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Created November 30, 2019 09:03
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This is the technical documentation for the .bam format. This is generally not useful except for developers who insist on writing their own tools to manipulate .bam files without using the Panda APIs.

== Bam versions ==

The .bam format has a major.minor version scheme. The format is designed to be backward compatible, so that .bam files created with older versions of Panda3D will generally work with newer versions of Panda3D, although occasionally compatibility has been broken due to major changes in the Panda3D structures.

Forward compatibility is not considered, though, so Panda3D will refuse to read .bam files with a higher version number. This means you can read Panda3D 1.8 bams in Panda3D 1.9, but not vice versa.

As of Panda3D 1.7.1, We try not to bump the .bam version between minor releases of Panda3D, so that .bam files created with Panda3D 1.8.1 will still load in Panda3D 1.8.

The table below shows the .bam version associated with each Panda release. The first column shows the Panda version, the second shows which version .bam files it will output (and also the maximum that it will read), and the third shows the minimum .bam version that it will read.

{| ! Panda version ! Writes

! Reads
1.5.1, 1.5.2
1.5.3, 1.5.4
1.7.1, 1.7.2

Note that Panda3D 1.10 is able to write older .bam files. This can be done by putting this in Config.prc: <code prc> bam-version 6 21 </code> When not set, the default is to write the latest supported version.

== Bam header ==

The bam format is composed of a series of datagrams. Each datagram is prefixed by an unsigned 32-bit size number. Exceptionally large datagrams are encoded by writing 0xffffffff as the size, followed by an unsigned 64-bit integer containing the actual size.

Most .bam structures are stored in little-endian format. Certain structures can be stored in a different endian format, where specially tagged as such. Currently, this applies to vertex data. The endianness of this special data is indicated by the file header.

.bam files (but not .bam streams) begin with the six-character magic string <code>pbj\0\n\r</code>. This can be used to uniquely identify .bam files. It includes a carriage return and newline character to help detect files damaged due to faulty ASCII/binary conversion.

This is followed directly by the file header, the structure of which is detailed below. When a version number is indicated, it indicates that a field has been added in that version, so a backward compatible reader should not read that field if the .bam version is lower than the indicated number.

{| ! Bytes ! Type ! Name ! Minver

! Description
Size of header datagram (should be 6)
Major .bam version, as detailed above.
Minor .bam version, as detailed above.
Endianness of vertex data (everything else is little-endian). 0 if big-endian, 1 if little-endian.
True if fields marked "stdfloat" contain 64-bit floating point numbers instead of 32-bit. Before 6.27 they were implicitly 32-bit.

== Objects ==

What follows the header is essentially a list of objects. There is usually (but not necessarily) a single root object at the beginning, and all children and other dependent objects follow. For a .bam file containing model/animation data, this is the root node of the scene graph.

Each object has a sequentially increasing unique ID, by which it is referenced by other objects. The special ID 0 is reserved to indicate a NULL pointer.

Of note is that object IDs are stored as 16-bit unsigned integers, but as soon as an object with ID 65535 is encountered, all future object IDs and references to it are stored as 32-bit integers.

An object may occur more than once in the .bam stream, for example if it was modified since it was first written.

The first time an object is written it also specifies type information. Each type is identified with an arbitrarily chosen type index, followed by the name of the type. It also contains hierarchical information about the parent classes, which is useful when a reader does not understand eg. a PandaNode derivation but will still be able to reconstruct the base node. Information about each type is only written the first time a type with a particular index is encountered.

== Object stream ==

Before version 6.21, the header was followed by a continuous stream of objects. This means that in order to determine whether the object and its dependencies have been completed, the reader must keep track of the number of objects referenced

Version 6.21 resolves this by inserting special codes in the object stream that can be used to specify a nested structure of objects. When writing out an object, a <code>push</code> code is first inserted, after which the object is written out, followed by the objects that were referenced the object, each of them also prefixed by an object code. Only then is the <code>pop</code> written out, indicating that the object is complete.

Of course, the dependent objects themselves may write nesting <code>push</code> and <code>pop</code> codes, so in order to determine whether an object structure has been completely read, it is necessary to count the number of <code>push</code> and <code>pop</code> codes encountered.

