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Last active December 24, 2015 11:39
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Save rctay/6792374 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[ocaml] CS2104 Lab3 test helper
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- include the let expression below; feel free to replace the body with your
own tests
let module T = Test_parse_eval.Tester (Calc) (struct let reader = Parser.reader expr2 end) in
let test = T.test in
print_endline "\n= examples =";
(* the wrap option allows you to wrap ie. "(" ")" the expression quickly at an
arbitrary depth; think of it as a fuzzer, albeit simple one. *)
test ~wrap:(Some 5) "1+2" "(1+2)";
test ~wrap:(Some 3) "1*2" "(1*2)";
test ~wrap:(Some 1) "1/2" "(1/2)";
(* use eval to specify the value to match against *)
test ~eval:(Some (-1)) "1+~2" "(1+(0-2))";
(* both *)
test ~wrap:(Some 3) ~eval:(Some (-1)) "1+~2" "(1+(0-2))";
module type T = sig
val test : ?eval:int option -> ?wrap:int option -> string -> string -> unit
module Tester
(Calc : sig
type exp
val string_of_exp: exp -> string
val eval: exp -> Num.num
(Parser : sig
val reader: string -> Calc.exp
end) : T = struct
type parse_result = Failed of exn | Success of Calc.exp
type 'a test_context = { trans:Calc.exp->'a; pr:'a->string }
type 'a test_case = { context:'a test_context; s:string; expected:'a }
type subject_body = string * string
let test_one ({context=ctxt} as case:'a test_case) : bool * string =
let parse (s:string) : parse_result =
let e = Parser.reader s in
Success e
with e -> Failed e in
match parse case.s with
| Failed(e) -> false, "encountered "^(Printexc.to_string e)
| Success(expr) ->
let actual = ctxt.trans expr in
if case.expected = actual
then true, ( actual)
else false, ( actual)^" != "^( case.expected)
let test ?(eval:int option = None) ?(wrap:int option = None) (s:string) (expected_repr:string) : unit =
let identity = (fun x -> x) in
let repr_ctxt = { trans=Calc.string_of_exp; pr=identity; } and
eval_ctxt = { trans=Calc.eval; pr=Num.string_of_num; } in
let test_repr : subject_body option * subject_body list =
let (passed, reason) as result = test_one { context=repr_ctxt; s=s; expected=expected_repr } in
if passed
then Some(s, "=parse=> "^reason), []
else None, [s, "=parse=> "^reason] in
let merge_repr_wrap (passes, fails) s : subject_body option * subject_body list =
let (passed, reason) as result = test_one { context=repr_ctxt; s=s; expected=expected_repr } in
let pair = (s, "=parse=> "^reason) in
if passed
let passes =
match passes with
| Some(subject, body) -> Some(subject^", (.)", body)
| None -> Some(pair) in
passes, fails
passes, pair::fails in
let merge_eval (passes, fails) expected_eval : subject_body option * subject_body list =
let (passed, reason) as result = test_one { context=eval_ctxt; s=s; expected=expected_eval } in
let pair = (s, "=eval=> "^reason) in
if passed
let passes =
match passes with
| Some(subject, body) -> Some(subject, body^", "^(snd pair))
| None -> Some(pair) in
passes, fails
passes, pair::fails in
let emit passed (subject, body) =
let header = if passed then "ok: " else "FAIL: " in
let body = subject^" "^body in
print_endline (header^body) in
let passes, fails =
let result =
let result = test_repr in
match wrap with
| None -> result
| Some(depth) ->
let rec aux depth s result =
if depth = 0
then result
let s = "("^s^")" in
aux (depth - 1) s (merge_repr_wrap result s) in
aux depth s result in
match eval with
| Some(expected_int) -> merge_eval result (Num.num_of_int expected_int)
| None -> result in
(match passes with | Some(pair) -> emit true pair | None -> ());
let rec aux xs =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| pair::xs -> emit false pair; aux xs in
aux fails
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