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Created November 16, 2017 15:28
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# coding: utf-8
# This uses DWD data (Temp, Humidity, Wind, Solar) to Calculate ETo
# Then compares it against the ETo given by DWD. The hope is to check
# whether the OwnData_ETo script is sufficiently good.
# In[122]:
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
wkdir = 'C:/Users/MAR8RNG/Desktop/dwdata_ETo/'
txt_list = [i for i in os.listdir(wkdir) if 'derived' not in i]
dwd_eto = [i for i in os.listdir(wkdir) if 'derived' in i]
for txt in txt_list:
if 'pressure' in txt:
with open(txt) as f:
'in pressure'
df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter=';')
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MESS_DATUM'], format='%Y%m%d%H')
df.drop(['MESS_DATUM', 'STATIONS_ID', 'QN_8', 'eor'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df[df['DateTime'] > '2017']
#hectopascals to kilopascals conversion
df['P'] = df['P']/10
df['P0'] = df['P0']/10
df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
'press df'
if 'wind' in txt:
'in wind'
with open(txt) as f:
df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter=';')
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MESS_DATUM'], format='%Y%m%d%H')
df.drop(['MESS_DATUM', 'STATIONS_ID', 'QN_3', 'D', 'eor'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df[df['DateTime'] > '2017']
#conversion of windspeed from measured height to 2m above ground
df['F'] = df['F']*(4.87/math.log(67.8*10 - 5.43))
df.rename(columns={'F':'U2'}, inplace=True)
df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
if 'temperature' in txt:
'in temperature'
with open(txt) as f:
df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter=';')
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MESS_DATUM'], format='%Y%m%d%H')
df.drop(['MESS_DATUM', 'STATIONS_ID', 'QN_9', 'eor'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df = df[df['DateTime'] > '2017']
df.rename(columns={'TT_TU':'Tc', 'RF_TU':'H%'}, inplace=True)
df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
df3 = df
if 'solar' in txt:
'in solar'
with open(txt) as f:
df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter=';')
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['MESS_DATUM_WOZ'], format='%Y%m%d%H:%M')
df.drop(['MESS_DATUM', 'STATIONS_ID', 'QN_592',
'MESS_DATUM_WOZ', 'SD_LBERG', 'eor'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df=df[df['DateTime'] > '2017']
df['FD_LBERG'] = df['FD_LBERG']/100
df['FG_LBERG'] = df['FG_LBERG']/100
df.rename(columns={'ATMO_LBERG':'LW_in', 'FD_LBERG':'Rso',
'FG_LBERG':'Rs', 'ZENIT':'Zenith'}, inplace=True)
df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
mdf = df4.merge(df3, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
mdf = mdf.merge(df2, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
main = mdf.merge(df1, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
'mdf final'
for txt in dwd_eto:
with open(txt) as f:
df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter=';')
df=df.loc[:, 'Datum':'VGSL']
df.rename(columns={'VGSL':'DWD_ETo', 'Datum':'DateTime'}, inplace=True)
df['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DateTime'], format='%Y%m%d')
df.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
dfETo = df
###DWD ETp Data is given per daily
# In[125]:
import math
def Delta(T):
"""Delta slope calculation"""
eT = lambda x: .6108*math.exp(17.27*x/(x+237.3))
return top/bot
def Rn_minus_G(T, HM1, time, Rs, Lm, Lat):
"""Net Solar radiation minus Soil heatflux Calculation"""