The object code is a single 8-bit integer that can take on the following values:

{| ! Value ! Name

! Description
Increments the nesting level. Followed by a single object definition.
Decrements the nesting level. Followed by another object code.
This code is followed by a single object. This is the implied value before 6.21.
Followed by a list of object IDs that are no longer important to the file and may be released.
Followed by an auxiliary data record that may be requested by certain objects.

As an example, this is what the structure looks like for a node referencing two different textures: <pre>PUSH PandaNode ADJUNCT Texture ADJUNCT Texture POP</pre>

Since it may be difficult for a writer to know before writing an object whether it will reference other objects, the following is also perfectly legal: <pre>PUSH PandaNode PUSH Texture POP PUSH Texture POP POP</pre>

== Type encoding ==

Unless specified otherwise, all integer types are little-endian. (Note that there is an endianness field in the header, but it only affects geometry buffer data.)

;bool : Booleans are stored as a single byte that is either 1 (for true) or 0 (for false). ;string : Strings are encoded as a uint16 length indicating the number of characters that directly follow. ;stdfloat : Usually float32, but can be float64 if stdfloat_double in the header is set to 1. ;pointer : An integer identifying the referenced object. 0 represents the NULL pointer. This is uint16 until object ID 0xFFFF has been encountered in the stream, then it becomes uint32.

Arrays of multiple objects are usually expressed by first outputting a length field, which itself can vary on size depending on how many objects are usually present in this array.

== Object reference == This is an incomplete list of objects and their .bam encoding scheme. The "minver" column indicates which bam version the field was introduced in; if writing a bam file with a version older than that, the field should not be written out.

Blocks in grey indicate either an optional field (the presence of which depends on the value of the indicated other fields) or a block that is repeated for each element in an array (usually indicated by a preceding length field).

=== Geom === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="80" | Name

! Description
Non-0 pointer to GeomVertexData object.
The following field is repeated for each primitive:
! width="43"
Non-0 pointer to a GeomPrimitive object.
Base primitive type of all primitives, should be one of the following:
See geomEnums.h. Set to 1 for SM_smooth, the default in Panda.
Not used.
Default 0.

=== GeomNode === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="80" | Name

! Description
The following block is repeated for each geom:
! width="43"
Non-0 pointer to a Geom object.
Non-0 pointer to a RenderState object.

=== GeomVertexData === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="140" | Name

! Description
Non-0 pointer to a GeomVertexFormat object.
Set to 3 for static objects, 2 for dynamic, 1 for streamed vertex data.
The following block is repeated for each array:
! width="43"
Non-0 pointer to a GeomVertexArrayData object.
May be 0 for non-skinned objects.
May be 0 for non-skinned objects.
May be 0 for objects without morphs.

=== GeomVertexArrayFormat === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="100" | Name

! Description
Attribute divisor. Set to 0 for vertex data, 1 for instance data.
Repeated for each column:
! width="43"
Non-0 pointer to an InternalName object.
Default is 1, which indicates no particular alignment.

=== GeomVertexArrayData === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="100" | Name

! Description
Non-0 pointer to GeomVertexArrayFormat. Should be the same as in the GeomVertexFormat.
Should be same as usage_hint in the GeomVertexData.
Buffer data. Floats are in endianness specified in the file header.

=== GeomVertexFormat === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="100" | Name

! Description
0 for no vertex animation, 1 for CPU animation.
Set to 0.
Set to false.
The following block is repeated for each array:
! width="43"
Non-0 pointer to a GeomVertexArrayFormat object.

=== InternalName === This stores just a single string.

=== Material === Bam 6.39 introduced a new Material structure. This is the old structure from before 6.39: {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="80" | Name

! Description
Name of this material.
Must be present, but is ignored if flags does not include F_ambient.
Must be present, but is ignored if flags does not include F_diffuse.
Must be present, but is ignored if flags does not include F_specular.
Must be present, but is ignored if flags does not include F_emission.
This value is usually the specular exponent, unless F_roughness is set.
A bitmask produced by OR-ing one or more of the following:

=== MaterialAttrib === A MaterialAttrib simply contains a single pointer to a Material, which may be 0 to indicate the lack of a material.

