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Last active August 3, 2017 15:31
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Creating an image for NetRestore on macOs Server

Creating NetRestore Image for macOS Sever

  1. Create Partition with clean install of latest mac OS (sierra)
  2. Install/Configure the partition with desired applications, such as firefox or chrome, and files/documents you wish to be included on the image.
  3. Navigate to other partition on the same hard drive

Create .nbi file

  1. Open System Image Utility
  2. Under Source, select the partition you just created and loaded with apps/files.
  3. Follow instructions, make sure to select NetRestore, then the image will start to be created.

After file is created

  1. Locate the NetRestore of yourFileName.nbi file.
  2. Move this file to the path library/NetBoot/NetBootSP0
  3. Open Server App

On Server App, Open NetInstall

  1. Choose the storage location where you saved your .nbd file
  2. Make sure under Stored Data, you select Images and Clients, for the storage location where your file is saved.
  3. Under images, you should see your netRestore file with a green dot to the left of it.
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