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Created February 16, 2014 21:42
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Save rdm/9041044 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Draft nif handling code. Parses nif.xml and some Morrowing nif files
NB. roughly patterened after
NB. you should not expect to read this any faster than you read the whole of PyFFI
NB. and if you are new to J you should also expect to spend some time learning the language
NB. recommendation: take breaks occasionally, play with this, try to make it fun
require '~user/nifxml.ijs'
coinsert 'nifxml' NB. for cond expressions
NB. FIXME: do not inherit from nifxml - factor out the expr support
NB. FIXME: most of this nif.ijs should be factored out into readnif.ijs which inherits from nif.ijs
NB. extract crude definition from nif.xml
readdef=: extract_nifxml_&'~user/nif.xml'
NB. cached variant, also boxes crue definition
getdef=:3 :0
nams=. ;:^:(0=L.) y
mask=. -. nams e. defNAMES
vals=. readdef&.> mask#nams
defNAMES=: defNAMES, mask#nams
defVALUES=: defVALUES, vals
(defNAMES i. nams) { defVALUES
defNAMES=: ''
defVALUES=: ''
NB. ----------------- scratch -------------------------------------------
NB. get name of every definition to complete the named crude definition
depends=: ''1 :(0 :0-.LF)
;:inv @~. @:(
, [: ; (
e.& (;:'inherit type niflibtype storage')@[ # ]
)/ @|: @; @(
1&{ , 1 {::each 2&{::
) @; ^:(1 < L.) @getdef&.>
) @;: ^:_
NB. get the leaf node definitions
NB. we must generate manual definitions for all of these
primitives=: (/: toupper)@: >@ ~.@ (#~ (1 = #@;:@depends&>))@ ;:@ depends
primitives=: (/: toupper)@: >@ ~.@ (;: #~ (<<'basic') = [: {.&.> getdef)@ depends
NB. clear out dev junk
erase 'read_'names''
lr=:3 :'5!:5 <''y'''
readinherit=:''1 :(0 :0-.LF)
[ (] 1:@".@, '=.', lr@[)&>/
NB. from nif file name get J array
read_nif=:3 :0
READNIF=: fread y
assert. _1 ~: READNIF [ 'does file exist?'
POS=: 0
headerstring=. 40 read_char ''
version=. read_int ''
assert. version = Version_nifxml_
numblocks=. read_int ''
DATANIF=: (<(".&.> ,: ]) ;:'headerstring version numblocks'),:<'Header'
for_block.i. numblocks do.
DATANIF=: DATANIF,.(read_block block);block
read_block=: 3 :0
type=. read_string''
type build_reader
build_reader=: 1 :0
type=. m
reader=. 'read_',type
if. 3 = nc <reader do. reader return. end.
'base overview detail'=. ,>getdef m
select. base
case. 'basic' do. assert. 0-:'fail' [smoutput m
case. 'compound' do. m build_compound
case. 'enum' do. m build_enum
case. 'niobject' do. m build_compound
fixexpr=: fixcondexp@;
build_compound=:1 :0
'base overview detail'=. ,>getdef m
def=. ' r=. i.2 0',LF
if. 'enum'-: base do.
if. #inherit=. ;(#~ e.&(<'inherit'))~/|:overview do.
def=. ' readinherit r=. read_',(inherit),'''''',LF
inherit build_reader
for_add. detail do.
recipe=. |:1 {::,>add
type=. ;(#~ e.&(<'type'))~/recipe
type build_reader
label=. ' '-.~;(#~ e.&(<'name'))~/recipe
arr2=. (,'*'#~0<#) fixexpr (#~ e.&(<'arr2'))~/recipe
arr1=. ,&arr2 (,'*'#~0<#) fixexpr (#~ e.&(<'arr1'))~/recipe
if. #cond=. fixexpr (#~ e.&(<'cond'))~/recipe do.
def=. def,' r=. r,.(',label,'=. (',arr1,'{.',cond,') read_',type,''''');''',label,'''',LF
arr=. ('(',')',~])^:('*'e.]) _1}.arr1
def=. def,' r=. r,.(',label,'=. ',arr,' read_',type,''''');''',label,'''',LF
