only to select Amarr slave labor operations, and no evidence yet exists of addiction to this drug, if administered in a controlled environment. ',500,500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3215,NULL),(2997,314,'Crate of Refined C-86 Epoxy Resin','This substance, an improved version of the C-86 epoxy applied to propulsion systems and engine housings, helps to keep the systems\' temperature down, enabling more efficient operation and reduced risk of shipboard fires from overheated systems.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,3750,NULL),(2998,28,'Noctis','The Noctis marks Outer Ring Excavations\' entry into the lucrative bulk salvaging market. Building on their successes integrating Marauder-class tractor technology into the Orca command platform, and innovations in automated salvaging technology, they designed a compact, affordable wreck recovery solution.<br><br>A refined version of the successful limited-run Primae design made the perfect hull to house this new equipment, as its salvaging heritage and advanced sensor suites complement and enhance the new technologies. The increased sensor footprint of the new vessel is more than compensated for by its incredible efficiency at retrieving and reclaiming wreckage.<br><br>The Noctis can fit up to five Salvage Drones, further enhancing its salvaging capabilities.',14640000,270000,1460,1,128,1000.0000,1,1390,NULL,20066),(2999,283,'Amarr Marine Counter-Boarding Team','Amarr Marine Counter-Boarding Teams are regarded as among the most elite units of their type across all four races. This expertise was developed not long after other states rediscovered warp technology. It occurred to senior Amarr military leaders that wars of the future would include ship-to-ship actions in space, to include the possibility of an enemy ship boarding another, as they had in millennia past when their ancestors sailed warships on the high seas. To that end, boarding and counterboarding training became a mandatory part of every Amarr marine\'s advanced infantry training. The development of this capability led to the development of highly-specialized equipment for use in “boarding ops,” to include manportable high-speed welding gear, outer hatchway breaching explosives, and personal weapons for close quarters combat. ',90,30,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(3000,314,'Group of Angel Cartel VIPs','These thugs and pirates look more like slick businessmen... with lots of armed bodyguards. Despite openly hostile relations, the empires must sometimes shake the hand of the devil in order to get things done. Much of that business is not intended to reach the light of day, or the eyes of the news agencies of New Eden.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(3001,53,'Dual Light Pulse Laser II','This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(3002,133,'Dual Light Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,350,NULL),(3003,314,'Large Group of Angel Cartel VIPs','These thugs and pirates look more like slick businessmen... with lots of armed bodyguards. Despite openly hostile relations, the empires must sometimes shake the hand of the devil in order to get things done. Much of that business is not intended to reach the light of day, or the eyes of the news agencies of New Eden.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(3004,283,'Amarr Marine Counter-Boarding Company','Amarr Marine Counter-Boarding Teams are regarded as among the most elite units of their type across all four races. This expertise was developed not long after other states rediscovered warp technology. It occurred to senior Amarr military leaders that wars of the future would include ship-to-ship actions in space, to include the possibility of an enemy ship boarding another, as they had in millennia past when their ancestors sailed warships on the high seas. To that end, boarding and counterboarding training became a mandatory part of every Amarr marine\'s advanced infantry training. The development of this capability led to the development of highly-specialized equipment for use in “boarding ops,” to include manportable high-speed welding gear, outer hatchway breaching explosives, and personal weapons for close quarters combat. ',900,300,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,NULL,2549,NULL),(3005,314,'Crate of Feille d\'Marnne Champagne','This champagne originates from Egghelende III, the planet\'s major product for export. Shipping it out of the pirate-heavy system makes it pricey enough, but the grapes have proven impossible to cultivate anywhere else in the Federation.<br><br>\r\nEach case is worth a couple hundred thousand ISK. Each bottle would bring enough planetary cred for a civilian to live comfortably for a year or ten. A bottle or three would definitely be missed.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,27,NULL),(3006,283,'Conditioned House Slaves','These highly trained and expensive slaves undergo several years of conditioning and training prior to being sold or transferred into their duties, which most often include butler and maid duties at the homes of senior political or industrial leaders. These slaves are more highly valued than ordinary slaves and in return often receive decent treatment from their masters, as well as better-than-normal housing conditions and food. ',300,30,0,1,NULL,4000.0000,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(3007,314,'Large Crate of Feille d\'Marnne Champagne','This champagne originates from Egghelende III, the planet\'s major product for export. Shipping it out of the pirate-heavy system makes it pricey enough, but the grapes have proven impossible to cultivate anywhere else in the Federation.<br><br>\r\nEach case is worth a couple hundred thousand ISK. Each bottle would bring enough planetary cred for a civilian to live comfortably for a year or ten. A bottle or three would definitely be missed.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,27,NULL),(3008,283,'Herd of Conditioned House Slaves','These highly trained and expensive slaves undergo several years of conditioning and training prior to being sold or transferred into their duties, which most often include butler and maid duties at the homes of senior political or industrial leaders. These slaves are more highly valued than ordinary slaves and in return often receive decent treatment from their masters, as well as better-than-normal housing conditions and food. ',3000,300,0,1,NULL,4000.0000,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(3009,53,'Focused Medium Beam Laser II','A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(3010,133,'Focused Medium Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,355,NULL),(3011,314,'Crate of Bootleg Holoreels','There doesn\'t appear to be any particular organization here. Dozens of identical copies of everything from period dramas to last week\'s boxing finals, in cases with obviously home-printed labels.<br><br>\r\nWhen played, the holos\' quality is shabby and rimmed with static, occasionally deteriorating to basic 2-D images. The sound is unreliable and fades at times. Hopefully, the people who buy these copies aren\'t paying as much as the supplier did for the originals.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3012,314,'Large Crate of Suspicious Holoreels','There doesn\'t appear to be any particular organization here. Dozens of identical copies of everything from period dramas to last week\'s boxing finals, in original cases. Nothing that would raise any eyebrows.<br><br>\r\nThe actual contents of the holoreels are far less innocuous. After a token menu page and a few minutes of whatever program the case displays, they switch to more interesting material. Entire corporate internal presentations clearly never intended for the public eye. Snoop footage of important officials talking and even exchanging money with known competitors. A series of compromising stills of a prominent politician.<br><br>\r\nThese will be worth a lot of money to someone.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3013,314,'Amarr Religious Holoreels','These holoreels contain a recent speech by a regional governor, which provides her views on the state of the Empire as well as other important religious discussions.',100,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3014,314,'Crate of Amarr Religious Holoreels','These holoreels contain a recent speech by a regional governor, which provides her views on the state of the Empire as well as other important religious discussions.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3015,314,'Crate of Cryo-Stored Luminaire Skippers','These large, indigo-hued amphibians are commonly used in laboratory work. Each weighs roughly two kilograms, and in their natural environment in the marshlands of Gallente Prime are the dominant aquatic predator. To prevent the stresses of space travel from affecting the frogs\' physiology, it is necessary to transport them in a cold-case which drops their body temperature and induces a state of hibernation.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1159,NULL),(3016,314,'Large Crate of Cryo-Stored Luminaire Skippers','These large, indigo-hued amphibians are commonly used in laboratory work. Each weighs roughly two kilograms, and in their natural environment in the marshlands of Gallente Prime are the dominant aquatic predator. To prevent the stresses of space travel from affecting the frogs\' physiology, it is necessary to transport them in a cold-case which drops their body temperature and induces a state of hibernation.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1159,NULL),(3017,53,'Gatling Pulse Laser II','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(3018,133,'Gatling Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,350,NULL),(3019,314,'Crate of Unidentified Ancient Technology','These pieces appear to all be some form of polyhedral from truncated pyramids that can be gripped in the hand to barrel-sized fullerene-faceted globes. Each is shaped as if in one complete piece from bluish or steely-gray material, all edges beveled and smoothed. When rapped with a knuckle, the pieces ring like a bell, but the material feels more like ceramic.<br><br>\r\nEvery item bears a sort of dim, inner glow that pulses irregularly, like a dying light bulb. A tingle like electricity can be felt just above their surfaces, though preliminary examinations have dismissed the presence of any electrical activity. There is some speculation that the pieces form some sort of modular information annex, with contact between matching faces forming the necessary connections. No amount of fitting has yielded any results, however, so the disparate parts sit in their individually labeled crates like the pieces of several puzzles mixed together.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2889,NULL),(3020,314,'Large Crate of Talocan Station Life-Support Cores','These pieces appear to all be some form of polyhedral from truncated pyramids that can be gripped in the hand to barrel-sized fullerene-faceted globes. Each is shaped as if in one complete piece from bluish or steely-gray material, all edges beveled and smoothed. When rapped with a knuckle, the pieces ring like a bell, but the material feels more like ceramic.<br><br>\r\nEvery item bears a sort of dim, inner glow that pulses irregularly, like a dying light bulb. A tingle like electricity can be felt just above their surfaces, though preliminary examinations have dismissed the presence of any electrical activity. Each piece fits face to face with another piece; when linked correctly, they form series of twisted fractal-like branches. \r\n',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2889,NULL),(3021,314,'Crate of Portable Emergency Heating Units','These heating units are compact, and light enough to carry in one hand. Each comes with two 10-hour rechargeable batteries, to be used one at a time while the spare charges. The amount of energy one unit puts off would be enough to warm a space of 20 cubic meters, roughly the interior space of a stationside apartment\'s main room, to an average of 10 degrees Celsius. Not particularly cosy, but better than freezing.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2042,NULL),(3022,314,'Large Crate of Portable Emergency Heating Units','These heating units are compact, and light enough to carry in one hand. Each comes with two 10-hour rechargeable batteries, to be used one at a time while the spare charges. The amount of energy one unit puts off would be enough to warm a space of 20 cubic meters, roughly the interior space of a stationside apartment\'s main room, to an average of 10 degrees Celsius. Not particularly cosy, but better than freezing.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2042,NULL),(3023,314,'Crate of Archaeological Lot GV87-426-D Artifacts','This looks like little more than half a starship modified into ground-based living quarters. Several panels are inscribed with decorative symbols. A series of large rectangular cases contain corroded circuit boards with rows of finger-sized crystalline vials anchored to one face; some of the vials are still intact and contain a foggy gaseous substance. A section from what appears to have been a hydroponics lab contains trays of organic matter, fossilised from exposure to the moon\'s arid conditions and thin, nitrogen-argon atmosphere.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2529,NULL),(3024,314,'Large Crate of Archaeological Lot GV87-426-E Artifacts','This looks like little more than half a starship, perhaps one which was modified into ground-based living quarters. Several panels are inscribed with decorative symbols, possibly writing. The carefully-dismantled panels are accompanied by several crates filled with pieces of what appear to be small-industry mining tools, encrusted with moon-dust. The oxygen-free lunar atmosphere prevented rust from forming on the metal, and writing etched into the flat surfaces is clearly visible. Another crate is filled with core samples and geodes. A note accompanying the find indicates that the minerals have no known industrial property in any part of the present-day Federation, and further research will be needed to determine the purpose of the pre-Federation miners.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2529,NULL),(3025,53,'Heavy Beam Laser II','A high-energy heavy laser designed for medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(3026,133,'Heavy Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,355,NULL),(3027,314,'Crate of Contained Cerrocentite','A slick-looking, translucent amber mineral with a hexagonal crystalline structure. Its radioactive properties require the material to be stored in special containment units; handling by anyone other than a trained engineer is strongly discouraged.<br><br>\r\nCerrocentite is used primarily in stationside security networks, mostly in the systems which detect unbalance in the atmosphere mix.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,94,NULL),(3028,314,'Large Crate of Contained Mesarchonite','A coarse-looking, dark red mineral with a geodic structure containing translucent crystals of the same color. Its radioactive properties require the material to be stored in special containment units; handling by anyone other than a trained engineer is strongly discouraged.<br><br>\r\nMesarchonite is used primarily in stationside security networks, mostly in the systems which detect interference or tampering along the audio-visual lines.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,94,NULL),(3029,314,'Group of Coriault Couture Collective Display Employees','Across the broad sweep of New Eden, there is no constellation closer to the forefront of fashion than Coriault. The Crux constellation, which includes Luminaire and Oursulaert, may be the heart of the Federation\'s consumer culture, but Coriault is home to the fashion-houses of Auvergne and Vylade, and in particular the Dodixie-based Maison Nephére which has provided finery exclusively for the Federation presidents and their partners for well over a century. <br><br>\r\nIn order to improve their visibility in the glare of the Federation\'s heart, dozens of Coriault houses merged under the Coriault Couture Collective label. Each school operates independently, and the styles can vary wildly, but open competition between institutions only occurs when particular contracts are opened to the highest bidder.. The designers frequently model their own work, operating under the philosophy that if they wouldn\'t be seen in public in their own work, nobody else should, either.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2543,NULL),(3030,314,'Large Group of Mannar Textile Institute International Representatives','Mannar, one of the oldest members of the Federation, has always had a strong influence on Gallente style and trendsetting. Much of the eccentric tailoring favored by society\'s elite and decried as immodest and inappropriate by the other empires has its roots in pre-Federation Mannar culture, which included different concepts of modesty and etiquette. Massive hairstyles and elaborate body- and face-painting still feature prominently in addition to semi-opaque fabrics which respond to a variety of programmable stimuli.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2537,NULL),(3031,314,'Crate of Exclusive Simo Reshar Fitness Holoreels','Fitness guru Simo Reshar is iconic less for the effectiveness of his workout routines than for the questionable nature of the visuals and extremely cheesy rhythmic music. The covers depict the skinny workout instructor with his anthropomorphic cartoon assistants, dressed in worryingly skintight shiny outfits.<br><br>\r\nThough clearly intended for a younger audience, adults have professed to discover deeper philosophical meanings within the holos\' content if watched whilst under the influence of certain substances. Reshar\'s assistants, particularly the feline Leeta and avian Yanis, have gained a cult following among certain fetish scenes across the cluster.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3032,283,'Amarr Forensic Investigative Team','This team of highly-trained forensic investigators always travels with a large quantity of all manner of equipment, from manportable to vehicle-mounted. The team is expected to be self-sustaining for 10 days due to its frequent deployment to harsh environments, from asteroids to ship wrecks. Due to this requirement, it necessarily travels with foodstuffs, drinking water, and myriad other consumables. Coupled with the large volume of investigative equipment, this team requires significant cargo space when transported to and from its typically remote duty locations. ',65,65,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2891,NULL),(3033,53,'Small Focused Beam Laser II','A high-powered beam laser. Good for medium range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,567,352,NULL),(3034,133,'Small Focused Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,352,NULL),(3035,314,'Large Crate of Exclusive Simo Reshar Fitness Holoreels','Fitness guru Simo Reshar is iconic less for the effectiveness of his workout routines than for the questionable nature of the visuals and extremely cheesy rhythmic music. The covers depict the skinny workout instructor with his anthropomorphic cartoon assistants, dressed in worryingly skintight shiny outfits.<br><br>\r\nThough clearly intended for a younger audience, adults have professed to discover deeper philosophical meanings within the holos\' content if watched whilst under the influence of certain substances. Reshar\'s assistants, particularly the feline Leeta and avian Yanis, have gained a cult following among certain fetish scenes across the cluster.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1177,NULL),(3036,283,'Amarr Forensic Investigative Deployment','This team of highly-trained forensic investigators always travels with a large quantity of all manner of equipment, from manportable to vehicle-mounted. The team is expected to be self-sustaining for 10 days due to its frequent deployment to harsh environments, from asteroids to ship wrecks. Due to this requirement, it necessarily travels with foodstuffs, drinking water, and myriad other consumables. Coupled with the large volume of investigative equipment, this team requires significant cargo space when transported to and from its typically remote duty locations. ',400,400,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2891,NULL),(3037,314,'Crate of Experimental ECM Hybrid Rounds','These modified tungsten hybrid rounds send out an ECM pulse through the hull of any ship they strike, momentarily baffling the ship\'s target-locking mechanisms and affording the formerly-targeted ship a few precious moments to gain an advantage or escape. Efforts are being made to develop this into purely friend-or-foe munitions, effectively counteracting the effects of enemy ECM, but adaptation of the missile-based tracking technology to hybrid shell systems has proven difficult.',10,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1323,NULL),(3038,314,'Large Crate of Experimental ECM Hybrid Rounds','These modified tungsten hybrid rounds send out an ECM pulse through the hull of any ship they strike, momentarily baffling the ship\'s target-locking mechanisms and affording the formerly-targeted ship a few precious moments to gain an advantage or escape. Efforts are being made to develop this into purely friend-or-foe munitions, effectively counteracting the effects of enemy ECM, but adaptation of the missile-based tracking technology to hybrid shell systems has proven difficult.',100,100,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1323,NULL),(3039,108,'Noctis Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,390000000.0000,1,1389,NULL,NULL),(3041,53,'Small Focused Pulse Laser II','A high-powered pulse laser. Good for short to medium range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(3042,133,'Small Focused Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,350,NULL),(3049,53,'Mega Beam Laser II','A super-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(3050,133,'Mega Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,361,NULL),(3054,952,'Sansha Territorial Reclamation Outpost','Containing an inner habitation core surrounded by an outer shell filled with a curious fluid, the purpose of which remains unclear, this outpost is no doubt the brain-child of some nameless True Slave engineer.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3056,226,'Fortified Sansha Deadspace Outpost I','Containing an inner habitation core surrounded by an outer shell filled with a curious fluid, the purpose of which remains unclear, this outpost is no doubt the brain-child of some nameless True Slave engineer.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20199),(3057,53,'Mega Pulse Laser II','A super-heavy pulse laser designed for medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,573,360,NULL),(3058,133,'Mega Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,360,NULL),(3059,226,'Sansha Starbase Control Tower','The Sansha Control Tower is an enhanced version of the Amarr control tower utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3060,1063,'Gas Extractor Control Unit','Extracting gas from a gas giant requires more effort than simply opening a door into a container. Each specific type of desirable gas requires an ionized filament to be calibrated to attract only the right particles from the atmosphere. Even a fraction of a percent error could spoil an entire batch of product by tainting it with unwanted material. Likewise, once the gas is extracted from the surrounding air, the platform\'s equilibrium tanks must be adjusted to compensate for the added weight or buoyancy. Beyond that, it\'s a simple matter of supercooling it and transferring the liquid form into a container for transport. As one pioneer of this technology accurately described it, “The extractor itself is much like a living organism, breathing in what it needs and expelling that which becomes cumbersome.”',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3061,1063,'Ice Extractor Control Unit','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3062,1063,'Lava Extractor Control Unit','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3063,1063,'Oceanic Extractor Control Unit','This underwater platform and extendable extraction arms are capable of scouring the ocean floor for valuable materials and bringing them to the surface for transportation to processing facilities. A small habitation module serves as living and operation quarters for the human administration and maintenance crew, along with emergency surfacing capsules in the case of a seismic event or breach of the building\'s integrity.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3064,1063,'Plasma Extractor Control Unit','This facility consists of seismic insulated platforms and heavy, jointed conveyor belts leading into deep tunnels. Extremophile drones, built to function in even corrosive, intemperate, and high- or low-pressure atmospheres, run a constant circuit along the belts, performing repairs and clearing away rubble. A staff of mining experts and technicians occupy the main building in case any of the automated systems fail.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3065,53,'Tachyon Beam Laser II','An ultra-heavy beam laser designed for medium to long range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,569,361,NULL),(3066,133,'Tachyon Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,361,NULL),(3067,1063,'Storm Extractor Control Unit','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3068,1063,'Temperate Extractor Control Unit','Finding desired liquids on hostile worlds can be almost as challenging a task as extracting it from the unforgiving environment, which often entails drilling kilometers below the surface or condensing fluids from the upper atmosphere. Once the liquids are discovered, the facility itself begins the relatively simple task of separating it from the ambient plasma interference, scalding magma streams, or potentially infectious indigenous bacteria. A surprising amount of valuable liquids can be extracted from hostile worlds, but only if the equipment is properly calibrated and carefully maintained.',0,0,0,1,NULL,45000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3069,920,'Incursion ship attributes effects Vanguard','',1,20,0,250,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3070,875,'Orca Civilian','The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Eden\'s industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed. The Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs.',250000000,10250000,30000,1,128,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3071,1052,'Uroborus','We are one, birthed from the clash of opposites.<br>A synthesis 13 billion years in waiting.<br>\r\nThe era of false promises is fading from view, and for the first time we can now look ahead on this path and begin to see the totality of our journey.<br>\r\nWe are flag bearers for an age without the weakness of humanity.<br> The first to glimpse at a life beyond those known by our predecessors.<br>\r\nWe are humanity\'s first and best hope to become something more.<br> \r\nFlawed and imperfect creatures, our enemies lumber obliviously toward this moment.<br>\r\nJust as we march alongside them, toward the day when everything will change and we will remake the world once more.<br>\r\nThey intend to struggle against the approaching dawn, yet there is no war.<br>\r\nThere is only inevitability.<br>\r\n<i> -Sansha Kuvakei</i>',1546875000,62000000,1337,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,10002),(3072,920,'Incursion Effect Assault','',1,20,0,250,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3073,227,'Rusty Cloud','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3074,74,'150mm Railgun II','This is a standard long-range railgun designed for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',500,5,0.1,1,NULL,183136.0000,1,564,349,NULL),(3075,154,'150mm Railgun II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,349,NULL),(3076,920,'Incursion Effect HQ','',1,20,0,250,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3077,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Upgrades SU-602','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the shield upgrade module power needs.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in power grid needs of modules requiring the Shield Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1480,2224,NULL),(3078,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Upgrades SU-604','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the shield upgrade module power needs.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in power grid needs of modules requiring the Shield Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1480,2224,NULL),(3079,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Upgrades SU-606','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the shield upgrade module power needs.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in power grid needs of modules requiring the Shield Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1480,2224,NULL),(3080,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Management SM-702','Improved skill at regulating shield capacity.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to shield capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1481,2224,NULL),(3081,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Management SM-704','Improved skill at regulating shield capacity.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to shield capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1481,2224,NULL),(3082,74,'250mm Railgun II','Cruiser-sized large barrel turret. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',1000,10,0.5,1,NULL,505832.0000,1,565,370,NULL),(3083,154,'250mm Railgun II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,370,NULL),(3084,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Management SM-706','Improved skill at regulating shield capacity.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to shield capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1481,2224,NULL),(3085,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Emission Systems SE-802','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the capacitor need for shield emission system modules such as shield transfer array.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Shield Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1482,2224,NULL),(3086,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Emission Systems SE-804','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the capacitor need for shield emission system modules such as shield transfer array.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Shield Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1482,2224,NULL),(3087,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Emission Systems SE-806','A neural Interface upgrade that reduces the capacitor need for shield emission system modules such as shield transfer array.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Shield Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1482,2224,NULL),(3088,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Operation SP-902','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the recharge rate of the shields of the pilots ship.\r\n\r\n2% boost to shield recharge rate.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1483,2224,NULL),(3089,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Operation SP-904','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the recharge rate of the shields of the pilots ship.\r\n\r\n4% boost to shield recharge rate.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1483,2224,NULL),(3090,74,'425mm Railgun II','This large battleship-sized weapon packs quite a punch. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,930592.0000,1,566,366,NULL),(3091,154,'425mm Railgun II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,366,NULL),(3092,749,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Shield Operation SP-906','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the recharge rate of the shields of the pilots ship.\r\n\r\n6% boost to shield recharge rate.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1483,2224,NULL),(3093,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Evasive Maneuvering EM-702','A neural interface upgrade designed to enhance pilot Maneuvering skill.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to ship agility.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1490,2224,NULL),(3094,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Evasive Maneuvering EM-704','A neural interface upgrade designed to enhance pilot Maneuvering skill.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to ship agility.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1490,2224,NULL),(3095,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Evasive Maneuvering EM-706','A neural interface upgrade designed to enhance pilot Maneuvering skill.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to ship agility.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1490,2224,NULL),(3096,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Navigation NN-602','A Eifyr and Co hardwiring designed to enhance pilot navigation skill.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to ship velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3097,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Navigation NN-604','A Eifyr and Co hardwiring designed to enhance pilot navigation skill.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to ship velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3098,74,'75mm Gatling Rail II','A small multi-barreled railgun for frigates. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,35028.0000,1,564,349,NULL),(3099,154,'75mm Gatling Rail II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,349,NULL),(3100,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Navigation NN-606','A Eifyr and Co hardwiring designed to enhance pilot navigation skill.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to ship velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3101,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Fuel Conservation FC-802','Improved control over afterburner energy consumption.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in afterburner capacitor needs.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1491,2224,NULL),(3102,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Fuel Conservation FC-804','Improved control over afterburner energy consumption.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in afterburner capacitor needs.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1491,2224,NULL),(3103,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Fuel Conservation FC-806','Improved control over afterburner energy consumption.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in afterburner capacitor needs.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1491,2224,NULL),(3104,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Afterburner AB-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with afterburners.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the duration of afterburners.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3105,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Afterburner AB-608','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with afterburners.\r\n\r\n8% bonus to the duration of afterburners.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3106,74,'Dual 150mm Railgun II','This cruiser-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the frigate class 150mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',1000,10,2,1,NULL,253296.0000,1,565,370,NULL),(3107,154,'Dual 150mm Railgun II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,370,NULL),(3108,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Afterburner AB-612','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with afterburners.\r\n\r\n12% bonus to the duration of afterburners.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3109,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Operation WD-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp drive operation.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in the capacitor need of warp drive.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3110,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Operation WD-608','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp drive operation.\r\n\r\n8% reduction in the capacitor need of warp drive.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3111,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Operation WD-612','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp drive operation.\r\n\r\n12% reduction in the capacitor need of warp drive.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3112,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' High Speed Maneuvering HS-902','Improves the performance of microwarpdrives.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring High Speed Maneuvering.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1492,2224,NULL),(3113,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' High Speed Maneuvering HS-904','Improves the performance of microwarpdrives.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring High Speed Maneuvering.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1492,2224,NULL),(3114,74,'Dual 250mm Railgun II','This battleship-sized weapon is a double-barreled version of the cruiser class 250mm railgun. Railguns use magnetic rails to fire solid chunks of matter at hypersonic speed. The accurate range of railguns is very good, but due to technical limitations it cannot use onboard guidance. This results in a fairly rapid drop in accuracy at extreme ranges. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Javelin, Spike.',2000,20,4,1,NULL,583032.0000,1,566,366,NULL),(3115,154,'Dual 250mm Railgun II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,366,NULL),(3116,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' High Speed Maneuvering HS-906','Improves the performance of microwarpdrives.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring High Speed Maneuvering.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1492,2224,NULL),(3117,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Speed WS-608','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp navigation.\r\n\r\n8% bonus to ships warp speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3118,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Speed WS-613','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp navigation.\r\n\r\n13% bonus to ships warp speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3119,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Warp Drive Speed WS-618','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at warp navigation.\r\n\r\n18% bonus to ships warp speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3120,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Acceleration Control AC-602','Improves speed boosting velocity.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to afterburner and microwarpdrive speed increase.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3121,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Acceleration Control AC-604','Improves speed boosting velocity. \r\n\r\n4% bonus to afterburner and microwarpdrive speed increase.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3122,74,'Electron Blaster Cannon II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',2000,20,5,1,NULL,1147680.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(3123,154,'Electron Blaster Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,365,NULL),(3124,747,'Eifyr and Co. \'Rogue\' Acceleration Control AC-606','Improves speed boosting velocity.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to afterburner and microwarpdrive speed increase.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1489,2224,NULL),(3125,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Guided Missile Precision GP-802','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n2% reduced factor of signature radius for all missile explosions.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3126,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Guided Missile Precision GP-804','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n4% reduced factor of signature radius for all missile explosions.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3127,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Guided Missile Precision GP-806','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n6% reduced factor of signature radius for all missile explosions.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3128,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Bombardment MB-702','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to all missiles\' maximum flight time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3129,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Bombardment MB-704','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to all missiles\' maximum flight time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3130,74,'Heavy Electron Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',2000,10,2.5,1,NULL,262752.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(3131,154,'Heavy Electron Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,371,NULL),(3132,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Bombardment MB-706','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to all missiles\' maximum flight time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3133,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Projection MP-702','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to all missiles\' maximum velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3134,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Projection MP-704','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to all missiles\' maximum velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3135,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Missile Projection MP-706','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to all missiles\' maximum velocity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3136,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Rapid Launch RL-1002','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to all missile launcher rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3137,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Rapid Launch RL-1004','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to all missile launcher rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3138,74,'Heavy Ion Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',1000,10,1.5,1,NULL,370268.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(3139,154,'Heavy Ion Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,371,NULL),(3140,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Rapid Launch RL-1006','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to all missile launcher rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3141,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Target Navigation Prediction TN-902','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n2% decrease in factor of target\'s velocity for all missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3142,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Target Navigation Prediction TN-904','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n4% decrease in factor of target\'s velocity for all missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3143,746,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Target Navigation Prediction TN-906','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles.\r\n\r\n6% decrease in factor of target\'s velocity for all missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3144,746,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Launcher CPU Efficiency LE-602','2% reduction in the CPU need of missile launchers.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3145,746,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Launcher CPU Efficiency LE-604','4% reduction in the CPU need of missile launchers.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3146,74,'Heavy Neutron Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,443112.0000,1,562,371,NULL),(3147,154,'Heavy Neutron Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,371,NULL),(3148,746,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Launcher CPU Efficiency LE-606','6% reduction in the CPU need of missile launchers.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3149,746,'Hardwiring - Zainou \'Sharpshooter\' ZMX11','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles. 2% bonus to citadel torpedo damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3150,746,'Hardwiring - Zainou \'Sharpshooter\' ZMX110','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles. 4% bonus to citadel torpedo damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3151,746,'Hardwiring - Zainou \'Sharpshooter\' ZMX1100','A Zainou missile hardwiring designed to enhance skill with missiles. 6% bonus to citadel torpedo damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3152,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Defender Missiles DM-802','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with defender missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the velocity of defender missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3153,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Defender Missiles DM-804','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with defender missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the velocity of defender missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3154,74,'Ion Blaster Cannon II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',2000,20,3,1,NULL,1475200.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(3155,154,'Ion Blaster Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,365,NULL),(3156,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Defender Missiles DM-806','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with defender missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the velocity of defender missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1495,2224,NULL),(3157,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Assault Missiles AM-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy assault missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to heavy assault missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3158,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Assault Missiles AM-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy assault missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to heavy assault missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3159,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Assault Missiles AM-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy assault missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to heavy assault missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3160,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' FOF Explosion Radius FR-1002','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with auto-target missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to explosion radius of auto-target missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3161,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' FOF Explosion Radius FR-1004','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with auto-target missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to explosion radius of auto-target missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3162,74,'Light Electron Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',500,5,0.5,1,NULL,74064.