h = 315 #the station-height of the solar measurement, this is the station-height for Stuttgart
#Net Shortwave and Longwave radiation
# Rns(1 - a)*Rs, .23 = reference crop albedo
Rns = (1-.23)*Rs
Ra = sol_Ra(Lm, Lat, time)
#This changes the negative values given by the calculations
#during nighttime hours, at night there is Zero (0) solar radiation
Ra=Ra.where(Ra.values > 0, 0)
Rso = sol_Rso(h, Ra)
#concatenate Rs Rso
Rnl = sol_Rnl(T,HM1,Rs,Rso)
#Net Radiation
Rn = Rns - Rnl
#Soil heatflux hourly calculation
G=Ghr(time, Rn)
print('Rs, Rns, Ra, Rso, Rnl, Rn, G')
RSC = pd.concat([Rs, Rns, Ra, Rso, Rnl, Rn, G], axis=1, verify_integrity=True)
return Rn - G
def sol_Rso(h, Ra):
"""Rso: Rs on a cloudless day calculator"""
return (.75 + h*2*math.pow(10, -5))*Ra
def sol_Rnl(T,HM1,Rs,Rso):
"""Net Longwave Calculation"""
#sb, Stefan-Boltzmann hourly conversion (/24) MJ K^-4 * m^-2 * hr^-1
sb=2.043*math.pow(10, -10)
T4 = (273.16+T).pow(4) #Temp in Kelvin raised to the fourth power
#vapor pressure conversions
eT = lambda x: .6108*math.exp(17.27*x/(x+237.3))
ea = T.apply(eT)*(HM1/100)
#correction of Rso values less than 0,
#since Rso is dependend on Ra and Ra is 0 at night
Rso = Rso.where(Rs.values < Rso.values, Rs.values)
Rso = Rso.where(Rso.values>0, 1)
print('Rso < Rs values to Rs, 0 to 1: Rs, RsO, Rso, Rs/Rso')
rso3 = pd.concat([Rs, Rsso, Rso, Rs/Rso], axis=1)
return sb*T4*(.34 - .14*ea.apply(np.sqrt))*(1.35*(Rs/Rso) - .35)
def sol_Ra(Lm, Lat, time):
J = time.dt.dayofyear
#Lz--the Longitude of the Center of the TimeZone (i.e. CEST)
#where the measurements were taken in deegres West of Greenwich(DWG)
Lz = pd.Series(data= 360 - 15.35, index=Lm.index)
#Lm--the Longitude of the measurement site in DWG, Series
Lm = 360-Lm
#J = Transformation of the time Series into Julian day
#Gsc .0820 MJ * m^-2 * min-1
Gsc= .0820
#dr = inverse relative distance Earth-Sun
dr = 1+(.033*(J*2*math.pi/365).apply(math.cos))
#dr = 1+.033*math.cos(2*math.pi*J/365)
#solar time angles at end and beginning of period (Radian)
w2, w1, w0, Sc = omegas(time, J, Lz, Lm)
#print('Lm', 'Lat','Lz', 'w2', 'w1', 'w0', 'Sc')
#oms = pd.concat([Lm, Lat, Lz, w2, w1, w0, Sc], axis=1, names=['w2', 'w1', 'w0', 'Sc'])
#lat and long in Radians
#ld -- solar declination dependend only on the day of the year
#lp -- the latitude (Ln) of the measurements in Radians
ld = lild(J)
lp = lilp(Lat)
return ((12*60*Gsc*dr)*((w2-w1)*lp.apply(math.sin)*ld.apply(math.sin)+
(w2.apply(math.sin) - w1.apply(math.sin))))/math.pi
def omegas(time, J, Lz, Lm):
#helper function
def time_to_decimal(t):
"helper function timestamp to decimal time conversion"
h, m = [int(i) for i in t.split(':')]
return h + m/60
#t -- the conversion of the DateTime series to hour (%H) format
#Since the time is the stamp of the end of data collection period, this calculation subtracts .5 hours
t0=time - timedelta(hours=.5) #midpioint of the hour (hour - .5 i.e. 13-to-14, => 14:00 - .5 = 13:30)
#variable holding the decimal converted timestamps
t1=1 #one hour time step
#Seasonal correction factor Series
b= 2*math.pi*(J-81)/364
#seasonal correction factor (hourly) Series
Sc = .1645*((2*b).apply(math.sin)) - .1255*(b.apply(math.cos)) -.025*(b.apply(math.sin))
w0 = math.pi*((t0 + .06667*(Lz-Lm) + Sc) -12)/12
return w0+(math.pi*t1/24) , w0-(math.pi*t1/24), w0, Sc
def lild(J):
#little delta, or solar declination
#return .409*math.sin((J*2*math.pi/365)-1.39)
return .409*((J*2*math.pi/365)-1.39).apply(math.sin)
def lilp(Lat):
#little phi, conversion of latitude into Radians
return Lat*math.pi/180
def Ghr(time, Rn):
"""Soil Heat flux calculator"""