def=. def,':',LF,' r=. x read_',m,' Repeated ''''',LF
smoutput '''',m,''' defRD (3 :0)',LF,def,')',LF
m defRD (3 :def)
Repeated=:1 :0
u y
select. {.x
case. 0 do. i.0
case. 1 do. u y
case. do. u&> x#<y
build_enum=:1 :0
'base overview detail'=. ,>getdef m
fetcher=. 'read_',;(#~ e.&(<'storage'))~/@|: overview
enum=. >1{&>,detail
values=. 0".>, (#~ e.&(<'value'))~/@|:"2 enum
names=. , (#~ e.&(<'name'))~/@|:"2 enum
data=. names values} a:#~1+>./values
smoutput '''',m,''' defRD ((<;._2]0 :0) {~ ',fetcher,')',LF,(;data,each LF),')',LF
m defRD ((names values} a:#~1+>./values) {~ fetcher~)
NB. ------------- primitive defs ----------------
NB. assumed globals:
READNIF=: '' NB. is read or mapped from file
POS=: 0 NB. marks next unread byte
defRD=: 2 :0
('read_',m)=: v
NB. readers - left argument of dyad is vector length to read
'char' defRD (3 :0)
'byte' defRD (a.i.read_char)
ic=: 3!:4
'Flags' defRD (3 :0)
(POS=:POS+2) ] {. 0 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2
(POS=:POS+2*x) ] 0 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2*x
fc=: 3!:5
'float' defRD (3 :0)
(POS=:POS+4) ] {. _1 fc READNIF {~ POS+i.4
(POS=:POS+4*x) ] _1 fc READNIF {~ POS+i.4*x
'IndexString' defRD [: NB. don't ask
'int' defRD (3 :0)
(POS=:POS+4) ] {. _2 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.4
(POS=:POS+4*x) ] _2 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.4*x
NB. bools have a dual existence:
NB. a true/false value (a count - 0 or 1 times)
NB. a literal value (an arbitrary number)
'bool' defRD ((,"0~*)@read_int)
'NiObject' defRD ((i.2 0)"_)
'Ptr' defRD read_int
'Ref' defRD read_int
'short' defRD (3 :0)
(POS=:POS+2) ] {. _1 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2
(POS=:POS+2*x) ] _1 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2*x
'ushort' defRD (3 :0)
(POS=:POS+2) ] {. 0 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2
(POS=:POS+2*x) ] 0 ic READNIF {~ POS+i.2*x
'unsigned' defRD ((2^32) | read_int)
'uint' defRD read_unsigned
NB. special compound (or other) defs
'SizedString' defRD (3 :0)
length=. read_int ''
value=. length read_char ''
NB. boxing needed to preserve length of strings
x <@read_SizedString Repeated ''
'string' defRD read_SizedString
'NiGeometryData' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiObject''
r=. r,.(NumVertices=. read_ushort'');'NumVertices' NB. avoid NiPSysData bogosity
r=. r,.(HasVertices=. read_bool'');'HasVertices'
r=. r,.(Vertices=. (NumVertices*{.HasVertices) read_Vector3'');'Vertices'
r=. r,.(HasNormals=. read_bool'');'HasNormals'
r=. r,.(Normals=. (NumVertices*{.HasNormals) read_Vector3'');'Normals'
r=. r,.(Center=. read_Vector3'');'Center'
r=. r,.(Radius=. read_float'');'Radius'
r=. r,.(HasVertexColors=. read_bool'');'HasVertexColors'
r=. r,.(VertexColors=. (NumVertices*{.HasVertexColors) read_Color4'');'VertexColors'
r=. r,.(NumUVSets=. read_ushort'');'NumUVSets'
r=. r,.(HasUV=. read_bool'');'HasUV'
r=. r,.(UVSets=. (((NumUVSets bAnd 63) bOr (BSNumUVSets bAnd 1))*NumVertices) read_TexCoord'');'UVSets'
r=. x read_NiGeometryData Repeated ''
NB. 'NiTriShapeData' defRD (3 :0)
NB. readinherit r=. read_NiGeometryData''
NB. r=. r,.(NumTriangles=. read_ushort'');'NumTriangles'
NB. r=. r,.(NumTrianglePoints=. read_uint'');'NumTrianglePoints'
NB. r=. r,.(Triangles=. NumTriangles read_Triangle'');'Triangles'
