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Last active December 31, 2015 07:39
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Brief example of an application specific context
// Struct to hold all my application's commonly used packages
type MySpecialContext struct {
Render render.Render
Logger *log.Logger
Session sessions.Session
Db *mgo.Database
Ctx martini.Context
App *ApplicationConfig
// Wrapper to be called by m.Use(). This will .Map our special context
// into the Martini context. Then our handlers will only have to use
// the MySpecialContext struct to access all the other variables
func ContextWrapper(cfg *ApplicationConfig) martini.Handler {
return func(c martini.Context, l *log.Logger, s sessions.Session, db *mgo.Database, r render.Render) {
var ctx = MySpecialContext{r, l, s, db, c, cfg}
// Quick example of using MySpecialContext
func index(c MySpecialContext) {
c.Logger.Println("Here we are")
c.Render.HTML(200, "index", nil)
func main() {
m := martini.Classic()
// m.Use(AllTheThings)
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