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(3163,154,'Light Electron Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,376,NULL),(3164,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' FOF Explosion Radius FR-1006','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with auto-target missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to explosion radius of auto-target missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1497,2224,NULL),(3165,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Missiles HM-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to heavy missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3166,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Missiles HM-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to heavy missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3167,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Heavy Missiles HM-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with heavy missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to heavy missile damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1494,2224,NULL),(3168,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Light Missiles LM-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with light missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to damage of light missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3169,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Light Missiles LM-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with light missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to damage of light missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3170,74,'Light Ion Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',500,5,0.3,1,NULL,109676.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(3171,154,'Light Ion Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,376,NULL),(3172,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Light Missiles LM-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with light missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to damage of light missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3173,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Rockets RD-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with rockets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the damage of rockets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3174,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Rockets RD-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with rockets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the damage of rockets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3175,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Rockets RD-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with rockets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the damage of rockets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1496,2224,NULL),(3176,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Torpedoes TD-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with torpedoes.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the damage of torpedoes.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3177,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Torpedoes TD-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with torpedoes.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the damage of torpedoes.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3178,74,'Light Neutron Blaster II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',500,5,0.2,1,NULL,148538.0000,1,561,376,NULL),(3179,154,'Light Neutron Blaster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,376,NULL),(3180,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Torpedoes TD-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with torpedoes.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the damage of torpedoes.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3181,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Cruise Missiles CM-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with cruise missiles.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the damage of cruise missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3182,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Cruise Missiles CM-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with cruise missiles.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the damage of cruise missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3183,746,'Zainou \'Snapshot\' Cruise Missiles CM-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with cruise missiles.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the damage of cruise missiles.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1493,2224,NULL),(3184,257,'ORE Industrial','Skill at operating ORE industrial ships. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,8,1600000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3185,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Medium Projectile Turret MP-802','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to medium projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3186,74,'Neutron Blaster Cannon II','Particle blasters operate on a similar principle as the railgun except they fire a magnetically contained ball of subatomic particles. No other turret class can match the sheer destructive power of particle blasters, but due to the rapid dispersion of the containment field, it also has the worst range of all turrets. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium, Null, Void.',2000,20,2,1,NULL,1446592.0000,1,563,365,NULL),(3187,154,'Neutron Blaster Cannon II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,365,NULL),(3188,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Medium Projectile Turret MP-804','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to medium projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3189,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Medium Projectile Turret MP-806','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to medium projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3190,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Motion Prediction MR-702','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret tracking.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to turret tracking speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3191,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Motion Prediction MR-704','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret tracking.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to turret tracking speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3192,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Motion Prediction MR-706','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret tracking.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to turret tracking speed.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3193,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Surgical Strike SS-902','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with all turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to all turret damages.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3194,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Surgical Strike SS-904','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with all turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to all turret damages.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3195,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Surgical Strike SS-906','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with all turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to all turret damages.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3196,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Large Projectile Turret LP-1002','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to large projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3197,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Large Projectile Turret LP-1004','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to large projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3198,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Large Projectile Turret LP-1006','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to large projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3199,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Small Projectile Turret SP-602','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to small projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3200,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Small Projectile Turret SP-604','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to small projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3201,742,'Eifyr and Co. \'Gunslinger\' Small Projectile Turret SP-606','An Eifyr and Co. gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small projectile turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to small projectile turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3202,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Small Energy Turret SE-602','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small energy turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to small energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3203,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Controlled Bursts CB-702','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret energy management.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in all turret capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3204,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Gunnery RF-902','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret rate of fire.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to all turret rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3205,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Large Energy Turret LE-1002','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large energy turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to large energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3206,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Medium Energy Turret ME-802','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium energy turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to medium energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3207,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Small Energy Turret SE-604','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small energy turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to small energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3208,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Controlled Bursts CB-704','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret energy management.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in all turret capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3209,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Gunnery RF-904','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret rate of fire.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to all turret rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3210,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Large Energy Turret LE-1004','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large energy turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to large energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3211,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Medium Energy Turret ME-804','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium energy turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to medium energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3212,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Small Energy Turret SE-606','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small energy turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to small energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3213,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Controlled Bursts CB-706','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret energy management.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in all turret capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3214,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Gunnery RF-906','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance turret rate of fire.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to all turret rate of fire.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3215,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Large Energy Turret LE-1006','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large energy turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to large energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3216,742,'Inherent Implants \'Lancer\' Medium Energy Turret ME-806','An Inherent Implants gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium energy turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to medium energy turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3217,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Sharpshooter ST-902','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance optimal range.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to turret optimal range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3218,101,'Harvester Mining Drone','The Harvester is the most efficient mining drone money can buy.',0,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,158,NULL,NULL),(3220,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Trajectory Analysis TA-704','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance falloff range.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to turret falloff.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3221,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Trajectory Analysis TA-706','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance falloff range.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to turret falloff.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3222,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Large Hybrid Turret LH-1002','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to large hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3223,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Large Hybrid Turret LH-1004','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to large hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3224,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Large Hybrid Turret LH-1006','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with large hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to large hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3225,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Small Hybrid Turret SH-602','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to small hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3226,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Small Hybrid Turret SH-604','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to small hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3227,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Small Hybrid Turret SH-606','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with small hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to small hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1498,2224,NULL),(3228,742,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Weapon Upgrades WU-1002','A neural Interface upgrade that lowers turret CPU needs.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in the CPU required by turrets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3229,742,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Weapon Upgrades WU-1004','A neural Interface upgrade that lowers turret CPU needs.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in the CPU required by turrets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3230,742,'Zainou \'Gnome\' Weapon Upgrades WU-1006','A neural Interface upgrade that lowers turret CPU needs.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in the CPU required by turrets.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1502,2224,NULL),(3231,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Medium Hybrid Turret MH-802','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3232,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Medium Hybrid Turret MH-804','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3233,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Medium Hybrid Turret MH-806','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance skill with medium hybrid turrets.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1500,2224,NULL),(3234,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Sharpshooter ST-904','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance optimal range.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to turret optimal range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3235,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Sharpshooter ST-906','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance optimal range.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to turret optimal range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1501,2224,NULL),(3236,742,'Zainou \'Deadeye\' Trajectory Analysis TA-702','A Zainou gunnery hardwiring designed to enhance falloff range.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to turret falloff.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1499,2224,NULL),(3237,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Management EM-802','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy management.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to ships capacitor capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1509,2224,NULL),(3238,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Management EM-804','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy management.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to ships capacitor capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1509,2224,NULL),(3239,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Management EM-806','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy management.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to ships capacitor capacity.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1509,2224,NULL),(3240,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy systems operation.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor recharge time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3241,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy systems operation.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor recharge time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3242,52,'Warp Disruptor I','Disrupts the target ship\'s navigation computer which prevents it from warping.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1935,111,NULL),(3243,132,'Warp Disruptor I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,394240.0000,1,1938,111,NULL),(3244,52,'Warp Disruptor II','Disrupts the target ship\'s navigation computer which prevents it from warping.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1935,111,NULL),(3245,132,'Warp Disruptor II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,111,NULL),(3246,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Systems Operation EO-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at energy systems operation.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor recharge time.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3247,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Emission Systems ES-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy emission systems.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Capacitor Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3248,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Emission Systems ES-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy emission systems.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Capacitor Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3249,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Capacitor Emission Systems ES-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy emission systems.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Capacitor Emission Systems skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3250,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Pulse Weapons EP-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy pulse weapons.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in the cycle time of modules requiring the Energy Pulse Weapons skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3251,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Pulse Weapons EP-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy pulse weapons.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in the cycle time of modules requiring the Energy Pulse Weapons skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3252,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Pulse Weapons EP-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy pulse weapons.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in the cycle time of modules requiring the Energy Pulse Weapons skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3253,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Grid Upgrades EU-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy grid upgrades.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Energy Grid Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3254,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Grid Upgrades EU-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy grid upgrades.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Energy Grid Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3255,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Energy Grid Upgrades EU-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with energy grid upgrades.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Energy Grid Upgrades skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1508,2224,NULL),(3256,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Power Grid Management EG-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at engineering.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the power grid output of your ship.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3257,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Power Grid Management EG-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at engineering.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the power grid output of your ship.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3258,741,'Inherent Implants \'Squire\' Power Grid Management EG-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at engineering.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the power grid output of your ship.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3259,1053,'Orkashu Pontine','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Orkashu Pontine)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Significant microwarp velocity. Limited weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font>Est. 1,200,000 civilian abductions from Orkashu IV during the chaos caused by four simultaneous invasions, each launched in a different empire\'s space.<br><br>The Pontine identifier suggests a role in coordinating pre-established orders, and that perhaps this vessel sits at the very lowest rung of the new Nation hierarchy.<br><br><i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0040. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3260,186,'Sanshas Supercarrier Wreck','The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. ',10000,27500,27500,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3261,306,'Logistics Control Array','This array is responsible for determining friend or foe status for local remote logistics facilities. Although formidable, a capsuleer should be able to subvert the sophisticated electronics within.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3262,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronics Upgrades EU-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with electronics upgrades.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Electronics Upgrade skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3263,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronics Upgrades EU-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with electronics upgrades.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Electronics Upgrade skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3264,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronics Upgrades EU-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill with electronics upgrades.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in CPU need of modules requiring the Electronics Upgrade skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3265,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' CPU Management EE-602','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronics.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to the CPU output.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3266,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' CPU Management EE-604','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronics.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to the CPU output.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3267,741,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' CPU Management EE-606','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronics.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to the CPU output.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1507,2224,NULL),(3268,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Signature Analysis SA-702','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at operating targeting systems.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to ships scan resolution.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1765,2224,NULL),(3269,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Signature Analysis SA-704','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at operating targeting systems.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to ships scan resolution.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1765,2224,NULL),(3270,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Signature Analysis SA-706','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at operating targeting systems.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to ships scan resolution.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1765,2224,NULL),(3271,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronic Warfare EW-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronic warfare.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in ECM and ECM Burst module capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3272,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronic Warfare EW-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronic warfare.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in ECM and ECM Burst module capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3273,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Electronic Warfare EW-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at electronic warfare.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in ECM and ECM Burst module capacitor need.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3274,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Long Range Targeting LT-802','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at long range targeting.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to max targeting range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1766,2224,NULL),(3275,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Long Range Targeting LT-804','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at long range targeting.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to max targeting range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1766,2224,NULL),(3276,1228,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Long Range Targeting LT-806','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at long range targeting.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to max targeting range.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1766,2224,NULL),(3277,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Propulsion Jamming PJ-802','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at propulsion jamming.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need for modules requiring Propulsion Jamming skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1512,2224,NULL),(3278,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Propulsion Jamming PJ-804','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at propulsion jamming.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need for modules requiring Propulsion Jamming skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1512,2224,NULL),(3279,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Propulsion Jamming PJ-806','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at propulsion jamming.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need for modules requiring Propulsion Jamming skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1512,2224,NULL),(3280,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Sensor Linking SL-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at sensor linking.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Sensor Linking skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3281,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Sensor Linking SL-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at sensor linking.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Sensor Linking skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3282,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Sensor Linking SL-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at sensor linking.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Sensor Linking skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3283,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Weapon Disruption WD-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at weapon disruption.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Weapon Disruption skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3284,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Weapon Disruption WD-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at weapon disruption.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Weapon Disruption skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3285,53,'Quad Light Beam Laser II','Uses four light laser focusing systems. Low powered, but makes up for it with a fast firing rate. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Aurora, Gleam.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,568,355,NULL),(3286,133,'Quad Light Beam Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,355,NULL),(3287,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Weapon Disruption WD-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at weapon disruption.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Weapon Disruption skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3288,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Target Painting TG-902','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at target painting.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Target Painting skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3289,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Target Painting TG-904','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at target painting.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Target Painting skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3290,740,'Zainou \'Gypsy\' Target Painting TG-906','A neural interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at target painting.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in capacitor need of modules requiring the Target Painting skill.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1513,2224,NULL),(3291,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Systems RS-602','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in operating armor/hull repair modules.\r\n\r\n2% reduction in repair systems duration.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1514,2224,NULL),(3292,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Systems RS-604','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in operating armor/hull repair modules.\r\n\r\n4% reduction in repair systems duration.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1514,2224,NULL),(3293,12,'Medium Standard Container','A standard cargo container, used for common freight.',100000,325,390,1,NULL,12000.0000,1,1657,1175,NULL),(3296,12,'Large Standard Container','A standard cargo container, used for common freight.',1000000,650,780,1,NULL,27000.0000,1,1657,1174,NULL),(3297,12,'Small Standard Container','A standard cargo container, used for common freight.',10000,100,120,1,NULL,4400.0000,1,1657,16,NULL),(3299,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Systems RS-606','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in operating armor/hull repair modules.\r\n\r\n6% reduction in repair systems duration.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1514,2224,NULL),(3300,255,'Gunnery','Basic turret operation skill. 2% Bonus to weapon turrets\' rate of fire per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3301,255,'Small Hybrid Turret','Operation of small hybrid turrets. 5% Bonus to small hybrid turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3302,255,'Small Projectile Turret','Operation of small projectile turrets. 5% Bonus to small projectile turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3303,255,'Small Energy Turret','Operation of small energy turrets. 5% Bonus to small energy turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3304,255,'Medium Hybrid Turret','Operation of medium hybrid turrets. 5% Bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3305,255,'Medium Projectile Turret','Operation of medium projectile turrets. 5% Bonus to medium projectile turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3306,255,'Medium Energy Turret','Operation of medium energy turret. 5% Bonus to medium energy turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3307,255,'Large Hybrid Turret','Operation of large hybrid turret. 5% Bonus to large hybrid turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3308,255,'Large Projectile Turret','Operation of large projectile turret. 5% Bonus to large projectile turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3309,255,'Large Energy Turret','Operation of large energy turrets. 5% Bonus to large energy turret damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3310,255,'Rapid Firing','Skill at the rapid discharge of weapon turrets. 4% bonus per skill level to weapon turret rate of fire.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3311,255,'Sharpshooter','Skill at long-range weapon turret firing. 5% bonus to weapon turret optimal range per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3312,255,'Motion Prediction','Improved ability at hitting moving targets. 5% bonus per skill level to weapon turret tracking speeds.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3315,255,'Surgical Strike','Knowledge of spaceships\' structural weaknesses. 3% bonus per skill level to the damage of all weapon turrets.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3316,255,'Controlled Bursts','Allows better control over the capacitor use of weapon turrets. 5% reduction in capacitor need of weapon turrets per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,70000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3317,255,'Trajectory Analysis','Advanced understanding of zero-G physics. 5% bonus per skill level to weapon turret accuracy falloff.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,364,33,NULL),(3318,1216,'Weapon Upgrades','Knowledge of gunnery computer systems, including the use of weapon upgrade modules. 5% reduction per skill level in the CPU needs of weapon turrets, launchers and smartbombs.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3319,256,'Missile Launcher Operation','Basic operation of missile launcher systems. 2% Bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3320,256,'Rockets','Skill with small short range missiles. Special: 5% bonus to rocket damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,10000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3321,256,'Light Missiles','Skill with manually targeted missiles. 5% Bonus to light missile damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3322,256,'Auto-Targeting Missiles','Skill with auto-targeting missiles. Special: 5% bonus to Auto-Targeting Missiles(light, heavy and cruise) damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3323,256,'Defender Missiles','Skill with anti-missile missiles. Special: 5% bonus to defender missile max velocity per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3324,256,'Heavy Missiles','Skill with heavy missiles. Special: 5% bonus to heavy missile damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3325,256,'Torpedoes','Skill at the handling and firing of torpedoes. 5% bonus to torpedo damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3326,256,'Cruise Missiles','Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles. 5% bonus to cruise missile damage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,350000.0000,1,373,33,NULL),(3327,257,'Spaceship Command','The basic operation of spaceships. 2% improved ship agility for all ships per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3328,257,'Gallente Frigate','Skill at operating Gallente frigates.',0,0.01,0,1,8,40000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3329,257,'Minmatar Frigate','Skill at operating Minmatar frigates.',0,0.01,0,1,2,40000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3330,257,'Caldari Frigate','Skill at operating Caldari frigates.',0,0.01,0,1,1,40000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3331,257,'Amarr Frigate','Skill at operating Amarr frigates.',0,0.01,0,1,4,40000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3332,257,'Gallente Cruiser','Skill at operating Gallente cruisers.',0,0.01,0,1,8,500000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3333,257,'Minmatar Cruiser','Skill at operating Minmatar cruisers.',0,0.01,0,1,2,500000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3334,257,'Caldari Cruiser','Skill at operating Caldari cruisers.',0,0.01,0,1,1,500000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3335,257,'Amarr Cruiser','Skill at operating Amarr cruisers.',0,0.01,0,1,4,500000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3336,257,'Gallente Battleship','Skill at operating Gallente battleships.',0,0.01,0,1,8,4000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3337,257,'Minmatar Battleship','Skill at operating Minmatar battleships.',0,0.01,0,1,2,4000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3338,257,'Caldari Battleship','Skill at operating Caldari battleships.',0,0.01,0,1,1,4000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3339,257,'Amarr Battleship','Skill at operating Amarr battleships.',0,0.01,0,1,4,4000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3340,257,'Gallente Industrial','Skill at operating Gallente industrial ships.',0,0.01,0,1,8,300000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3341,257,'Minmatar Industrial','Skill at operating Minmatar industrial ships.',0,0.01,0,1,2,300000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3342,257,'Caldari Industrial','Skill at operating Caldari industrial ships.',0,0.01,0,1,1,300000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3343,257,'Amarr Industrial','Skill at operating Amarr industrial ships.',0,0.01,0,1,4,300000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3344,257,'Gallente Titan','Skill at operating Gallente titans. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,8,5500000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3345,257,'Minmatar Titan','Skill at operating Minmatar titans. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,2,5500000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3346,257,'Caldari Titan','Skill at operating Caldari titans. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,1,5500000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3347,257,'Amarr Titan','Skill at operating Amarr titans. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,4,5500000000.0000,1,377,33,NULL),(3348,258,'Leadership','Allows command of a squadron. Increases maximum squadron size by 2 members per skill level, up to a maximum of 10 members.\r\n\r\nGrants a 2% bonus to fleet members\' targeting speed per skill level. Only the bonus of the fleet member with the highest level in this skill is used.\r\n<br>Note: The fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster and fleet members are in space within the same solar system.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3349,258,'Skirmish Warfare','Basic proficiency at coordinating hit-and-run warfare. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members\' agility per skill level. <br>Note: The fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster and fleet members are in space within the same solar system.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3350,258,'Siege Warfare','Basic proficiency at coordinating a fleet\'s defenses. Grants a 2% bonus to fleet members\' shield capacity per skill level. <br>Note: The fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster and fleet members are in space within the same solar system.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3351,258,'Siege Warfare Specialist','Advanced proficiency at siege warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of siege warfare link modules by 20% per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3352,258,'Information Warfare Specialist','Advanced proficiency at information warfare. Boosts the effectiveness of information warfare link modules by 20% per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3354,258,'Warfare Link Specialist','Improved fleet leadership. Boosts effectiveness of all warfare link and mining foreman modules by 10% per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2500000.0000,1,370,33,NULL),(3355,278,'Social','Skill at social interaction. 5% bonus per level to NPC agent, corporation and faction standing increase.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3356,278,'Negotiation','Skill at agent negotiation. 5% additional pay per skill level for agent missions.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3357,278,'Diplomacy','Skill at interacting with hostile Agents in order to de-escalate tense situations as demonstrated by some of the finest diplomats in New Eden. 4% Modifier per level to effective standing towards hostile Agents. Not cumulative with Connections or Criminal Connections.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,180000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3358,278,'Fast Talk','Skill at interacting with Concord. 5% Bonus to effective security rating increase.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3359,278,'Connections','Skill at interacting with friendly NPCs. 4% Modifier to effective standing from friendly NPC Corporations and Factions per level. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Criminal Connections.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3361,278,'Criminal Connections','Skill at interacting with friendly criminal NPCs. 4% Modifier per level to effective standing towards NPCs with low Concord standing. Not cumulative with Diplomacy or Connections.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3362,278,'DED Connections','Skill at dealing with Concord Department and negotiating bounties \r\n\r\nBonus fee of 1,500 isk per pirate head per level of the skill',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,420000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3363,266,'Corporation Management','Basic corporation operation. +20 corporation members allowed per level.\r\n\r\nNotice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,365,33,NULL),(3364,266,'Station Management','The operation and management of spacestations. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3365,266,'Starbase Management','Skill at setting up Starbases',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3366,266,'Factory Management','Skill at factory operation.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3367,266,'Refinery Management','Skill at managing station refineries. Increases mineral yield of refinery by 5% if acting as station manager.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3368,266,'Diplomatic Relations','Skill at negotiating ally fees with Concord. Reduces cost to hire allies in wars by 5% per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,365,33,NULL),(3369,266,'CFO Training','Skill at managing corp finances. 5% discount on all fees at non-hostile NPC station if acting as CFO of a corp. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3370,266,'Chief Science Officer','Skill at managing corp research. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3371,266,'Public Relations','Skill at managing corporate offices. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3372,266,'Intelligence Analyst','Skill at directing a corporation\'s espionage division.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3373,266,'Starbase Defense Management','Skill at using starbase weapon systems. Allows control of one array per level. Arrays must be placed outside of the forcefield to be controlled. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,365,33,NULL),(3374,267,'\'Learning\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,35000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3375,267,'\'Iron Will\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3376,267,'\'Empathy\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3377,267,'\'Analytical Mind\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3378,267,'\'Instant Recall\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3379,267,'\'Spatial Awareness\'','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD self-help books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that they were largely rubbish.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3380,268,'Industry','Allows basic operation of factories. 4% reduction in manufacturing time per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3381,268,'Amarr Tech','Grants +5% reduction in Amarr equipment production time.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3382,268,'Caldari Tech','Grants +5% reduction in Caldari equipment production time.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3383,268,'Gallente Tech','Grants +5% reduction in Gallente equipment production time.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3384,268,'Minmatar Tech','Grants +5% reduction in Minmatar equipment production time.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3385,1218,'Reprocessing','Skill at using reprocessing facilities in station, outposts and starbases to break ores and ice down into refined products.\r\n\r\n3% bonus to ore and ice reprocessing yield per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,1323,33,NULL),(3386,1218,'Mining','Skill at using mining lasers. 5% bonus to mining turret yield per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,1323,33,NULL),(3387,268,'Mass Production','Allows the operation of multiple factories. Ability to run 1 additional manufacturing job per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3388,268,'Advanced Industry','Skill at efficiently using industrial facilities. 3% reduction in all manufacturing and research times per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,250000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3389,1218,'Reprocessing Efficiency','Advanced skill at using reprocessing facilities in station, outposts and starbases to break ores and ice down into refined products.