=== PandaNode === {| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="140" | Name

! Description
Name of this node
Pointer to RenderState object. Should not be 0.
Pointer to TransformState object. Should not be 0.
Pointer to RenderEffects object. Should not be 0.
Default 0.
Default 0xffffffff. Interpreted slightly differently before 6.2.
Default 0.
Type of bounding volume to be generated for this node. Default 0 (BT_default).
The following block is repeated for each tag:
! width="43"
The following field is repeated for each parent:
! width="43"
The following block is repeated for each child:
! width="43"
The following block is repeated for each stashed child:
! width="43"

=== Texture ===

{| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="140" | Name

! Description
Name of this texture
Filename of this texture
If not empty, name of a different file from which to retrieve the alpha information
If not 0, the number of channels to downgrade the image to if it is greater than this number
If alpha_filename is not empty, determines which channel to take the alpha information from. 0 is to take the grayscale combination of RGB, 1 is red, 2 green, and so on.
If true, the raw contents of this texture are included in the .bam data
Type of texture, should be one of the following:
If true, the filename is assumed to contain a # which is substituted with an index for various mipmap levels
The sampler settings that will be used in absence of other sampler parameters. See SamplerState entry for the various fields
Leave 0 for default compression mode (according to <i>compressed-textures</i>), 1 for explicit off, 2 for explicit on (see texture.h for others)
Leave 0 for default quality (according to <i>texture-quality-level</i>), 1=fastest, 2=normal, 3=best
Texture format, see texture.h for values. Common values: 12=F_rgba 16=F_rgba8 32=F_srgb_alpha
Number of components (eg. 4 for RGBA), MUST match number of components in format
+ Only present if texture_type is TT_buffer_texture
! width="43"
Power-of-two texture scaling that will be applied on loading this model, one of:
Width of the image before scaling. Not sure if you can just leave this zero when loading from disk?
Height of the image before scaling.
If true, there is a lower resolution raw version of this image that can be shown before the full version is loaded from disk. Leave false if in doubt.
+ Only present if has_simple_ram_image is true
+ Only present if has_rawdata is true
! width="43"
+ Repeated for num_ram_images (defaults to 1 before 6.3)
! width="43"

=== TransformState ===

All nodes must have a TransformState reference, but it is perfectly fine to create a single TransformState referring to the identity transformation and refer to that in all nodes that don't have an explicit transform. Since transform states are immutable in Panda3D, there are no negative consequences from sharing them between different nodes.

Transformations can be expressed in various ways. Besides the specially marked "identity" and "invalid" transforms, there may be componentwise specification of the transformation, or a matrix can be specified. Both may be specified, but this is not necessary as Panda3D will calculate one from the other at request.

{| ! width="50" | Minver ! width="60" | Type ! width="80" | Name

! Description
This is a complex bitmask, but writers should choose one of the following:
As of 5.2, any of these may be OR-ed with 0x00010000 to indicate that it is a 2-D transformation,
although this does not affect the storage size of the components.
+ Only present if flags includes 0x00000008
! width="43"
+ Only present if flags includes 0x00000040
! width="43"

== Example ==

This is an annotated hex dump of a simple .bam file.

<pre> 70 62 6a 00 0a 0d The magic code "pbj\0\n\r" 06 00 00 00 A 6-byte datagram follows 06 00 21 00 Version number is 6.33 01 00 Little-endian vertex data, single precision floats

