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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Test to catch parquet-mr #12
public void testArrayOfRecords() throws Exception {
Schema innerRecord = Schema.createRecord("InnerRecord", null, null, false);
Schema optionalString = optional(Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING));
new Schema.Field("s1", optionalString, null, NullNode.getInstance()),
new Schema.Field("s2", optionalString, null, NullNode.getInstance())
Schema schema = Schema.createRecord("HasArray", null, null, false);
new Schema.Field("myarray", Schema.createArray(optional(innerRecord)),
null, NullNode.getInstance())
System.err.println("Avro schema: " + schema.toString(true));
testConversion(schema, "message HasArray {\n" +
" optional group myarray (LIST) {\n" +
" repeated group array {\n" +
" optional binary s1 (UTF8);\n" +
" optional binary s2 (UTF8);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public static Schema optional(Schema original) {
return Schema.createUnion(Lists.newArrayList(original,
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