NB. r=. r,.(NumMatchGroups=. read_ushort'');'NumMatchGroups'
NB. r=. r,.(MatchGroups=. NumMatchGroups read_MatchGroup'');'MatchGroups'
NB. :
NB. r=. x read_NiTriShapeData Repeated ''
NB. )
NB. names would be: u v
'TexCoord' defRD ((2 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. autogenerated version from nif.xml
NB. fails because of name conflict on 'r'
'Color3' defRD (3 :0)
r=. i.2 0
r=. r,.(r=. read_float'');'r'
r=. r,.(g=. read_float'');'g'
r=. r,.(b=. read_float'');'b'
r=. x read_Color3 Repeated ''
'Color3' defRD ((3 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. similar name conflict with r g b a
'Color4' defRD ((4 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. efficient version
NB. labels would have been v1 v2 v3
'Triangle' defRD ((3 read_ushort ]) Repeated)
NB. efficient version
NB. labels would have been: x y z
'Vector3' defRD ((3 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. efficient version
NB. labels would have been:
NB. m11 m12 m13
NB. m21 m22 m23
NB. m31 m32 m33
'Matrix33' defRD ((3 3 |:@$ 9 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. autogenerated version from nif.xml
'Matrix22' defRD (3 :0)
r=. i.2 0
r=. r,.(m11=. read_float'');'m11'
r=. r,.(m21=. read_float'');'m21'
r=. r,.(m12=. read_float'');'m12'
r=. r,.(m22=. read_float'');'m22'
r=. x read_Matrix22 Repeated ''
NB. efficient version
NB. labels would have been:
NB. m11 m12
NB. m21 m22
'Matrix22' defRD ((2 2 |:@$ 4 read_float ]) Repeated)
NB. work around pythonesque warts
HasUnknown2Texture=: 0
BSNumUVSets=: 0
NB. ------------------- cached copies of autogenerated code -----------
NB. included here for speed and/or illustration purposes
'NiObjectNET' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiObject''
r=. r,.(Name=. read_string'');'Name'
r=. r,.(ExtraData=. read_Ref'');'ExtraData'
r=. r,.(Controller=. read_Ref'');'Controller'
r=. x read_NiObjectNET Repeated ''
'BoundingBox' defRD (3 :0)
r=. i.2 0
r=. r,.(UnknownInt=. read_uint'');'UnknownInt'
r=. r,.(Translation=. read_Vector3'');'Translation'
r=. r,.(Rotation=. read_Matrix33'');'Rotation'
r=. r,.(Radius=. read_Vector3'');'Radius'
r=. x read_BoundingBox Repeated ''
'NiAVObject' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiObjectNET''
r=. r,.(Flags=. read_Flags'');'Flags'
r=. r,.(Translation=. read_Vector3'');'Translation'
r=. r,.(Rotation=. read_Matrix33'');'Rotation'
r=. r,.(Scale=. read_float'');'Scale'
r=. r,.(Velocity=. read_Vector3'');'Velocity'
r=. r,.(NumProperties=. read_uint'');'NumProperties'
r=. r,.(Properties=. (NumProperties) read_Ref'');'Properties'
r=. r,.(HasBoundingBox=. read_bool'');'HasBoundingBox'
r=. r,.(BoundingBox=. ({.(HasBoundingBox)) read_BoundingBox'');'BoundingBox'
r=. x read_NiAVObject Repeated ''
'NiNode' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiAVObject''
r=. r,.(NumChildren=. read_uint'');'NumChildren'
r=. r,.(Children=. (NumChildren) read_Ref'');'Children'
r=. r,.(NumEffects=. read_uint'');'NumEffects'
r=. r,.(Effects=. (NumEffects) read_Ref'');'Effects'
r=. x read_NiNode Repeated ''
'NiGeometry' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiAVObject''
r=. r,.(Data=. read_Ref'');'Data'
r=. r,.(SkinInstance=. read_Ref'');'SkinInstance'
r=. x read_NiGeometry Repeated ''