#sunrise -sunset hours from 1st of the month (sr,ss) to end of the month
#Jan-1st SR 8:17, Jan-31st SR 07:47
#Jan-1st SS 16:03, Jan-31st SS 16:52
daylight = {'Jan':('08:00', '16:25'),
'Feb':('07:20', '17:20'),
'Mar':('06:45', '18:40'),
'Apr':('06:05', '20:05'),
'May':('05:10', '20:55'),
'Jun':('04:50', '21:25'),
'Jul':('05:10', '21:15'),
'Aug':('05:50', '20:30'),
'Sep':('06:45', '19:25'),
'Oct':('07:00', '17:30'),
'Nov':('07:25', '16:15'),
'Dec':('08:05', '16:00')}
#this maps the month of 'time' as to the dictionary daylight
#then unzips the tuple to daystart and dayend lists which
#are then converted to pandas.Series objects for use in boolean mask
daystart, dayend = zip(*time.dt.strftime('%b').map(daylight))
#conversion to pandas series
light_mask = t.between(daystart, dayend)
#True values get multiplied by .1 (The inversion is because
#pd.Series.where() only changes the values which are negative)
Ghr = Rn.where(light_mask, Rn*.5)
#False values multiplied by *.5
Ghr = Ghr.where(np.invert(light_mask), Ghr*.1)
#sbs = light_mask.merge(Ghr, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
#sbs = pd.concat([time, Rn, Ghr, light_mask], axis=1)
return Ghr
def cd_get(time):
"Cd: short crop denominator constant dependend on night vs daylight"
Cd = pd.Series(data=.24, index=time.index)
daylight = {'Jan':('08:00', '16:25'),
'Feb':('07:20', '17:20'),
'Mar':('06:45', '18:40'),
'Apr':('06:05', '20:05'),
'May':('05:10', '20:55'),
'Jun':('04:50', '21:25'),
'Jul':('05:10', '21:15'),
'Aug':('05:50', '20:30'),
'Sep':('06:45', '19:25'),
'Oct':('07:00', '17:30'),
'Nov':('07:25', '16:15'),
'Dec':('08:05', '16:00')}
#this maps the month of 'time' as to the dictionary daylight
#then unzips the tuple to daystart and dayend lists which
#are then converted to pandas.Series objects for use in boolean mask
daystart, dayend = zip(*time.dt.strftime('%b').map(daylight))
#conversion to pandas series
daylight_mask = t.between(daystart, dayend)
return Cd.where(daylight_mask, .96)
def Gamma(P0):
"""Psychrometric Constant calculation"""
return .000665*P0
def es_minus_ea(T, HM1):
"""Vapor Pressure Calculation"""
#vapor pressure calculation
eT = lambda x: .6108*math.exp(17.27*x/(x+237.3))
es = T.apply(eT)
ea = es*(HM1/100)
return es - ea
mdf = main
mdf.dropna(axis=0, subset=['Rs', 'Rso'], inplace=True)
###create lng and lat series
mdf['Lng'] = 9.2
mdf['Lat'] = 48.83
delta = Delta(mdf['Tc'])
rn_minus_g = Rn_minus_G(mdf['Tc'], mdf['H%'], mdf['DateTime'], mdf['Rs'], mdf['Lng'], mdf['Lat'])
gamma = Gamma(mdf['P0'])
es_less_ea = es_minus_ea(mdf['Tc'], mdf['H%'])
Tk = 37/(mdf['Tc'] + 273.16)
U2 = mdf['U2']
mdf['ETo'] = ((.408 * delta * rn_minus_g) + (gamma *Tk*U2*es_less_ea)) / (delta + gamma*(1+(.34*U2)))
mdf.set_index('DateTime', inplace=True)
mdf=mdf.resample('D').agg({'Rs':'sum', 'Rso':'sum', 'ETo':'sum'})
# In[ ]:
# In[129]:
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, gridspec
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
ETo_C = mdf.merge(dfETo, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True)
ETo_C = ETo_C[ETo_C['ETo'] < 6]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,16))
grid = gridspec.GridSpec(2,1)
p1 = plt.subplot(grid[0,0])
p2 = plt.subplot(grid[0,0])
sns.regplot(x=ETo_C['DWD_ETo'], y=ETo_C['ETo'], ax=p1)
p1.set_title('Given ETo vs. Calcualted ETo Using DWD Data for Stuttgart')
p1.set_ylabel('Cal. ETo (mm H2O')
p1.set_xlabel('Given ETo (mm H20)')
#sns.pairplot(ETo_C, x_vars='DateTime', y_vars=['ETo', 'DWD_ETo'])
#ETo_C.plot(x='DateTime', y=['ETo', 'DWD_ETo'], ax=p2)
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