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to ore and ice reprocessing yield per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,280000.0000,1,1323,33,NULL),(3390,1218,'Mobile Refinery Operation','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,700000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3391,268,'Mobile Factory Operation','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3392,1210,'Mechanics','Skill at maintaining the mechanical components and structural integrity of a spaceship. 5% bonus to structure hit points per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,1745,33,NULL),(3393,1210,'Repair Systems','Operation of armor/hull repair modules. 5% reduction in repair systems duration per skill level.\r\n\r\nNote: Has no effect on capital sized modules.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,1745,33,NULL),(3394,1210,'Hull Upgrades','Skill at maintaining your ship\'s armor and installing hull upgrades like expanded cargoholds and inertial stabilizers. Grants a 5% bonus to armor hit points per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,1745,33,NULL),(3395,268,'Advanced Small Ship Construction','Skill required for the manufacturing of advanced frigates and destroyers. 1% reduction in manufacturing time for all items requiring Advanced Small Ship Construction per level.',0,0.01,0,1,4,80000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3396,268,'Advanced Industrial Ship Construction','Skill required for the manufacturing of advanced industrial ships. 1% reduction in manufacturing time for all items requiring Advanced Industrial Ship Construction per level.',0,0.01,0,1,4,2000000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3397,268,'Advanced Medium Ship Construction','Skill required for the manufacturing of advanced cruisers and battlecruisers. 1% reduction in manufacturing time for all items requiring Advanced Medium Ship Construction per level.',0,0.01,0,1,4,1000000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3398,268,'Advanced Large Ship Construction','Skill required for the manufacturing of advanced battleships. 1% reduction in manufacturing time for all items requiring Advanced Large Ship Construction per level.',0,0.01,0,1,4,25000000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3400,268,'Outpost Construction','Skill required for the manufacturing of player controllable outposts.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,369,33,NULL),(3402,270,'Science','Basic understanding of scientific principles. 5% Bonus to blueprint copying speed per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,375,33,NULL),(3403,270,'Research','Skill at researching more efficient production methods. 5% bonus to blueprint manufacturing time research per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,375,33,NULL),(3404,267,'Genetic Engineering','This is part of a set of debunked CONCORD alternative medicine books that used to be very popular among capsuleers until independent researchers proved conclusively that diluting genetic material in water did not give it any healing properties.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000.0000,1,NULL,33,NULL),(3405,1220,'Biology','The science of life and of living organisms, and how chemicals affect them. 20% Bonus to attribute booster duration per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,1746,33,NULL),(3406,270,'Laboratory Operation','Allows basic operation of research facilities. Ability to run 1 additional research job per skill level. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font>',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,375,33,NULL),(3408,270,'Sleeper Encryption Methods','Understanding of the techniques and methods to reverse engineer Sleeper technology.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,15000000.0000,1,375,33,NULL),(3409,270,'Metallurgy','Advanced knowledge of mineral composition. 5% Bonus to material efficiency research speed per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,350000.0000,1,375,33,NULL),(3410,1218,'Astrogeology','Skill at analyzing the content of celestial objects with the intent of mining them. 5% bonus to mining turret yield per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,450000.0000,1,1323,33,NULL),(3411,1220,'Cybernetics','The science of interfacing biological and machine components. Allows the use of cybernetic implants.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1746,33,NULL),(3412,1217,'Astrometrics','Skill at operating long range scanners.\r\n\r\n+5% scan strength per level.\r\n\r\n-5% max scan deviation per level.\r\n\r\n-5% scan probe scan time per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,450000.0000,1,1110,33,NULL),(3413,1216,'Power Grid Management','Basic understanding of spaceship energy grid systems. 5% Bonus to ship\'s powergrid output per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3414,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-702','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in the operation of remote armor repair systems.\r\n\r\n2% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair system modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1515,2224,NULL),(3415,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-704','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in the operation of remote armor repair systems.\r\n\r\n4% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair system modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1515,2224,NULL),(3416,1209,'Shield Operation','Skill at operating a spaceship\'s shield systems, including the use of shield boosters and other basic shield modules. 5% reduction in shield recharge time per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,35000.0000,1,1747,33,NULL),(3417,1216,'Capacitor Systems Operation','Skill at operating your ship\'s capacitor, including the use of capacitor boosters and other basic energy modules. 5% reduction in capacitor recharge time per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3418,1216,'Capacitor Management','Skill at regulating your ship\'s overall energy capacity. 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,170000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3419,1209,'Shield Management','Skill at regulating a spaceship\'s shield systems. 5% bonus to shield capacity per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,170000.0000,1,1747,33,NULL),(3420,1209,'Tactical Shield Manipulation','Skill at preventing damage from penetrating the shield, including the use of shield hardeners and other advanced shield modules. Reduces the chance of damage penetrating the shield when it falls below 25% by 5% per skill level, with 0% chance at level 5.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,210000.0000,1,1747,33,NULL),(3421,1216,'Energy Pulse Weapons','Skill at using smartbombs. 5% decrease in smartbomb duration per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,130000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3422,1209,'Shield Emission Systems','Operation of shield transfer array and other shield emission systems. 5% reduced capacitor need for shield emission system modules per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,1747,33,NULL),(3423,1216,'Capacitor Emission Systems','Operation of energy transfer array and other energy emission systems. 5% reduced capacitor need of energy emission weapons per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3424,1216,'Energy Grid Upgrades','Skill at installing power upgrades e.g. capacitor battery and power diagnostic units. 5% reduction in CPU needs of modules requiring Energy Grid Upgrades per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,79000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3425,1209,'Shield Upgrades','Skill at installing shield upgrades e.g. shield extenders and shield rechargers. 5% reduction in shield upgrade powergrid needs.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,84000.0000,1,1747,33,NULL),(3426,1216,'CPU Management','Basic understanding of spaceship sensory and computer systems. 5% Bonus to ship CPU output per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3427,272,'Electronic Warfare','Operation of ECM jamming systems. 5% less capacitor need for ECM and ECM Burst systems per skill level.\r\n\r\nNote: Does not affect capital class modules.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,120000.0000,1,367,33,NULL),(3428,1213,'Long Range Targeting','Skill at long range targeting. 5% Bonus to targeting range per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,88000.0000,1,1748,33,NULL),(3429,1213,'Target Management','Skill at targeting multiple targets. +1 extra target per skill level, up to the ship\'s maximum allowed number of targets locked.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,1748,33,NULL),(3430,1213,'Advanced Target Management','Skill at targeting multiple targets. +1 extra target per skill level, up to the ship\'s maximum allowed number of targets locked.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,1748,33,NULL),(3431,1213,'Signature Analysis','Skill at operating Targeting systems. 5% improved targeting speed per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,75000.0000,1,1748,33,NULL),(3432,1216,'Electronics Upgrades','Skill at installing electronic upgrades, such as signal amplifiers, co-processors and backup sensor arrays. 5% reduction of CPU needs for all modules requiring Electronics Upgrades per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,368,33,NULL),(3433,272,'Sensor Linking','Skill at using remote sensor booster/damper. 5% less capacitor need for sensor link per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,367,33,NULL),(3434,272,'Weapon Disruption','Skill at using remote weapon disruptors. 5% less capacitor need for weapon disruptors per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,80000.0000,1,367,33,NULL),(3435,272,'Propulsion Jamming','Skill at using propulsion/warpdrive jammers. 5% Reduction to Warp Scrambler, Warp Disruptor, and Stasis Web capacitor need per skill level. ',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,150000.0000,1,367,33,NULL),(3436,273,'Drones','Skill at remote controlling drones. Can operate 1 drone per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3437,273,'Drone Avionics','Skill at control range for all drones.\r\n\r\nBonus: drone control range increased by 5000 meters per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3438,273,'Mining Drone Operation','Skill at controlling mining drones. 5% bonus to mining drone yield per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3439,273,'Repair Drone Operation','Allows operation of logistic drones. 5% increased repair amount per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3440,273,'Salvage Drone Operation','Skill at controlling salvage drones. 2% increased salvage chance per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,220000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3441,273,'Heavy Drone Operation','Skill at controlling heavy combat drones. 5% bonus to heavy drone damage per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,380000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3442,273,'Drone Interfacing','Allows a captain to better maintain his drones. <BR><BR>10% bonus to drone damage and drone mining yield per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,366,33,NULL),(3443,274,'Trade','Knowledge of the market and skill at manipulating it. Active buy/sell order limit increased by 4 per level of skill.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,378,33,NULL),(3444,274,'Retail','Ability to organize and manage market operations. Each level raises the limit of active orders by 8. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,4,100000.0000,1,378,33,NULL),(3445,274,'Black Market Trading','Skill at forging cargo manifests and disguising contraband cargo. From a base of 90%, each level of skill reduces chance of contraband detection by 10%.\r\n',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,70000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3446,274,'Broker Relations','Proficiency at driving down market-related costs. Each level of skill grants a 5% reduction in the costs associated with setting up a market order, which usually come to 1% of the order\'s total value. This can be further influenced by the player\'s standing towards the owner of the station where the order is entered.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,1,378,33,NULL),(3447,274,'Visibility','Skill at acquiring products remotely. Each level of skill increases the range your remote buy orders are effective to from their origin station. Level 1 allows for the placing of remote buy orders with a range limited to the same solar system, Level 2 extends that range to systems within 5 jumps, and each subsequent level then doubles it. Level 5 allows for a full regional range.\r\n\r\nNote: Only remotely placed buy orders (using Procurement) require this skill to alter the range. Any range can be set on a local buy order with no skill.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,7500000.0000,1,378,33,NULL),(3448,274,'Smuggling','Proficiency at laying low and avoiding unwanted attention. From a base of 90%, each level of skill reduces by 10% the likelihood of being scanned while transporting contraband.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,100000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3449,275,'Navigation','Skill at regulating the power output of ship thrusters. 5% bonus to sub-warp ship velocity per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3450,275,'Afterburner','Skill at using afterburners. 5% reduction to Afterburner duration and 10% reduction in Afterburner capacitor use per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,22500.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3451,275,'Fuel Conservation','Skill at improved control over afterburner energy consumption. 10% reduction in afterburner capacitor needs per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3452,275,'Acceleration Control','Skill at efficiently using Afterburners and MicroWarpdrives. 5% Bonus to Afterburner and MicroWarpdrive speed boost per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,40000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3453,275,'Evasive Maneuvering','Improved skill at efficiently turning and accelerating a spaceship. 5% improved ship agility for all ships per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3454,275,'High Speed Maneuvering','Skill at using MicroWarpdrives. 5% reduction in MicroWarpdrive capacitor usage per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,340000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3455,275,'Warp Drive Operation','Skill at managing warp drive efficiency. 10% reduction in capacitor need of initiating warp per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,30000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3456,275,'Jump Drive Operation','Skill at using Jump Drives. 5% reduction in capacitor need of initiating a jump per skill level.\r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,4,10000000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(3457,279,'Test LCO Drone','',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3465,340,'Large Secure Container','This large container is fitted with a password-protected security lock.\r\n\r\nNote: the container must be anchored to enable password functionality. Anchoring containers is only possible in solar systems with a security status of 0.7 or lower.',1000000,650,780,1,NULL,31000.0000,1,1651,1171,NULL),(3466,340,'Medium Secure Container','This medium container is fitted with a password-protected security lock.\r\n\r\nNote: the container must be anchored to enable password functionality. Anchoring containers is only possible in solar systems with a security status of 0.7 or lower.',100000,325,390,1,NULL,14500.0000,1,1651,1172,NULL),(3467,340,'Small Secure Container','This small container is fitted with a password-protected security lock.\r\n\r\nNote: the container must be anchored to enable password functionality. Anchoring containers is only possible in solar systems with a security status of 0.7 or lower.',10000,100,120,1,NULL,5000.0000,1,1651,1173,NULL),(3468,649,'Plastic Wrap','',0.01,0.01,0.01,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1209,NULL),(3469,285,'Basic Co-Processor','Increases CPU output.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,676,1405,NULL),(3470,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-706','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill in the operation of remote armor repair systems.\r\n\r\n6% reduced capacitor need for remote armor repair system modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1515,2224,NULL),(3471,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Mechanic MC-802','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining the mechanical components and structural integrity of a spaceship.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to hull hp.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1516,2224,NULL),(3472,61,'X-Large Capacitor Battery II','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(3473,141,'X-Large Capacitor Battery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,89,NULL),(3474,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Mechanic MC-804','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining the mechanical components and structural integrity of a spaceship.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to hull hp.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1516,2224,NULL),(3475,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Mechanic MC-806','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining the mechanical components and structural integrity of a spaceship.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to hull hp.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1516,2224,NULL),(3476,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Proficiency RP-902','A neural Interface upgrade for analyzing and repairing starship damage.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to repair system repair amount.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1517,2224,NULL),(3477,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Proficiency RP-904','A neural Interface upgrade for analyzing and repairing starship damage.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to repair system repair amount.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1517,2224,NULL),(3478,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Repair Proficiency RP-906','A neural Interface upgrade for analyzing and repairing starship damage.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to repair system repair amount.\r\n\r\nNote: This implant has no effect on remote armor repair modules or capital sized modules.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1517,2224,NULL),(3479,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Hull Upgrades HG-1002','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining their ship\'s midlevel defenses.\r\n\r\n2% bonus to armor hit points.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1518,2224,NULL),(3480,61,'Micro Capacitor Battery II','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(3481,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Hull Upgrades HG-1004','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining their ship\'s midlevel defenses.\r\n\r\n4% bonus to armor hit points.',0,1,0,1,NULL,200000.0000,1,1518,2224,NULL),(3482,738,'Inherent Implants \'Noble\' Hull Upgrades HG-1006','A neural Interface upgrade that boosts the pilot\'s skill at maintaining their ship\'s midlevel defenses.\r\n\r\n6% bonus to armor hit points.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1518,2224,NULL),(3483,283,'Captured Civilians','There are countless numbers of civilians living out on independent colonies and minor stations. Although life in such remote areas is often harsh, the inhabitants of these stations generally live a quiet, trouble-free life. This is a fact well understood by Sansha leadership, who prey upon these same people, exploiting the sad fact that their absence will not be easily noticed.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2536,NULL),(3484,1056,'Citizen Astur','Known only as “Citizen Astur,” this pilot came to prominence during the later stages of Nation\'s planetary abductions. Her well-articulated arguments and insightful propaganda quickly identified her as something of a spokesperson for Sansha\'s Nation. Although early intelligence indicated that her role within the Nation was purely as a propagandist, her more recent sightings on the battlefield have demonstrated that she is willing to fight for the ideas she so dangerously represents.',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3485,1056,'Slave 32152','Thought to have been a member of Sansha\'s Nation for many decades, the individual who identifies as “Slave 32152” is known for her unwavering commitment to Sansha\'s cause. Few are indoctrinated to the same degree as her, and it was usually her and not Citizen Astur (the main Nation propagandist) who caught the imagination of supporters and news media alike.',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3486,1056,'Slave Tama01','Once an inhabitant of Tama V, the individual known as “Slave Tama01” was abducted and, almost overnight, turned into a capsuleer capable of piloting a Wvyern-class Supercarrier. Shortly after this drastic transformation, she returned to Tama V under the flag of the Nation, standing as an example of Sansha\'s plan for the people he was abducting. The message of that example, however, was repeatedly rebuked by the coalition of capsuleers that rallied against the invading Nation forces, as happened at the battle that took place above Tama V upon her return. Although her Wyvern was destroyed she was repeatedly sighted in a new one shortly afterwards, claiming in public comms that after joining Sansha\'s Nation she was now impossible to stop.',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3487,1056,'Slave Heavenbound02','Formerly a Federation citizen on the planet Vevelonel IV, “Slave Heavenbound02” represents a continuation of the Nation\'s agenda for growing its own capsuleer army. Shortly after she was taken, she reappeared in other systems coordinating planetary invasions from the helm of a capsule-piloted Thanatos. Heavenbound is the least emotionally stable of all the known capsuleers now serving the Nation, and was frequently undermined or distracted on the field of battle.',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3488,61,'Small Capacitor Battery II','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(3489,141,'Small Capacitor Battery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,89,NULL),(3490,1056,'Slave Endoma01','Sutola Endoma was formerly a CONCORD agent with a long and exemplary history within the organization. During the initial planetary invasions, she requested a transfer to the DED\'s counter-invasion taskforce, codenamed Ishaeka. Although her request was denied, Endoma quickly assumed various related responsibilities elsewhere. CONCORD reports clearly document numerous battles where Sutola\'s input was critical in the saving of countless lives. The incongruity of this behavior with her later defection to Sansha\'s Nation suggests a number of disturbing scenarios, all of which are still being investigated by the same secretive taskforce that she was rejected from joining.',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3491,306,'Sansha Communications Array','Dull, tedious treasure lies within.',100000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3492,1053,'Sansha\'s Nation Commander','During the Sansha invasion of YC 112, over 15,000,000 civilians were abducted from their planetary homes. Some of these people were turned from ordinary citizens into capsuleers, re-appearing only days later in some of the largest and most powerful ships in the cluster. Those who did not become capsuleers were not left behind, however. <br><br>Corpses recovered from invading vessels suggested that everyone, regardless of their former life, was granted cloning access. Many would become crew members and engineers aboard the giant capsuleer-piloted vessels, but others chose, or were given, a different role in Nation. <br><br>Some abductees were enhanced in yet other ways. Farmers and librarians alike became military leaders with the acuity and intelligence to rival that of the empire\'s top brass.',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3493,920,'Incursion ship attributes effects Assault ','',1,20,0,250,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3494,920,'Incursion ship attributes effects HQ','',1,20,0,250,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3495,952,'Shield Transfer Control Tower','This control tower is responsible for coordinating and powering the shield defenses on nearby structures. Like many other neighboring facilities, the tower was once CONCORD property. Now it rests in the hands of Sansha pirates, who use it for their own unknown ends. CONCORD guards proprietary technologies fiercely; some valuable secrets of theirs are no doubt hidden inside these complexes, which are now under Sansha control. \r\n\r\nLocal CONCORD commanders have been instructed to coordinate capsuleer resistance against the Nation forces, and they have been granted hefty funds to help incentivize the recapture of lost industrial facilities.',100000,1150,10000000,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3496,61,'Medium Capacitor Battery II','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,704,89,NULL),(3497,141,'Medium Capacitor Battery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,89,NULL),(3498,306,'CONCORD MTAC Factory','This CONCORD factory has been commandeered by True Creations members and other members of Sansha\'s Nation. It is capable of producing a steady supply of basic MTAC chassis, which can then be modified in various ways. Each empire has its own methods of manufacturing these hulking industrial colossi, but CONCORD factories are known for producing the best.',10000,27500,7500,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3499,319,'Sansha Starbase Control Tower','The Sansha Control Tower is an enhanced version of the Amarr control tower utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3500,319,'Reinforced Nation Outpost','This enormous mobile station stands as an example of the engineering excellence found within Nation\'s endless ranks, the upper part of which is filled with mechanical geniuses and masters of design. Virtually indestructible in its hardened state, the station has very few weaknesses and serves frighteningly well in its role as a mobile safe haven for Nation\'s military researchers and technicians.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3501,314,'CONCORD MTAC','The Mechanized Torso-Actuated Chassis (MTAC) is used throughout the New Eden cluster for all types of industrial and military work. The robotic arms can be configured in countless ways, from hydraulics for heavy lifting to enormous weapon-mounted battlefield applications.',7500,7500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,10151,NULL),(3502,952,'Nation Ore Refinery','This mobile ore refinery works in much the same way as standard capsuleer-issue technology. It should be possible to sabotage by placing volatile materials inside.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,16,NULL),(3503,952,'Emergency Evacuation Freighter','This vessel has been reconfigured to act as temporary rallying point for any civilians who haven\'t yet been evacuated from the facility. Any civilians still caught in the line of crossfire should be returned here. ',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3504,61,'Large Capacitor Battery II','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(3505,141,'Large Capacitor Battery II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,89,NULL),(3506,306,'Central Control Nexus','This nexus houses various personnel and components used to coordinate Sansha fleets. Although Nation‘s on-field commanders are highly capable leaders, they are often supported in various ways by a nearby control facility.',10000,27500,7500,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3507,526,'Tactical Response Transmitter','This small device is used to transmit specific information and commands relating to fleet movements and tactical relocations. Due to the critical nature of such transmissions, Sansha forces have developed layered security measures for their use. In order for a TRT to override local forces, the transmitter must first be set to the correct frequencies and then physically relocated from a control nexus to a relay.',5000,7500,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1362,NULL),(3508,952,'Sansha Control Relay','This large radio transmitter relays orders and information to Sansha fleets. Typically these orders come from a local commander, but other facilities such as a central control nexus are also capable of issuing limited tactical commands.',100000,100000000,5000000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3509,226,'Sansha Logistics Control Array','This array is responsible for determining friend or foe status for local remote logistics facilities. Although formidable, a capsuleer should be able to subvert the sophisticated electronics within.',100000,100000000,10000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3510,226,'Sansha Remote Logistics Station','This station repairs local Sansha fleets as they come under fire. Although almost entirely self-contained, friend or foe identification is handled by the Logistics Control Arrays, which are separated from the station to minimize risk of unauthorized overrides.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3511,1054,'Gang booster test NPC','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Vylade Dien)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary roles are damage dealing and squad enhancement. Low microwarp velocity.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 100,000 civilian abductions from Vylade II. The Dien identifier suggests an oversight role amongst other cruiser-class prototypes, or alternatively, that it was created during the first phase of development. The nature of Nation\'s squad boosting technology is still not fully understood, although current intelligence from recovered wrecks indicates that the designs deviates from standard warfare links in the same way as Tech III Warfare Processors.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0047. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3512,53,'Focused Medium Pulse Laser II','A high-energy, concentrated laser designed for short to medium range engagements. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,572,356,NULL),(3513,133,'Focused Medium Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,356,NULL),(3514,659,'Revenant','Do you know what you are, capsuleer? The truth will not comfort you.<br>You are a frightened child running headfirst towards oblivion.\r\n\r\nAnd I?\r\nI am the only one who tried to stop you.\r\nI am the Messiah that you turned against.\r\n\r\nYou persecuted me, hunted my children.\r\nVowed to burn my Promised Land to ash.\r\n\r\n\r\nNow I have returned, and I know you better than you know yourself.\r\n\r\nI will vanquish your fear, and commute your flesh to dust.\r\n\r\n<i>- Sansha Kuvakei</i><br><br>\r\n\r\n',1546875000,62000000,1405,1,32,14573872400.0000,1,1392,NULL,20069),(3515,1013,'Revenant Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,18500000000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3516,324,'Malice','The Malice is an assault frigate design exclusively commissioned as a reward in the ninth Alliance Tournament. Sporting custom metal alloys in its plated carapace, it is one of the most expensive ships ever produced in its class. Far from being a mere ornament, though, the Malice features quality armament systems, strong defensive plating and a massive capacitor, and its vastly augmented facility for energy destabilization makes it a formidable adversary in any engagement.',1271000,28600,210,1,4,NULL,1,1623,NULL,20063),(3517,105,'Malice Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2875000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3518,358,'Vangel','The Vangel is a heavy assault cruiser design exclusively commissioned as a reward in the ninth Alliance Tournament. Like its smaller sibling the Malice, it possesses greatly enhanced energy destabilization systems. Though it was primarily conceived as a combat vessel for the solitary pilot, the Vangel‘s great stores of capacitor power and top-of-the-line armor plating make it no less effective in small fleets. A sleek, deadly triumph of both form and function.\r\n',11890000,118000,550,1,4,17062600.0000,1,1621,NULL,20064),(3519,106,'Vangel Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3520,53,'Heavy Pulse Laser II','A heavy laser designed for short to medium range engagements. Delivers powerful damage. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',1000,10,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,572,356,NULL),(3521,133,'Heavy Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,356,NULL),(3522,1073,'Ion Cannon','Effectively a gigantic powerplant strapped to an enormous, fragile tube of superconductors which have been wrapped into a polytoroidal synchrotron. Given sufficient charging time, it is capable of accelerating a cloud of ionized particles to energies in the 5.5- to 7.2-ZeV range.\r\n\r\nWhen precisely targeted by properly-equipped ground forces, this platform can deliver devastating, high-precision space-to-ground artillery support.\r\n\r\n<i>Corporal, be advised, strike co-ordinates received, splash inbound. Please remain well clear of the blast zone...\r\n- Squad Activity Recorder A51781V, final message received; location classified</i>',10000,2000,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3523,226,'Caldari Chimera Carrier','The Chimera\'s design is based upon the Kairiola, a vessel holding tremendous historical significance for the Caldari. Initially a water freighter, the Kairiola was refitted in the days of the Gallente-Caldari war to act as a fighter carrier during the orbital bombardment of Caldari Prime. It was most famously flown by the legendary Admiral Yakia Tovil-Toba directly into Gallente Prime\'s atmosphere, where it fragmented and struck several key locations on the planet. This event, where the good Admiral gave his life, marked the culmination of a week\'s concentrated campaign of distraction which enabled the Caldari to evacuate their people from their besieged home planet. Where the Chimera roams, the Caldari remember.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3524,1053,'Jel Rhomben','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Jel Rhomben)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Significant microwarp velocity. Limited weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 110,000 civilian abductions from Jel III. The Rhomben identifier, shared with the Eystur Rhomben variant, suggests an overarching position within the lowest tier of the new Nation hierarchy. Given the inherent weaknesses of this vessel relative to the more powerful Eystur variant, it almost certainly came first in development.<br> \r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3525,1053,'Youl Meten','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Youl Meten)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Moderate microwarp velocity. Long range stasis webifier support. Limited weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 350,000 civilian abductions from Youl IV. The Meten identifier is shared with the Renyn Meten variant, which is notable due to the latter\'s lack of known abductees to crew the ship. This suggests that the Nation may have supplemented the crew of the more powerful Renyn variant from those taken from Youl.<br> \r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0031. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3526,1053,'Orkashu Myelen','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Orkashu Myelen)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Primary role is medium range ECM support and medium range energy warfare. Moderate microwarp velocity. No known weapons systems.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> An estimated 1,200,000 civilian were abductions from Orkashu IV during the chaos caused by four simultaneous invasions. Each invasion was launched in a different empire\'s space. Although the Myelen identifier suggests a developmental state, it is clear that this version of the frigate served as the basis for the more powerful Niarja variant. Other, unknown Nation prototypes may have also originated from this design.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0035. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2000000,20000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3527,1054,'Raa Thalamus','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Prototype Nation Vessel (ID: Raa Thalamus)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Cruiser-class vessel. Primary role is damage-dealing. Moderate microwarp velocity.<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Est. 520,000 civilian abductions from Raa IV. In a pattern similar to the Meten-class prototypes, the Thalamus identifier is shared with another vessel; the Romi Thalamus. Romi III was not successfully invaded as far as official records indicate, suggesting that those taken from Raa may have been used as a crew resource for the more powerful Romi variant, or alternatively, played some other role in the development of the newer vessel.<br>\r\n<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0029. DED Special Operations.</i><br><i>Authorized for Capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3528,62,'Medium Armor Repairer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(3529,142,'Medium Armor Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000.0000,1,1536,80,NULL),(3530,62,'Medium Armor Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(3531,142,'Medium Armor Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(3532,25,'Echelon','A limited run of these ships was released to capsuleers at the end of YC 112, as a platform to utilize an influx of <url=showinfo:3581>Purloined Sansha Data Analyzers</url> that CONCORD had acquired. CONCORD\'s hope was that capsuleers could find a way to use the hardware against Sansha forces as they began mounting organized incursions into territories across the cluster.<br><br>The specialized nature of the hardware in Sansha Data Analyzer technology makes it incompatible with standard data buses, but this ship\'s unique hull design has an adaptive synchronization suite that allows it to interface with a wide range of non-standard hardware. CONCORD has remained silent on the origin of this design, but a number of amateur analysts maintain that ships of very similar configuration, carrying SCC and DED transponders, have been observed covertly on multiple prior occasions.',1124000,28100,135,1,4,NULL,1,1619,NULL,20063),(3533,105,'Echelon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,300000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3534,62,'Capital Inefficient Armor Repair Unit','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',500,4000,0,1,4,NULL,1,1052,80,NULL),(3535,142,'Capital Inefficient Armor Repair Unit Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,47022756.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(3536,325,'CONCORD Capital Remote Armor Repairer','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the Target ship.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',20,4000,0,1,4,24200788.0000,1,1056,21426,NULL),(3537,350,'Capital Coaxial Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,24200788.0000,1,NULL,21426,NULL),(3538,62,'Large Armor Repairer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(3539,142,'Large Armor Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,800000.0000,1,1536,80,NULL),(3540,62,'Large Armor Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(3541,142,'Large Armor Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(3542,40,'Capital Neutron Saturation Injector I','Expends energy to provide a quick boost in shield strength.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,4000,0,1,4,NULL,1,778,84,NULL),(3543,120,'Capital Neutron Saturation Injector I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,51002322.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(3544,41,'CONCORD Capital Remote Shield Booster','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,4000,0,1,4,24659510.0000,1,600,86,NULL),(3545,121,'Capital Murky Remote Shield Booster Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,1,24659510.0000,1,NULL,86,NULL),(3546,74,'Limited Mega Ion Siege Blaster I','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive blaster is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',40000,4000,10,1,NULL,36286548.0000,1,771,2836,NULL),(3547,154,'Limited Mega Ion Siege Blaster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,36286548.0000,1,NULL,365,NULL),(3548,286,'Insurance Teaching Drone','Teaching new captains how to manage their ships in order to reduce accidents and decrease premiums for happiness all around.',80000,20400,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3549,100,'Tutorial Attack Drone','',3000,5,0,1,NULL,10.0000,0,NULL,1084,NULL),(3550,74,'Dual 1000mm \'Scout\' Accelerator Cannon','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive railgun is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nRequires hybrid charge types: Antimatter, Iridium, Iron, Lead, Plutonium, Thorium, Tungsten, Uranium.',40000,4000,5,1,NULL,46052412.0000,1,772,2840,NULL),(3551,1217,'Survey','Skill at operating ship, cargo and survey scanners. 5% improvement per level in the scan speeds of those module types.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,36000.0000,1,1110,33,NULL),(3552,87,'Cap Booster 75','Provides a quick injection of power into your capacitor. Good for tight situations!',7.5,3,100,10,NULL,5000.0000,1,139,1033,NULL),(3553,169,'Cap Booster 75 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,500000.0000,1,339,1033,NULL),(3554,87,'Cap Booster 100','Provides a quick injection of power into your capacitor. Good for tight situations!',10,4,100,10,NULL,10000.0000,1,139,1033,NULL),(3555,169,'Cap Booster 100 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,339,1033,NULL),(3556,76,'Micro Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,8,1,NULL,4500.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(3557,154,'Dual 1000mm \'Scout\' I Accelerator Cannon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,46052412.0000,1,NULL,366,NULL),(3558,76,'Micro Capacitor Booster II','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,10,1,NULL,38032.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(3559,53,'Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',40000,4000,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,774,2841,NULL),(3560,133,'Dual Modal Giga Pulse Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,48404274.0000,1,NULL,361,NULL),(3561,53,'Dual Giga Modal Laser I','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive laser is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',40000,4000,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,773,2837,NULL),(3562,133,'Dual Giga Modal Laser I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,43006260.0000,1,NULL,360,NULL),(3563,524,'\'Limos\' Citadel Cruise Launcher I','The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,4000,4.95,1,NULL,NULL,1,777,3955,NULL),(3564,136,'\'Limos\' Citadel Cruise Launcher I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,54371388.0000,1,NULL,170,NULL),(3565,524,'Shock \'Limos\' Citadel Torpedo Bay I','The size of a small cruiser, this massive launcher is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,4000,5.1,1,NULL,NULL,1,777,2839,NULL),(3566,76,'Small Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,12,1,NULL,11250.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(3567,156,'Small Capacitor Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,112500.0000,1,1563,1031,NULL),(3568,76,'Small Capacitor Booster II','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,15,1,NULL,86614.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(3569,156,'Small Capacitor Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1031,NULL),(3570,136,'Shock \'Limos\' Citadel Torpedo Bay I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,54371388.0000,1,NULL,170,NULL),(3571,55,'Quad 3500mm Gallium Cannon','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive artillery cannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',750,4000,5,1,NULL,37692954.0000,1,775,2842,NULL),(3572,135,'Quad 3500mm Gallium I Cannon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,37692954.0000,1,NULL,379,NULL),(3573,55,'6x2500mm Heavy Gallium Repeating Cannon','One of the largest weapons currently in existence, this massive autocannon is designed for extended sieges of stationary installations and other large targets.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.\r\n\r\nMust be loaded with any of the following projectile ammo types: Carbonized Lead, Depleted Uranium, EMP, Fusion, Nuclear, Phased Plasma, Proton, or Titanium Sabot.',75,4000,10,1,NULL,32694870.0000,1,776,2838,NULL),(3574,135,'6x2500mm Heavy Gallium I Repeating Cannon Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,32694870.0000,1,NULL,381,NULL),(3575,67,'Capital Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',1000,4000,0,1,4,26773840.0000,1,910,1035,NULL),(3576,76,'Heavy Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,128,1,NULL,70258.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(3577,156,'Heavy Capacitor Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,702580.0000,1,1563,1031,NULL),(3578,76,'Heavy Capacitor Booster II','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,160,1,NULL,230876.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(3579,156,'Heavy Capacitor Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1031,NULL),(3580,147,'Capital Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,26773840.0000,1,NULL,1035,NULL),(3581,538,'Purloined Sansha Data Analyzer','CONCORD has acquired untold numbers of these devices from destroyed Sansha vessels during recent raids. The modules have the appearance of standard data analyzers, but when connected to the systems of a suitably modified ship, they exhibit significantly enhanced capabilities.<br><br>Official DED reports on the devices\' internal workings cite \"inconclusive results,\" but CONCORD has nevertheless opted to distribute these modules to capsuleers in the hope that they might be useful in the fight against Kuvakei\'s minions.',1800,5,0,1,NULL,33264.0000,1,1718,2856,NULL),(3582,917,'Purloined Sansha Data Analyzer Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,332640.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(3583,314,'Badly Mangled Components','This rather large pile of obviously-broken components stands testament to the follies of reprocessing an item without <i>really</i> understanding how it fits together.',700,4,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1365,NULL),(3584,314,'True Slave Decryption Node','Functionally, this piece of hardware - obviously of Sansha origin - is an extremely sophisticated parallel processing unit. Connecting it to a standard interface bus and running a few diagnostics reveals that it has been configured to act as the master node for a quasi-distributed decryption system, and its response rate suggests that it\'s exceptionally efficient at this task.