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Last active November 29, 2023 11:20
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Haunted puzzles (by KrazyDad) solved in ASP
#const n = 4.
% count(X, Y, N) - Number of ghoulish fiends (N) visible from X, Y.
% Grid is extended to include 0th and (n + 1)th row as well as 0th and (n + 1)th column
count(0, 1, 0). count(0, 2, 2). count(0, 3, 2). count(0, 4, 3).
count(1, 0, 2). count(2, 0, 1). count(3, 0, 2). count(4, 0, 0).
count(5, 1, 1). count(5, 2, 1). count(5, 3, 1). count(5, 4, 2).
count(1, 5, 1). count(2, 5, 1). count(3, 5, 2). count(4, 5, 1).
% mirror(X, Y, T) - There is mirror of type T on X, Y.
mirror(1, 4, "/").
mirror(2, 1, "\\"). mirror(2, 4, "/").
mirror(3, 2, "/"). mirror(3, 3, "/").
mirror(4, 2, "\\"). mirror(4, 3, "\\").
% number of ghosts, draculas and zombies on grid.
import clingo.ast
import clingo.symbol
import clingox.ast
import itertools
def get_direction(r, c, n):
if r == 0: return "S"
if r == n + 1: return "N"
if c == 0: return "E"
if c == n + 1: return "W"
def get_displacement(dir):
if dir == "N": return (-1, 0)
if dir == "E": return (0, 1)
if dir == "S": return (1, 0)
if dir == "W": return (0, -1)
def reflect_direction(dir, mirror):
if mirror == "/":
return { "S" : "W", "E" : "N", "N" : "E", "W" : "S" }[dir]
if mirror == "\\":
return { "S" : "E", "N" : "W", "E" : "S", "W" : "N" }[dir]
def visibility(n, r, c, mirror_loc):
cr, cc, dir = r, c, get_direction(r, c, n)
dr, dc = get_displacement(dir)
cr, cc = cr + dr, cc + dc
direct, mirror, through_mirror = [], [], False
while 1 <= cr <= n and 1 <= cc <= n:
if through_mirror:
mirror.append((cr, cc, dir))
direct.append((cr, cc, dir))
if (cr, cc) in mirror_loc:
through_mirror = True
dir = reflect_direction(dir, mirror_loc[(cr, cc)])
dr, dc = get_displacement(dir)
cr, cc = cr + dr, cc + dc
return direct, mirror
def build_rule_ast(name, arguments):
position = clingo.ast.Position("<generated>", 0, 0)
location = clingo.ast.Location(position, position)
arguments = list(map(lambda x : clingo.ast.SymbolicTerm(location, x), arguments))
function = clingo.ast.Function(location, name, arguments, False)
atom = clingo.ast.SymbolicAtom(function)
literal = clingo.ast.Literal(location, clingo.ast.Sign.NoSign, atom)
return clingo.ast.Rule(location, literal, [])
def main(ctl):
statements = []
lambda st: statements.append(st)
with clingo.ast.ProgramBuilder(ctl) as b:
for st in statements:
mirror_loc = []
for st in statements:
if st.ast_type != clingo.ast.ASTType.Rule:
ast_dict = clingox.ast.ast_to_dict(st)
if ast_dict["head"]["atom"]["symbol"]["name"] != "mirror":
arguments = ast_dict["head"]["atom"]["symbol"]["arguments"]
arguments = map(lambda x: clingox.ast.dict_to_ast(x), arguments)
r, c, t = map(lambda x: dict(x.items())["symbol"], arguments)
mirror_loc.append(((r.number, c.number), t.string))
n = ctl.get_const("n").number
lookouts = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
[[(0, i), (n+1, i), (i, 0), (i, n+1)] for i in range(1, n+1)])
for i, j in lookouts:
direct, mirror = visibility(n, i, j, dict(mirror_loc))
with clingo.ast.ProgramBuilder(ctl) as b:
for (r, c, d) in direct:
[clingo.symbol.Number(i), clingo.symbol.Number(j),
clingo.symbol.Number(r), clingo.symbol.Number(c),
for (r, c, d) in mirror:
[clingo.symbol.Number(i), clingo.symbol.Number(j),
clingo.symbol.Number(r), clingo.symbol.Number(c),
ctl.ground([("base", [])])
grid(X, Y) :- X = 1..n, Y = 1..n.
{ ghost(X, Y) : grid(X, Y) } = N :- ghost(N).
{ dracula(X, Y) : grid(X, Y) } = N :- dracula(N).
{ zombie(X, Y) : grid(X, Y) } = N :- zombie(N).
:- ghost(X, Y), mirror(X, Y, T).
:- dracula(X, Y), mirror(X, Y, T).
:- zombie(X, Y), mirror(X, Y, T).
:- ghost(X, Y), dracula(X, Y).
:- ghost(X, Y), zombie(X, Y).
:- dracula(X, Y), zombie(X, Y).
ghost(X, Y, N) :- count(X, Y, TN),
N = #count { GX, GY, D : mirror_visible(X, Y, GX, GY, D), ghost(GX, GY) }.
dracula(X, Y, N) :- count(X, Y, TN),
N = #count { DX, DY, D : direct_visible(X, Y, DX, DY, D), dracula(DX, DY) }.
zombie(X, Y, N1 + N2) :- count(X, Y, TN),
N1 = #count { ZX, ZY, D : mirror_visible(X, Y, ZX, ZY, D), zombie(ZX, ZY) },
N2 = #count { ZX, ZY, D : direct_visible(X, Y, ZX, ZY, D), zombie(ZX, ZY) }.
:- count(X, Y, N), ghost(X, Y, G), dracula(X, Y, D), zombie(X, Y, Z), N != G + D + Z.
#show ghost/2.
#show dracula/2.
#show zombie/2.
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rdivyanshu commented Nov 9, 2023


clingo version 5.6.2
Reading from solution.lp
Answer: 1
zombie(1,2) zombie(1,3) zombie(4,4) dracula(2,2) dracula(2,3) dracula(3,1) dracula(3,4) ghost(1,1) ghost(4,1)

Models       : 1+
Calls        : 1
Time         : 0.071s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 0.071s

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