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Created June 25, 2014 17:13
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// @class AESEncrypt
// @author Matt Borja
// @base
// @description This is a port of the EncryptedMapDecorator (with its fixes) from the ClearPass extensions for Jasig's Central Authentication Service (CAS)
public class AESProvider {
private const int AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 128; // Valid block sizes: 128; Refers to RijndaelManaged.LegalBlocksizes
public int AES_KEY_LENGTH = 256; // Valid key lengths: 128, 192, 256; Refers to RijndaelManaged.LegalKeysizes
private const int SALT_ITERATIONS = 65536;
private const int INTEGER_LEN = 4;
private const CipherMode CIPHER_MODE = CipherMode.CBC; // Valid options: CBC, CFB, CTS, ECB, OFB
private const PaddingMode PADDING_MODE = PaddingMode.PKCS7;
// @method StringToByteArray
// @param string hex
// @source
// @description Converts hex string back to byte array
public byte[] StringToByteArray(string hex)
byte[] bytes = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < hex.Length; i += 2)
bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16);
return bytes;
// @method SecureRandom
// @param int size
// @return byte[]
// @description Generates cryptographically strong sequence of random bytes of specified size.
public byte[] SecureRandom(int size)
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
return bytes;
// @method LegalKeyLength()
// @param int length
// @description Checks if length is a legal key size for use with AES128/192/256
public bool LegalKeyLength(int length)
return length == 128 || length == 192 || length == 256;
// @method GetSaltSize()
// @return int
// @description Get the minimum recommended byte length of salt based on AES_KEY_LENGTH (e.g. 128-bits or longer)
public int GetSaltLength()
return AES_KEY_LENGTH / 8;
// @method GetKeyLength()
// @return int
// @description Get the byte length of AES_KEY_LENGTH;
public int GetKeyLength()
return AES_KEY_LENGTH / 8;
// @method GetBlockSize()
// @return int
// @description Get the byte length of AES_BLOCK_SIZE
public static int GetBlockSize()
return AES_BLOCK_SIZE / 8;
// @method GetIVSize()
// @return int
// @description Get the byte length of IV based on AES_BLOCK_SIZE
public static int GetIVSize()
return GetBlockSize();
// @method GenerateIV
// @return byte[]
// @description Generates cryptographiaclly strong sequence of random bytes using GetIVSize()
public byte[] GenerateIV()
return SecureRandom(GetIVSize());
// @method GenerateSalt()
// @return byte[]
// @description Generates cryptographiaclly strong sequence of random bytes using GetSaltLength()
public byte[] GenerateSalt()
return SecureRandom(GetSaltLength());
// @method DeriveKey
// @param string passphrase
// @param byte[] salt
// @return byte[]
// @description Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF) based on Rfc2898DeriveBytes for the specified AES_KEY_LENGTH (e.g. AES-256 has a key length of 32 bytes)
public byte[] DeriveKey(string passphrase, byte[] salt)
return (new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(passphrase, salt, SALT_ITERATIONS)).GetBytes(AES_KEY_LENGTH / 8);
// @method Int2Byte
// @param int value
// @description Convert integer value to byte[] (
public static byte[] Int2Byte(int value)
byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return bytes;
// @method Byte2Int
// @param byte bytes
// @description Convert array of bytes back to integer (
public static int Byte2Int(byte[] bytes)
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
return BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0);
// @method Encrypt
// @param string plaintext
// @param string passphrase
// @param string passphrase salt (Base64 encoded)
// @return string
// @description Performs AES encryption on plaintext with PBKDF + IV, packs IV size, IV value, and ciphertext, and finally returns Base64 encoded string
public string Encrypt(string plaintext, string passphrase, string encoded_salt)
byte[] ciphertext;
byte[] iv = GenerateIV();
ciphertext = RawEncrypt(plaintext, DeriveKey(passphrase, System.Convert.FromBase64String(encoded_salt)), iv);
// Pack IV size, IV value, and ciphertext
byte[] packed = new byte[INTEGER_LEN + iv.Length + ciphertext.Length];
// Start packing
Array.Copy(Int2Byte(iv.Length), 0, packed, 0, INTEGER_LEN);
Array.Copy(iv, 0, packed, INTEGER_LEN, iv.Length);
Array.Copy(ciphertext, 0, packed, INTEGER_LEN + iv.Length, ciphertext.Length);
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(packed);
// @method RawEncrypt
// @param string plaintext
// @param string passphrase
// @param string passphrase salt (Base64 encoded)
// @return string
// @description Performs raw AES encryption on plaintext with PBKDF + IV, packs IV size, IV value, and ciphertext, and finally returns Base64 encoded string
public byte[] RawEncrypt(string plaintext, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
byte[] ciphertext;
RijndaelManaged aes = new RijndaelManaged();
aes.Mode = CIPHER_MODE;
aes.Padding = PADDING_MODE;
aes.KeySize = AES_KEY_LENGTH;
aes.BlockSize = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
aes.Key = key;
aes.IV = iv;
ICryptoTransform cipher = aes.CreateEncryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, cipher, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(cs))
ciphertext = ms.ToArray();
return ciphertext;
// @method ArraysCopyOfRange
// @param int index
// @param int length
// @description Port of Java's Arrays.copyOfRange to C# (
public static byte[] CopyOfRange(byte[] src, int start, int end) {
int len = end - start;
byte[] dest = new byte[len];
Array.Copy(src, start, dest, 0, len);
return dest;
// @method Decrypt
// @param string ciphertext (Base64 encoded)
// @param string passphrase
// @param string passphrase salt (Base64 encoded)
// @return string plaintext
// @description Performs AES decryption on ciphertext with: PBKDF + IV (extracted from ciphertext)
public string Decrypt(string encoded_ciphertext, string passphrase, string encoded_salt)
// Start unpacking
byte[] packed = System.Convert.FromBase64String(encoded_ciphertext);
int iv_size = Byte2Int(CopyOfRange(packed, 0, INTEGER_LEN));
byte[] iv_value = CopyOfRange(packed, INTEGER_LEN, INTEGER_LEN + iv_size);
byte[] ciphertext = CopyOfRange(packed, INTEGER_LEN + iv_size, packed.Length);
return RawDecrypt(ciphertext, DeriveKey(passphrase, System.Convert.FromBase64String(encoded_salt)), iv_value);
// @method RawDecrypt
// @param string ciphertext (Base64 encoded)
// @param string passphrase
// @param string passphrase salt (Base64 encoded)
// @return string plaintext
// @description Performs raw AES decryption on ciphertext with: PBKDF + IV (extracted from ciphertext)
public string RawDecrypt(byte[] ciphertext, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
string plaintext;
RijndaelManaged aes = new RijndaelManaged();
aes.Mode = CIPHER_MODE;
aes.Padding = PADDING_MODE;
aes.KeySize = AES_KEY_LENGTH;
aes.BlockSize = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
aes.Key = key;
aes.IV = iv;
ICryptoTransform decipher = aes.CreateDecryptor(aes.Key, aes.IV);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ciphertext))
using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, decipher, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(cs))
plaintext = sr.ReadToEnd();
return plaintext;
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