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Created July 21, 2021 18:12
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package main
import (
/* This is whete we have gonum specific things
type State struct {
Id int64
Value interface{}
type Link struct {
Id int64
T, F graph.Node
Rules map[Operator]Event
func (n State) ID() int64 {
return n.Id
func (n State) String() string {
switch n.Value.(type) {
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(n.Value.(int))
case float32:
return fmt.Sprintf("%f", n.Value.(float32))
case float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%f", n.Value.(float64))
case bool:
return strconv.FormatBool(n.Value.(bool))
case string:
return n.Value.(string)
return ""
// return n.Value.(string)
func (l Link) From() graph.Node {
return l.F
func (l Link) To() graph.Node {
return l.T
func (l Link) ID() int64 {
return l.Id
func (l Link) ReversedLine() graph.Line {
return Link{F: l.T, T: l.F}
From here we have the state machine implementation
type Event string
type Operator string
var NodeIDCntr = 0
var LineIdCntr = 1
type StateMachine struct {
PresentState State
g *multi.DirectedGraph
func New() *StateMachine {
s := &StateMachine{}
s.g = multi.NewDirectedGraph()
return s
func (s *StateMachine) Init(initStateValue interface{}) State {
s.PresentState = State{Id: int64(NodeIDCntr), Value: initStateValue}
return s.PresentState
func (s *StateMachine) NewState(stateValue interface{}) State {
state := State{Id: int64(NodeIDCntr), Value: stateValue}
return state
func NewRule(triggerConditionOperator Operator, comparisonValue Event) map[Operator]Event {
return map[Operator]Event{triggerConditionOperator: comparisonValue}
func (s *StateMachine) LinkStates(s1, s2 State, rule map[Operator]Event) {
s.g.SetLine(Link{F: s1, T: s2, Id: int64(LineIdCntr), Rules: rule})
func (s *StateMachine) FireEvent(e Event) error {
presentNode := s.PresentState
it := s.g.From(presentNode.Id)
for it.Next() {
n := s.g.Node(it.Node().ID()).(State)
line := graph.LinesOf(s.g.Lines(presentNode.Id, n.Id))[0].(Link) // There can be one defined path between two distinct states
for key, val := range line.Rules {
k := string(key)
switch k {
case "eq":
if val == e {
s.PresentState = n
return nil
fmt.Printf("Sorry, the comparison operator '%s' is not supported\n", k)
return nil
func (s *StateMachine) Compute(events []string, printState bool) State {
for _, e := range events {
if printState {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", s.PresentState.String())
return s.PresentState
func main() {
stateMachine := New()
initState := stateMachine.Init("locked")
unlockedSate := stateMachine.NewState("unlocked")
coinRule := NewRule(Operator("eq"), Event("coin"))
pushRule := NewRule(Operator("eq"), Event("push"))
stateMachine.LinkStates(initState, unlockedSate, coinRule)
stateMachine.LinkStates(unlockedSate, initState, pushRule)
stateMachine.LinkStates(initState, initState, pushRule)
stateMachine.LinkStates(unlockedSate, unlockedSate, coinRule)
fmt.Printf("Initial state is ------- %s\n", stateMachine.PresentState.String())
events := []string{"coin", "push"}
stateMachine.Compute(events, true)
fmt.Printf("------------ Final state is %s\n", stateMachine.PresentState.String())
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