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Last active April 2, 2021 22:16
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Babashka version bump utility. Will increment semantic version in pom.xml and added a new structured changelog map to changelog file. File extension added for syntax highlighting, can remove.
#!/usr/bin/env bb
(defn inc-ver
[ver mode]
(let [[major minor bugfix] (map #(Integer. %) (clojure.string/split ver #"\."))
new-ver (case mode
:major [(inc major) 0 0]
:minor [major (inc minor) 0]
:bugfix [major minor (inc bugfix)])]
(clojure.string/join "." new-ver)))
(defn add-entry
[changelog mode]
{:version (-> changelog
(or "0.0.0")
(inc-ver mode))
:date (str (java.time.LocalDate/now))
:messages []}))
(defn update-changelog!
(spit "./CHANGELOG.edn" (-> (slurp "./CHANGELOG.edn")
(add-entry mode))))
(defn update-pom!
(spit "./pom.xml" (-> ( ( "./pom.xml"))
(update :content #(map
(fn [{:keys [tag content attrs] :as el}]
(if (= tag
(xml/element tag attrs (inc-ver (first content) mode))
el)) %))
(defn bump-vers!
(update-changelog! (keyword mode))
(update-pom! (keyword mode))
(println "Changelog and pom updated!"))
(bump-vers! *command-line-args*)
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