'NiTriBasedGeom' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiGeometry''
r=. x read_NiTriBasedGeom Repeated ''
'NiTriShape' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiTriBasedGeom''
r=. x read_NiTriShape Repeated ''
'NiProperty' defRD (3 :0)
readinherit r=. read_NiObjectNET''
r=. x read_NiProperty Repeated ''
'ApplyMode' defRD ((<;._2]0 :0) {~ read_uint)
'TexClampMode' defRD ((<;._2]0 :0) {~ read_uint)
NB. ------------------ test on load
0 0 $ read_nif '~user\furniture\unpack\Furn_OrcLC_Table01.nif'
NB. needs file from
require 'xml/sax/x2j regex'
x2jclass 'nifxml'
extract=:4 :0
Name=: x
process fread y
NB. nif versioning:
vton=: 256 #. '.' 0&".;._1@, ]
Version=: vton '' NB. Morrowind
UserVersion=: 0
UserVersion2=: 0
'Items' x2jDefn NB. dispatch xml event handlers
/ := Result : Result=: ''
compound := defEnd y : x defStart y
basic := defEnd y : x defStart y
bitflags := defEnd y : x defStart y
enum := defEnd y : x defStart y
niobject := defEnd y : x defStart y
add := aEnd y : x aStart y
add := aChr y
option := aEnd y : x aStart y
option := aChr y
NB. --------- "low level" implementation --------
Interesting=: 0
ver1=: (>: vton)`1:@.(-:&_1@]) atr bind 'ver1'
ver2=: (<: vton)`1:@.(-:&_1@]) atr bind 'ver2'
NB. ------- "glue" ------------------------------
defStart=:4 :0 NB. event handlers for <compound>
if. Name -: atr 'name' do.
Interesting=: 1
if. Interesting do.
Element=: y;<attributes x
Attributes=: i.0 1
defEnd=:3 :0
if. Interesting do.
Result=: Result,Element,<Attributes
Interesting=: 0
NB. translate a python expression to a J expression
NB. this is necessarily a heuristic with limited power
NB. FIXME: this really belongs in its own locale so it can be inherited without dragging along everything in nifxml
bAnd=: 17 b.
bOr=: 23 b.
verpat=: rxcomp '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+'
fixcondexp=:3 :0
expr=. ('<=';'<:';'>=';'>:';'==';'=';'||';'+.';'&&';'*.';'!';'-.';'&';' bAnd ';'|';' bOr ') stringreplace y -.' '
('(',')',~])^:(0<#) verpat ('(vton ''',''')',~]) rxapply expr
validVer=:3 :0
if. _1-: y do. 1 return.end.
expr=. fixcondexp y
aStart=:4 :0 NB. event handlers for <add>
if. WasInteresting=: Interesting do.
if. Interesting=: (ver1 * ver2) Version do.
if. Interesting=: validVer atr 'vercond' do.
if. Interesting=: _1=atr 'userver' do.
Attribute=: y;<attributes x
Comment=: ''
aEnd=:3 :0
if. Interesting do.
Attributes=: Attributes,<Attribute,<Comment
Interesting=: WasInteresting
aChr=:3 :0
if. Interesting do.
Comment=: Comment,y
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rdm commented Feb 16, 2014

This generates a file named DATANIF which represents the data from the file. In the furniture example (loaded at the bottom of the first .ijs file), I get:

2 12

440 2675

So this is a small example. The code a bit crude in spots, but I much prefer refining working code than I do refining non-working code.

Next, I need to do some refactoring and also write the file back out. If I do everything right (according to my concept of "right") the generated file will identically match the original file. If I do it wrong and have a lossy transform I will consider that an error.

And I have a variety of further stages also planned. This file handling stuff is just preparation for some later tools.

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