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Created May 29, 2014 15:50
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There must be a better way to do this. The cards(...) method is kinda ugly as is lists_in(...) But for the life of me I cannot see a way to make it prettier
#where the json content is a trello board that has been sucked into jsoncontent
def lists_in(jsoncontent)
lists = jsoncontent['lists']
[Hash[ lists.collect { |list| [ list['id'], list['name'] ] } ], { |list| list['id'] if list['closed'] }.to_set]
def id_for(card)
def closed?(card)
# [], open cards on open lists
def cards(jsoncontent)
list_id_hash, closed_list_ids = lists_in jsoncontent
jsoncontent['cards'].select { |card|
((! closed?(card)) && (! closed_list_ids.include? id_for(card)))
}.each { |card|
card['list_name'] = list_id_hash[ id_for(card) ]
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