<br><br>It is, however, difficult to ignore the fact that it\'s also a head in a jar - particularly when it opens its eyes briefly, looks around, and frowns.',700,4,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2553,NULL),(3585,314,'Mangled Sansha Data Analyzer ','This is still nearly recognizable as a Purloined Sansha Data Analyzer, but attempting to reprocess it has left it broken yet still more-or-less intact. It\'s possible that running it through the reprocessor a second time will yield better results.',1650,5,0,1,NULL,33264.0000,1,NULL,2856,NULL),(3586,41,'Small Remote Shield Booster I','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,5,0,1,NULL,4996.0000,1,603,86,NULL),(3587,121,'Small Remote Shield Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,49960.0000,1,1553,86,NULL),(3588,41,'Small Remote Shield Booster II','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,5,0,1,NULL,38726.0000,1,603,86,NULL),(3589,121,'Small Remote Shield Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,86,NULL),(3590,917,'Mangled Sansha Data Analyzer Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,332640.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(3591,319,'Angel Control Tower','The Angel Control Tower is an enhanced version of the Matari control tower utilizing the latest frontier design techniques to increase its defenses and efficiency.',100000,1150,8850,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3592,226,'Caldari Wyvern Carrier ','The Wyvern is based on documents detailing the design of the ancient Raata empire\'s seafaring flagship, the Oryioni-Haru. According to historical sources the ship was traditionally taken on parade runs between the continent of Tikiona and the Muriyuke archipelago, seat of the Emperor, and represented the pride and joy of what would one day become the Caldari State. Today\'s starfaring version gives no ground to its legendary predecessor; with its varied applications in the vast arena of deep space, the Wyvern is likely to stand as a symbol of Caldari greatness for untold years to come.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3593,226,'Caldari Phoenix Dreadnough','In terms of Caldari design philosophy, the Phoenix is a chip off the old block. With a heavily tweaked missile interface, targeting arrays of surpassing quality and the most advanced shield systems to be found anywhere, it is considered the strongest long-range installation attacker out there. While its shield boosting actuators allow the Phoenix, when properly equipped, to withstand tremendous punishment over a short duration, its defenses are not likely to hold up against sustained attack over longer periods. With a strong supplementary force, however, few things in existence rival this vessel\'s pure annihilative force.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3594,226,'Caldari Leviathan Titan','Citizens of the State, rejoice! Today, a great milestone has been achieved by our glorious leaders. A stepping stone in the grand story of our empire has been traversed. Our individual fears may be quietened; the safety of our great nation has been secured. Today, unyielding, we have walked the way of the warrior. In our hands have our fates been molded. On the Leviathan\'s back will our civilization be carried home and the taint of the Enemy purged from our souls. Rejoice, citizens! Victory is at hand. -Caldari State Information Bureau Pamphlet, 23248 AD',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3595,226,'Caldari Badger Industrial Ship','The Badger-class freighter is the main cargo-carrier for the Caldari State, particularly in long, arduous trade-runs. Its huge size and comfortable armament makes it perfectly equipped for those tasks, although the Caldari seldom let it roam alone.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3596,41,'Medium Remote Shield Booster I','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,10,0,1,NULL,12470.0000,1,602,86,NULL),(3597,121,'Medium Remote Shield Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,124700.0000,1,1553,86,NULL),(3598,41,'Medium Remote Shield Booster II','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,10,0,1,NULL,79936.0000,1,602,86,NULL),(3599,121,'Medium Remote Shield Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,86,NULL),(3600,226,'Caldari Tayra Industrial Ship','The Tayra is an alternative version of the famous Badger, it\'s mostly used by the military or the mega corps for transports of goods of great value. The Tayra has a much larger cargo capacity, making it ideal for high volume hauling.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3601,226,'Caldari Charon Freighter','As the makers of the Charon, the Caldari State are generally credited with pioneering the freighter class. Recognizing the need for a massive transport vehicle as deep space installations constantly increase in number, they set about making the ultimate in efficient mass transport - and were soon followed by the other empires. Regardless, the Charon still stands out as the benchmark by which the other freighters were measured. Its massive size and titanic cargo hold are rivalled by none.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3602,226,'Gallente Atron Frigate','The Atron is a hard nugget with an advanced power conduit system, but little space for cargo. Although it is a good harvester when it comes to mining, its main ability is as a combat vessel.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3603,226,'Gallente Imicus Frigate','The Imicus is a slow but hard-shelled frigate, ideal for any type of scouting activity. Used by merchant, miner and combat groups, the Imicus is usually relied upon as the operation\'s eyes and ears when traversing low security sectors.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3604,226,'Gallente Incursus Frigate','The Incursus is commonly found spearheading Gallentean military operations. Its speed and surprising strength make it excellent for skirmishing duties. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3605,226,'Gallente Maulus Frigate','ThThe Maulus is a high-tech vessel, specialized for electronic warfare. It is particularly valued in fleet warfare due to its optimization for sensor dampening technology.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3606,41,'Large Remote Shield Booster I','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,25,0,1,NULL,31244.0000,1,601,86,NULL),(3607,121,'Large Remote Shield Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,312440.0000,1,1553,86,NULL),(3608,41,'Large Remote Shield Booster II','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.',0,25,0,1,NULL,139968.0000,1,601,86,NULL),(3609,121,'Large Remote Shield Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,86,NULL),(3610,226,'Gallente Navitas Frigate',' In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Gallente Federation, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Navitas. The Navitas had been a solid mining vessel that had seen wide use by independent excavators, along with being one of the best ships available for budding traders and even for much-maligned scavengers. After its redesign, its long-range scanners and sturdy outer shell gave way entirely for remote repairing capabilities, moving the Navitas away from the calming buzz of mining lasers and into the roar of battle.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3611,226,'Gallente Tristan Frigate','Often nicknamed The Fat Man this nimble little frigate is mainly used by the Federation in escort duties or on short-range patrols. The Tristan has been very popular throughout Gallente space for years because of its versatility. It is rather expensive, but buyers will definitely get their money\'s worth, as the Tristan is one of the more powerful frigates available on the market.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3612,226,'Gallente Catalyst Destroyer','Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3613,226,'Gallente Celestis Cruiser','The Celestis cruiser is a versatile ship which can be employed in a myriad of roles, making it handy for small corporations with a limited number of ships. True to Gallente style the Celestis is especially deadly in close quarters combat due to its advanced targeting systems.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3614,226,'Gallente Exequror Cruiser','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror. The Exequror was a heavy cargo cruiser originally strong enough to defend itself against raiding frigates, though it lacked prowess in heavier combat situations. After its redesign, it had some of that bulk - and, necessarily, some of that strength - yanked out and replaced with the capability to help others in heavy combat situations, in particular those who needed armor repairs.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3615,226,'Gallente Thorax Cruiser','The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3616,41,'Capital Remote Shield Booster I','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.\r\n\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,4000,0,1,4,24659510.0000,1,600,86,NULL),(3617,121,'Capital Remote Shield Booster I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,1,24659510.0000,1,1553,86,NULL),(3618,41,'Capital Remote Shield Booster II','Transfers shield power over to the target ship, aiding in its defense.\r\nNote: May only be fitted to capital class ships.',0,1000,0,1,NULL,155242.0000,0,NULL,86,NULL),(3619,121,'Capital Remote Shield Booster II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,86,NULL),(3620,226,'Fortified Starbase Shield Generator','Smaller confined shield generators with their own access restrictions can be deployed outside the Control Tower\'s defense perimeter. This allows for lesser security areas around the Starbase, for purposes of storage or pickup. ',1,1,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3624,306,'Holding Cell','If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the databank and get some valuable information.',10000,27500,2700,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3625,517,'Rohan Shadrak\'s Bellicose','Rohan Shadrak is a Vherokior Shaman of somewhat eccentric repute - he was once described by Isardsund Urbrald, CEO of Vherokior tribe to be \"Mad as a biscuit\". A staunch traditionalist, he is a vocal - and occasionally physical - opponent of CONCORD laws against drug transportation.',0,0,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3626,226,'Sansha Station Ruins','Ruins.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20174),(3627,314,'Construction Materials','Metal girders, plasteel concrete and fiber blocks are all very common construction material used around the universe.',1000000,70,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,NULL,26,NULL),(3628,659,'Nation','',1546875000,62000000,1405,1,32,14573872400.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20062),(3629,306,'Amarr Academy Office','The Pilot Certification Documents can be retrieved from inside this office. ',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3630,226,'Amarr Crucifier Frigate','The Crucifier was first designed as an explorer/scout, but the current version employs the electronic equipment originally intended for scientific studies for more offensive purposes. The Crucifier\'s electronic and computer systems take up a large portion of the internal space leaving limited room for cargo or traditional weaponry.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3631,226,'Amarr Executioner Frigate','The Executioner is another newly commissioned ship of the Amarr Imperial Navy. The Executioner was designed specially to counter the small, fast raider frigates of the Minmatar Republic; thus it is different from most Amarr ships in favoring speed over defenses. With the Executioner, the Amarrians have expanded their tactical capabilities on the battlefield.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3632,226,'Amarr Inquisitor Frigate','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Amarr Empire, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor was originally an example of how the Amarr Imperial Navy modeled their design to counter specific tactics employed by the other empires. After its redesign, it was exclusively devoted to the role of a support frigate, and its formerly renowned missile capabilities gave way to a focus on remote armor repair.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3633,226,'Amarr Magnate Frigate','This Magnate-class frigate is one of the most decoratively designed ship classes in the Amarr Empire, considered to be a pet project for a small, elite group of royal ship engineers for over a decade. The frigate\'s design has gone through several stages over the past decade, and new models of the Magnate appear every few years. The most recent versions of this ship – the Silver Magnate and the Gold Magnate – debuted as rewards in the Amarr Championships in YC105, though the original Magnate design is still a popular choice among Amarr pilots.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3634,53,'Civilian Gatling Pulse Laser','Low powered, rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Comes with a pre-fitted irreplaceable standard frequency crystal.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,350,NULL),(3635,226,'Amarr Punisher Frigate','The Amarr Imperial Navy has been upgrading many of its ships in recent years and adding new ones. The Punisher is one of the most recent ones and considered by many to be the best Amarr frigate in existence. As witnessed by its heavy armaments, the Punisher is mainly intended for large-scale military operations, acting in coordination with larger military vessels, but it is more than powerful enough for solo operations.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3636,53,'Civilian Gatling Autocannon','Low powered, rapid fire multi-barreled projectile weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Generates Its own ammo from space particles. Cannot use standard projectile ammo.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,387,NULL),(3637,226,'Amarr Tormentor Frigate','The Tormentor has been in service for many decades, mainly as a mining ship. It is not big enough to cut it as a battle frigate, but as with most Amarr ships its strong defenses make it a tough opponent to crack. Exactly for this and the way it seems to be curling up on itself has given the Tormentor-class the nickname \'Armadillo\'.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3638,53,'Civilian Gatling Railgun','Low powered, rapid fire multi-barreled hybrid weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Generates Its own ammunition from space particles. Cannot use standard hybrid charges.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,349,NULL),(3639,226,'Amarr Coercer Destroyer','Noticing the alarming increase in Minmatar frigate fleets, the Imperial Navy made its plans for the Coercer, a vessel designed specifically to seek and destroy the droves of fast-moving frigate rebels.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3640,53,'Civilian Light Electron Blaster','Low powered, rapid fire multi-barreled hybrid weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. Generates Its own ammo from space particles. Cannot use standard hybrid ammo.',500,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,376,NULL),(3641,226,'Amarr Arbitrator Cruiser','The Arbitrator is unusual for Amarr ships in that it\'s primarily a drone carrier. While it is not the best carrier around, it has superior armor that gives it greater durability than most ships in its class.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3642,226,'Amarr Augoror Cruiser','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Amarr Empire the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Augoror. The Augoror-class cruiser is one of the old warhorses of the Amarr Empire, having seen action in both the Jovian War and the Minmatar Rebellion. Like most Amarr vessels, the Augoror depended first and foremost on its resilience and heavy armor to escape unscathed from unfriendly encounters. After its overhaul, it had some of the armor stripped off to make room for equipment allowing it to focus on the armor of other vessels, along with energy transfers.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3643,280,'Soil','Fertile soil rich with nutrients is very sought after by agricultural corporations and colonists on worlds with short biological history.',3000,1.5,0,1,NULL,80.0000,1,20,1181,NULL),(3644,226,'Amarr Omen Cruiser','The Omen is a stereotypical example of the Amarrian School of thinking when it comes to ship design: thick armor and hard hitting lasers. Advancements in heat dissipation allow the Omen to fire its lasers faster than other ships without this technology.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3645,1042,'Water','Water is one of the basic conditional elements of human survival. Most worlds have this compound in relative short supply and hence must rely on starship freight.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,35.0000,1,1334,1178,NULL),(3646,226,'Amarr Harbinger Battlecruiser','Right from its very appearance on a battlefield, the Harbinger proclaims its status as a massive weapon, a laser burning through the heart of the ungodly. Everything about it exhibits this focused intent, from the lights on its nose and wings that root out the infidels, to the large number of turreted high slots that serve to destroy them. Should any heathens be left alive after the Harbinger\'s initial assault, its drones will take care of them.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3647,280,'Holoreels','Holographic video reels (also called \"holoreels\") are the most common type of personal entertainment there is. From interactive gaming to erotic motion pictures, these reels can contain hundreds of titles each. ',100,0.5,0,1,NULL,250.0000,1,492,1177,NULL),(3648,226,'Amarr Prophecy Battlecruiser','The Prophecy is built on an ancient Amarrian warship design dating back to the earliest days of starship combat. Originally intended as a full-fledged battleship, it was determined after mixed fleet engagements with early prototypes that the Prophecy would be more effective as a slightly smaller, more mobile form of artillery support.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3649,226,'Amarr Abaddon Battleship','The Abaddon class ship is a celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic in sight has been torn to shreds.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3650,226,'Amarr Apocalypse Battleship','In days past, only those in high favor with the Emperor could hope to earn the reward of commanding one of the majestic and powerful Apocalypse class battleships. In latter years, even though now in full market circulation, these golden, metallic monstrosities are still feared and respected as enduring symbols of Amarrian might.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3651,54,'Civilian Miner','Common, low technology mining laser. Works well for extracting common ore, but not useful for much else.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1039,1061,NULL),(3652,226,'Amarr Bestower Industrial Ship','The Bestower has for decades been used by the Empire as a slave transport, shipping human labor between cultivated planets in Imperial space. As a proof to how reliable this class has been through the years, the Emperor himself has used an upgraded version of this very same class as transports for the Imperial Treasury. The Bestower has very thick armor and large cargo space.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3653,63,'Medium Hull Repairer I','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1054,21378,NULL),(3654,143,'Medium Hull Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1250000.0000,1,1537,21,NULL),(3655,63,'Medium Hull Repairer II','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1054,21378,NULL),(3656,143,'Medium Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(3657,226,'Amarr Sigil Industrial Ship','A recent ship from Viziam. Based on a old slave transport design.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3658,226,'Amarr Maller Cruiser','Quite possibly the toughest cruiser in the galaxy, the Maller is a common sight in Amarrian Imperial Navy operations. It is mainly used for military duty, although a few can be found in the private sector acting as escort ships for very important dispatches.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3659,226,'Amarr Aeon Carrier','Ships like the Aeon have been with the Empire for a long time. They have remained a mainstay of Amarr expansion as, hopeful for a new beginning beyond the blasted horizon, whole cities of settlers sojourn from their time-worn homesteads to try their luck on infant worlds. The Aeon represents the largest ship of its kind in the history of the Empire, capable of functioning as a mobile citadel in addition to fielding powerful wings of fighter bombers.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3660,226,'Amarr Archon Carrier','The Archon was commissioned by the Imperial Navy to act as a personnel and fighter carrier. The order to create the ship came as part of a unilateral initative issued by Navy Command in the wake of Emperor Kor-Azor\'s assassination. Sporting the latest in fighter command interfacing technology and possessing characteristically strong defenses, the Archon is a powerful aid in any engagement.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3661,226,'Amarr Revelation Dreadnought','The Revelation represents the pinnacle of Amarrian military technology. Maintaining their proud tradition of producing the strongest armor plating to be found anywhere, the Empire\'s engineers outdid themselves in creating what is arguably the most resilient dreadnought in existence. Added to that, the Revelation\'s ability to fire capital beams makes its position on the battlefield a unique one. When extended sieges are the order of the day, this is the ship you call in.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3662,226,'Amarr Avatar Titan','Casting his sight on his realm, the Lord witnessed The cascade of evil, the torrents of war. Burning with wrath, He stepped down from the Heavens To judge the unworthy, To redeem the pure. -The Scriptures, Revelation Verses 2:12',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3663,63,'Large Hull Repairer I','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1055,21378,NULL),(3664,143,'Large Hull Repairer I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3125000.0000,1,1537,21,NULL),(3665,63,'Large Hull Repairer II','Makes use of nano-assembler technology in order to repair damage done to the structure.',1000,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1055,21378,NULL),(3666,143,'Large Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(3667,226,'Amarr Providence Freighter','Even though characteristically last in the race to create a working prototype of new technology, the Empire\'s engineers spared no effort in bringing the Providence into the world. While the massive potential for profit from the capsuleer market is said to have been what eventually made the stolid Empire decide to involve themselves in the freighter business, their brainchild is by no means the runt of the litter; the Providence is one of the sturdiest freighters out there.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3668,226,'Gallente Brutix Battlecruiser','One of the most ferocious war vessels to ever spring from Gallente starship design, the Brutix is a behemoth in every sense of the word. When this hard-hitting monster appears, the battlefield takes notice.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3669,226,'Gallente Myrmidon Battlecruiser','Worried that their hot-shot pilots would burn brightly in their eagerness to engage the enemy, the Federation Navy created a ship that encourages caution over foolhardiness. A hardier version of its counterpart, the Myrmidon is a ship designed to persist in battle. Its numerous medium and high slots allow it to slowly bulldoze its way through the opposition, while its massive drone space ensures that no enemy is left unscathed.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3670,226,'Caldari Bantam Frigate','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Caldari State, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Bantam. The Bantam, a strong and sturdy craft, was originally an extremely effective mining frigate. After its redesign, the Bantam\'s large structure had to give way for logistics systems that ate up some of its interior room but allowed it to focus extensively on shield support for fellow vessels.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3671,226,'Caldari Condor Frigate','The Condor is fast and agile. It has limited cargo space so it\'s not very suitable for trading or mining. It is best used as an assault vessel in a hit-and-run type of operations.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3672,226,'Caldari Griffin Frigate','The Griffin is much used by the Caldari Navy as a support vessel in combat squadrons, using its impressive array of electronic gadgetry to disrupt the operation of target ships, making them easy prey for traditional combat vessels.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3673,280,'Wheat','Cereal grasses have been localized on hundreds of worlds. The grains of the wheat plant make a solid foundation for the production of foodstuffs within empire space.',1000,1.15,0,1,NULL,100.0000,1,492,1182,NULL),(3674,226,'Caldari Heron Frigate','The Heron has good computer and electronic systems, giving it the option of participating in electronic warfare. But it has relatively poor defenses and limited weaponry, so it\'s more commonly used for scouting and exploration.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3675,226,'Caldari Kestrel Frigate','The Kestrel is a heavy missile boat with a fairly large cargo space and one of the most sophisticated sensor arrays around. Interestingly enough, it has been used by both the Caldari Navy and several wealthy trade corporations as a cargo-hauling vessel. It is one of few trading vessels with good punching power, making it ideal for solo trade-runs in dangerous areas. The Kestrel was designed so that it could take up to four missile launchers but instead it can not be equipped with turret weapons nor mining lasers. ',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3676,226,'Caldari Merlin Frigate','The Merlin is the most powerful all-out combat frigate of the Caldari. It is highly valued for its versatility in using both missiles and turrets, while its defenses are exceptionally strong for a Caldari vessel.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3677,226,'Caldari Cormorant Destroyer','The Cormorant is the only State-produced space vessel whose design has come from a third party. Rumors abound, of course, but the designer\'s identity has remained a tightly-kept secret in the State\'s inner circle.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3678,226,'Caldari Blackbird Cruiser','The Blackbird is a small high-tech cruiser newly employed by the Caldari Navy. Commonly seen in fleet battles or acting as wingman, it is not intended for head-on slugfests, but rather delicate tactical situations.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3679,226,'Caldari Caracal Cruiser','The Caracal is a powerful vessel that specializes in missile deployment. It has excellent shield defenses, but poor armor plating. Its missile arsenal, when fully stocked, is capable of making mincemeat of almost anyone.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3680,226,'Caldari Moa Cruiser','The Moa was designed as an all-out combat ship, and its heavy armament allows the Moa to tackle almost anything that floats in space. In contrast to its nemesis the Thorax, the Moa is most effective at long range where its railguns and missile batteries can rain death upon foes.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3681,226,'Caldari Osprey Cruiser','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Caldari State the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Osprey. The Osprey originally offered excellent versatility and power for what was considered a comparably low price. After its redesign, its inbuilt mining technology - now a little creaky and long in the tooth - was gutted from the Osprey and replaced in its entirety with tech of a different type, capable of high energy and shield transfers.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3682,226,'Caldari Drake Battlecruiser','Of the meticulous craftsmanship the Caldari are renowned for, the Drake was born. It was found beneath such a ship to rely on anything other than the time-honored combat tradition of missile fire, while the inclusion of sufficient CPU capabilities for decent electronic warfare goes without saying.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3683,1042,'Oxygen','Oxygen is a commodity in constant demand. While most stations have their own supply units, smaller depots and space crafts rely on imports.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,95.0000,1,1334,1183,NULL),(3684,226,'Caldari Ferox Battlecruiser','Designed as much to look like a killing machine as to be one, the Ferox will strike fear into the heart of anyone unlucky enough to get caught in its crosshairs. With the potential for sizable armament as well as tremendous electronic warfare capability, this versatile gunboat is at home in a great number of scenarios. ',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3685,280,'Hydrogen Batteries','The use of hydrogen batteries has become an international standard both in industry and in the public domain; they are a particularly common power supply in off-world habitats such as space stations. ',1500,1,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,20,1184,NULL),(3686,226,'Caldari Raven Battleship','The Raven is the powerhouse of the Caldari Navy. With its myriad launcher slots and powerful shields, few ships can rival it in strength or majesty.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3687,280,'Electronic Parts','These basic elements of all electronic hardware are sought out by those who require spare parts in their hardware. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market.',1000,1,0,1,NULL,750.0000,1,20,1185,NULL),(3688,226,'Caldari Rokh Battleship','Having long suffered the lack of an adequate hybrid platform, the Caldari State\'s capsule pilots found themselves rejoicing as the Rokh\'s design specs were released. A fleet vessel if ever there was one, this far-reaching and durable beast is expected to see a great deal of service on battlefields near and far.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3689,1034,'Mechanical Parts','These basic elements of all mechanical hardware can come in virtually any shape and size, although composite or modular functionality is highly advantageous in today\'s competitive market. Factories and manufacturers take these parts and assemble them into finished products, which are then sold on the market. ',0,1.5,0,1,4,600.0000,1,1335,1186,NULL),(3690,226,'Caldari Scorpion Battleship ','The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3691,1034,'Synthetic Oil','Since original oil can be harvested only from a world with a long biological history, synthetic oil has become frequently produced in laboratories all over known space.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,320.0000,1,1335,1187,NULL),(3693,1034,'Fertilizer','Fertilizer is particularly valued on agricultural worlds, where there is a constant demand for all commodities that boost export value.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,200.0000,1,1335,1188,NULL),(3695,1034,'Polytextiles','Composite materials, both synthetic and natural, are used in the creation of polytextiles, durable fabrics that see widespread use in the clothing industry, solar sail manufacture, and even classic art.',200,1.5,0,1,NULL,400.0000,1,1335,1189,NULL),(3697,1034,'Silicate Glass','Silicate glass is a common construction material, in constant demand throughout New Eden, whether in planetary structures or reinforced for use in space vessels.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,185.0000,1,1335,1190,NULL),(3699,280,'Quafe','Quafe is the name of the most popular soft drink in the universe, manufactured by a Gallentean company bearing the same name. Like so many soft drinks, it was initially intended as a medicine for indigestion and tender stomachs, but the refreshing effects of the drink appealed to everyone and the drink quickly became tremendously popular. Quafe is one of the best recognized brands in the whole EVE universe and can be found in every corner of it. ',500,0.1,0,1,NULL,50.0000,1,492,1191,NULL),(3701,314,'Certification Results','These complicated certification results may mean little to the layman\'s eye, but can prove valuable in the right hands.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1192,NULL),(3703,313,'Nerve Sticks','This booster is used as a stress-reliever and is ingested with a sip of water.',10,0.2,0,1,NULL,2500.0000,1,491,1193,NULL),(3704,226,'Gallente Dominix Battleship','The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3705,313,'Crash','This expensive booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause heart attacks and seizures.',5,0.2,0,1,NULL,1100.0000,1,491,1194,NULL),(3706,226,'Gallente Hyperion Battleship','Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3707,313,'Blue Pill','This booster causes forgetfulness and bliss, and may cause light hallucinations.',10,0.2,0,1,NULL,2200.0000,1,491,1195,NULL),(3708,226,'Gallente Megathron Battleship','The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3709,313,'Drop','This highly hallucinogenic booster can easily cause temporary dementia. It is commonly poured into a wet rag, which is then laid over, or bound across, sensitive parts of the skin.',5,0.2,0,1,NULL,1000.0000,1,491,1196,NULL),(3710,226,'Gallente Nyx Carrier','The Nyx is a gigantic homage to a figure much loved in Gallente society. The ship\'s design is based on the scepter of Doule dos Rouvenor III, the king who, during his peaceful 36-year reign, was credited with laying the foundation for the technologically and socially progressive ideologies which have pervaded Gallente thought in the millennia since. Indeed, the Nyx itself is emblematic of the Gallenteans\' love for progress; packed to the ergonomic brim with the latest in cutting-edge advancements, it is a proud reminder of the things that make the Federation what it is.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3711,313,'X-Instinct','Abusers of this booster have reported surreal visions and altered perceptions of the world around them. The subject becomes blissful and content, but highly analytical of the surroundings.',800,1,0,1,NULL,13500.0000,1,491,1206,NULL),(3712,226,'Gallente Thanatos Carrier','Sensing the need for a more moderately-priced version of the Nyx, Federation Navy authorities commissioned the design of the Thanatos. Designed to act primarily as a fighter carrier for small- to mid-scale engagements, its significant defensive capabilities and specially-fitted fighter bays make it ideal for its intended purpose.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3713,313,'Vitoc','The Vitoc booster has become more than a simple strategy by the Amarrians in controling their slaves. With the Vitoc method, slaves are injected with a toxic chemical substance that is fatal unless the recipient receives a constant supply of an antidote. The method first appeared a few centuries ago when the Amarrians started manning some of their space ships with slaves. As space crew the slaves had to be cajoled into doing complex, often independent work, making older methods of slave control undesirable. Although the more conventional ways of subduing slaves with force (actual or threat of) are still widely used in other forced labor areas, the Vitoc method has proven itself admirably for the fleet.',800,0.5,0,1,NULL,9300.0000,1,491,1207,NULL),(3714,226,'Gallente Moros Dreadnought','Of all the dreadnoughts currently in existence, the versatile Moros possesses perhaps the greatest capacity to fend off smaller hostiles by itself while concentrating on its primary capital target. By virtue of its protean array of point defense capabilities - including a drone bay capable of fielding vast amounts of drones to safeguard the behemoth - the Moros is single-handedly capable of turning the tide in a fleet battle.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3715,281,'Frozen Food','Frozen food is in high demand in many regions, especially on stations orbiting a non-habitable planet and a long way from an agricultural world.',400,0.5,0,1,NULL,98.0000,1,492,30,NULL),(3716,226,'Gallente Erebus Titan','From the formless void\'s gaping maw, there springs an entity. Not an entity such as any you can conceive of, nor I; an entity more primordial than the elements themselves, yet constantly coming into existence even as it is destroyed. It is the Child of Chaos, the Pathway to the Next. The darkness shall swallow the land, and in its wake there will follow a storm, as the appetite of nothing expands over the world. From the formless void\'s gaping maw, there springs an entity. Dr. Damella Macaper The Seven Events of the Apocalypse',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3717,281,'Dairy Products','These products, extracted from livestock, are one of the biggest cogs in the food production cycle. Dairy products are rich with calcium and help make sure the inhabitants of the EVE universe all have shiny teeth.',400,0.5,0,1,NULL,160.0000,1,492,1198,NULL),(3718,226,'Gallente Iteron Mark I Industrial Ship','The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it\'s cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3719,283,'Tourists','The need for tasting other cultures and seeing new worlds is unquenchable among the well-off citizens of the universe.',200,1,0,1,NULL,100.0000,1,23,2539,NULL),(3720,226,'Gallente Iteron Mark II Industrial Ship','The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it\'s cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3721,283,'Slaves','Slavery has always been a questionable industry, favored by the Amarr Empire and detested by the Gallente Federation.',450,5,0,1,NULL,750.0000,1,23,2541,NULL),(3722,226,'Gallente Iteron Mark III Industrial Ship','The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it\'s cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3723,283,'Slaver Hound','The slaver hound is a native animal of Syrikos V and has been bred by the Amarrians from the time they first settled the planet more than a millennium ago. The favorable experience of employing the slaver hound as a guard animal has led to it being exported from Syrikos V to most other Amarrian agricultural planets and even some industrial and mining ones as well. In recent years, the slaver hound has become fashionable among Amarrians as a pet for those willing to risk its often murderous nature; slaver hounds can become extremely loyal and devoted to their owners if handled with care. ',30,1,0,1,NULL,3000.0000,1,23,1180,NULL),(3724,226,'Gallente Iteron Mark IV Industrial Ship','The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it\'s cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3725,1034,'Livestock','Livestock are domestic animals raised for home use or for profit, whether it be for their meat or dairy products.',900,1.5,0,1,NULL,850.0000,1,1335,1205,NULL),(3726,226,'Gallente Iteron Mark V Industrial Ship','The Iteron-class cargo tugger is fast and reliable and there are many versions of it. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries alike as it\'s cheap and can be fitted in myriad different ways, allowing it to be used to freight almost anything. It is, however, quite vulnerable and needs to be protected while in unfriendly territories.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3727,282,'Plutonium','Plutonium is used in arms manufacturing, among other things, making it a steady trade commodity.',2000,1,0,1,NULL,12000.0000,1,22,29,NULL),(3728,226,'Gallente Obelisk Freighter','The Obelisk was designed by the Federation in response to the Caldari State\'s Charon freighter. Possessing similar characteristics but placing a greater emphasis on resilience, this massive juggernaut represents the latest, and arguably finest, step in Gallente transport technology. ',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3729,282,'Toxic Waste','Waste from various production industries and arms manufacturers can be hazardous to the environment, but instead of dumping it to the void, it can be sold to those who see value in the material.',2000,1,0,1,NULL,150.0000,1,22,29,NULL),(3730,226,'Minmatar Breacher Frigate','The Breacher\'s structure is little more than a fragile scrapheap, but the ship\'s missile launcher hardpoints and superior sensors have placed it among the most valued Minmatar frigates when it comes to long range combat.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3731,266,'Megacorp Management','Advanced corporation operation. +100 members per level.\r\n\r\nNotice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,4,400000.0000,1,365,33,NULL),(3732,266,'Empire Control','Advanced corporation operation. +400 corporation members allowed per level. \r\n\r\nNotice: the CEO must update his corporation through the corporation user interface before the skill takes effect. \r\n\r\n<font color=\"0xffF67828\"><b>This skill cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.</b></font> ',0,0.01,0,1,4,8000000.0000,1,365,33,NULL),(3733,92,'Cobra Mine','Standard mine with nuclear payload.',1,0.15,0,10,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3734,174,'Cobra Mine Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,136400.0000,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3735,92,'Anaconda Mine','Standard mine with nuclear payload.',1,0.15,0,10,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3736,174,'Anaconda Mine Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,136400.0000,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3737,92,'Asp Mine','Standard mine with nuclear payload.',1,0.15,0,10,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3738,174,'Asp Mine Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,136400.0000,0,NULL,1007,NULL),(3739,99,'Caldari Sentry Gun III','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3740,99,'Caldari Sentry Gun I','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3741,99,'Caldari Sentry Gun II','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3742,99,'Gallente Sentry Gun','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3743,99,'Minmatar Sentry Gun','Sentry guns are placed around important space facilities and will attack anyone threatening the place they\'ve been assigned to defend. Sentry guns are very powerful compared to their ease of purchase and deployment. ',1000,1000,1000,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3744,805,'Silverfish Alvi','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Moderate',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3745,803,'Viral Infector Alvum','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Extreme',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3746,803,'Wrecker Alvum','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Significant',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3747,801,'Enforcer Alvatis','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Very high',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3748,805,'Strain Infester Alvi','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: High',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3749,805,'Decimator Alvi','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Low',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3750,805,'Infester Alvi','Rogue drones are hi-tech drones that have the ability to manufacture themselves. Rogue drone hives can be found throughout the universe of EVE and are a constant menace to space travelers. Threat level: Very low',100000,60,1200,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,11),(3751,25,'SOCT 1','The Society of Conscious Thought prefers this vehicle for most of its errands.',1200000,17400,180,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(3752,105,'SOCT 1 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3753,25,'SOCT 2','The Society of Conscious Thought prefers this vehicle for many of its errands.',1200000,17400,180,1,16,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20083),(3754,105,'SOCT 2 Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3755,257,'Jove Frigate','',0,0.01,0,1,16,120000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3756,419,'Gnosis','The SoCT\'s Gnosis-class battlecruiser is typically used as an exploration, research or training vessel and is well equipped for such activities. It is even better prepared, however, to guard such tasks from interruption and sabotage.\r\n\r\nAlthough The Society generally frowns upon violent behavior, extreme (and often, extremely violent) methods are taken to protect its own vessels and the secrets they may carry.\r\n\r\nThis mission of acquiring, deepening and sharing knowledge is key to the philosophy of the SoCT, and one well-served by the capable and fearsome Gnosis.',10000000,101000,900,1,16,NULL,1,1698,NULL,20125),(3757,226,'Minmatar Burst Frigate','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Minmatar Republic, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Burst. The Burst had been a small and fast cargo vessel. This all changed after the redesign, when the Burst found its small-time mining capabilities curtailed in lieu of logistics systems that moved its focus to shield support for friendly vessels.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3758,257,'Jove Cruiser','',0,0.01,0,1,16,1500000.0000,0,NULL,33,NULL),(3759,226,'Minmatar Probe Frigate','The Probe is large compared to most Minmatar frigates and is considered a good scout and cargo-runner. Uncharacteristically for a Minmatar ship, its hard outer coating makes it difficult to destroy, while the limited weapon hardpoints force it to rely on fighter assistance if engaged in combat.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3760,226,'Minmatar Rifter Frigate','The Rifter is a very powerful combat frigate and can easily tackle the best frigates out there. It has gone through many radical design phases since its inauguration during the Minmatar Rebellion. The Rifter has a wide variety of offensive capabilities, making it an unpredictable and deadly adversary.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3761,226,'Minmatar Slasher Frigate','The Slasher is cheap, but versatile. It\'s been manufactured en masse, making it one of the most common vessels in Minmatar space. The Slasher is extremely fast, with decent armaments, and is popular amongst budding pirates and smugglers.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3762,226,'Minmatar Vigil Frigate','The Vigil is an unusual Minmatar ship, serving both as a long range scout as well as an electronic warfare platform. It is fast and agile, allowing it to keep the distance needed to avoid enemy fire while making use of jammers or other electronic gadgets.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3763,226,'Minmatar Thrasher Destroyer','Engineered as a supplement to its big brother the Cyclone, the Thrasher\'s tremendous turret capabilities and advanced tracking computers allow it to protect its larger counterpart from smaller, faster menaces.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3764,30,'Leviathan','Citizens of the State, rejoice!<br>\r\nToday, a great milestone has been achieved by our glorious leaders. A stepping stone in the grand story of our empire has been traversed. Our individual fears may be quietened; the safety of our great nation has been secured.<br>\r\nToday, unyielding, we have walked the way of the warrior. In our hands have our fates been molded. On the Leviathan\'s back will our civilization be carried home and the taint of the Enemy purged from our souls.<br>\r\nRejoice, citizens! Victory is at hand.