a1 00 00 00 A 161-byte datagram follows 00 BOC_push: open a nesting block, an object follows cc 01 This object has type index 460, type info follows 09 00 Type name string has 9 characters 4d6f64656c526f6f74 "ModelRoot" 01 This type has one parent type cb 01 Parent type has index 459, type info follows 09 00 Type name string has 9 characters 4d6f64656c4e6f6465 "ModelNode" 01 This type has one parent type 3c 00 Parent type has index 60 09 00 Type name string has 9 characters 50616e64614e6f6465 "PandaNode" ... rest of type hierarchy ... 01 00 This is object ID 1 05 00 5363656e65 PandaNode::_name (5-character string "Scene") 02 00 PandaNode::_state (reference to object 2) 03 00 PandaNode::_transform (reference to object 3) 04 00 PandaNode::_effects (reference to object 4) 00 00 00 00 PandaNode::_draw_control_mask ff ff ff ff PandaNode::_draw_show_mask (all visible) 00 00 00 00 PandaNode::_into_collide_mask 00 PandaNode::_bounds_type (0 = BT_default) 00 00 00 00 PandaNode::_tags.size() (no tags) 00 00 PandaNode has 0 parents 02 00 PandaNode has 2 children, which are: 05 00 first child is object ID 5 00 00 00 00 first child has sort 0 06 00 second child is object ID 6 00 00 00 00 second child has sort 0 00 00 PandaNode has 0 stashed children 00 ModelNode::_preserve_transform = PT_none 00 00 ModelNode::_preserve_attributes

82 00 00 00 A 130-byte datagram follows 02 BOC_adjunct: an object follows directly da 01 This object has type index 474, type info follows 0b 00 Type name string has 11 characters 52656e6465725374617465 "RenderState" ... rest of RenderState type hierarchy ...

... to be continued ... </pre>

== Changelog == This is a list of revisions that changed the version number of the .bam format, in chronological order. Click on the dates to be taken to the associated GitHub revision page.

