Hey. So, we're writing because we're people who spend a lot of time in #jquery helping others -- people like you who are trying to get their bearings with jQuery or JavaScript or who are maybe struggling through some problem that's got them particularly stumped.
We've noticed that you've been kind of, well, dominating the channel a lot lately -- sort of like you're talking through every problem you're running into while you're working on your app, and sometimes repeating your inquiries when you don't get a response. We want to be helpful, we really do, but the constant stream of questions is ... well, it's led to a lot of us just tuning you out, and that's probably not what you want.
So: our biggest request is that you show a little more effort at working through your problems on your own, rather than announcing them in the channel shortly after you encounter them. Below are a few other suggestions; some are based on our experience, while others are from the excellent post about [help vampires](http://sla