<br>\r\n<i>-Caldari State Information Bureau Pamphlet, YC 12</i>\r\n',2430000000,132500000,13750,1,1,49100550200.0000,1,814,NULL,20071),(3765,110,'Leviathan Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,70000000000.0000,1,885,NULL,NULL),(3766,25,'Vigil','The Vigil is an unusual Minmatar ship, serving both as a long range scout as well as an electronic warfare platform. It is fast and agile, allowing it to keep the distance needed to avoid enemy fire while making use of jammers or other electronic gadgets.',1080000,17400,250,1,2,NULL,1,64,NULL,20078),(3767,105,'Vigil Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2300000.0000,1,264,NULL,NULL),(3768,25,'Amarr Police Frigate','Amarr Police Frigate ',1265000,18100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20063),(3769,105,'Amarr Police Frigate Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3770,226,'Minmatar Bellicose Cruiser','Being a highly versatile class of Minmatar ships, the Bellicose has been used as a combat juggernaut as well as a support ship for wings of frigates. While not quite in the league of newer navy cruisers, the Bellicose is still a very solid ship for most purposes, especially in terms of long range combat.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3771,284,'Ectoplasm','Used for the making of the liquid inside starship pilot pods, this thick goo is made primarily out of used cell membranes.',100,0.5,0,1,NULL,900.0000,1,20,1199,NULL),(3772,226,'Minmatar Rupture Cruiser','The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3773,284,'Hydrochloric Acid','A clear, colorless, fuming, poisonous, highly acidic aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride, used as a chemical intermediate and in petroleum production, ore reduction, and food processing.',100,0.5,0,1,NULL,630.0000,1,20,1199,NULL),(3774,226,'Minmatar Scythe Cruiser','In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Minmatar Republic the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Scythe. The Scythe-class cruiser remains the oldest Minmatar ship still in use. It has seen many battles and is an integrated part in Minmatar tales and heritage. With its redesign, past firmware upgrades for mining output were tossed out entirely in favor of two new separate systems that focused on shield transporting and logistics drones respectively.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3775,1034,'Viral Agent','The causative agent of an infectious disease, the viral agent is a parasite with a noncellular structure composed mainly of nucleic acid within a protein coat.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,850.0000,1,1335,1199,NULL),(3776,226,'Minmatar Stabber Cruiser','The Stabber is the mainstay of the Minmatar fleet. It is light and extremely fast, yet surprisingly powerful, with a wide variety of weapons. It is one of few Minmatar vessels that have reached popularity outside Minmatar space. ',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3777,281,'Long-limb Roes','The eggs of the hanging long-limb are among the most sought after delicacies in fancy restaurants. The roe is quite rare because no one has succeeded in breeding the species outside its natural planetary habitat.',400,1,0,1,NULL,2400.0000,1,492,1406,NULL),(3778,226,'Minmatar Cyclone Battlecruiser','The Cyclone was created in order to meet the increasing demand for a vessel capable of providing muscle for frigate detachments while remaining more mobile than a battleship. To this end, the Cyclone\'s seven high-power slots and powerful thrusters have proved ideal.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3779,1042,'Biomass','A catch-all term for composite material obtained from living things, biomass has several unique properties that make it ideal for various industrial, commercial, and personal uses. Its most important attribute is that it retains many of its nutrients even after being harvested, transported, and processed.',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,1,1334,10030,NULL),(3780,226,'Minmatar Hurricane Battlecruiser','The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3781,226,'Minmatar Maelstrom Battleship','With the Maelstrom, versatility is the name of the game. Its defensive capabilities make it ideally suited for small raid groups or solo work, while its 8 turret hardpoints present opportunities for untold carnage on the fleet battlefield. ',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3782,226,'Minmatar Tempest Battleship','The Tempest is one of the Republic Fleet\'s key vessels; a versatile gunship proficient at long-range bombardment and capable of dishing out specialized types of damage with great effectiveness. A well-rounded squadron of Tempests has been proven time and time again to be an invaluable wild card in a fleet battle, one which opponents should ignore at their own peril.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3783,226,'Minmatar Typhoon Battleship','Much praised by its proponents and much maligned by its detractors, the Typhoon-class battleship has always been one of the most hotly debated spacefaring vessels around. Its distinguishing aspect - and the source of most of the controversy - is its sheer versatility, variously seen as either a lack of design focus or a deliberate freedom for pilot modification.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3784,226,'Minmatar Hel Carrier','Inspired by a vicious scissor-toothed shark indigenous to old-world Matar, the Hel is widely viewed as a sign of a Republic out for blood. Since the beginning of its development it has remained a project cloaked in secrecy, with precious few people aware of its progress and its capabilities, and its formal unveiling has come as a defiant slap in the face to many who formerly believed the Matari incapable of working at this scale of starship design. Whatever comprises the soil of its roots, though, one thing is clear: from no-frills living quarters to grim, unadorned aesthetic, this ferocious behemoth has been designed for one purpose and one purpose only. ”Imagine a swarm of deadly hornets pouring from the devil\'s mouth. Now imagine they have autocannons.” -Unknown Hel designer',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3785,226,'Minmatar Nidhoggur Carrier','Essentially a pared-down version of its big brother the Hel, the Nidhoggur nonetheless displays the same austerity of vision evident in its sibling. Quite purposefully created for nothing less than all-out warfare, and quite comfortable with that fact, the Nidhoggur will no doubt find itself a mainstay on many a battlefield.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3786,226,'Minmatar Naglfar Dreadnought','The Naglfar is based on a Matari design believed to date back to the earliest annals of antiquity. While the exact evolution of memes informing its figure is unclear, the same distinctive vertical monolith form has shown up time and time again in the wind-scattered remnants of Matari legend. Boasting an impressive versatility in firepower options, the Naglfar is capable of holding its own against opponents of all sizes and shapes. While its defenses don\'t go to extremes as herculean as those of its counterparts, the uniformity of resilience - coupled with the sheer amount of devastation it can dish out - make this beast an invaluable addition to any fleet.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3787,226,'Minmatar Ragnarok Titan','The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors\' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise. -Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head Speaking before the Tribal Council November 27th, YC 107',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3788,226,'Minmatar Hoarder Industrial Ship','The Hoarder is the second in line of the Minmatar industrial ships, it\'s not as strong as the Mammoth but its cargo space is very large for its price. It\'s perfect for operation in peaceful areas or when it has strong escort.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3789,226,'Minmatar Mammoth Industrial Ship','The Mammoth is the biggest and the strongest industrial ship of the Minmatar Republic. It was designed with aid from the Gallente Federation, making the Mammoth both large and powerful yet also nimble and technologically advanced. A very good buy.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3790,226,'Minmatar Wreathe Industrial Ship','The Wreathe is an old ship of the Minmatar Republic and one of the oldest ships still in usage. The design of the Wreathe is very plain, which is the main reason for its longevity, but it also makes the ship incapable of handling anything but the most mundane tasks.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3791,226,'Minmatar Fenrir Freighter','Third in line to jump on the freighter bandwagon, the Republic decided early in the design process to focus on a balance between all ship systems. True to form, their creation is comparatively lightweight - though lightweight is certainly not a term easily applicable to this giant.',0,0,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3792,306,'Caldari Academy Office ','The Pilot Certification Documents can be retrieved from inside this office. ',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3793,538,'Data Subverter I','A specialized computer and communications suite designed to assist attempts to subvert the control routines of orbital structures.\r\n\r\n<i>\"You fail to understand. This is our time now. Since prehistory, we have fought each other, first with clubs, then with guns and with beams of energy. Now we shall fight with our minds amidst the beautiful spinning streams of data interconnecting all life on all worlds.<br>\r\nResist, if you like. Your efforts will only hasten the time when we wrest control from you and all the rest of the old order.\"<br>\r\n- Note left in Federal Intelligence Office mainframe by anonymous hacker</i>',0,5,0,1,NULL,33264.0000,1,NULL,2856,NULL),(3794,917,'Data Subverter I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,332640.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(3795,495,'Blood Raider Central Bastion','This massive structure sends signals to its neighbors and the rest of the complex constantly, processing and coordinating all functions. An armament of Citadel torpedo batteries, < a href=evebrowser:>stasis webifiers</a>, and advanced repair functions reinforce the already formidable structure. ',1000,1000,1000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20190),(3796,6,'Sun O1 (Blue Bright)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3797,6,'Sun G5 (Pink)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20096),(3798,6,'Sun K5 (Orange Bright)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20095),(3799,6,'Sun G3 (Pink Small)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20096),(3800,6,'Sun M0 (Orange radiant)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20095),(3801,6,'Sun A0 (Blue Small)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20094),(3802,6,'Sun K3 (Yellow Small)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20099),(3803,6,'Sun B5 (White Dwarf)','',1e35,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20098),(3804,283,'VIPs','Very important people. Business executives, politicians, diplomats and game designers.',130,3,0,1,NULL,1000.0000,1,NULL,2538,NULL),(3805,495,'Sansha\'s Nation Central Bastion','Brimming with electronics and defensive batteries, the Sansha central bastion coordinates and collates hundreds of petabytes of Nation neural traffic daily. Frequently found at the heart of a Sansha local network, the bastion also serves as a common storage point for advanced Sansha starship modules.',1000,1000,1000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20199),(3806,283,'Refugees','When wars and epidemics break out, people flee from their homes, forming massive temporary migrations.',400,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,23,2542,NULL),(3807,226,'Miniball hax','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3808,283,'Prisoners','Transporting prisoners is a task that requires trust and loyalty to the empire\'s legislative arm, but it is one of the least sought-after jobs in the known universe.',560,7.5,0,1,NULL,100.0000,1,NULL,2545,NULL),(3809,495,'Serpentis Administration Facility','This structure houses a full staff of research techs, engineers, and pencil pushers. It is also heavily armored and upgraded with the latest in military grade anti-spacecraft batteries.',1000,1000,1000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20193),(3810,283,'Marines','When war breaks out, the demand for transporting military personnel on site can exceed the grasp of the military organization. In these cases, the aid from non-military spacecrafts is often needed.',1000,2,0,1,NULL,1000.0000,1,23,2540,NULL),(3811,306,'Minmatar Academy Office','The Pilot Certification Documents can be retrieved from inside this office. ',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3812,280,'Data Sheets','These complicated data sheets may mean little to the layman\'s eye, but can prove valuable in the right hands.',1,1,0,1,NULL,150.0000,1,20,1192,NULL),(3814,280,'Reports','These encoded reports may mean little to the untrained eye, but can prove valuable to the relevant institution.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,30.0000,1,20,1192,NULL),(3818,313,'Exile','This booster is highly addictive and has been known to cause aggressive behavior.',800,1,0,1,NULL,15500.0000,1,491,1194,NULL),(3820,313,'Sooth Sayer','This booster causes the subject to fall into a blissful sleep. Reports tell of abusers falling into a deep coma, never to regain consciousness.',800,1,0,1,NULL,8900.0000,1,491,1195,NULL),(3821,821,'Dread Guristas Commanding Officer','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dread Guristas Commanding Officer (ID: Modified Caldari Raven)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased shield and weapon system performance. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Like the majority of Gurista craft, this ship is a variant on Caldari design, in this case the infamous Raven. Analyses of salvaged wrecks have found numerous aftermarket modifications. Common alterations include custom torpedo tubes capable of handling over-packed payloads and the removal of output governing systems on shield emitters. These systems result in a perceived increase of performance, but put crews at increased risk of burns, radiation poisoning, and, in the case of catastrophic failure, immolation in fires exceeding 10,000 Kelvin.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Boselena, CDIA.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',19000000,19000000,120,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3822,313,'Frentix','The Frentix fluid is used as a relaxative drug on subjects in heavy pain. Abuse of this booster is common in underground communities around the universe.',5,0.2,0,1,NULL,1400.0000,1,491,1193,NULL),(3823,821,'True Sansha Archduke','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> True Sansha Archduke (ID: Modified Nightmare)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased armor and weapon system performance. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Archduke Nightmare variant is favored by Sansha military outpost commanders. While perhaps not as advanced as the ships flown by Sansha incursion forces, the Archduke is clearly built with the lessons from capsuleer battles in mind: Molten salt coolant systems allow for overcharged energy turrets. Physical link cables connect key True Slave crew members directly to their ship commander, preventing any electronic interference from affecting the crew. Supplemental adaptive armor plates line the hull. <br><br>This is all in addition to several proprietary Nation modules and other experimental tech found exclusively, if inconsistently, among models of the Archduke variant.\r\n<i>Analyst Atros, CDIA.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',19000000,19000000,120,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3824,313,'Crystal Egg','Crystal is a common feel-good booster, used and abused around the universe in abundance.',500,0.5,0,1,NULL,5000.0000,1,491,1195,NULL),(3825,821,'Dark Blood Hunter','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dark Blood Hunter (ID: Modified Bhaalgorn)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased armor and enhanced laser penetration. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Bhaalgorn variant used exclusively by Dark Blood Hunters betrays the ship\'s design goal: direct engagement with capsuleer ships. The outer hull is reinforced with a further 18 inches of armor plating. Energy turrets are fitted with a molten salt cooling system, allowing a “hotter” discharge. To accommodate the obscene power needs, a full two-thirds of the crew space is replaced with additional power generators. Ironically, the ship\'s advanced composition also makes it a tempting target for many capsuleers, as Dark Blood Hunter wreckage often contains advanced modules exclusive to the Blood Raider Covenant.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Rurkanid, CDIA.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',19000000,19000000,120,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3826,313,'Mindflood','Highly addictive fluid of which the toxic fumes are inhaled through the nostrils of the user. Mindflood kills braincells quicker than submerging one\'s brain in battery acid.',5,0.2,0,1,NULL,1500.0000,1,491,1196,NULL),(3827,821,'Shadow Serpentis Big Boss','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Shadow Serpentis Big Boss (ID: Modified Vindicator)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battleship-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased shield and weapon system performance. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> This variant of the familiar Serpentis Vindicator was first encountered at the conclusion of a prolonged but failed SARO sweep operation. SARO ships had a sizable Serpentis fleet on the run, until a commander in this Vindicator variant entered the scene. The resilience and coordination abilities of the vessel led several SARO agents on scene to name it the “Big Boss,” a name which has come to be attached to the entire variant line.<br>\r\nIn addition to a second power tram to the shield emitters and redundant targeting systems, the Big Boss features the latest in Serpentis-engineered modular equipment and weaponry.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Crarch, CDIA.</i><br>\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',19000000,19000000,120,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3828,1034,'Construction Blocks','Metal girders, plasteel concrete, and fiber blocks are all common construction materials used in almost every large-scale building or manufacturing project throughout New Eden.',0,1.5,0,1,NULL,500.0000,1,1335,26,NULL),(3829,38,'Medium Shield Extender I','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,606,1044,NULL),(3830,118,'Medium Shield Extender I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,124740.0000,1,1549,1044,NULL),(3831,38,'Medium Shield Extender II','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,606,1044,NULL),(3832,118,'Medium Shield Extender II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1044,NULL),(3835,306,'Gallente Academy Office','The Pilot Certification Documents can be retrieved from inside this office. ',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3836,526,'Pilot Certification Documents','This document, specifically designed for capsuleers, certifies that the holder has passed basic training and is cleared for further instruction, as well as general employment throughout the cluster. A basic level of piloting proficiency is required before being awarded the certification, and the capsuleers must demonstrate competency in a range of fundamental navigation and combat tasks.\r\n\r\nAlthough the document is not required by CONCORD police or empire law, it significantly adds to the employment prospects of a newly-graduated capsuleer. Throughout repeated surveys and tests one common pattern emerges; those capsuleers who complete this basic training and other more advanced courses have a much higher chance of employment with other capsuleer corporations, and generally finds themselves more confident and knowledgeable in the often turbulent and confusing first few days of becoming a full-fledged capsuleer.\r\n\r\nNot only that, but graduates get a swanky new outfit to show off to the dropouts and plebeians who couldn\'t cut it.\r\n',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2908,NULL),(3837,314,'Token of Submission','A document representing submission to the authority of the Amarrian Empress, Jamyl Sarum.\r\n\r\nNotably, the language surrounding capsuleer fealty has been significantly watered down, revealing that even the Amarr Empire is willing to acknowledge the reality of capsuleer freedom and autonomy. ',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2095,NULL),(3838,314,'Clearance Documents','These documents clear the holder from numerous by-laws and responsibilities within the Caldari State and abroad. \r\n\r\nThey are issued to capsuleers, who typically operate above the law and are accountable to few people. All this document does is formalize that reality, and as such, is entirely redundant and pointless. \r\n\r\nThe hypercapitalist corporate state of the Caldari is awash with these sorts of documents, however, and the tendency towards needless bureaucracy is simply a part of corporate life. ',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2853,NULL),(3839,38,'Large Shield Extender I','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,608,1044,NULL),(3840,118,'Large Shield Extender I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,312420.0000,1,1549,1044,NULL),(3841,38,'Large Shield Extender II','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,608,1044,NULL),(3842,118,'Large Shield Extender II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,1044,NULL),(3843,314,'Tribal Sponsorship','Tribal sponsorship is a longstanding tradition within the Minmatar Republic. Typically sponsorship is sought by an individual before embarking on a journey away from their tribe, or as part of a corporation\'s employment process. After a sometimes lengthy approval process, a Minmatar is then able to proceed with the full support of their tribal peers. \n\nTypically, a citizen of the Republic will seek sponsorship from only their family tribe, and this is usually sufficient to last their lifetime, barring any dramatic changes. In some rare circumstances, sponsorship is granted from all of the seven tribes to particularly promising individuals. \n\nIn the unique case of the capsuleers, the seven tribes of the Republic have agreed to blanket-issue sponsorships as an attempt to encourage loyalty and cooperation.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2886,NULL),(3844,314,'Freedom of Operation License','This document is issued to all graduate capsuleers, regardless of their ethnicity or background. \r\n\r\nIn the document, various fundamental human rights are outlined and defended, including the freedom to travel, freedom to work for a corporation of one\'s choosing, and freedom of speech within Gallente Federation borders. \r\n\r\nThe document is somewhat redundant for capsuleers, who enjoy these freedoms and others even greater. Despite this obvious fact, the Federation authorities have chosen to issue the license all the same, viewing it as a symbolic gesture, and a reminder of the Federation\'s core values. ',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2853,NULL),(3845,306,'Amarr Cargo Rig','This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3846,306,'Caldari Cargo Rig','This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.',10000,27500,2700,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3847,306,'Gallente Cargo Rig','This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.',10000,27500,2700,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3848,306,'Minmatar Cargo Rig','This industrial structure serves as a platform for warehouses and the sorting of cargo containers.',10000,27500,2700,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3849,38,'Micro Shield Extender I','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,2.5,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,1044,NULL),(3851,38,'Micro Shield Extender II','Increases the maximum strength of the shield.',0,2.5,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,1044,NULL),(3858,319,'Tutorial Fuel Depot','This depot contains fuel for the surrounding structures.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3859,1109,'genericAudioEmitter','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3863,301,'CONCORD Police Officer','This is a security vessel of CONCORD. It is patrolling this sector and will respond to any combat it detects. It can call in reinforcements from nearby sectors if the need arises.',2040000,20400,100,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,30),(3864,15,'Amarr Citadel','',0,0,0,1,4,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20158),(3865,15,'Gallente Research Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(3866,15,'Gallente Trading Hub','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20165),(3867,15,'Gallente Industrial Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(3868,15,'Gallente Administrative Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(3869,15,'Gallente Logistics Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(3870,15,'Gallente Mining Station','',0,1,0,1,8,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20164),(3871,15,'Caldari Station Hub','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(3872,15,'Caldari Military Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(3873,10,'Stargate (Caldari Border)','',100000000000,10000000000,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(3874,10,'Stargate (Gallente Constellation)','',100000000000,10000000,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(3875,10,'Stargate (Gallente System)','',100000000000,10000000,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(3876,10,'Stargate (Gallente Border)','',100000000000,1000000000,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(3877,10,'Stargate (Minmatar Constellation)','',100000000000,10000000,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,32),(3880,226,'Ripped Superstructure','This enormous part of a stellar construct carries a melancholic atmosphere.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20174),(3881,226,'Ruined Monument','An archaic reminder of the days of olde.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3882,820,'Exsanguinator ','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Exsanguinator (ID: Modified Prophecy) <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battlecruiser-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased armor and energy weapon output. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The danger involved in confronting a Blood Raider Exsanguinator cannot be overstated. These terrifying individuals represent some of the worst the Covenant has to offer, ruthless warriors with an absolute devotion to their organization\'s ideals. Their lust for capsuleer blood is legendary. <br>\r\n<i>Analyst Nadiri, CDIA. </i><br>\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination. </i>',11800000,118000,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3883,288,'DED Army Officer','This is a security vessel of CONCORD. It is patrolling this sector and will respond to any combat it detects. It can call in reinforcements from nearby sectors if the need arises.',2040000,20400,100,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,30),(3884,820,'Guristas Distributor','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Distributor (ID: Modified Ferox) <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications: </font> Battlecruiser-class vessel. Heavily modified for increased shield and weapon system performance. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Little remains of what was once an off-the-rack Ferox cruiser. The Guristas take their security very seriously, as is evident by numerous missile launchers and support hardware to ensure they function at peak performance. Initial readouts indicate a high yield of kinetic and thermal ballistics. <br>\r\n<i>Analyst Nadiri, CDIA. </i><br>\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination. </i>\r\n',10100000,101000,235,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3885,301,'CONCORD Police Captain','This is a security vessel of CONCORD. It is patrolling this sector and will respond to any combat it detects. It can call in reinforcements from nearby sectors if the need arises.',10100000,101000,1000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,30),(3886,288,'DED Army Captain','This is a security vessel of CONCORD. It is patrolling this sector and will respond to any combat it detects. It can call in reinforcements from nearby sectors if the need arises.',10100000,101000,1800,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,30),(3887,285,'Co-Processor I','Increases CPU output.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,676,1405,NULL),(3888,285,'Co-Processor II','Increases CPU output.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,676,1405,NULL),(3889,820,'Slave Ation09','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Slave Ation09 (ID: Modified Phantasm) <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Enhanced variant of Sansha\'s Nation cruiser model. Extreme caution recommended. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Taken during the incursion at Ation, this high-ranking officer of True Creations has been tasked with maintaining Nation\'s supply of neural paralytics, an essential component of their harvesting tactic. Naturally, he has also been commanded by Kuvakei himself to attack and destroy any threats to Nation assets. <br>\r\n<i>Senior Analyst Epo, CDIA. </i><br>\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination. </i>',10010000,100100,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3890,820,'Sarpati Family Enforcer','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Sarpati Family Enforcer (ID: Modified Brutix) <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Battlecruiser-class vessel. Do not engage without assistance. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Representatives of the Sarpati family often tour Serpentis Corporation facilities to ensure that their operations are efficient and secure. They have been known to execute their own employees as examples to others and are too well paid to ever think of resigning, so they have absolutely no qualms about engaging interlopers. <br>\r\n<i>Associate Analyst Kepeck, CDIA. </i><br>\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination. </i>',11200000,112000,480,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3891,820,'5/10 DED Angel Big Boss','This is a fighter for the Arch Angels. It is protecting the assets of Arch Angels and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly',10900000,109000,120,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(3893,278,'Mining Connections','Understanding of corporate culture on the industrial level and the plight of the worker.\n\nImproves loyalty point gain by 10% per level when working for agents in the Mining corporation division.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3894,278,'Distribution Connections','Understanding of the way trade is conducted at the corporate level.\n\nImproves loyalty point gain by 10% per level when working for agents in the Distribution corporation division.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3895,278,'Security Connections','Understanding of military culture.\r\n\r\nImproves loyalty point gain by 10% per level when working for agents in the Security corporation division.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,20000000.0000,1,376,33,NULL),(3897,72,'Micro Proton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3898,303,'Quafe Zero','Congratulations, capsuleer! You have acquired a batch of Quafe Zero, the performance drink with the powers of a booster! Enjoy the benefits of increased reflexes with none of the drawbacks!\r\n\r\n<font color=\"yellow\">Benefits:</font>\r\n+5% Speed, +5% Scan Resolution. Duration: 1 hour.\r\n\r\n<i>Attached Ad Copy</i>\r\nAs a capsuleer, you are immortal. You have all eternity to seize your destiny. Shouldn’t you have a soft drink that can perform as well as you? Quafe thinks so. That’s why we’ve developed Quafe Zero.\r\n\r\nUsing the latest in cutting edge biotechnology, our industry-leading scientists have reverse-engineered Quafe Zero from compounds found only in Sleeper vessels. Quafe Zero is fortified with a proprietary mix of performance enhancers, oxidizers, and natural fruit juices designed to push your abilities to the limit.\r\n\r\nThe secret is in our patented fulleroferrocene nanite delivery system, which attaches our exclusive pro-capsuleer formula directly to the neurons you want, not the ones you don’t. The result is an immediate and direct boost to your performance, with Zero drawbacks!\r\n\r\n<font size=\"2\">Quafe Zero is a product of the Quafe Company. Quafe does not condone the use of boosters or other illicit substances. The Quafe Company disavows responsibility for any side effects caused by consuming Sleeper technology.\r\n\r\nWarning: Quafe Zero is designed for capsuleer use only. Side effects experienced by non-capsuleers include but are not limited to dizziness, blindness, nausea, internal hemorrhaging, IBS, sleepwalking, amnesia, sexual deviancy, vision changes, acute epidermal sloughing, partial or total loss of motor control, and minor skin rash.\r\n\r\nQuafe Zero is manufactured in the Phoenix constellation.</font>\r\n\r\nQuafe Zero: Multiply your eternity by Zero!',1,1,0,1,NULL,8192.0000,1,977,1191,NULL),(3899,72,'Micro Proton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3901,72,'Micro Graviton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3903,72,'Micro Graviton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3907,72,'Micro Plasma Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3909,72,'Micro Plasma Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3910,940,'Caldari Sofa','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3911,940,'Caldari Ship Interface','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3913,72,'Micro EMP Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3914,940,'Caldari Main Screen','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3915,72,'Micro EMP Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,2.5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,380,112,NULL),(3916,940,'Caldari Planetary Interaction','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3919,940,'Caldari Corporation Recruitment','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3920,226,'Fortified Amarr Industrial Station','Amarr Industrial Station.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3921,818,'Pirate Saboteur','This is an inexperienced saboteur. Saboteurs usually has skills for different kinds of related work, such as espionage, counterfeiting or infiltration. Such actions are often required before an actual sabotage takes place.',2450000,24500,60,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3922,280,'Hardware','Hardware used in supplies.',2500,2,0,1,NULL,1260.0000,0,NULL,1366,NULL),(3923,283,'Clones','Clones used in supplies',400,1000,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,1204,NULL),(3925,526,'Reclaimed Organics','A heterogeneous slurry of various biological tissues and fluids, produced from the remains of (formerly) living organisms.\r\n\r\nWhile considered mildly hazardous on its own, advanced technology is capable of growing this organic bulk matter into valuable, clone-grade flesh.\r\n\r\n<i>\"With the right spices, the mouth cannot distinguish cheap meat from a Holder\'s feast.\" - Apocryphal Amarrian proverb</i>',0,2,0,1,NULL,1.0000,0,NULL,10030,NULL),(3926,526,'Augmented Stem Cells','Augmented stem cells are vital in the process of re-using biological matter, used for instance with growing clones. ',0,0.38,0,1,NULL,1.0000,0,NULL,10029,NULL),(3927,914,'Clones Blueprint','sdf',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1204,NULL),(3928,914,'Hardware Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1204,NULL),(3930,940,'Minmatar Sofa','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3931,940,'Minmatar Ship Interface','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3932,940,'Minmatar Main Screen','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3933,940,'Minmatar Corporation Recruitment','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3934,940,'Minmatar Planetary Interaction','',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3937,72,'Medium Proton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3938,152,'Medium Proton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3939,72,'Medium Proton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3940,152,'Medium Proton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3941,72,'Medium Graviton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3942,152,'Medium Graviton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1600000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3943,72,'Medium Graviton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3944,152,'Medium Graviton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3947,72,'Medium Plasma Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3948,152,'Medium Plasma Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1700000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3949,72,'Medium Plasma Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3950,152,'Medium Plasma Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3952,226,'Fortified Archon','The Archon was commissioned by the Imperial Navy to act as a personnel and fighter carrier. The order to create the ship came as part of a unilateral initative issued by Navy Command in the wake of Emperor Kor-Azor\'s assassination. Sporting the latest in fighter command interfacing technology and possessing characteristically strong defenses, the Archon is a powerful aid in any engagement.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3953,72,'Medium EMP Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3954,152,'Medium EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1800000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3955,72,'Medium EMP Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,10,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,383,112,NULL),(3956,152,'Medium EMP Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3957,226,'Serpentis Stronghold','This gigantic station is one of the Serpentis military installations and a black jewel of the alliance between The Guardian Angels and The Serpentis Corporation. Even for its size, it has no commercial station services or docking bays to receive guests.',100000,100000000,10000,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20193),(3958,1083,'GDN-9 \"Nightstalker\" Combat Goggles','The GDN line of safety and combat optical systems began humbly, used only by a small number of Caldari PMCs — that is, until the YC 113 action holoreel sequel <i>Smash 4 the State</i> shot the GDN-8 firmly in the public\'s collective eye. Now, GDN-9 “Nightstalker” cosmetic goggles will fulfill your desire to own the GDN-8 without the need to purchase military-grade electronics or radiation-proofing. ',0,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10210,NULL),(3959,818,'Criminal Saboteur','This is an inexperienced saboteur. Saboteurs usually has skills for different kinds of related work, such as espionage, counterfeiting or infiltration. Such actions are often required before an actual sabotage takes place.',2450000,24500,60,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3960,818,'Bandit Saboteur','This is an inexperienced saboteur. Saboteurs usually has skills for different kinds of related work, such as espionage, counterfeiting or infiltration. Such actions are often required before an actual sabotage takes place.',2450000,24500,60,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3961,818,'Rogue Saboteur','This is an inexperienced saboteur. Saboteurs usually has skills for different kinds of related work, such as espionage, counterfeiting or infiltration. Such actions are often required before an actual sabotage takes place.',2450000,24500,60,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3962,1106,'Customs Office Gantry','A rigid scaffold equipped with stabilizing thrusters and microgravity fabrication facilities, this gantry is designed for the erection of large, stationary structures in the orbit of planetary bodies. This model provides the skeleton for an orbital Customs Office.\r\n\r\nNote: In an effort to reduce waste, <b>the gantry will be consumed during construction</b> and its materials will be incorporated into the new structure.\r\n',1000000,7600,19500001,1,NULL,NULL,1,1410,NULL,NULL),(3963,1048,'Customs Office Gantry Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,25000001.0000,1,NULL,0,NULL),(3964,1025,'Orbital Command Center','Orbital Command Centers provide the basic communication, command & control facilities necessary to integrate a planetary society and economy into an interstellar community. They serve as bases from which power can be projected into the local area, as well as hubs of economic activity.\r\n\r\nHowever, they lack the power plants, drydocks and other facilities necessary to qualify as full, starship-capable Outposts.\r\n\r\n<i>Elyse: Wait, are you the kid from Oursulaert who steals drones and sets holders\' robes on fire? (pause) I\'m on a crew with Gallente\'s Most Wanted?\r\n\r\nThaddeus: Is there going to be a problem?\r\n\r\nElyse: Hell no, this is going to be the best shift ever!\r\n\r\n- Excerpt from S1E3 of the smash hit holoseries, \"The OCC\"</i>',5000000000,100000000,25000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,10031),(3966,1091,'Men\'s \'Precision\' Boots','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nEven the strongest commander needs support. Our \"Precision\" collection introduces the latest in military style with these perfect pitch black uniform boots. Polished leather outer-soles conceal a rugged grip and metal heel-caps; Veproco-treated leather uppers maintain a sleek shine no matter the environment. Our patented shock-resistant inner cushioning reduces leg strain when you need to stay on your feet, and the dual-zip front improves fit and comfort without sacrificing style. Command in confidence.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10254,NULL),(3967,226,'Fortified Gallente Station 7','Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(3970,226,'Federation Administrative Outpost','A standard outpost of Gallentean design.',0,0,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,14),(3974,226,'Minmatar Service Outpost Structure','A service outpost for Minmatar traders and travelers. ',0,0,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,14),(3975,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (navy)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10249,NULL),(3977,72,'Large Proton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3978,152,'Large Proton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3979,72,'Large Proton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes explosive damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3980,152,'Large Proton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3981,72,'Large Graviton Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3982,152,'Large Graviton Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3200000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3983,72,'Large Graviton Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes kinetic damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3984,152,'Large Graviton Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3986,585,'Large Remote Hull Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.',20,50,0,1,NULL,31244.0000,1,1062,21428,NULL),(3987,72,'Large Plasma Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3988,152,'Large Plasma Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3400000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3989,72,'Large Plasma Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes thermal damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3990,152,'Large Plasma Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3991,870,'Large Remote Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3000000.0000,1,NULL,21378,NULL),(3992,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (black wax)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette in a contrast of matte black and a midnight black sheen, along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10204,NULL),(3993,72,'Large EMP Smartbomb I','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3994,152,'Large EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,3600000.0000,1,341,112,NULL),(3995,72,'Large EMP Smartbomb II','Radiates an omnidirectional pulse from the ship that causes EM damage to surrounding vessels.',100,50,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,381,112,NULL),(3996,152,'Large EMP Smartbomb II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,112,NULL),(3997,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/gray)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in a cool interplay of black and gray are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10572,NULL),(3998,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (gray)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in contrasting tones of professional blacks and greys, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10584,NULL),(3999,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (black wax)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in contrasting tones of professional blacks and greys, complete with a waxy sheen that catches any light, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10581,NULL),(4001,1091,'Men\'s \'Trench\' Boots','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur \r\n\r\nClassic military style and boardroom chic come together in the perfect pitch black of our latest footwear. Crafted of genuine calfskins, reinforced around the foot and supple at the ankle, our classic military boot features Resothane inserts for breathability. Shok-Lite lining and a subtly stacked heel provide essential support, so you never have to worry when you\'re thinking on your feet.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10255,NULL),(4002,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets modern sensibilities with slick patent leather; our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10250,NULL),(4003,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Knee-Boots','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style in our \"Greave\" high-heeled boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather wraps up to your knee, while the structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10251,NULL),(4004,1091,'Women\'s \'Mystrioso\' Boots','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a complicated world, relax in simplicity in our \"Mystrioso\" boots. In a symphony of darkest black, leather uppers flatter any ensemble, while the toe platform provides height without strain. The transparent prismatic resin heel adds a touch of intrigue to the understated design.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10252,NULL),(4005,27,'Scorpion Ishukone Watch','With its focus on electronic warfare, few ships can resist the direct onslaught of the Ishukone Watch Scorpion-class battleship\'s jamming capabilities.\r\n \r\n<font color=white><u>Details</u></font>\r\nThis variant of the Scorpion represents the pinnacle of the Ishukone paramilitary force\'s electronic warfare capabilities.\r\n \r\n<font color=white><u>Development</u></font>\r\nWhen Ishukone Watch was commissioned to produce a run of Scorpion-class battleships for its parent company, it was decided that a number of extra units would be offered to the capsuleer community to help fund the effort. Interestingly, the entire project took less than one year from start to finish, suggesting at some degree of urgency in the fleet\'s production.\r\n\r\nThe first of these vessels was awarded to Gallente pilot Jack DuVal on June 4th YC115 as a gesture of good will, after it was stolen from an Ishukone Watch shipyard in orbit of Caldari Prime by the Guristas Pirates, before being abandoned in his hangar in Korama after a lengthy pursuit across the Caldari Border Zone.