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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save rdinnager/da324a55c6c5bb7703fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rdinnager/da324a55c6c5bb7703fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Function to select colours from a palette by maximizing Mean Perceptual Distance (MPD)
#' Select colours from a palette to maximize perceptual distance between the colours
#' This function takes a palette as a character vector of hexidecimal colours, and returns a smaller palette,
#' attempting to maximize the mean perceptual distance (MPD) between the colours in the new palette. It uses CIELAB
#' colorspace to map colour to a perceptually meaningful scale before maximizing distances
#' @param pal A palette as a character vector containing hexidecimal coded colours
#' @param sat.thresh Minimum saturation of colours in resulting palette (between 0 and 1)
#' @param light.thresh Maximum luminosity of colours in resulting palette (between 0 and 1)
#' @param sat.thresh Minimum luminosity of colours in resulting palette (between 0 and 1)
#' @param nreps The number of samples of the new colour palette to perform for brute force optimization of MPD
#' @param ncolours The number of colours to select for the new palette
#' @param nreturn The number of palettes to return
#' \value{ If nreturn > 1 then a list of length nreturn, each element of which is a character vector of length ncolours consisting of hexidecimal colour codes,
#' else a character vector of length ncolours consisting of hexidecimal colour codes }
mpd_select_colours <- function(pal, sat.thresh = NULL, light.thresh = NULL, dark.thresh = NULL, nreps = 10000, ncolours = ceiling(length(pal)/2), nreturn = 1) {
if (ncolours > length(pal)) {
stop("Number of colours to select must be less than the total number of colours in the palette")
if (ncolours < 2) {
stop("You must select at least two colours")
## convert hex colours to RGB space
cols <- hex2RGB(pal, gamma = TRUE)
rownames(cols@coords) <- pal
## get rid of low saturation colours if desired
if (!is.null(sat.thresh)) {
cols <- cols[coords(as(cols, "HLS"))[,3] > sat.thresh,]
## convert colours to CIELAB colorspace
cols.LAB <- coords(as(cols, "LAB"))
## get rid of light colours if desired
if (!is.null(light.thresh)) {
## convert light thresholds from proportions into L*A*B* scale
light.thresh <- ceiling((1-light.thresh)*100)
cols.LAB <- cols.LAB[cols.LAB[,1] < light.thresh,]
## get rid of dark colours if desired
if (!is.null(dark.thresh)) {
## convert light thresholds from proportions into L*A*B* scale (perceptual)
dark.thresh <- ceiling(dark.thresh*100)
cols.LAB <- cols.LAB[cols.LAB[,1] > dark.thresh,]
if (nrow(cols.LAB) < 2) {
stop("Too few colours after thresholding")
## generate distances between all colours in perceptual space
col_dists <- dist(cols.LAB)
## randomly sample nreps palettes of ncolours
col_samp <- t(replicate(nreps, as.numeric((rownames(cols.LAB) %in% sample(rownames(cols.LAB),ncolours)))))
colnames(col_samp) <- rownames(cols.LAB)
## calculate MPD: Mean Phylogenetic Distance, which happens to have the same acronym as Mean Perceptual Distance :)
col_mpd <- mpd(col_samp, as.matrix(col_dists))
## take indices of only unique values of MPD
col_unique <- which(duplicated(col_mpd)==FALSE)
## return top nreturn palettes in a list
if (nreturn > length(col_unique)) {
warning("There were fewer than nreturn palettes generated; Returning all palettes")
new_pals_index <- apply(col_samp[col_unique,], 1, function(x) x==1)
new_pals <- apply(new_pals_index, 2, function(x) rownames(new_pals_index)[x])
new_pals <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(new_pals)), function(x) new_pals[,x])
} else {
col_unique <- col_unique[rank(-col_mpd[col_unique]) <= nreturn]
if (nreturn > 1) {
new_pals_index <- apply(col_samp[col_unique,], 1, function(x) x==1)
new_pals <- apply(new_pals_index, 2, function(x) rownames(new_pals_index)[x])
new_pals <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(new_pals)), function(x) new_pals[,x])
} else {
new_pals_index <- col_samp[col_unique,]==1
new_pals <- names(new_pals_index)[new_pals_index]
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On line 70, it's possible that new_pals is set to a list object instead of a matrix as line 71 expects. This will cause an error since ncol() on a list object returns NULL. The problem I noticed is that sometimes the length of the rownames that are true is > ncolours. I fixed this in my local environment by changing line 70 to:

new_pals <- apply(new_pals_index, 2, function(x) rownames(new_pals_index)[x][1:ncolours])

I guess this also happens on line 64-65. Probably there is a better solution than this though.

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