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Created November 15, 2019 10:03
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## This code makes this poster
make_poster <- function() {
library(tidyr); library(colorspace); library(
sysfonts); library(showtext); if( !file.exists(
"this_poster_is_made.png" ) ) { download.file(
"Rlogo.png", mode = "wb"); font_add_google(
"Finger Paint");R_logo<-load.image("Rlogo.png")
;poster_text <-capture.output(print(make_poster
)) ; poster_text <- poster_text[ -length(
poster_text)]; poster_text[ 1 ] <- paste0(
"make_poster <- ",poster_text[1]);poster_text<-
c("## This code makes this poster",poster_text,
"make_poster()") ; image_wid <- max( nchar(
poster_text)); image_ht <- length(poster_text)
R_logo <- resize(R_logo, image_wid, image_ht,
interpolation_type = 3) %>% as.raster() %>%
as.matrix() %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(y_val =
row_number( ) ) %>% gather( x_val, colour,
-y_val) %>% transform( x_val = gsub("V", "",
x_val) %>% as.numeric); poster_text <-strsplit(
poster_text, ""); letter_df <-lapply(seq_along(
poster_text), function(x) tibble( letter =
poster_text[[x]], x_val=seq_along(poster_text[[
x]]), y_val=x)) %>% bind_rows() %>% left_join(
R_logo); showtext_auto(); p <-ggplot(letter_df,
aes(x_val,y_val)) + geom_raster( aes( fill =
, colour = darken(colour,.2)), size=6, family =
"Finger Paint",fontface ="bold")+coord_equal()+
scale_color_identity() + scale_fill_identity()+
scale_y_reverse() + theme_void(); size_fact <-
0.1; ggsave("this_poster_is_made.png",p,height=
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