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Created October 9, 2020 15:48
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module RobotSimulator
open System
type Direction = North | East | South | West
type Position = int * int
type Robot = { direction: Direction; position: Position }
type Command =
| TurnLeft
| TurnRight
| Advance
let parseCmd (ch:char) : Command =
match Char.ToUpper ch with
| 'L' -> TurnLeft
| 'R' -> TurnRight
| 'A' -> Advance
| other -> failwith (sprintf "Unrecognized command: %A" ch)
let turn (cmd:Command)(direction:Direction) : Direction =
match (cmd, direction) with
| (TurnLeft, North) -> West
| (TurnLeft, East) -> North
| (TurnLeft, South) -> East
| (TurnLeft, West) -> South
| (TurnRight, North) -> East
| (TurnRight, East) -> South
| (TurnRight, South) -> West
| (TurnRight, West) -> North
| (_, _) -> failwith "Unrecognized turn"
let advance (pos:Position)(direction:Direction) : Position =
let x, y = pos
match direction with
| North -> (x, y + 1)
| East -> (x + 1, y)
| South -> (x, y - 1)
| West -> (x - 1, y)
let applyCommand (cmd:Command)(robot:Robot) : Robot =
match cmd with
| TurnLeft | TurnRight -> { robot with direction = turn cmd robot.direction }
| Advance -> { robot with position = advance robot.position robot.direction }
let create direction position = { direction = direction; position = position; }
let move (instructions:string) (robot:Robot) : Robot =
|> (fun x -> parseCmd x)
|> Seq.fold (fun acc i -> applyCommand i acc) robot
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