\r\n \r\n<font color=white><u>Technology</u></font>\r\nThough the typical Scorpion-class battleship includes a highly advanced sensor package, Ishukone Watch modifies their ships for policing duty around their worlds. Custom multispectral radiation scanners designed to catch all forms of planetary and extra-planetary communications replace the standard comms suite. Special Ladar and thermal imaging equipment allow Ishukone Watch ships to serve as a distant eye-in-the-sky for planetary security forces. Although these features are stripped out before decommissioned hulls are placed on the open market, the infamy of the Ishukone Watch still makes ships popular with independent ship buyers.\r\n\r\n<font color=white><u>Notes</u></font>\r\nMany wonder why Ishukone Watch would produce a massive run of electronic warfare battleships, especially with sensor suites fine-tuned to detect planetside signals. Some have speculated that these ships were intended to support a larger, multinational fleet. Regarding the mass production of these ships, Ishukone Watch CEO Eborimi Shiskala praised her parent corporation with an \"incredible dedication to the Ishukone doctrine of technological superiority.\"',103600000,468000,550,1,1,71250000.0000,0,1620,NULL,20068),(4006,107,'Scorpion Ishukone Watch Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,712500000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4007,226,'Fortified Minmatar Station','Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4008,1091,'Men\'s \'Lockstep\' Boots','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLife on the cutting edge doesn\'t have to be harsh. Our \"Lockstep\" military gentleman\'s boots enfold your feet in the dark, muted colors of soft genuine leather, with reinforced toes and metal heel caps for protection. Pressure-sensitive gel insoles provide comfort and regulate temperature, while our patented limited-magnetic closure ensures a comfortable, custom fit.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10253,NULL),(4009,1083,'Looking Glass Monocle Interface (right/gold)','An extremely rare and sought-after implant available only to the wealthy and powerful of New Eden, the Looking Glass monocle interface offers advanced vision augmentation beyond the capabilities of all comparable prosthetics or upgrades. Full-spectrum optic weave filters, nanofiber refraction lenses, an enhanced NeoCom uplink, and a blackbox holovid recorder linked directly to the memory centers in the temporal lobe are just some of its groundbreaking options. When combined with the specialized training and equipment unique to capsuleers, the Looking Glass is an efficient interfacing tool, not to mention a dramatic fashion statement.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10838,NULL),(4010,819,'Domination Grigori','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Domination Grigori (ID: Modified Daredevil)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> Designed specifically for lightning raids in enemy space, the Grigori variant of the daunted Daredevil can catch the inexperience ship captain unaware. What is most impressive is that, beyond a handful of experimental Angel technologies, the Grigori\'s advantage comes almost exclusively from employing an all-veteran crew. The efficiency and skill a Grigori crew brings to battle can rival those of a capsuleer. Luckily, the loss of a Grigori crew can be extremely demoralizing for local Cartel forces, leading them to eventually abandon complexes where a Grigori was destroyed.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Kental, <a href=showinfo:2//1000137>DED</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',1910000,19100,80,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4011,319,'Reinforced Drone Bunker','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Reinforced Drone Bunker<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Summary:</font> This structure appears similar to classic drone bunkers, but is heavily modified to withstand direct attack. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> First appearing in YC 113, the reinforced drone bunker is an incredibly sturdy variant of the classic rogue drone bunker design. The outer hull itself is bolstered by a honeycombed mesh of tritanium-tungsten alloy, preventing breaches from tears or blunt impact. Internal systems are supplemented with multiple redundancies. <br>\r\nThe nature of rogue drones makes it difficult to determine if these improvements are the result of conscious effort or, as some engineers theorize, a sort of natural selection after years of losing traditional bunkers to capsuleer raids.<br>\r\n<i>Senior Defense Analyst Jervei, FIO.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i>',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4012,819,'Dread Guristas Irregular','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dread Guristas Irregular (ID: Modified <a href=showinfo:17930>Worm</a>)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> First encountered in YC112, the Irregular is an attack frigate modified for fast assault and first response action. A <a href=showinfo:34>tritanium</a>-reinforced hull improves survivability, as does an experimental Guristas Production Atlas capacitor. Each Irregular is, ironically, crewed by seasoned combat veterans. The average total experience of an Irregular crew is 90 years. This experience gap gives the Irregular an 83% higher survivability rating than the average Guristas frigate crew.<br>\r\n<i>Comparative Intelligence Specialist Ahelen, <a href=showinfo:2//1000042> Wiyrkomi Peace Corps</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',1650000,16500,235,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4013,203,'RADAR Backup Array I','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,722,104,NULL),(4014,203,'RADAR Backup Array II','A backup system which operates in conjunction with the main array. Reduces the ship\'s vulnerability to jamming.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',0,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,722,104,NULL),(4015,819,'Dark Blood Alpha','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dark Blood Alpha (ID: Modified Inquisitor)<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Dark Blood Alpha is an Inquisitor variant designed for a single purpose: lead blitzkrieg raids through empire space. Taking after capsuleer tactics, the Dark Blood Alpha coordinates groups of fast-attack frigates known as wolf packs. Wolf packs swarm larger targets, providing too many fast moving targets for the enemy weapons to track. The Dark Blood Alpha is crewed almost exclusively by veterans of past raids, making this ship the most dangerous opponent on the field. <br>\r\n<i>Analyst Fawlon, <a href=showinfo:2//1000081>Ministry of Assessment</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2870000,28700,135,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4016,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in pure midnight black are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10568,NULL),(4017,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/blue/gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in a cool blend of midnight black, dark ocean blue and gold lines are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10569,NULL),(4018,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants, in a stunning mix of midnight black and dark gold, are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10570,NULL),(4019,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/gold line)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in midnight black, through which gold lines course like veins of ore, are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10571,NULL),(4020,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/red/gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in a volatile mixture of midnight black, bright red and gold lines are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10573,NULL),(4021,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (black/silver)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants, in an extraordinary mix of midnight black and chill, steely silver, are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10574,NULL),(4022,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in stunning regal gold are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10575,NULL),(4023,15,'Caldari Mining Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(4024,15,'Caldari Food Processing Plant Station','',0,1,0,1,1,600000.0000,0,NULL,NULL,20162),(4025,65,'X5 Prototype Engine Enervator','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,1,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(4026,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (matte blue)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in pure matte blue are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10576,NULL),(4027,65,'Fleeting Propulsion Inhibitor I','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,2,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(4028,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (matte green)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in a matte earthbound green are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10577,NULL),(4029,65,'\'Langour\' Drive Disruptor I','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(4030,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (matte red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in a sultry matte red are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10578,NULL),(4031,65,'Patterned Stasis Web I','Reduces the maximum speed of a ship by employing micro energy streams which effectively entangle the target temporarily, thereby slowing it down.',0,5,0,1,8,NULL,1,683,1284,NULL),(4032,1090,'Women\'s \'Excursion\' Pants (silver)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nVallou\'s \"Excursion\" pants in striking steely silver are designed for the style-conscious woman who still demands combat-rated performance from her clothes. A poly wool blend covers our proprietary thermal layer designed to keep you comfortable in extreme temperatures. The Excursion also features a dynamic g-force adaptive system, constricting or loosening against your legs so you have optimal bloodflow in any adverse situation.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10579,NULL),(4033,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (black leather)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure and traces intricate patterns on the exquisite black leather, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10580,NULL),(4034,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (brown leather)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in the intricate patterns of natural brown leather, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10582,NULL),(4035,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (graphite)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a coolly stylish graphite gray while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10583,NULL),(4036,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (green/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in contrasting tones of midnight black and autumn green, all fringed with a fine golden line, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10585,NULL),(4037,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (right/dark)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10214,NULL),(4038,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (right/gray)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10215,NULL),(4039,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (right/gold)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10216,NULL),(4042,1083,'Looking Glass Monocle Interface (right/gray)','An extremely rare and sought-after implant available only to the wealthy and powerful of New Eden, the Looking Glass monocle interface offers advanced vision augmentation beyond the capabilities of all comparable prosthetics or upgrades. Full-spectrum optic weave filters, nanofiber refraction lenses, an enhanced NeoCom uplink, and a blackbox holovid recorder linked directly to the memory centers in the temporal lobe are just some of its groundbreaking options. When combined with the specialized training and equipment unique to capsuleers, the Looking Glass is an efficient interfacing tool, not to mention a dramatic fashion statement.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10219,NULL),(4043,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (left/dark)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10220,NULL),(4044,53,'Sleeper Turret Small','Small Sleeper Turret',500,5,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,350,NULL),(4045,53,'Sleeper Turret Medium','Medium Sleeper Turret',2500,25,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,356,NULL),(4046,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (left/gold)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10221,NULL),(4048,1083,'Odin Synthetic Eye (left/gray)','The Odin synthetic eye is a favorite of space jockeys who still need to wine and dine with the best. Nanite-constructed filament-lenses and cutting-edge optics are suspended in a sterile gel, all housed in a membrane of transparent polyethylene terephthalate. The result is a fully functional human optic replacement subtle enough for any occasion.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10222,NULL),(4049,53,'Sleeper Turret Large','Large Sleeper Turret',5000,50,1,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,360,NULL),(4050,1083,'Looking Glass Monocle Interface (left/gold)','An extremely rare and sought-after implant available only to the wealthy and powerful of New Eden, the Looking Glass monocle interface offers advanced vision augmentation beyond the capabilities of all comparable prosthetics or upgrades. Full-spectrum optic weave filters, nanofiber refraction lenses, an enhanced NeoCom uplink, and a blackbox holovid recorder linked directly to the memory centers in the temporal lobe are just some of its groundbreaking options. When combined with the specialized training and equipment unique to capsuleers, the Looking Glass is an efficient interfacing tool, not to mention a dramatic fashion statement.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10223,NULL),(4051,1136,'Caldari Fuel Block','Frustrated with the inefficiencies involved in tracking multiple fuel types, Thukker logisticians pioneered the development of prepackaged fuel. In YC 111, after a successful trial period, they converted the Tribe\'s entire starbase network to use fuel blocks. Capsuleers were forced to wait for this innovation while CONCORD dithered over how to handle the transition period, but were finally granted clearance in YC113.\r\n\r\nThis is a block of fuel designed for Caldari control towers. Forty blocks are sufficient to run a standard large tower for one hour, while medium and small towers require twenty and ten blocks respectively over the same period.',0,5,0,40,NULL,95.0000,1,1870,10834,NULL),(4052,1083,'Looking Glass Monocle Interface (left/gray)','An extremely rare and sought-after implant available only to the wealthy and powerful of New Eden, the Looking Glass monocle interface offers advanced vision augmentation beyond the capabilities of all comparable prosthetics or upgrades. Full-spectrum optic weave filters, nanofiber refraction lenses, an enhanced NeoCom uplink, and a blackbox holovid recorder linked directly to the memory centers in the temporal lobe are just some of its groundbreaking options. When combined with the specialized training and equipment unique to capsuleers, the Looking Glass is an efficient interfacing tool, not to mention a dramatic fashion statement.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1408,10224,NULL),(4054,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression. The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10234,NULL),(4057,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the pitch-black \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10239,NULL),(4058,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (navy)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the deep, navy blue \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10240,NULL),(4059,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (dust)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the desert-dust shaded \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10241,NULL),(4060,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (olive)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the sharp-looking olive colored \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10242,NULL),(4061,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the midnight black \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher, and fringed with pure white edges on all edges and pockets.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10688,NULL),(4062,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (navy)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10691,NULL),(4063,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (dust)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the desert-worn dust-colored \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher, and fringed with pure white edges on all edges and pockets.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10692,NULL),(4064,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (olive)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the dark olive green \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher, and fringed with pure white edges on all edges and pockets.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10700,NULL),(4065,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (platinum)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10696,NULL),(4066,1089,'Women\'s \'Quafe\' T-shirt YC 113','Strut around in style with your comfortable new Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear, designed exclusively for attendees of the YC 113 Impetus Annual Holoreel Convention.\r\n\r\nNote: Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear is not a protective device and is intended for cosmetic use only. \r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,1406,10237,NULL),(4067,1089,'Men\'s \'Quafe\' T-shirt YC 113','Strut around in style with your comfortable new Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear, designed exclusively for attendees of the YC 113 Impetus Annual Holoreel Convention.\r\n\r\nNote: Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear is not a protective device and is intended for cosmetic use only. \r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,1398,10238,NULL),(4068,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (Ishukone Special Edition)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nMost commonly worn by officers of Ishukone Watch, this crisp, stylized military uniform shirt bears their distinctive mark. Along with their variant of the Scorpion-class battleship, the Ishukone Watch line of clothing reveals a growing diversity in the corporation\'s offering. As one of the first organizations to embrace the aurum currency, they hope to reach out directly to the capsuleer community with high-end commodities.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10248,NULL),(4069,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (marine)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a late night blue, fringed with pure white lines, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10586,NULL),(4070,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (matte black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a matte shade dark as night while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10587,NULL),(4071,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (matte blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a calming matte blue while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10588,NULL),(4072,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (matte red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a rousing matte red while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10589,NULL),(4073,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (red gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in contrasting tones of midnight black and bright, dominant red, all fringed with a fine golden line, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10590,NULL),(4074,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (silver)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in perfect cool silver, fringed with a single line of brightness, while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10591,NULL),(4075,1090,'Women\'s \'Impress\' Skirt (white)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nMove with confidence in our two-toned Resothane and spider-silk blend \"Impress\" skirt. Subtle detailing flatters the figure in a crisp, unspoiled white while unobtrusive back pockets preserve the slim-line silhouette.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10592,NULL),(4076,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (black/red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our black and red \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10594,NULL),(4077,366,'Acceleration Gate (Precise)','Acceleration gate technology reaches far back to the expansion era of the empires that survived the great EVE gate collapse. While their individual setup might differ in terms of ship size they can transport and whether they require a certain passkey or code to be used, all share the same fundamental function of hurling space vessels to a destination beacon within solar system boundaries.\r\n<br><br>',100000,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,20171),(4078,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (camouflage)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our camouflage \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10597,NULL),(4085,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10593,NULL),(4086,1092,'Short Pixie Hair','NO DESCRIPTION!',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10231,NULL),(4088,1092,'Curly Shoulder Length','NO DESCRIPTION!',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10232,NULL),(4089,314,'Clearance Papers','These clearance papers allow the bearer access to the cluster\'s most expert career training advisors. ',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2853,NULL),(4090,280,'Large Crates of Quafe','Quafe is the name of the most popular soft drink in the universe, manufactured by a Gallentean company bearing the same name. Like so many soft drinks, it was initially intended as a medicine for indigestion and tender stomachs, but the refreshing effects of the drink appealed to everyone and the drink quickly became tremendously popular. Quafe is one of the best recognized brands in the whole EVE universe and can be found in every corner of it. ',500,500,0,1,NULL,50.0000,1,NULL,1191,NULL),(4091,284,'Large Crates of Ectoplasm','Used for the making of the liquid inside starship pilot pods, this thick goo is made primarily out of used cell membranes.',100,500,0,1,NULL,900.0000,1,NULL,1199,NULL),(4093,1118,'Surface Command Center Prefab Unit','This prefab unit self assembles into the Surface Command Center.',10000,100000,0,1,NULL,22500000.0000,0,NULL,2875,NULL),(4096,1092,'Hair_Stubble_01','NO DESCRIPTION!',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,10233,NULL),(4097,1088,'Men\'s \'Field Marshal\' Coat','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nOuterwear for the discerning gentleman officer, our \"Field Marshal\" coat is an essential part of any commandant\'s wardrobe. Whether commanding troops in the field or inspecting facilities, command respect while remaining comfortable and secure. Our patented polycel and silk mix offers durability and softness, and we\'ve gone the extra length with a weather-fast Kruna-wool lining for added warmth.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10235,NULL),(4098,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention. \r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10236,NULL),(4099,226,'Amarr Factory Outpost','Generally utilized in deep space scenarios, Amarr Factory Outposts are structures dedicated to the swift and efficient manufacture of ships and modules. These outposts are most often built, maintained and owned by capsuleer organizations.',0,0,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,24),(4100,226,'Caldari Research Outpost','A Caldari research outpost.',100000,100000000,10000,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4101,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (black/white)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our black and white \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10595,NULL),(4102,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (blue)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our blue \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10596,NULL),(4103,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (graphite)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our graphite gray \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10598,NULL),(4104,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (gray)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our gray \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10599,NULL),(4105,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (gray stripes)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our gray striped \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10600,NULL),(4106,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (green)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our green \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10601,NULL),(4107,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (green/black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our green and black \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10602,NULL),(4108,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (green stripes)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our green striped \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10603,NULL),(4109,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (khaki)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our khaki \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10604,NULL),(4110,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (marine)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our marine \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10605,NULL),(4111,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (matte black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our matte black \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10606,NULL),(4112,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our red \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10607,NULL),(4113,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (red leather)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our red leather \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10608,NULL),(4114,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (red stripes)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our red striped \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10609,NULL),(4115,1090,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Skirt (white stripes)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our white striped \"Structure\" skirt wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design is the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1403,10610,NULL),(4116,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (black/gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in darkest black; while an elegant golden version of our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10612,NULL),(4117,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (black/red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in darkest black; while a sultry red version of our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10613,NULL),(4118,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (blue)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in heavenly blue; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10614,NULL),(4119,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (gold)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in regal gold; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10615,NULL),(4120,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (graphite/white)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in matte graphite; our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10616,NULL),(4121,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (green/black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in forest green; while a classy black version of our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10617,NULL),(4122,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (matte black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated matte elegance meets modern sensibilities with slick patent leather dark as ochre; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10618,NULL),(4123,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (matte red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated matte elegance meets modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in eye-catching red; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10619,NULL),(4124,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in burning red; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10620,NULL),(4125,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (silver)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in glowing silver; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10621,NULL),(4126,1091,'Women\'s \'Minima\' Heels (turquoise)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nFor a traditional look with easy sex appeal, look no further than our \"Minima\" heels. Understated elegance meets the luster of modern sensibilities with slick patent leather in oceanic turquoise; while our trademark \"V\" clasp securing the ankle assures the highest Vallou quality.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10622,NULL),(4127,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Boots (black/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style with the luster of our \"Greave\" high-heeled boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather, black as night, wraps up to your knee, while the regal gold of our structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10624,NULL),(4128,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Boots (brown)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style in the gorgeous natural autumn brown of our lustrous \"Greave\" high-heeled boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather wraps up to your knee, while the structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10625,NULL),(4129,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Boots (matte brown)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style in our \"Greave\" high-heeled boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather wraps up to your knee, while the structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10626,NULL),(4130,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Boots (matte gray)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style in the cool gray of our \"Greave\" high-heeled matte boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather wraps up to your knee, while the structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10627,NULL),(4131,1091,'Women\'s \'Greave\' Boots (red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nWho says military dress has to be unflattering? Step out in style in the sensuous, sultry red of our lustrous \"Greave\" high-heeled boots, inspired by the gaiters of yesteryear\'s foot-soldier. Slick leather wraps up to your knee, while the structured flexible ribbing at the back provides for easy on-and-off.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10628,NULL),(4132,1091,'Women\'s \'Mystrioso\' Boots (black/white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a complicated world, relax in simplicity in our \"Mystrioso\" boots. In a stark play of contrasts, dark black leather uppers flatter any ensemble, while a pure white toe platform provides height without strain. The transparent prismatic resin heel adds a touch of intrigue to the understated design.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10630,NULL),(4133,1091,'Women\'s \'Mystrioso\' Boots (brown/black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a complicated world, relax in simplicity in our \"Mystrioso\" boots. Natural brown leather uppers flatter any ensemble, while a pitch black toe platform provides height without strain. The transparent prismatic resin heel adds a touch of intrigue to the understated design.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10631,NULL),(4134,1091,'Women\'s \'Mystrioso\' Boots (red)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a complicated world, relax in simplicity in our \"Mystrioso\" boots. In a storm of sensuous red, leather uppers flatter any ensemble, while the toe platform provides height without strain. The transparent prismatic resin heel adds a touch of intrigue to the understated design.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10632,NULL),(4135,1091,'Women\'s \'Mystrioso\' Boots (white/black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a complicated world, relax in simplicity in our \"Mystrioso\" boots. Soft white leather uppers flatter any ensemble, while a pitch black toe platform provides height without strain. The transparent prismatic resin heel adds a touch of intrigue to the understated design.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1404,10633,NULL),(4136,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in a perfect tone of professional black. The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10636,NULL),(4137,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (graphite)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in an unyielding graphite gray. The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10638,NULL),(4138,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (green/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in pure black, with a subtle touch of regal gold fringes. The contrasting yoke, with its green and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10639,NULL),(4139,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (matte blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in soothing matte blue . The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10640,NULL),(4140,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (matte red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in a dominating matte red. The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10641,NULL),(4141,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (red/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression in pure black, with a subtle touch of regal gold fringes. The contrasting yoke, with its aggressive red, and the black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10642,NULL),(4142,1088,'Women\'s \'Executor\' Coat (silver)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn today\'s cutthroat political environment, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our high-collared Resothane and spider-silk \"Executor\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression, presented in stark, powerful silver. The contrasting yoke and black silk detailing build a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10643,NULL),(4143,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a striking glossy deep black, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10644,NULL),(4144,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (black/white)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, in a stunning contrast of midnight black and bone white, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10645,NULL),(4145,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (brown)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a natural autumn matte brown for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10647,NULL),(4146,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (gold/black)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a glossy midnight black with immaculate golden fringes, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10648,NULL),(4147,53,'Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II','This heavy pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. A great weapon for medium to long range encounters. \r\n\r\nRequires either regular or advanced frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray, Conflagration, Scorch.',2000,20,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,573,360,NULL),(4148,133,'Dual Heavy Pulse Laser II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,9999999.0000,1,NULL,360,NULL),(4149,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (graphite)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a dark, unyielding graphite gray, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10649,NULL),(4150,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (green)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in the gloss of a majestic dark natural green, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10650,NULL),(4151,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (matte blue)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a deep ocean matte blue, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10651,NULL),(4152,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (matte red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a deep, sensuous matte red, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10652,NULL),(4153,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (red)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in a breathtaking burnt red, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10653,NULL),(4154,1088,'Women\'s \'Structure\' Dress (turquoise)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nLook sharp and competent in any situation. Our \"Structure\" dress wraps you in soft silk-blend twill with angled silver piping to remind people who\'s in charge. Our latest workforce design combines our classic \"V-Line\" shirt with a utilitarian pencil skirt, all in the resplendent turquoise of deep oceans and priceless jewels, for the ultimate in everyday comfort and style. Make a statement without saying a word.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1405,10654,NULL),(4155,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (black leather)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the black leather \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships, while the blouse\'s surface texture will feel cool and smooth touch. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10689,NULL),(4156,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (black/white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the stark bone-white \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher, and fringed with pure black edges on all edges and pockets.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10690,NULL),(4157,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (gold)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the militaristic \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher, all of whom bear the rare gold-tinged design on the edges.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10693,NULL),(4158,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (graphite)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the dark graphite gray \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10694,NULL),(4159,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (green satin)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the breathtaking green satin \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. To contrast with its rippling, silken flow, the blouse is anchored with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10695,NULL),(4160,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (matte black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the matte black \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10697,NULL),(4161,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (matte blue)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the deep blue matte \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10698,NULL),(4162,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (matte olive)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the dark matte olive \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. The blouse is adorned with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10699,NULL),(4163,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (orange satin)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the stunning orange satin \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. To contrast with its rippling, silken flow, the blouse is anchored with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10701,NULL),(4164,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (red satin)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the gorgeous red satin \"Sterling\" dress blouse is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. To contrast with its rippling, silken flow, the blouse is anchored with traditional epaulets and a classic waist cincher.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10702,NULL),(4165,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette in the purest midnight black along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10750,NULL),(4166,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (blue)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our dark blue gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10752,NULL),(4167,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (gold/black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette contrasting the regal style of golden pleats with a material of the purest midnight black along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10753,NULL),(4168,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (gray/black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our cool gray gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pitch-black pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10754,NULL),(4169,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (brown camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette in a mix of natural brown and authentic martial camo, along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10755,NULL),(4170,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (green camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette in a mix of forest green and authentic martial camo, along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10756,NULL),(4171,1090,'Men\'s \'Commando\' Pants (red/black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nWhether ranking officer or rank-and-file, look prepared and professional in our gartered \"Commando\" pants. Our classic soft wool blend affords comfort, and the pleated front and comfort-woven lower legs offer a martial silhouette contrasting a martial streak of bright red with a material of the purest midnight black along with an ease of movement that would please any career soldier. Show them you mean business: Go Commando.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1401,10757,NULL),(4172,1091,'Men\'s \'Lockstep\' Boots (true black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLife on the cutting edge doesn\'t have to be harsh. Our \"Lockstep\" military gentleman\'s boots enfold your feet in the true night black of soft genuine leather, with reinforced toes and metal heel caps for protection. Pressure-sensitive gel insoles provide comfort and regulate temperature, while our patented limited-magnetic closure ensures a comfortable, custom fit.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10759,NULL),(4173,1091,'Men\'s \'Lockstep\' Boots (worn brown)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLife on the cutting edge doesn\'t have to be harsh. Our \"Lockstep\" military gentleman\'s boots enfold your feet in the worn, rugged browns of soft genuine leather, with reinforced toes and metal heel caps for protection. Pressure-sensitive gel insoles provide comfort and regulate temperature, while our patented limited-magnetic closure ensures a comfortable, custom fit.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10760,NULL),(4174,1091,'Men\'s \'Precision\' Boots (brown)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nEven the strongest commander needs support. Our \"Precision\" collection introduces the latest in military style with these natural, rugged brown uniform boots. Polished leather outer-soles conceal a rugged grip and metal heel-caps; Veproco-treated leather uppers maintain a sleek shine no matter the environment. Our patented shock-resistant inner cushioning reduces leg strain when you need to stay on your feet, and the dual-zip front improves fit and comfort without sacrificing style. Command in confidence.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10762,NULL),(4175,1091,'Men\'s \'Precision\' Boots (gray)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nEven the strongest commander needs support. Our \"Precision\" collection introduces the latest in military style with these ghostly pale gray uniform boots. Polished leather outer-soles conceal a rugged grip and metal heel-caps; Veproco-treated leather uppers maintain a sleek shine no matter the environment. Our patented shock-resistant inner cushioning reduces leg strain when you need to stay on your feet, and the dual-zip front improves fit and comfort without sacrificing style. Command in confidence.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10763,NULL),(4176,1091,'Men\'s \'Precision\' Boots (tan)','Designer: Vallou\r\n\r\nEven the strongest commander needs support. Our \"Precision\" collection introduces the latest in military style with these dusty burnt tan uniform boots. Polished leather outer-soles conceal a rugged grip and metal heel-caps; Veproco-treated leather uppers maintain a sleek shine no matter the environment. Our patented shock-resistant inner cushioning reduces leg strain when you need to stay on your feet, and the dual-zip front improves fit and comfort without sacrificing style. Command in confidence.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10764,NULL),(4177,1091,'Men\'s \'Trench\' Boots (brown)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur \r\n\r\nClassic military style and boardroom chic come together in the natural, rugged brown of our latest footwear. Crafted of genuine calfskins, reinforced around the foot and supple at the ankle, our classic military boot features Resothane inserts for breathability. Shok-Lite lining and a subtly stacked heel provide essential support, so you never have to worry when you\'re thinking on your feet.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10766,NULL),(4178,1091,'Men\'s \'Trench\' Boots (gray)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur \r\n\r\nClassic military style and boardroom chic come together in ghostly pale gray of our latest footwear. Crafted of genuine calfskins, reinforced around the foot and supple at the ankle, our classic military boot features Resothane inserts for breathability. Shok-Lite lining and a subtly stacked heel provide essential support, so you never have to worry when you\'re thinking on your feet.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10767,NULL),(4179,1091,'Men\'s \'Trench\' Boots (tan)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur \r\n\r\nClassic military style and boardroom chic come together in the dusty burnt tan of our latest footwear. Crafted of genuine calfskins, reinforced around the foot and supple at the ankle, our classic military boot features Resothane inserts for breathability. Shok-Lite lining and a subtly stacked heel provide essential support, so you never have to worry when you\'re thinking on your feet.