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Created February 1, 2017 09:26
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Clockwork RNNs in TensorFlow
class ClockworkLayer(RNNLayer):
""" A clockwork RNN layer.
As done in the original paper, we restrict ourselves to an exponential
series of periods. As noted in the paper, this lets W_H and W_I be
contiguous, and the implementation is therefore much simpler.
This is based on Jan Koutnik et al.: A Clockwork RNN.
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.3511. 2014.
See `RNNLayer`.
num_periods: An integer. The periods will be `2 ** np.arange(num_periods)`.
8 by default.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('num_periods', 8)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _compute_states(self):
units_per_period, remainder = divmod(self.num_hidden_units, self.num_periods)
if remainder != 0:
raise ValueError('Current implementation requires num_hidden_units to be divisible by num_periods.')
_inputs = tf.transpose(self.inputs, [1, 0, 2])
x_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length).unstack(_inputs)
h_ta = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=self.length)
def cond(t, h, h_ta):
return tf.less(t, self.length)
def body(t, h, h_ta):
x =
num_units, input_size = self.num_hidden_units, self.input_size
periods = tf.constant(2 ** np.arange(self.num_periods), dtype=tf.int32)
# We need to transpose everything in Figure 2 of the paper.
weight_mask = utils.block_triu_mask(units_per_period, self.num_periods).T
weight_mask = tf.constant(weight_mask, dtype=tf.float32)
active_period_mask = tf.to_int32(tf.equal(tf.mod(t, periods), 0))
num_active_periods = tf.reduce_sum(active_period_mask)
num_active_units = num_active_periods * units_per_period
W_h = tf.get_variable('W_h', shape=[num_units, num_units], initializer=self.non_square_initializer)
W_x = tf.get_variable('W_x', shape=[input_size, num_units], initializer=self.non_square_initializer)
b = tf.get_variable('b', shape=[num_units], initializer=self.bias_initializer)
# W_h was created fully for simplicity and efficiency, but only its
# lower-block-triangular version stores clockwork parameters.
W_h = weight_mask * W_h
# Shutting off parts of h is handled using the W_h mask above. Therefore
# we will always multiply by all of h (and therefore use the entire first
# axis of W_h). None of x is ever shut off, so we do the same. Finally,
# we only want outputs for active states, which correspond to the left
# sides of W_h, W_x, and b.
W_h = W_h[:, :num_active_units]
W_x = W_x[:, :num_active_units]
b = b[:num_active_units]
h_new_active = self.activation(tf.matmul(h, W_h) + tf.matmul(x, W_x) + b)
h_new_inactive = h[:, num_active_units:]
h_new = tf.concat_v2([h_new_active, h_new_inactive], axis=1)
h_new = tf.reshape(h_new, [self.batch_size, self.num_hidden_units])
h_ta_new = h_ta.write(t, h_new)
return t + 1, h_new, h_ta_new
t = tf.constant(0)
h = tf.squeeze(self.initial_states, [1])
_, _, h_ta = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [t, h, h_ta])
states = tf.transpose(h_ta.stack(), [1, 0, 2], name='states')
outputs = tf.identity(states, name='outputs')
return outputs, states
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