{| | 2.3 || [ 2000-11-21] || dual-image textures. |- | 2.4 || [ 2000-11-28] || anisotropic texture filtering. |- | 3.0 || [ 2000-12-08] || change float64's to float32's. |- | 3.1 || [ 2000-12-15] || add FFT-style channel |- | 3.2 || [ 2001-02-15] || add ModelNode::_preserve_transform. |- | 3.3 || [ 2001-04-11] || support correctly ordered children. |- | 3.4 || [ 2001-12-11] || transpose quaternions. |- | 3.5 || [ 2001-12-13] || remove obsolete fields from Texture. |- | 3.6 || [ 2002-05-16] || add ImageBuffer::_filename. |- | 3.7 || [ 2002-05-19] || add CharacterJoint::_net_transform_nodes, etc. |- | 4.0 || [ 2002-04-10] || store new scene graph. |- | 4.1 || [ 2003-04-10] || add CullFaceAttrib::reverse. |- | 4.2 || [ 2003-04-12] || add num_components to texture. |- | 4.3 || [ 2003-04-15] || add ImageBuffer::_alpha_file_channel. |- | 4.4 || [ 2003-06-12] || add PandaNode::set_tag(). |- | 4.5 || [ 2003-07-09] || add rawdata mode to texture |- | 4.6 || [ 2003-07-22] || add shear to scene graph and animation data. |- | 4.7 || [ 2003-11-10] || add CollisionSolid::_effective_normal |- | 4.8 || [ 2003-11-12] || add FFTCompressor::reject_compression |- | 4.9 || [ 2003-12-02] || change CollisionPolygon internals. |- | 4.10 || [ 2004-04-23] || make ComputedVertices use uint32's. |- | 4.11 || [ 2004-07-26] || add multitexture pointers. |- | 4.12 || [ 2004-09-22] || add PandaNode::into_collide_mask. |- | 4.13 || [ 2004-09-24] || store actual LODNode switch distances instead of squares. |- | 4.14 || [ 2004-11-18] || differentiate old_hpr from new_hpr in compressed anim channels. |- | 4.15 || [ 2005-01-16] || remove width from GeomLine, etc. |- | 4.16 || [ 2005-02-24] || add TextureStage::rgb_scale, etc. |- | 4.17 || [ 2005-03-03] || add 3-d textures, etc. |- | 4.18 || [ 2005-04-05] || add RenderModeAttrib::perspective. |- | 4.19 || [ 2005-04-19] || add nonindexed qpgeom primitives. |- | 5.0 || [ 2005-05-06] || new Geom implementation. |- | 5.1 || [ 2005-07-14] || add TextureStage::_saved_result. |- | 5.2 || [ 2005-07-21] || add TransformState::is_2d. |- | 5.3 || [ 2005-08-25] || add ModelNode::_preserve_attributes. |- | 5.4 || [ 2005-09-27] || make SequenceNode inherit from AnimInterface. |- | 5.5 || [ 2005-12-22] || add Texture::_border_color. |- | 5.6 || [ 2006-01-14] || add Material::_name. |- | 6.0 || [ 2006-02-11] || factor out PandaNode::CData. |- | 6.1 || [ 2006-03-12] || add Texture::_compression. |- | 6.2 || [ 2006-03-17] || add PandaNode::_draw_control_mask. |- | 6.3 || [ 2006-03-21] || add Texture::_ram_images. |- | 6.4 || [ 2006-07-26] || add CharacterJoint::_character. |- | 6.5 || [ 2006-11-15] || add PartBundleNode::_num_bundles. |- | 6.6 || [ 2007-02-05] || change GeomPrimitive::_num_vertices. |- | 6.7 || [ 2007-02-15] || change SliderTable. |- | 6.8 || [ 2007-05-12] || change GeomVertexArrayData::_data. |- | 6.9 || [ 2007-05-15] || add PlaneNode::_clip_effect. |- | 6.10 || [ 2007-06-19] || properly write PartBundles. |- | 6.11 || [ 2007-06-20] || write frozen joints to PartGroups. |- | 6.12 || [ 2007-07-03] || rework control/frozen joints more. |- | 6.13 || [ 2007-08-15] || reverse CollisionPolygon vertices. |- | 6.14 || [ 2007-12-19] || change default ColorAttrib. |- | 6.15 || [ 2008-04-09] || add TextureAttrib::_implicit_sort. |- | 6.16 || [ 2008-05-13] || add Texture::_quality_level. |- | 6.17 || [ 2008-08-06] || add PartBundle::_anim_preload. |- | 6.18 || [ 2008-08-14] || add Texture::_simple_ram_image. |- | || [ 2008-08-14] || remove support for pre-6.14 bams |- | 6.19 || [ 2008-08-14] || add PandaNode::_bounds_type. |- | 6.20 || [ 2009-04-21] || add MovingPartBase::_forced_channel. |- | 6.21 || [ 2008-02-26] || add BamEnums::BamObjectCode. |- | 6.22 || [ 2009-07-31] || add UvScrollNode R speed. |- | 6.23 || [ 2010-05-04] || add internal TextureAttrib overrides. |- | 6.24 || [ 2010-05-04] || add internal TexMatrixAttrib overrides. |- | 6.25 || [ 2011-06-22] || add support for caching movie files. |- | 6.26 || [ 2011-08-05] || add multiview (stereo) Textures. |- | 6.27 || [ 2011-10-09] || add stdfloat_double. |- | 6.28 || [ 2011-11-28] || add Texture::_auto_texture_scale. |- | 6.29 || [ 2011-12-17] || add GeomVertexColumn::_column_alignment. |- | 6.30 || [ 2012-01-22] || add Texture::pad*_size. |- | 6.31 || [ 2012-02-16] || add DepthOffsetAttrib::_min_value, _max_value |- | 6.32 || [ 2012-06-11] || add Texture::_has_read_mipmaps. |- | 6.33 || [ 2013-08-17] || add UvScrollNode::_w_speed. |- | 6.34 || [ 2014-09-16] || add ScissorAttrib::_off. |- | 6.35 || [ 2014-12-03] || change StencilAttrib. |- | 6.36 || [ 2014-12-09] || add samplers and lod settings. |- | 6.37 || [ 2015-01-22] || add GeomVertexArrayFormat::_divisor. |- | 6.38 || [ 2015-04-15] || add various Bullet classes. |- | 6.39 || [ 2016-01-09] || change lights and materials. |- | 6.40 || [ 2016-01-11] || make NodePaths writable. |- | 6.41 || [ 2016-03-02] || change LensNode, Lens and Camera. |- | 6.42 || [ 2016-04-08] || expand ColorBlendAttrib. |}

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