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1400,10768,NULL),(4180,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our black \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10781,NULL),(4181,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our blue \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10782,NULL),(4182,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (brown)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our brown \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10783,NULL),(4183,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (dark blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark blue \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10784,NULL),(4184,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (dark red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark red \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10785,NULL),(4185,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (khaki)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our khaki \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10786,NULL),(4186,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (light gray)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our light gray \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10787,NULL),(4187,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (olive)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our olive \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10788,NULL),(4188,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (dark camo)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark camo \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10789,NULL),(4189,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (desert camo)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark camo \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10790,NULL),(4190,1089,'Men\'s \'Form\' T-shirt (white)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our white \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that emphasizes a strong mind in a strong body. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10791,NULL),(4191,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this black tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10793,NULL),(4192,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (blue)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this blue tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10794,NULL),(4193,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (brown)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this brown tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10795,NULL),(4194,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (gray)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this gray tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10796,NULL),(4195,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (green)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this green tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10797,NULL),(4196,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (gray urban camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this grey urban camo tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10798,NULL),(4197,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (brown camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this brown camo tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10799,NULL),(4198,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (urban camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this black and white urban camo tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10800,NULL),(4199,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (green camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this green camo tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10801,NULL),(4200,1089,'Men\'s \'Street\' Shirt (white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar systems, the hardy traveler must sometimes bring his accoutrements back to basics. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this white tank top bears the clear, classic lines that distinguish it as a true fashion item.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10802,NULL),(4201,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our black \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10655,NULL),(4202,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our blue \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10656,NULL),(4203,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (brown)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our brown \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10657,NULL),(4204,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (cream)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our cream \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10658,NULL),(4205,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (dark blue)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark blue \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10659,NULL),(4206,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (dark red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark red \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10660,NULL),(4207,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (gray)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our gray \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10661,NULL),(4208,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (green)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our green \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10662,NULL),(4209,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (khaki)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our khaki \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10663,NULL),(4210,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (olive)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our olive \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10664,NULL),(4211,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (orange)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our orange \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10665,NULL),(4212,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (dark camo)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our dark camo \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10666,NULL),(4213,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (desert camo)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our desert camo \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10667,NULL),(4214,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (red)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our red \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10668,NULL),(4215,1089,'Women\'s \'Function\' T-shirt (white)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nLook trendy, sharp and casual, all at once. Our white \'Function\' shirt keeps you cool with a pretreated weave of soft material that clings in the right places and breathes for your comfort. Designed to be suitable for any kind of circumstance, from formal meetings to more relaxed gatherings, this shirt will take you anywhere you want to go.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10669,NULL),(4216,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (black)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this black tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10671,NULL),(4217,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (black leather)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this black leather tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10672,NULL),(4218,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (blue)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this blue tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10673,NULL),(4219,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (brown)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this brown tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10674,NULL),(4220,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (gray)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this gray tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10675,NULL),(4221,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (green)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this green tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10676,NULL),(4222,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (orange)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this orange tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10677,NULL),(4223,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (gray camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this gray camo tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10678,NULL),(4224,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (orange camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this orange camo tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10679,NULL),(4225,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (red patterned)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this red patterned tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10680,NULL),(4226,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this camo tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10681,NULL),(4227,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (lined brown)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this lined brown tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10682,NULL),(4228,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (purple mesh)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this purple mesh tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10683,NULL),(4229,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (black and dark red)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this black and dark red tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10684,NULL),(4230,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (pink camo)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this pink camo tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10685,NULL),(4231,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (red)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this red tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10686,NULL),(4232,1089,'Women\'s \'Avenue\' Shirt (white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nIn a world that spans countless settled solar system, a traveler may undergo any number of discomforts, worries and uncertainty. The basics, then, must be kept simple, reliable, and elegant in design. Made of a specially treated blend guaranteed to withstand an entire spectrum of potential uses, from relaxation to intense activity, this white tank top brings sturdy comfort wherever it is worn.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10687,NULL),(4233,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (black)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in a professional, uncompromising black offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10773,NULL),(4234,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (green/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in green and black offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves and regal, golden lines on all edges allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke, with its eminently august green, broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10775,NULL),(4235,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (matte graphite)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in an dark graphite gray offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10776,NULL),(4236,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (matte gray)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in an unblemished pale gray offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10777,NULL),(4237,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (matte green)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in a natural matte green offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10778,NULL),(4238,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (red/gold)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design in perfect starless black offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves and regal, golden lines on all edges allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke, with its pure, uncompromising martial red, broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10779,NULL),(4239,1088,'Men\'s \'Esquire\' Coat (silver)','Designer: House of Ranai\r\n\r\nIn the world of boardroom politics, maintaining a commanding presence is essential. Lead from the front in our dual-layered resothane and spider-silk \"Esquire\" coat. The bold, clean lines of our latest design offer you that sleek, tailored, and uncompromising impression; embossable molded-leather sleeves and lustrous cool lines on all edges allow you to display your corporate rank for all to see. The contrasting yoke, with its steely grey silver, broadens the shoulders for a military-sharp appearance that will guarantee their undivided attention.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10780,NULL),(4240,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (gold leather)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the detailed, rugged leather \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Gold thread highlights and gold chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10806,NULL),(4241,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (gray)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the professional, cool gray \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10807,NULL),(4242,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (red/black leather)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the detailed, rugged leather \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Red thread highlights and red chevrons - reportedly treated with traces of Morphite - finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10810,NULL),(4243,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (white/blue)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military blouses found in several modern navies, the crisply contrasted bone white and navy blue \"Sterling\" dress shirt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our dark wool blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. Silver thread highlights and sterling silver chevrons finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10811,NULL),(4244,1088,'Men\'s \'Field Marshal\' Coat (green)','Designer: Vallou Outerwear \r\n\r\nFor the discerning gentleman officer, our august green \"Field Marshal\" coat is an essential part of any commandant\'s wardrobe. Whether commanding troops in the field or inspecting facilities, command respect while remaining comfortable and secure. Our patented polycel and silk mix offers durability and softness, and we\'ve gone the extra length with a weather-fast Kruna-wool lining for added warmth.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10771,NULL),(4245,1088,'\'Silvershore\' Greatcoat','Designer: Vallou (Limited Collection)\r\n\r\nThe distinctive design of Vallou\'s officer coats is inspired by historical images of high-ranking military members from the heyday of the Garoun Empire, ancestors of the Gallente Federation. The most prestigious of these was the silver-lined leather coat worn by the Admiral of the Fleet, arguably the most important official in a kingdom so heavily reliant on maritime dominance.\r\n\r\nOne of the rarest and most sought-after items in Vallou\'s renowned Limited Collection, the Silvershore greatcoat is also one of the most expensive articles of clothing ever created. From the top-quality Caillian leather to the burnished platinum clasps, every aspect of this stately raiment has been carefully shaped to evoke the mystery, grandeur and peril of the unexplored.\r\n\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1399,10772,NULL),(4246,1136,'Minmatar Fuel Block','Frustrated with the inefficiencies involved in tracking multiple fuel types, Thukker logisticians pioneered the development of prepackaged fuel. In YC 111, after a successful trial period, they converted the Tribe\'s entire starbase network to use fuel blocks. Capsuleers were forced to wait for this innovation while CONCORD dithered over how to handle the transition period, but were finally granted clearance in YC113.\r\n\r\nThis is a block of fuel designed for Minmatar control towers. Forty blocks are sufficient to run a standard large tower for one hour, while medium and small towers require twenty and ten blocks respectively over the same period.',0,5,0,40,NULL,95.0000,1,1870,10836,NULL),(4247,1136,'Amarr Fuel Block','Frustrated with the inefficiencies involved in tracking multiple fuel types, Thukker logisticians pioneered the development of prepackaged fuel. In YC 111, after a successful trial period, they converted the Tribe\'s entire starbase network to use fuel blocks. Capsuleers were forced to wait for this innovation while CONCORD dithered over how to handle the transition period, but were finally granted clearance in YC113.\r\n\r\nThis is a block of fuel designed for Amarr control towers. Forty blocks are sufficient to run a standard large tower for one hour, while medium and small towers require twenty and ten blocks respectively over the same period.',0,5,0,40,NULL,95.0000,1,1870,10835,NULL),(4248,899,'Warp Disruption Field Generator II','The field generator projects a warp disruption sphere centered upon the ship for its entire duration. The field prevents any warping or jump drive activation within its area of effect.\n\nThe generator has several effects upon the parent ship whilst active. It increases its signature radius and agility whilst penalizing the velocity bonus of any afterburner or microwarpdrive modules. It also prevents any friendly remote effects from being rendered to the parent ship.\n\nThis module\'s effect can be modified with scripts. When scripted it disables the target\'s warp drive, jump drive, microwarpdrive and micro jump drive, and prevents capital class ships from using stargates. \n\nNote: can only be fitted on the Heavy Interdiction Cruisers.',0,50,1,1,NULL,3964874.0000,1,1085,21489,NULL),(4249,132,'Warp Disruption Field Generator II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,50000000.0000,1,NULL,111,NULL),(4250,650,'Small Tractor Beam II','By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship.',50,50,0.8,1,NULL,1308176.0000,1,872,2986,NULL),(4251,723,'Small Tractor Beam II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,90000.0000,1,NULL,349,NULL),(4252,650,'Capital Tractor Beam II','By manipulating gravity fields, this module can pull cargo containers towards the ship.\r\n\r\nNote: this tractor beam can only be fitted on the Rorqual ORE Capital Ship',50,4000,0.8,1,NULL,1555840.0000,1,872,2986,NULL),(4253,723,'Capital Tractor Beam II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,400000000.0000,1,NULL,349,NULL),(4254,339,'Micro Auxiliary Power Core II','Supplements the main Power core providing more power',0,20,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,660,2105,NULL),(4255,352,'Micro Auxiliary Power Core II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,NULL,84,NULL),(4256,862,'Bomb Launcher II','A missile launcher bay module facilitating bomb preparation, and deployment.\r\n\r\nBomb Launchers can only be equipped by Stealth Bombers and each bomber can only equip one bomb launcher.',0,50,300,1,4,80118.0000,1,1014,2677,NULL),(4257,136,'Bomb Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,19000000.0000,1,NULL,170,NULL),(4258,481,'Core Probe Launcher II','Launcher for <a href=showinfo:30013>Core Scanner Probes</a>, which are used to scan down <a href=\"\">Cosmic Signatures</a> in space.\r\n\r\nNote: Only one probe launcher can be fitted per ship.\r\n\r\n5% bonus to strength of scan probes.',0,5,0.8,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,712,2677,NULL),(4259,918,'Core Probe Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,NULL,168,NULL),(4260,481,'Expanded Probe Launcher II','Launcher for <a href=showinfo:30013>Core Scanner Probes</a> and <a href=showinfo:30028>Combat Scanner Probes</a>.\r\n\r\n<a href=showinfo:30013>Core Scanner Probes</a> are used to scan down <a href=\"\">Cosmic Signatures</a> in space.\r\n<a href=showinfo:30028>Combat Scanner Probes</a> are used to scan down <a href=\"\">Cosmic Signatures</a>, starships, structures and drones.\r\n\r\nNote: Only one scan probe launcher can be fitted per ship.\r\n\r\n5% bonus to strength of scan probes.',0,5,8,1,NULL,6000.0000,1,712,2677,NULL),(4261,918,'Expanded Probe Launcher II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,60000.0000,1,NULL,168,NULL),(4262,316,'Armored Warfare Link - Damage Control II','Reduces the capacitor need of the fleet\'s personal and targeted armor repair systems.\n\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\n\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\n\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield. The Fleet bonus provided by this module does not apply to Capital sized local repair modules.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1634,2858,NULL),(4263,532,'Armored Warfare Link - Damage Control II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4264,316,'Armored Warfare Link - Passive Defense II','Grants a bonus to the fleet\'s armor resistances.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1634,2858,NULL),(4265,532,'Armored Warfare Link - Passive Defense II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4266,316,'Armored Warfare Link - Rapid Repair II','Increases the speed of the fleet\'s personal and targeted armor repair systems.\r\nWill not affect Capital-sized personal repair modules.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1634,2858,NULL),(4267,532,'Armored Warfare Link - Rapid Repair II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4268,316,'Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority II','Boosts the strength of the fleet\'s electronic warfare modules.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1635,2858,NULL),(4269,532,'Information Warfare Link - Electronic Superiority II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4270,316,'Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation II','Increases range of modules requiring Electronic Warfare, Sensor Linking, Target Painting or Weapon Disruption for all ships in the fleet.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1635,2858,NULL),(4271,532,'Information Warfare Link - Recon Operation II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4272,316,'Information Warfare Link - Sensor Integrity II','Boosts sensor strengths and lock ranges for all of the fleet\'s ships.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1635,2858,NULL),(4273,532,'Information Warfare Link - Sensor Integrity II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1476280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4274,316,'Mining Foreman Link - Harvester Capacitor Efficiency II','Decreases the capacitor need of mining lasers, gas harvesters and ice harvesters.\r\n\r\nForeman Links are dedicated mining operation systems designed to assist foremen in coordinating their operations. \r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNote: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1638,2858,NULL),(4275,532,'Mining Foreman Link - Harvester Capacitor Efficiency II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4276,316,'Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization II','Decreases mining laser, gas harvester and ice harvester duration.\r\n\r\nForeman Links are dedicated mining operation systems designed to assist foremen in coordinating their operations.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNote: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1638,2858,NULL),(4277,532,'Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4278,316,'Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement II','Increases the range of the fleet\'s mining lasers, gas harvesters, ice harvesters and survey scanners.\r\n\r\nForeman Links are dedicated mining operation systems designed to assist foremen in coordinating their operations.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNote: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1638,2858,NULL),(4279,532,'Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4280,316,'Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding II','Increases the speed of the fleet\'s shield boosters and decreases the duration of shield transporters. Will not affect Capital-sized personal shield boosters.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1636,2858,NULL),(4281,532,'Siege Warfare Link - Active Shielding II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4282,316,'Siege Warfare Link - Shield Efficiency II','Reduces the capacitor need of the fleet\'s shield boosters and shield transporters.\n\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\n\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\n\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield. The Fleet bonus provided by this module does not apply to Capital sized local booster modules.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1636,2858,NULL),(4283,532,'Siege Warfare Link - Shield Efficiency II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4284,316,'Siege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing II','Boosts all shield resistances for the fleet\'s ships.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1636,2858,NULL),(4285,532,'Siege Warfare Link - Shield Harmonizing II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4286,316,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers II','Lowers the signature radius of ships in the fleet.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1637,2858,NULL),(4287,532,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Evasive Maneuvers II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4288,316,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Interdiction Maneuvers II','Boosts the range of the fleet\'s propulsion jamming modules, except for Warp Disruption Field Generators.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1637,2858,NULL),(4289,532,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Interdiction Maneuvers II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1476280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4290,316,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment II','Increases the speed of the fleet\'s afterburner and microwarpdrive modules.\r\n\r\nWarfare links are dedicated fleet command systems designed for use on battlecruisers and advanced command class ships.\r\n\r\nWhile only one of these units can normally be operated at any given time, certain advanced units allow the use of multiple systems.\r\n\r\nNotes: The Fleet bonus only works if you are the assigned fleet booster. This module cannot activate inside a starbase forcefield.',0,60,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1637,2858,NULL),(4291,532,'Skirmish Warfare Link - Rapid Deployment II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1732280.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4292,515,'Siege Module II','An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a dreadnought\'s siege warfare abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the siege module diverts energy from the ship\'s propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its offensive and defensive capabilities.\r\n\r\nThis results in a tremendous increase in damage, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Due to the ionic field created by the siege module, remote effects like warp scrambling et al. will not affect the ship while in siege mode.\r\n\r\nThis also means that friendly remote effects will not work while in siege mode either. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship nor are you allowed to dock until out of siege mode.\r\n\r\nNote: A siege module requires Strontium clathrates to run and operate effectively. Only one siege module can be fitted to a dreadnought class ship. The amount of shield boosting gained from the Siege Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship.',1,4000,0,1,NULL,47022756.0000,1,801,2851,NULL),(4293,516,'Siege Module II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,522349680.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4294,515,'Triage Module II','An electronic interface designed to augment and enhance a carrier\'s defenses and logistical abilities. Through a series of electromagnetic polarity field shifts, the triage module diverts energy from the ship\'s propulsion and warp systems to lend additional power to its defensive and logistical capabilities.\r\n\r\nThis results in a great increase in the carrier\'s ability to provide aid to members of its fleet, as well as a greatly increased rate of defensive self-sustenance. Due to the ionic flux created by the triage module, remote effects like warp scrambling et al. will not affect the ship while in triage mode.\r\n\r\nThis also means that friendly remote effects will not work while in triage mode either. The flux only disrupts incoming effects, however, meaning the carrier can still provide aid to its cohorts. Sensor strength and targeting capabilities are also significantly boosted. In addition, the lack of power to locomotion systems means that neither standard propulsion nor warp travel are available to the ship, nor is the carrier able to dock until out of triage mode. Finally, any drones or fighters currently in space will be abandoned when the module is activated.\r\n\r\nNote: A triage module requires Strontium Clathrates to run and operate effectively. Only one triage module can be run at any given time, so fitting more than one has no practical use. The remote repair module bonuses are only applied to capital sized modules. The amount of shield boosting gained from the Triage Module is subject to a stacking penalty when used with other similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship.\r\n\r\nThis module can only be fit on Carriers.',1,4000,0,1,NULL,47022756.0000,1,801,3300,NULL),(4295,516,'Triage Module II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,522349680.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4296,585,'Medium Remote Hull Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.',20,10,0,1,NULL,31244.0000,1,1061,21428,NULL),(4298,870,'Medium Remote Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,2000000.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(4299,585,'Small Remote Hull Repairer II','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the hull of the Target ship.',20,5,0,1,NULL,31244.0000,1,1060,21428,NULL),(4300,870,'Small Remote Hull Repairer II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1000000.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(4301,474,'Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive Pass Key','This is a pass key handed out by Jeremy Tacs.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,2038,NULL),(4302,1201,'Oracle','In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged <a href=showinfo:30//500003>Amarr</a> ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at <a href=showinfo:2//1000066>Viziam</a> took inspiration from <a href=showinfo:30//500001>Caldari</a> history.\r\n<br>During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the <a href=showinfo:30//500004>Gallente Federation</a>. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle.\r\n<br>The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher <a href=showinfo:1383//3014474>Parud Vakirokiki</a>, calling the ship \"a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies.\"',14760000,234000,500,1,4,62500000.0000,1,470,NULL,20061),(4303,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Tesseract','<b>Paper:</b> Project Tesseract - An Investigation into the Causes of the Seyllin Incident and the properties of A0 Blue stars and Isogen-5.<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Rhavas<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Mark726, Dr Amira, Julianus Soter, Morwen Lagann, Darth Skorpius, The Antiquarian<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> In YC 111, one of the deadliest events in recent memory, the <a href=evebrowser:>Seyllin Incident</a>, extinguished nearly 500 million souls as the system\'s A0-class blue sun poured radioactive energy along a magnetic field anomaly and directly into the depths of the first planet in the system, <a href=showinfo:30889//40318018>Seyllin I</a>. \r\n\r\nThe energy released by this event was so great that it may have triggered the opening of the wormhole network in addition to simultaneously decimating eight other planets which orbited similar A0 Blue stars. A chief aim of this project is to understand the causes and mechanics driving such incredible destruction. \r\n\r\nThis project has compiled all the known data on the subject, including multiple expeditions to “shattered planet” systems (located across both New Eden and wormhole space). We expect to uncover significant details about the mechanics of wormhole initiation as well as the role and power of Isogen-5, which is implicated in the events of that day.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system (beacon designation - <b>AJS1: Antiquus</b>).<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4304,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Theseus','<b>Paper:</b> Project Theseus<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Valerie Valate<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Aedeal, Horatius Caul, Calen Davrissus, Kathryn Dougans, Myyona, Katy Moore, Gosakumori Noh<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The Labyrinth deadspace complex in <a href=showinfo:5//30004124>Aphi</a> is one of the major Takmahl relic sites found in the <a href=showinfo:4//20000603>Araz constellation</a>. Project Theseus set out to map the Labyrinth, perform a survey of the site, identify any Takmahl artifacts present, and to aid in future projects investigating Takmahl culture in Araz. \r\n\r\nTeams of ships entered the Labyrinth to combat the “Minotaur” guardians within and explore the site. The result of those efforts was a three-dimensional map which reveals much about the shape of the Labyrinth, in addition to containing useful information about the types and quantities of Takmahl artifacts to be found there. \r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4305,489,'Oracle Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,625000000.0000,1,589,NULL,NULL),(4306,1201,'Naga','The Naga was designed in YC 109 by <a href=showinfo:2//1000043>Corporate Police Force</a> as an anti-<a href=showinfo:30//500010>Guristas</a> ship, sacrificing the usual robust <a href=showinfo:2//1000035>Caldari Navy</a> standards in favor of supporting battleship-class weaponry. It was rejected by <a href=showinfo:2//1000005>Hyasyoda</a> management for being overspecialized.\r\n<br>The Naga design remained in the Hyasyoda archives, forgotten (save for a cameo in the Gallente holo-series <i>CPF Blue</i>). In YC 113 the Caldari Navy entertained contracts for a new tier of gunboat battlecruiser. Hyasyoda quickly submitted and won with the Naga, underbidding both <a href=showinfo:2//1000010>Kaalakiota</a> and <a href=showinfo:2//1000019>Ishukone</a>.\r\n<br>The Naga is effective in any campaign where fast, mobile firepower is required.',15000000,252000,575,1,1,61500000.0000,1,471,NULL,20068),(4307,489,'Naga Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,615000000.0000,1,590,NULL,NULL),(4308,1201,'Talos','The Talos began in YC 110 as a R&D concept by <a href=showinfo:30//500014>ORE</a>. Conceived as a patrol craft for mining operations in lawless space, the Talos would have been abandoned completely were it not adopted by the Black Eagles, a black-ops branch of the <a href=showinfo:30//500004>Gallente</a> government. The Black Eagles stripped the Talos of non-essential systems and bolted on battleship-class weapons, creating a quick-strike craft ideal for guerilla action. \r\n<br>The Talos remained a military secret until YC 113, when it was introduced into wider circulation as a third tier battlecruiser. Today the Talos is manufactured by <a href=showinfo:2//1000109>Duvolle Labs</a>, who modified the original ORE designs to bring it in line with Gallente standards.',15552000,270000,600,1,8,65000000.0000,1,472,NULL,20072),(4309,489,'Talos Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,650000000.0000,1,591,NULL,NULL),(4310,1201,'Tornado','In YC 113 <a href=showinfo:2//1000054>Republic Security Services</a> learned the <a href=showinfo:30//500003>Amarr Empire</a> was building a new battlecruiser capable of supporting battleship-class weapons. Determined to not lose their technological edge to their adversaries, <a href=showinfo:2//1000051>Republic Fleet</a> commissioned <a href=showinfo:2//1000057>Boundless Creation</a> to construct a gunboat to match.<br><br>What they designed was the Tornado. Developed in record time and total secrecy, the Tornado is a testament to Minmatar engineering. Modeled loosely off of flying-wing designs of ancient planetary bombers, the Tornado supports multiple large projectile turrets, dealing massive damage while maintaining a small signature radius.',15228000,216000,535,1,2,59200000.0000,1,473,NULL,20076),(4311,489,'Tornado Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,592000000.0000,1,592,NULL,NULL),(4312,1136,'Gallente Fuel Block','Frustrated with the inefficiencies involved in tracking multiple fuel types, Thukker logisticians pioneered the development of prepackaged fuel. In YC 111, after a successful trial period, they converted the Tribe\'s entire starbase network to use fuel blocks. Capsuleers were forced to wait for this innovation while CONCORD dithered over how to handle the transition period, but were finally granted clearance in YC113.\r\n\r\nThis is a block of fuel designed for Gallente control towers. Forty blocks are sufficient to run a standard large tower for one hour, while medium and small towers require twenty and ten blocks respectively over the same period.',0,5,0,40,NULL,95.0000,1,1870,10833,NULL),(4313,1137,'Gallente Fuel Block Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,8,10000000.0000,1,1920,10833,NULL),(4314,1137,'Caldari Fuel Block Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,1,10000000.0000,1,1920,10834,NULL),(4315,1137,'Amarr Fuel Block Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,4,10000000.0000,1,1920,10835,NULL),(4316,1137,'Minmatar Fuel Block Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,2,10000000.0000,1,1920,10836,NULL),(4318,1025,'InterBus Customs Office','Orbital Customs Offices are the primary points of contact between planetary and interplanetary economies. These facilities, resembling massive hangars in space, provide high-volume, high-frequency cargo transport services between a planet\'s surface and orbit.\r\n\r\n<i>Excerpt from the Amarr Prime Customs Agency regulations, section 17, subsection 4, paragraph 8:\r\n\r\nThe following items may only be imported or exported with the express prior approval of the Imperial Underscrivener for Commercial Affairs:\r\n\r\nNarcotic substances; handheld firearms; slaver hounds (except as personal property); Mindflood; live insects; ungulates; Class 1 refrigerants and aerosols; forced laborers/personal slaves (or other sapient livestock); animal germ-plasm; biomass of human origin; xenobiotics; walnuts.</i>',5000000000,100000000,35000,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,10030),(4319,226,'Protest Monument','This was once a memorial to the winners of a riddle contest sponsored by late entrepreneur Ruevo Aram. After standing proud for half a decade, it was destroyed in late YC113 by capsuleers who were staging a mass uprising against an intolerable status quo of intergalactic affairs. Today, the ruins of this once-great work of art stand as a testament to the fact that change is the universe\'s only constant.',0,0,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4320,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Theta','<b>Paper:</b> Project Theta<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Norman Vales<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Authochthonian, Chevalleis<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The present goal of Project Theta is to produce laboratory equipment for use in attempting safe communications with rogue drones. Project Theta aims to achieve this goal by repurposing and reverse engineering available rogue drone technology to create a communications subnet intended to interface with the more advanced rogue drone networks.\r\n\r\nThe three-unit communications system includes an override of the present comms systems, designed as a protective measure. It has also been designed to provide on-the-fly encoding and decoding. Future testing will be necessary to determine if the system will work as required.\r\n\r\nBased on the <a href=showinfo:23678>Aether Hive Link</a> the network remains experimental, and will be part of an isolated communications system. Recent lab tests have indicated a bandwidth of at least ten times that which is available to typical businesses.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4321,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Blueprint','<b>Paper:</b> Project Blueprint<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researchers:</b> Adainy Gwanwyn, Emily Dallocort<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Mark726<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The premise of Project Blueprint is to acquire photographic samples (along with standard documentation) of Sleeper constructs to determine their similarity, if any, to those produced in known space. Currently, researchers are in the initial phases of gathering samples of New Eden\'s structures to compare to the Sleeper constructs once wormhole excursions begin.\r\n\r\nThe purpose behind gathering this information is manifold:<br>\r\n 1. To investigate if Sleeper constructs hold any sort of cultural significance to the Sleepers themselves;<br>\r\n 2. To investigate if Sleepers build their constructs to establish permanent homes or temporary sites<br>\r\n 3. To assist in determining the relationship between Sleepers and the Talocan.\r\n\r\nUltimately, information gathered from Project Blueprint could be used to assist other Project teams (ideally, those under the <a href=evebrowser:>Sleeper History division</a>), and to help further the efforts of those in the Arek\'Jaalan initiative.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>\r\n',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4322,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Catapult','<b>Paper:</b> Project Catapult, A Study of the Sansha Wormhole Generator Method<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Rhavas<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Grideris, Mark726, Morwen Lagann, Razz Skyshatter, Tuoro<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> New Eden is under siege by Sansha Kuvakei and his Nation. Entire systems are attacked and disabled, but he reserves his most massive, propagandist attacks for the Slaves and Citizens, who come in <a href=showinfo:3628>Nation</a>-class supercapitals to destroy the capsuleer fleets. The hallmarks of these invasions are multiple wormholes under the direct control of Sansha\'s Nation. While the battle between the capsuleer community and Kuvakei lies outside the scope of the Arek\'Jaalan project, wormhole generation and stabilization technology represents a potentially critical link to understanding both current wormholes and the transportation capabilities and technologies of the ancient races.\r\n\r\nBy analyzing information captured by our sensors, probes and contacts, we hope to gather sufficient information to reverse engineer and recreate this technology. Three goals are indicated for this purpose: \r\n\r\n 1. Create new methods of point-to-point interstellar travel, either by enabling greater distances or a broader range of jump-capable vessels.<br>\r\n 2. Provide deeper insights to the basic functional physics of wormholes to help drive the efforts of <a href=showinfo:4333>Project Slipstream</a><br>\r\n 3. Provide potential insights into whether Sansha\'s Nation wormhole generators were created by the Nation, captured from the Jove, or adapted from the technology of ancient races (if so, those findings will be used to further inform <a href=evebrowser:>Project Gateway</a> and <a href=evebrowser:>Project Rift</a>).\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4323,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Common Ground','<b>Paper</b>: Project Common Ground<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher</b>: Unit XS365BT<br>\r\n<b>Contributors</b>: None.<br> \r\n<b>Summary:</b> This paper is a theoretical study on a possible history of the Talocan and Sleeper species, and their potential links to the rogue drone and capsuleer communities.\r\n\r\nIt theorizes that the Sleeper species was originally the Talocan equivalent of the capsuleer and that a war occurred between the Talocan and their creations, culminating in the release of an AI virus by the Talocan in an attempt to survive the conflict. This AI virus ravaged the Sleeper species, but not before they transmitted a large quantity of data to a secure storage device they had sent far from their own region of space. This data, when uncovered, gave rise to the rogue drone species.\r\n\r\nThis paper was created to serve as a theoretical basis for future projects.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>\r\n',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4324,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Huntress Green (1 of 3)','<b>Paper:</b> Project Huntress Green - The Nature of Life in Anoikis<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Gaia Ma\'chello<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> James Arget, Tas Caern and Vincent Athena<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Examination of biological samples obtained from planets in Anoikis has shown that life there is closely related to that found in known sectors of space. Both use DNA as the genetic material, and both use the same 26 amino acids for building proteins. In addition, the genetic code (that is, which combinations of three nucleotides code for which amino acid) is the same for both humans and life in Anoikis. As the genetic code is arbitrary, the chance of this happening by accident is one in ten to the 26th power. We are forced to conclude that life in Anoikis and human life sprang from the same source.\r\n\r\nFurther investigation into how this could have come to be is the topic of another paper: <a href=showinfo:4336>The Origin of Life in Anoikis.