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Last active February 22, 2024 08:27
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From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordUpdate.
From stdpp Require Import gmap.
From TLA Require Import logic.
Module OneBit.
Inductive pc := ncs | wait | w2 | w3 | w4 | cs | exit.
Inductive threads := t0 | t1.
Local Open Scope positive.
Instance threads_eqdecision : EqDecision threads.
Program Instance threads_countable : Countable threads := {|
encode t := match t with t0 => 1 | t1 => 2 end;
decode t := Some match t return threads with 1 => t0 | _ => t1 end
Next Obligation. by intros []. Qed.
Record state := mkState
thpc : gmap threads pc;
thflag : gmap threads bool;
Instance _eta : Settable _ := settable! mkState <thpc; thflag>.
Definition init (s: state) :=
(forall t : threads, s.(thpc) !! t = Some ncs)
/\ (forall t : threads, s.(thflag) !! t = Some false).
Definition pc_ncs (t: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! t = Some ncs /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ t := wait ]> |>.
Definition pc_wait (t: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! t = Some wait /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ t := w2 ]> |>
<| thflag ::= <[ t := true ]> |>.
Definition pc_w2 (t: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => (
t = t0 /\
s.(thpc) !! t = Some w2 /\
s.(thflag) !! t1 = Some false /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ t := cs ]> |>
t = t1 /\
s.(thpc) !! t = Some w2 /\
s.(thflag) !! t0 = Some true /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ t1 := w3 ]> |>
t = t1 /\
s.(thpc) !! t = Some w2 /\
s.(thflag) !! t0 = Some false /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ t1 := cs ]> |>
Definition pc_w3 (th: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! th = Some w3 /\
s' = s <| thflag ::= <[ t1 := false]> |>
<| thpc ::= <[ th := w4 ]> |>.
Definition pc_w4 (th: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! th = Some w4 /\
s.(thflag) !! t0 = Some false /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ th := wait ]> |>.
Definition pc_cs (th: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! th = Some cs /\
s' = s <| thpc ::= <[ th := exit ]> |>.
Definition pc_exit (th: threads) : action state :=
fun s s' => s.(thpc) !! th = Some exit /\
s' = s <| thflag ::= <[ th := false]> |>
<| thpc ::= <[ th := ncs ]> |>.
Definition pnext : action state :=
fun s s' => (
exists th, pc_wait th s s' \/
pc_w2 th s s' \/
pc_w3 th s s' \/
pc_w4 th s s' \/
pc_cs th s s' \/
pc_exit th s s'
Definition next : action state :=
fun s s' => (exists th, pc_ncs th s s') \/ pnext s s' \/ s = s'.
Definition OBFair := weak_fairness pnext.
Definition spec : predicate state :=
⌜init⌝ ∧ □⟨next⟩ ∧ OBFair.
Hint Unfold init next pc_ncs pc_wait
pc_w2 pc_w3 pc_w4 pc_cs pc_exit pnext: stm.
Ltac lookup_simp :=
match goal with
| H: _ |- _ => rewrite lookup_insert in H
| H: _ |- _ => rewrite -> lookup_insert_ne in H by congruence
| _ => rewrite lookup_insert
| _ => rewrite -> lookup_insert_ne by congruence
try congruence.
Ltac threads_simp :=
match goal with
| th: threads |- _ => destruct th
try congruence.
Ltac stm_simp :=
autounfold with stm in *;
intros; (intuition (repeat deex; subst; trivial));
repeat deex;
repeat (match goal with
| s: state |- _ => (destruct s; cbn in * )
| H: ?x = ?x |- _ => clear H
| H: @eq state (mkState _ _) (mkState _ _) |- _ =>
invc H; cbn in *
| H: context[@set state _ _ _ _ _] |- _ =>
progress (unfold set in H; simpl in H)
| H: @eq bool _ _ |- _ => solve [ inversion H ]
| _ => progress (unfold set; simpl)
| _ => progress lookup_simp
| _ => progress threads_simp
| _ => progress cbn in *
Ltac stm :=
try solve [ intuition (repeat deex; eauto) ];
try congruence.
Definition ind_invariant : state -> Prop :=
fun s => (forall th, s.(thpc) !! th = Some w2
\/ s.(thpc) !! th = Some cs
-> s.(thflag) !! th = Some true)
/\ (forall th, s.(thpc) !! th = Some cs ->
(forall th2, th2 <> th
-> s.(thpc) !! th2 <> Some cs))
/\ (forall th, s.(thpc) !! th = Some w3
\/ s.(thpc) !! th = Some w4 -> th <> t0).
Lemma ind_invariant_lemma :
spec ⊢ □⌜ind_invariant⌝.
rewrite /spec. tla_clear OBFair.
apply init_invariant.
+ stm.
unfold ind_invariant.
- stm.
- stm.
+ intros s s' H1 H2.
unfold next in H2.
destruct H2 as [H2 | H3].
- destruct H2 as [th H2]; stm; unfold ind_invariant in *; stm.
- destruct H3 as [H3 | H4].
{ stm; unfold ind_invariant in *; repeat split; stm.
+ pose proof (H4 t0 (or_introl H0)).
pose proof (H3 eq_refl). contradiction.
+ pose proof (H4 t0 (or_introl H0)).
pose proof (H3 eq_refl). contradiction.
+ pose proof (H4 t1 (or_intror H0)).
rewrite -> H7 in H. inversion H.
+ pose proof (H4 t1 (or_intror H3)).
rewrite -> H7 in H. inversion H.
+ pose proof (H4 t0 (or_intror H3)).
rewrite -> H0 in H7. inversion H7.
+ pose proof (H4 t0 (or_intror H0)).
rewrite -> H3 in H7. inversion H7.
-- rewrite -> H4 in H1. exact H1.
Definition safety : state -> Prop :=
fun s => (forall th, s.(thpc) !! th = Some cs ->
(forall th2, th2 <> th
-> s.(thpc) !! th2 <> Some cs)).
Theorem safety_theorem :
spec ⊢ □⌜safety⌝.
rewrite ind_invariant_lemma.
apply always_impl_proper.
unseal. intros H.
unfold ind_invariant in H.
unfold safety.
apply H.
End OneBit.
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