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rday /
Created June 5, 2013 17:29
List moving average
def moving_average(data_set, period=3):
avgs = []
for idx, item in enumerate(data_set[period-1:]):
avgs.append(round(sum(data_set[idx:period+idx]) / float(period), 2))
return avgs
data = [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 20, 28, 30, 25, 22, 20, 15, 12, 10]
rday /
Created June 5, 2013 18:53
Numpy moving average
import numpy as np
def moving_average(data_set, periods=3):
weights = np.ones(periods) / periods
return np.convolve(data_set, weights, mode='valid')
data = [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 20, 28, 30, 25, 22, 20, 15, 12, 10]
ma = moving_average(np.asarray(data), 3)
assert (np.around(ma, decimals=2)==np.array([2.0, 3.67, 6.0, 9.0, 13.67, 20.0, 26.0, 27.67, 25.67, 22.33, 19.0, 15.67, 12.33])).all() == True
rday /
Created June 13, 2013 23:41
A brief example
import time
import numpy as np
def naive():
x = 0
y = 0
for i in range(1, 1001):
x += pow(i, 2)
y += i
return pow(y, 2) - x
rday / astmod.c
Created August 30, 2013 14:43
Asterisk mod sample
static void *rtp_thread(void *args)
struct ap_info* thread_info = args;
struct ast_frame *f = NULL;
struct ast_rtp *astRtp = NULL; // XXX <-- Replaced by rtp_engine
int pktCnt=0;
int res = 0;
astRtp = ast_rtp_new_fd(thread_info->sockFd); // XXX <-- Doesn't event exist anymore
rday / context.go
Last active December 31, 2015 07:39
Brief example of an application specific context
// Struct to hold all my application's commonly used packages
type MySpecialContext struct {
Render render.Render
Logger *log.Logger
Session sessions.Session
Db *mgo.Database
Ctx martini.Context
App *ApplicationConfig
rday / gist:a8d457ced018e5970e19
Created November 15, 2014 18:22
Embedded Static Handler for Martini
package main
import (
rday /
Last active July 27, 2017 00:53
python pptx notes slide
Example of accessing the notes slides of a presentation.
Requires python-pptx 0.5.6 or later.
from pptx.util import lazyproperty, Pt
from import BaseSlide, Slide, _SlideShapeTree, _SlidePlaceholders
from pptx.shapes.shape import BaseShape
;echoserver: echoserver.o
; ${LD} ${LIBS} ${LD_INCLUDES} -o echoserver echoserver.o
;echoserver.o: echoserver.s
rday / gist:cc831b2a9d5dac7e5494
Created August 12, 2015 22:05
Rumpkernel build
cython --embed -v -3 -Werror
x86_64-rumprun-netbsd-gcc main.c -I../Python-3.4.3/pythondist/include/python3.4m -L../Python-3.4.3/pythondist/lib -lpython3.4m -lutil -lm -lz -lssl -lcrypto
rumpbake hw_virtio a.bin a.out
rumprun qemu -D 1234 -i \
-I if,vioif,'-net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no'\
rday /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
import socket
import struct
import fcntl
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sockfd = sock.fileno()
#define SIOCGIFADDR _IOWR('i', 33, struct ifreq) /* get ifnet address */
SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921