</a>\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4325,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Algintal','<b>Paper</b>: Project Algintal - Investigation of the Algintal Rogue Drone Hive<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher</b>: Myyona<br>\r\n<b>Contributors</b>: Natelia<br>\r\n<b>Summary</b>: Rogue drones have been spreading all over New Eden for the last 80 years or so and represent a constant threat to space travel across the cluster. The rogue drone hive found at the Skeleton Comet complex within the <a href=showinfo:5//30002681>Deltole</a> system appears to have assimilated ancient technologies left behind by the Yan Jung nation, resulting in the development of a new strain of drones, potentially more powerful than their standard counterparts. \r\n\r\nTwo reports on these events were gathered to determine the extent to which the drones were affected by assimilating the Yan Jung technology, and to establish what level of threat this could pose. The findings showed that the new strain of drones possess significantly enhanced communication systems and cognitive abilities as compared with their predecessors. However, through the examination process it was also discovered that apparently, nearly all of the new drone strains had been destroyed by the original rogue drone hive, likely due to self-regulatory mechanisms within the hive. Consequently, we conclude that any remaining drones pose little to no threat. \r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4326,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Enigma','<b>Paper:</b> Project Enigma - The Jovian Empires<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Myyona<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> None<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The Jovian society was the first to recover after the closure of the EVE Gate, an event that caused a near-complete extinction of all human settlements in New Eden. Having existed for thousands of years since then, the Jovian Empire experienced peaks and falls long before any of the other currently existing empires even managed to establish themselves as spacefaring nations. \r\n\r\nBeing keen seekers of knowledge, the Jovians possess great insight on past events, though they do not share it freely and easily with outsiders. This paper looks into the documentation available on the history of the Jovian Empires in an attempt to better understand the Jove mentality and the current state of the Jovian society. Evidence gathered for the paper suggests that the recent lack of communication from Jovian officials, as well as their seeming inability to stop the fatal Jovian Disease, may signal that the current Jovian Empire is in decline.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4327,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Trinity','<b>Paper:</b> Project Trinity<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Julianus Soter<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> General Stargazer, Moira. Corporation<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Operation Trinity was the in-field reconnaissance operation to gather experimental evidence to prove or deny the Trinity Hypothesis, part of Project Trinity. Conducted inside Class 4 space, the operation utilized military and scientific vessels to investigate Trinary Hub facilities in order to determine whether they held any similarity to the <a href=showinfo:11066>Trinary Data</a> discovered on an abandoned Helios in Class 6 space, suspected to have once belonged to missing astrophysicist Lianda Burreau, the first capsuleer to discover the unknown regions. \r\n\r\nA trinary hub was investigated and the Sleeper databanks located at the structure were hacked. Data analyzers were applied to all artifacts and signals captured from the facility were compared with a Jovian Trinary Data fragment acquired from Admiral Ouria\'s Eidolon battleship. Correlations were collected and indicate possible relationships between Jovian and Sleeper data structures. Additional conclusions may be possible with assistance from Eifyr & Co.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4328,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Infernal Spade','<b>Paper:</b> Project Infernal Spade - Analysis of the Ancient Talocan Temple and Sun Reader<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Myyona<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> None<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The appearance of Talocan ruins in w-space has put a renewed focus on this civilization. Very little was known about the Talocan before their ruins appeared in w-space besides that they once had a presence in the <a href=showinfo:4//20000024>Okkelen constellation</a>, an area now claimed by the Caldari State. Despite being overrun by rogue drones, the Devil\'s Dig Site deadspace complex in the <a href=showinfo:5//30000171>Otitoh</a> system held archaeologists\' interest for some time, mostly due to its housing some of the only Talocan relic remnants still available. \r\n\r\nThis paper is aimed at investigating the Devil\'s Dig Site and finding out what secrets it holds. It has become clear that the rogue drones inhabiting this site are formidable foes and, clearly surpassing most other rogue drone hives in power. Two ancient Talocan structures have also been discovered; an ancient temple and a mysterious black monolith identified as a ‘Sun Reader.\' Due to the hostility of the drones, a thorough investigation of these structures has not been possible yet and is still in the planning phase. \r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4329,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Astrosurvey','<b>Paper:</b> Astrosurvey<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Pr. Gehen Sealbreaker<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Sealbreaker Labs, Vincent Athena<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> The homogeneity of the asteroids located in Anoikis is improbable, and ores extracted there have been thrown in refineries using old refining processes with no proper study. Considering current survey scanners only compare asteroid properties to a known ores database, their current classification may be wrong and not reflect their full potential.\r\n\r\nThree possibilities other than an improbable homogeneity can explain this:<br>\r\n 1. Ores in Anoikis are plain. Specific conditions in New Eden contributed to variants\' formation.<br>\r\n 2. Specific ores existed in Anoikis. Their supply was depleted by intensive exploitation from previous occupants.<br>\r\n 3. There are specific ore variants in Anoikis. Tolerance of survey scanners made us unaware of this. (Hypothesis studied)\r\n\r\nWhen it comes to crystal formation, stellar macroscopic effects are a main factor. Cosmic phenomenon must be considered, and samples from their systems studied.\r\n\r\nThe operation had 3 steps so far:<br>\r\n 1. Establishment of a scientific base camp in Anoikis.<br>\r\n 2. Harvesting and initial study of resources.<br>\r\n 3. Study of the collected samples using laboratories in Empire stations. (Ongoing)<br>\r\n\r\nCurrent results are inconclusive, but there is still much to do. So far, no collected ore matches the molecular structure of any known ore variant, common or rare (Luminous Kernite, Banidine, Polygypsum, etc).\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4330,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Omicron','<b>Paper:</b> Project Omicron<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Authochthonian<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Authochthonian, Chevalleis, Grideris<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Project Omicron is an attempt to establish two-way communications with the rogue drones. The purpose of this attempt is to find common ground as a prelude to full diplomatic negotiations and to find out as much information as possible on their origins, purpose and needs. Additionally, Omicron aims to investigate possible connections between rogue drones and sleeper drones by communicating directly with rogue drone hives where possible. Much of this project relates to others, such as <a href=showinfo:4320>Project Theta</a>, which seeks to provide the hardware to make such communication possible. \r\n\r\nTwo-way communications with rogue drones have been proven possible (see the Algintal Incident) and we are constantly refining our communication protocols and encryption/decryption techniques to improve our communication abilities. We predict, based on current evidence, that full communication with rogue drones may be possible around late YC 113 to early YC 114. \r\n\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4331,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Omega','<b>Paper:</b> Project Omega<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Chevalleis<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Authochthonian, Chevalleis<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Project Omega is an attempt to investigate the nature of rogue drone hives and their structures. Omega seeks to uncover anything that can be learned about their hierarchy and society by recording how the various rogue drone types interact with one another and other hives. Omega also studies the software of the rogue drones, analyzing their intelligence and their psychology in an effort to identify the programming code responsible for their behavior. \r\n\r\nResearch into existing types of hives found “naturally occurring” has been carried out and a comparative psychology study is also underway. These examinations should provide deeper insights into the nature of rogue drones and their hives.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4332,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Rho','<b>Paper:</b> Project Rho<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Authochthonian<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Authochthonian, Chevalleis<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Project Rho is an attempt to gather information on all types of rogue drone hardware, from the smallest to the largest drone types known to exist, and to compile this information into a comprehensive database for ease of access when comparing rogue drone technology to sleeper drone technology by other divisions of Arek\'Jaalan. Detailed analysis of every rogue drone will be carried out and compared to empire equivalents.\r\n\r\nWhen completed, this project should enable us to identify any technological links between rogue drones and sleeper drones.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4333,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Slipstream','<b>Paper:</b> Project Slipstream - Wormhole Physics for Capsuleers<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Helen Ohmiras<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Rhavas, Pat Irvam<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Artificial wormhole induction processes are used in warp drives and jump drives across New Eden. Despite the prevalence of this technology, natural wormholes are still a mystery to many. A pilot with a firm grasp of wormhole mechanics can make more effective decisions when unforeseen and unpredicted events occur in the future.\r\n\r\nProject Slipstream is an attempt to educate the wider capsuleer community on basic wormhole physics. We will focus on clearing up misconceptions regarding the difference between natural wormholes and artificial wormholes. The nature of wormholes present in the uncharted regions will also be determined. These findings will then be used as a starting point for further clarification of the physics behind the technology used to create artificial wormholes, as well as other wormhole induction drive technologies.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4334,1141,'Arek\'Jaalan: Site One Contributions Listing','<b>Special Acknowledgement:</b> This site is named after the capsuleer known as \"The Antiquarian\" whose generous contributions played a large part in making this base in Eram a reality. \r\n\r\n</b>Dedication:</b> Arek\'Jaalan Site One is dedicated to the capsuleers who helped found the project, and ensure its continued stability and success. \r\n\r\nA full listing of donations is available <a href=evebrowser:>here</a>. \r\n\r\nThe following individuals and corporations contributed to the construction of this site. Without their donations, Arek\'Jaalan Site One would not have been possible. \r\n\r\n</b>Corporations:</b>\r\nApplied Industrial Technologies\r\nFedMart\r\nKitzless\r\nNepenthe Inc.\r\nRed Rock Mining Company\r\nUnit Commune\r\nYahoo Inc\r\n\r\n</b>Individuals:</b>\r\nAdainy Gwanwyn\r\nAeb Raven\r\nAidan Brooder\r\nAkrasjel Lanate\r\nAlexa Wilkot\r\nAlextrasa Zurman\r\nAlpac T\'Zarri\r\nAngrypunch\r\nAquila Shadow\r\nArklan1\r\nBorascus\r\nBrick Royl\r\nCargo2000\r\nCold Vodka\r\nCunane Jeran\r\nDarkcoro Matari\r\nDravidshky\r\nDutchGunner\r\nEkserevnitis\r\nEri Vin\'Taur\r\nFaith Comet\r\nFaulx\r\nfLitSer\r\nGeneral Stargazer\r\nGouzu Kho\r\nGran Man\r\nHannah Viktor\r\nHector Von Hammerstorm\r\nHordi LaGeorge\r\nIwata Accuspray\r\nJack bubu\r\nJacques DuVey\r\nJames Gheris\r\nJara Blackwind\r\nJikane Ronuken\r\nJulianus Soter\r\nKais Malleus\r\nLancashirian\r\nLeopold Caine\r\nMai Satiri\r\nMark726\r\nMorwen Lagann\r\nMyrhial Arkenath\r\nMyyona\r\nNaraish Adarn\r\nNormal Vales\r\nPhaedra Aurilen\r\nPlanetary Genocide\r\nQansh\r\nRazz Skyshatter\r\nRees Noturana\r\nRhavas\r\nScatter Gun\r\nShin\'rohtak\r\nSteve Ronuken\r\nStone Cold Assassin\r\nTan Tau\r\nTaqai\r\nTarryn Nightstorm\r\nTerra Dedlow\r\nThe Antiquarian\r\nThomas Ownz\r\nTumbles Goodness\r\nTundradog\r\nUtremi Fasolasi\r\nVariden\r\n\r\n<b>ISK Donations:</b>\r\n\r\nThe following indviduals donated ISK towards the construction of Site One. Excess ISK left over after construction, will be used to fund archivist work. \r\n\r\n1,100,000,000 - Adhocracy Incorporated\r\n1,000,000,000 - House of Sebtin\r\n500,000,000 - Alpac T\'Zarri\r\n500,000,000 - skaunk (on behalf of Caustic Confluence corporation)\r\n300,000,000 - Salpun\r\n200,000,000 - Gauss Jannon\r\n100,000,000 - Gallente Independent Progressive Alternative\r\n50,000,000 - Ethan Revenant\r\n40,000,000 - Molocath Vynneve\r\n25,000,000 - Rae Seddon\r\n15,000,000 - Invader Squee\r\n10,000,000 - Windsong Woodhaven\r\n10,000,000 - Iwata Accuspray\r\n5,000,000 - Jethra Daystar\r\n1,000,000 - ElQuirko\r\n1,000,000 - Squid Tentacle\r\n1,000,000 - Lady mifa\r\n2,000,000 - jimmy 15',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4335,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Compass','<b>Paper:</b> Project Compass<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Mark726<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> Rhavas<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Project Compass represents an attempt to experimentally verify the spatial relationship between wormhole space and New Eden. The project is primarily aimed at identifying stellar objects – both in New Eden and in wormhole space – through spectroscopic analysis, and by using the properties of parallax and triangulation to determine the location of wormhole space in relation to New Eden. The Lead Researcher surveyed a random sample of wormhole systems and was able to identify a star cluster identifiable in both New Eden and wormhole space. Through mathematical extrapolation and analysis, the location of wormhole space was determined.\r\n\r\nProject Compass draws no final conclusions at this stage, as researchers are awaiting potential changes to capsule sensor technology that may yield new data.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4336,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Huntress Green (2 of 3)','<b>Paper:</b> Huntress Green - The Origin of Life in Anoikis<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Gaia Ma\'chello <br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> James Arget, Tas Caern and Vincent Athena<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Previous work has indicated that life in Anoikis and human life had the same origin. This brings up the question of how life originally came to planets in Anoikis.\r\n\r\nThe “molecular clock” method was used to estimate how long ago life in Anoikis and life in known space had a common ancestor. In the molecular clock method random changes to segments of “junk” DNA are examined and compared between organisms. Changes in these segments occur randomly, accumulate over time, and are not selected for by evolution. By seeing how different a given segment of junk DNA is between two organisms, an estimate can be made as to how long ago they had a common ancestor. \r\n\r\nFor this case, microorganisms that live in known space and those that live in Anoikis were compared. \r\n\r\nIt was found that life in Anoikis split from life in known space during the dark ages, the time period between the closure of the eve gate and the rebirth of civilization. Apparently, during this time, some space-faring civilization survived, or arose much faster than has been assumed. This civilization appears to have moved to Anoikis and made use of the planets.\r\n\r\nSome organisms were found that had a common ancestor with life in known space about a year ago. This is likely contamination from recent capsuleer activity in Anoikis.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4337,1141,'Research Abstract: Project Huntress Green (3 of 3)','<b>Paper:</b> Huntress Green - Possible disease organisms in Anoikis<br>\r\n<b>Lead Researcher:</b> Gaia Ma\'chello<br>\r\n<b>Contributors:</b> James Arget, Tas Caern and Vincent Athena<br>\r\n<b>Summary:</b> Examination of multiple biological samples obtained from planets in the unknown regions has found several organisms that could cause diseases in humans. The most interesting one is a certain fungus found on several temperate worlds.\r\n\r\nThis fungus appears able to colonize almost any surface or other organism. As it digests another organism, some proteins from that organism are displayed on the surface of the fungal strands. This allows the fungus to evade the immune system of many infected hosts.\r\n\r\nSome bacteria were also found that appear to be somewhat infectious. They do not appear to be too virulent, but some of the chemicals they produce are of particular interest. These chemicals have neurological effects that alter the behavior of the host, helping spread the bacteria.\r\n\r\n<i>This abstract relates to research undertaken by the <a href=evebrowser:>Arek\'Jaalan Project.</a></i>\r\n\r\n<i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination under the CONCORD Freedom of Distribution Act (Alpha-One-Five), YC 113.11.4</i>\r\n\r\n<i>Further copies of this document can be obtained through the Arek\'Jaalan administrative site, located in the <a href=showinfo:5//30003413>Eram</a> system.<i>',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4338,1141,'Arek\'Jaalan: Mission Statement','The Arek\'Jaalan Project was founded to act as a cross-organizational research body and common ground for capsuleers to share information about the Sleeper civilization and related matters. The goals of the project are, relative to similar bodies, both simple to understand and quite humble. Put simply, our aim is to research, document and educate.\r\n\r\n<b>Research:</b> We aim to posit and debate theories, study known facts and uncover new ones, and use every other method available to deepen our understanding of the Sleepers and related subjects.\r\n\r\n<b>Document:</b> Through extensive use of open networks, and with the help of key staff, we aim to document all of the information shared between project members, from everyday communication to large-scale research projects.\r\n\r\n<b>Educate:</b> Using our body of contributors and their documented research as a foundation, we aim to educate other capsuleers about our work, and to encourage wider capsuleer interest in scientific matters by presenting information openly and accessibly.\r\n\r\nIn its initial phase, the project aims to build a “foundational” body of documented research, at which point a larger focus will begin to be placed on the goal of education.\r\n\r\nIt should be emphasized that Arek\'Jaalan does not aim to produce new technologies, and in particular that we take an active stance against any further weaponization of Sleeper or other technologies. We aim for something more benign and progressive.\r\n\r\nIt should be similarly noted that much of our work lies in centralizing and documenting scattered, yet publicly available, information. In the absence of these hard facts, we turn to educated theory. Although there is always the risk of information being used for immoral ends, it should be remembered what the majority of our work at the Arek\'Jaalan project actually amounts to, and that our own stance is to be firmly against such actions.\r\n\r\nOverwhelmingly, the current focus of interest in capsuleer research is applied science, particularly weaponization. The work we do is intended to help humanity, and science as a whole, not just the capsuleer military-industrial cycle. Arek\'Jaalan stands apart from the destructive mainstream; as an alternative way for capsuleers to use their unique capabilities. ',1,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,33,NULL),(4345,77,'Gistum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(4346,77,'Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(4347,77,'Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(4348,77,'Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(4349,77,'Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field','Boosts shield resistance against all damage types.<br><br>Penalty: Using more than one type of this module, or similar modules that affect the same resistance type, will result in a penalty to the boost you get on that type of resistance.',10000,5,0,1,1,63062.0000,1,1696,81,NULL),(4354,819,'Sansha Tenebrus','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Sansha Tenebrus<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Tenebrus is a specialized defensive vessel intended for swift and vicious first response action. Employing only those True Slaves most receptive to the hive-mind and therefore best able to coordinate amongst themselves, these ships are considered among the most valuable members of the Nation\'s military force.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Kamal Shan, <a href=showinfo:2//1000081>Ministry of Assessment</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',2112000,21120,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4355,819,'Dark Blood Keeper','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dark Blood Keeper<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Dark Blood Keeper is a defensive vessel designed to protect the human farm\'s living produce. Crewed by a hand-picked selection of expert technicians who are also zealous believers in the Blood Raider cause, this ship is without a doubt the most dangerous opponent in the vicinity. <br>\r\n<i>Analyst Kepur, <a href=showinfo:2//1000081>Ministry of Assessment</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> \r\n',2860000,28600,235,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4356,819,'Shadow Serpentis Warden','<font color=yellow>Subject:</font> Dark Blood Alpha<br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Military Specifications:</font> Frigate-class vessel. Veteran-level crew. <br>\r\n<font color=yellow>Additional Intelligence:</font> The Shadow Serpentis Warden is one of the most versatile frigate designs ever to be iterated on by any independent organization. Triple-reinforced armor, an augmented plasma ventilation system and extremely strict crew specifications have been identified as three primary reasons for why no Serpentis live cargo facility can ever be found without one.<br>\r\n<i>Analyst Batuan, <a href=showinfo:2//1000137>DED</a>.</i><br><i>Authorized for capsuleer dissemination.</i> ',2650000,26500,235,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,31),(4357,319,'Amarr Drone Mine','This is an Amarr drone mine.',100000,100000000,10000,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4358,283,'Exotic Dancers, Male','Exotic dancing is considered an art form, even though not everyone might agree. Exposing the flesh in public places may be perfectly acceptable within the Federation, but in the Amarr Empire it\'s considered a grave sin and a sign of serious deviancy.',50,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,23,10153,NULL),(4359,707,'QA Jump Bridge','This structure does not exist.',250000,1,30000,1,NULL,100000000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4360,353,'QA ECCM','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,104,NULL),(4361,365,'QA Fuel Control Tower','This structure does not exist.',200000000,1,1000000,1,1,400000000.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4363,28,'Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition','The Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition was commissioned by the Quafe Corporation as a specialized vessel for the distribution of Quafe throughout the New Eden cluster.\r\n\r\nTo this end, the ship has been made more agile, given a faster warp engine and fitted with an upgraded cargohold that can carry vast amounts of sweet, sweet Quafe. Additionally, the controls have been simplified so that new pilots can be trained quickly and efficiently, allowing for optimal transport labor wages.\r\n\r\nA later addition under the new \"Miasmos\" moniker included a small number of sealed vats, but Quafe has demanded that those be accessed solely by corporate representatives, and not by crew nor capsuleer.',11250000,265000,5250,1,8,NULL,1,1614,NULL,20074),(4364,108,'Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4287500.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4365,1089,'Men\'s \'Quafe\' T-shirt YC 114','Stand out in a crowd with your comfortable new Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear, designed exclusively for attendees of the YC 114 Impetus Annual Holoreel Convention.\r\n\r\nNote: While occasionally worn by holoreel stars, Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear is not guaranteed to net you a role in any kind of visual production, at least not one that involves any dialogue.\r\n\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,1398,10842,NULL),(4366,1089,'Women\'s \'Quafe\' T-shirt YC 114','Stand out in a crowd with your comfortable new Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear, designed exclusively for attendees of the YC 114 Impetus Annual Holoreel Convention.\r\n\r\nNote: While occasionally worn by holoreel stars, Quafe Commemorative Casual Wear is not guaranteed to net you a role in any kind of visual production, at least not one that involves any dialogue.\r\n\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,4,NULL,1,1406,10840,NULL),(4367,1089,'Men\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Shirt (white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military clothing found in several modern navies, this sharply contrasted bone white and dusty gray \"Sterling\" dress shirt is a perfect way to begin your travels in New Eden. \r\n\r\nIt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our material blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. \r\n\r\nDark thread highlights combine with a magnificent chevron design, unique to this particular item, to finish the high-contrast look.\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1398,10843,NULL),(4368,1089,'Women\'s \'Sterling\' Dress Blouse (white)','Designer: Sennda of Emrayur\r\n\r\nModeled after the Class B military clothing found in several modern navies, this sharply contrasted bone white and dusty gray \"Sterling\" dress blouse is a perfect way to begin your travels in New Eden. \r\n\r\nIt is designed to cope with the realities of daily service while maintaining the image of an orderly fighting force. Our material blends are specially treated to resist staining, even tough grease and oil stains common on modern starships. \r\n\r\nDark thread highlights combine with a magnificent chevron design, unique to this particular item, to finish the high-contrast look.\r\n\r\n',0.5,0.1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1406,10841,NULL),(4369,786,'Small Targeting Amplifier I','This ship modification is designed to increase the max targeting range, at the expense of agility and max velocity.',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,3198,NULL),(4370,787,'Small Targeting Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,125000.0000,1,NULL,76,NULL),(4371,353,'QA Remote Armor Repair System - 5 Players','This module does not exist.',20,1,0,1,NULL,31244.0000,1,NULL,80,NULL),(4372,353,'QA Shield Transporter - 5 Players','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,139968.0000,1,NULL,86,NULL),(4373,353,'QA Damage Module','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(4374,353,'QA Multiship Module - 10 Players','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(4375,353,'QA Multiship Module - 20 Players','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(4376,353,'QA Multiship Module - 40 Players','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(4377,353,'QA Multiship Module - 5 Players','This module does not exist.',0,1,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1046,NULL),(4380,353,'QA Immunity Module','This type does not exist.',10000,1,0,1,NULL,362408.0000,1,NULL,81,NULL),(4383,1189,'Large Micro Jump Drive','The Micro Jump Drive is a module that spools up, then jumps the ship forward 100km in the direction it is facing. Upon arrival, the ship maintains its direction and velocity. Warp scramblers can be used to disrupt the module. Spool up time is reduced by the skill <a href=showinfo:4385>Micro Jump Drive Operation</a>.\r\n\r\nThe Micro Jump Drive was developed by Duvolle Laboratories Advanced Manifold Theory Unit. The drive was conceived by the late Avagher Xarasier, the genius behind several ground-breaking innovations of that era.\r\n',0,10,0,1,NULL,1340852.0000,1,1650,20971,NULL),(4384,1191,'Large Micro Jump Drive Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1697,96,NULL),(4385,275,'Micro Jump Drive Operation','Skill at using Micro Jump Drives. 5% reduction in activation time per skill level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4500000.0000,1,374,33,NULL),(4386,1149,'Mobile Large Jump Disruptor I','A Large deployable self powered unit that prevents micro jumping into its area of effect.',0,585,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,405,2309,NULL),(4387,371,'Mobile Large Jump Disruptor I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,119764480.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4388,28,'Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition','The Miasmos (originally Iteron Mark IV) Quafe Ultramarine Edition was commissioned by the Quafe Corporation as a vessel for highly focused distribution of Quafe to a demanding clientele in the New Eden cluster.\r\n\r\nTo this end, the ship has been made more agile, given a faster warp engine and fitted with an upgraded cargohold that can carry vast amounts of Quafe. In addition, its controls have been simplified so that new pilots can more easily meet the strict delivery conditions of prospective buyers. A number of sealed vats were added after the ship was rebranded as the Miasmos, but Quafe has demanded that those be accessed solely by corporate representatives, and not by crew nor capsuleer.\r\n\r\nWhile the Quafe Corporation has firmly denied making any alterations to its lucrative formula, and insists that the Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition does not have special dispensation to carry a supercaffeinated version of the famous drink, it is notable that this model has been fitted with extra security mechanisms to prevent any and all crew from sampling its cargo. \r\n\r\nWhile there are persistent rumors of storage crew personnel tasting the cargo and subsequently staying awake for days on end, grinding their teeth and yelling at each other, these have never been conclusively proven, although the Quafe Corporation does reportedly undertake all medical costs for any crewmember serving more than 72 consecutive hours onboard the Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition. ',11250000,265000,5250,1,8,NULL,1,1614,NULL,20074),(4389,108,'Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,4287500.0000,1,NULL,NULL,NULL),(4390,314,'Pax Ammaria','This book has a <a href=\"\">history</a>.',1,0.1,0,1,NULL,3328.0000,1,NULL,2176,NULL),(4391,1156,'Large Ancillary Shield Booster','Provides a quick boost in shield strength. The module takes Cap Booster charges and will start consuming the ship\'s capacitor upon the charges running out. Deactivating the module while it has no cap boosters loaded starts reloading, if there are cap boosters available in cargo hold.\r\n\r\nNote: Can use Cap Booster 150 and 200 as fuel. Reloading time is 60 seconds. Prototype Inferno Module.\r\n',0,25,42,1,NULL,NULL,1,611,10935,NULL),(4392,1157,'Large Ancillary Shield Booster Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1458560.0000,1,1552,84,NULL),(4393,645,'Drone Damage Amplifier I','The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship\'s drone communications net, creating a bridged processor between ship and drones that allows for better real-time trajectory projections.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.\r\n',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,938,10934,NULL),(4394,1152,'Drone Damage Amplifier I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,499200.0000,1,939,21,NULL),(4395,781,'Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I','This ship modification is designed to increase a ship\'s CPU.\r\n\r\nPenalty: - 5% Shield Recharge Rate Bonus.\r\n',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1223,3199,NULL),(4396,787,'Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,1253,76,NULL),(4397,781,'Large Processor Overclocking Unit I','This ship modification is designed to increase a ship\'s CPU.\r\n\r\nPenalty: - 5% Shield Recharge Rate Bonus.\r\n',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1224,3199,NULL),(4398,787,'Large Processor Overclocking Unit I Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1250000.0000,1,1254,76,NULL),(4399,781,'Medium Processor Overclocking Unit II','This ship modification is designed to increase a ship\'s CPU.\r\n\r\nPenalty: - 10% Shield Recharge Rate Bonus.',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1223,3199,NULL),(4400,787,'Medium Processor Overclocking Unit II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,750000.0000,1,NULL,76,NULL),(4401,781,'Large Processor Overclocking Unit II','This ship modification is designed to increase a ship\'s CPU.\r\n\r\nPenalty: - 10% Shield Recharge Rate Bonus.',200,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1224,3199,NULL),(4402,787,'Large Processor Overclocking Unit II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1250000.0000,1,NULL,76,NULL),(4403,1150,'Reactive Armor Hardener','The Reactive Armor Hardener possesses an advanced nano membrane that reacts to armor layer damage by shifting between resistances over time. This makes it able to align its defenses against whichever incoming damage types are prevalent.\r\n\r\nThe module spreads 60% resistance over the four damage types, starting at 15% in each.\r\n\r\nOnly one of this module type can be fitted at a time. Prototype Inferno Module.\r\n',1,25,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,1416,10933,NULL),(4404,1151,'Reactive Armor Hardener Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1030,NULL),(4405,645,'Drone Damage Amplifier II','The Drone Damage Amplifier projects a multi-node quantum entanglement onto the ship\'s drone communications net, creating a bridged processor between ship and drones that allows for better real-time trajectory projections.\r\n\r\nPenalty: Using more than one type of this module or similar modules that affect the same attribute on the ship will be penalized.',1,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,938,10934,NULL),(4406,1152,'Drone Damage Amplifier II Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4407,1153,'Shield Booster Fuel Allocation Script','This script can be loaded into a specialized shield booster module to exchange capacitor use on activation with a charge from the cargo hold.\r\n',1,1,0,1,NULL,4000.0000,0,NULL,3344,NULL),(4408,912,'Shield Booster Fuel Allocation Script Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,1500000.0000,1,NULL,1131,NULL),(4409,1154,'Target Spectrum Breaker','Copies the active sweeps of all targeting sensors and reflects them onto other targeters, giving their computers the impression that the ship being locked is in two places at once. The more target locks active or being attempted against the ship, the more conflicting input can be sent to each computer, thus increasing the chances that the locks will fail.\r\n\r\nNote: Will affect all targeting computers, including those of friendly vessels, of vessels immune to electronic warfare, and of the host ship itself. Can be fitted to Battleship, Black Ops and Marauder class ships.\r\n',0,5,0,1,NULL,29696.0000,1,1426,10932,NULL),(4410,1155,'Target Spectrum Breaker Blueprint','',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,296960.0000,1,NULL,21,NULL),(4411,272,'Target Breaker Amplification','Improves the continuous reflection of active target spectrum breakers, resulting in much improved defenses against all those who wish to target any vessel in the vicinity.\n\nReduces duration time and capacitor need of Target Spectrum Breakers by 5% per level.',0,0.01,0,1,NULL,600000.0000,1,367,33,NULL),(4421,43,'F-a10 Buffer Capacitor Regenerator','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4423,43,'Industrial Capacitor Recharger','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4425,43,'AGM Capacitor Charge Array','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4427,43,'Secondary Parallel Link-Capacitor','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4431,43,'F-b10 Nominal Capacitor Regenerator','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4433,43,'Barton Reactor Capacitor Recharger I','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4435,43,'Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,665,90,NULL),(4437,43,'Fixed Parallel Link-Capacitor I','Increases the capacitor recharge rate.',1,5,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,90,NULL),(4471,71,'Small Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer','Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship\'s capacitor.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,689,1283,NULL),(4473,71,'Small Rudimentary Energy Destabilizer I','Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship\'s capacitor.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1283,NULL),(4475,71,'Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I','Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship\'s capacitor.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1283,NULL),(4477,71,'Small Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer','Neutralizes a portion of the energy in the target ship\'s capacitor.',2000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,689,1283,NULL),(4529,62,'Small I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,1,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(4531,62,'Small Inefficient Armor Repair Unit','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,2,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(4533,62,'Small \'Accommodation\' Vestment Reconstructer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(4535,62,'Small Automated Carapace Restoration','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,5,0,1,8,NULL,1,1049,80,NULL),(4569,62,'Medium I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,1,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(4571,62,'Medium Inefficient Armor Repair Unit','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,2,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(4573,62,'Medium \'Accommodation\' Vestment Reconstructer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,4,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(4575,62,'Medium Automated Carapace Restoration','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,8,NULL,1,1050,80,NULL),(4579,62,'Medium Nano Armor Repair Unit I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,10,0,1,2,NULL,1,NULL,80,NULL),(4609,62,'Large I-a Polarized Armor Regenerator','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,1,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(4611,62,'Large Inefficient Armor Repair Unit','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,2,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(4613,62,'Large \'Accommodation\' Vestment Reconstructer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,4,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(4615,62,'Large Automated Carapace Restoration','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,8,NULL,1,1051,80,NULL),(4621,62,'Large \'Reprieve\' Vestment Reconstructer I','This module uses nano-assemblers to repair damage done to the armor of the ship.',500,50,0,1,4,NULL,1,NULL,80,NULL),(4745,61,'Micro F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,1,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(4747,61,'Micro Ld-Acid Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,2,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(4749,61,'Micro Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,4,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(4751,61,'Micro Ohm Capacitor Reserve I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,2.5,0,1,8,NULL,1,702,89,NULL),(4785,61,'Small F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,1,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(4787,61,'Small Ld-Acid Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,2,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(4789,61,'Small Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,4,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(4791,61,'Small Ohm Capacitor Reserve I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,5,0,1,8,NULL,1,703,89,NULL),(4829,76,'Medium F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,32,1,1,4920.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(4831,76,'Medium Brief Capacitor Overcharge I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,32,1,2,4920.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(4833,76,'Medium Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,32,1,4,4920.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(4835,76,'Medium Tapered Capacitor Infusion I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,10,32,1,8,4920.0000,1,700,1031,NULL),(4869,61,'Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,1,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(4871,61,'Large Ld-Acid Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,2,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(4873,61,'Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,4,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(4875,61,'Large Ohm Capacitor Reserve I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,15,0,1,8,NULL,1,705,89,NULL),(4909,61,'X-Large F-4a Ld-Sulfate Capacitor Charge Unit','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(4911,61,'X-Large Ld-Acid Capacitor Battery I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,2,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(4913,61,'X-Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,4,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(4915,61,'X-Large Ohm Capacitor Reserve I','Increases capacitor storage. Provides defense against Energy Leech and Energy Neutralizer effects.',0,20,0,1,8,NULL,0,NULL,89,NULL),(4955,76,'Micro F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,8,1,1,2234.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(4957,76,'Micro Brief Capacitor Overcharge I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,8,1,2,2234.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(4959,76,'Micro Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,8,1,4,2234.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(4961,76,'Micro Tapered Capacitor Infusion I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,2.5,8,1,8,2234.0000,1,698,1031,NULL),(5007,76,'Small F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,12,1,1,3472.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(5009,76,'Small Brief Capacitor Overcharge I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,12,1,2,3472.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(5011,76,'Small Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,12,1,4,3472.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(5013,76,'Small Tapered Capacitor Infusion I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,12,1,8,3472.0000,1,699,1031,NULL),(5017,76,'Small Perishable Capacitor Overcharge II','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,5,8,1,2,195308.0000,0,NULL,1031,NULL),(5047,76,'Heavy F-RX Prototype Capacitor Boost','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,128,1,1,195308.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(5049,76,'Heavy Brief Capacitor Overcharge I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,128,1,2,195308.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(5051,76,'Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,128,1,4,195308.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(5053,76,'Heavy Tapered Capacitor Infusion I','Provides a quick injection of power into the capacitor.',0,20,128,1,8,195308.0000,1,701,1031,NULL),(5087,67,'Small Partial E95a Remote Capacitor Transmitter','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',1000,5,0,1,1,9840.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(5089,67,'Small Murky Remote Capacitor Transmitter','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',1000,5,0,1,2,9840.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(5091,67,'Small \'Regard\' Remote Capacitor Transmitter','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',1000,5,0,1,4,9840.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(5093,67,'Small Asymmetric Remote Capacitor Transmitter','Transfers capacitor energy to another ship.',1000,5,0,1,8,9840.0000,1,695,1035,NULL),(5135,68,'E5 Prototype Energy Vampire','Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own.\r\n\r\nNote: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target\'s capacitor below your own capacitor level.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1029,NULL),(5137,68,'Small Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu','Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own.\r\n\r\nNote: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target\'s capacitor below your own capacitor level.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,692,1029,NULL),(5139,68,'Small Diminishing Power System Drain I','Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own.\r\n\r\nNote: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target\'s capacitor below your own capacitor level.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1029,NULL),(5141,68,'Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu','Drains energy from the target ship and adds it to your own.\r\n\r\nNote: a Nosferatu module will not drain your target\'s capacitor below your own capacitor level.',1000,5,0,1,NULL,NULL,1,692,1029,NULL),(5175,53,'Gatling Modal Laser I','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,1,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5177,53,'Gatling Afocal Maser I','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,2,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5179,53,'Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,4,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5181,53,'Gatling Anode Particle Stream I','Rapid fire multi-barreled energy weapon that delivers a steady stream of damage. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,8,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5215,53,'Dual Modal Pulse Laser I','This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,1,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5217,53,'Dual Afocal Pulse Maser I','This light pulse energy weapon uses two separate maser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,2,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5219,53,'Dual Modulated Pulse Energy Beam I','This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,4,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5221,53,'Dual Anode Pulse Particle Stream I','This light pulse laser uses two separate laser focusing systems to reduce the cool down period between shots. Good skirmish weapon. \r\n\r\nRequires frequency crystal ammo types: Gamma, Infrared, Microwave, Multifrequency, Radio, Standard, Ultraviolet, Xray.',500,5,1,1,8,NULL,1,570,350,NULL),(5231,54,'EP-R Argon Ion Basic Excavation Pulse','Common, low technology mining laser. Works well for extracting common ore, but not useful for much else.',0,5,0,1,1,NULL,0,NULL,1061,NULL),(5233,54,'Single Diode Basic Mining Laser','Common, low technology mining laser. Works we
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